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Final Justice (Lorne Simpkins thriller (Book Three))

Page 12

by Mel Comley

  Lorne dressed and walked back in the bedroom to find Tony sitting at the small dressing table against the far wall, talking to someone on his mobile. She watched as he nodded, wearing a concerned look on his face. He made eye contact with her, smiled briefly, and then continued making notes on the pad in front of him.

  Lorne sat on the end of her bed and dried her hair with the towel while she waited for him to finish his call. She shuddered when she noticed a big spider spinning its web in the corner of the room. She hated spiders more than she hated Manchester United.

  Tony hardly spoke to the person who was calling him, but Lorne did manage to pick out the words art, finance, gold, accounts and Monaco.

  Finally, he hung up, and sat down on the bed opposite her, he still held the pad in his hands and he rested his elbows on his knees. ‘Hmm … Interesting.’

  ‘Jesus, here we go again. Anytime you feel like sharing the information with me, Tony, don’t hold back.’

  ‘Ever tried meditation?’


  ‘Apparently it calms a person down and …’ the scowl on her face told him not to push it further. ‘Okay, here’s what the guys have found out. First up, the two men who were murdered are the Russian and the Chinese Finance Ministers, if my memory serves me right, I think the frog Capitaine already told us that much. However, what he neglected to tell us was that the day they flew into France they were joined by several other Finance Ministers.’

  Her mouth dropped open. ‘Every country?’

  ‘Let’s just say every country of note. Why do you think froggie kept that from us?’

  ‘Maybe he wasn’t aware of it.’

  ‘Hmm … I doubt that, he’s playing a very dangerous game, I’m surprised the other officers haven’t sussed him out by now.’

  ‘Like I said, the jury is still out as far as I’m concerned. What else?’

  He shook his head then continued, ‘I was right about the file we found at the chateau, the list matched up to Interpol’s stolen art list. I guess we saw the evidence with our own eyes this morning. Talking of which, have you got anything to put on those scratches?’ He nodded towards the bramble marks on her arms.

  ‘Forgot to pack my first-aid kit, it doesn’t matter, I’m sure I’ll live. Go on.’

  Tony went in search of his flight bag and returned with a tube of antiseptic, which he handed to her along with a cotton wool pad. In answer to the look of surprise written on her face, he shrugged and said, ‘Tools of the trade. Anyway, what we need to find out is where the art is going. Is Baldwin storing it at the chateau? Is he selling it on? From what we saw today, it’s obviously a big operation. I just can’t believe that so far he’s been allowed to get away with it, the locals and Interpol must realise what the guy’s up to, surely.’

  She knew the agent had a valid point and she questioned the Capitaine’s innocence as she dabbed her forearm with the cream Tony had given her, wincing a few times when it stung as it seeped into the wound.

  ‘The more evidence you gather, the likelier it seems that someone knows what’s going on at that chateau. Whether that someone is Michel remains to be seen. Have your guys come up with anything else? I heard you mention something about gold?’

  ‘Yeah, listen to this, we both know what state the world’s economy is in right now, don’t we?’ she nodded, so he continued, ‘Well it looks like Baldwin is dipping into the world’s gold reserves.’

  ‘What? How?’

  ‘HQ reckons that’s what the meeting was about, the reason behind all the Finance Ministers coming to France. He wants to get his mucky paws on their gold. When HQ started digging and asking questions of those who were present that evening, most of them refused to comment as if they were too scared to. But then, they hit the jackpot with the bloke from the Philippines. He said that the evening had started off well, good food, entertainment and plenty of pretty girls, then things turned sour very quickly.’ Lorne raised an eyebrow and he continued, ‘The murdered men spoke out against Baldwin, refusing to bow to his threats, before anyone could blink they were shot in cold blood. We both know how Baldwin’s mind works, looks like his bullying tactics came up trumps this time, too.’

  ‘It doesn’t make sense, why would he go after the gold, where the fuck is he going to put it? And why the hell did he gather the Finance Ministers together in France? And the third question I have is what the bloody hell does he have over these guys? I take it this involves some kind of blackmail?’

  ‘So the guy from the Philippines says, yeah. Apparently he’s got a dossier on every country’s head of state, and is threatening to expose them if his demands aren’t met. It must’ve taken him years to think up this scam. The reason this meeting took place in France was because Baldwin wanted to show off his new pad, all these men were personal friends of his. He’s a cunning little shit. Over the years, he’s built-up relationships with the men, knowing exactly what roles they played in their respective governments, as far as they were concerned he sold himself as an influential businessman. Remember, it was only last year we learned of his true identity.’

  ‘Jesus, you’re right. But, what about the gold?’

  Tony propped the pillows up against the headboard, removed his shoes and swung his legs up on the bed. ‘That’s the part HQ is having trouble figuring out. Like you say, where the hell would he store it? It’s a complex plan that appears to be working, though.’

  Lorne settled herself on the other bed, copying Tony’s position. ‘How do you mean?’

  ‘HQ are keeping an eye on these countries accounts, specifically looking for any large transfers heading for the Cayman Islands, so far £500 million has been transferred.’

  Lorne swung her legs off the bed and sat on the edge of it. ‘What? Can’t they do anything to stop him? You said pounds, not gold?’

  ‘Yeah, maybe the gold part was a ploy. It appears to be working anyway, there’s no telling how much this guy will swindle out of these countries if we don’t stop him. Oh, yeah, I forgot one minor detail. He’s doing this to fulfill his ambition.’

  ‘And that is?’

  ‘To be the world’s richest man.’

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  The following morning, Lorne had Tony’s scribbled notes in her hand and the list of questions she’d made back in England, lying on the bed beside her.

  Tony came out of the bathroom drying his hair with a towel. He had another towel wrapped around his waist that stopped just short of his toned muscles.

  Lorne cleared her throat and struggled to hide the effect his half-naked body was having on her. She cursed under her breath when her cheeks heated up. ‘Umm … here’s the list I was telling you about last night.’ She handed him the sheet of paper when he sat down next to her.

  The smell of his aftershave filled her nostrils and set her heart thumping. His body, still damp from his shower, glistened in the sunlight streaming in from the window. Lorne, he’s a colleague, of sorts, remember you don’t mix business with pleasure! She cautioned herself, only to shoot the notion down in flames seconds later, so what was Michel then?

  ‘You have some valid questions here, Lorne. But, I’m intrigued to know why you have crossed out number six?’

  1. The Unicorn/Baldwin, why has he resurfaced in France?

  2. Why is he out in the open and not living under an assumed name? Knowing there is an arrest warrant for him, albeit in England.

  3. Why were the murdered Finance Ministers in Normandy?

  4. Why had they held a meeting with Baldwin?

  5. Why Normandy? Why not the South of France?

  6. Why had she slept with Michel?

  7. Was there more to Michel than met the eye? He had grown up around Normandy after all.

  8. Why? Why? Why? Had she told Jade about Baldwin only to be overheard by her father.

  9. And finally why the heck was she making notes about a case she didn’t want to get involved in?

  10. Why did Baldwin still want to
make her life hell?

  11. What was it going to take to get rid of the bastard once and for all?

  The colour in her cheeks deepened, and snatching the list from his grasp she picked up her pen and scribbled through number six until it was totally obliterated then handed the list back to him.

  ‘Guess that answers my question,’ he said and chuckled.

  His quip sent her scurrying into the bathroom, where she studied her reflection in the mirror above the sink. She scowled at herself and whispered, ‘Get a grip, Lorne. You will keep control of your emotions. One foolish assignation in France is enough. Put those defences back up and be professional.’

  After a quick shower, she stepped back into the bedroom wearing only a towel and felt relief flood through her when she found Tony fully dressed. Neither of them said a word as she rummaged through her bag, picking out the clothes she intended to wear, and went back in the bathroom.

  Re-entering the bedroom, dressed, and with her equilibrium fully restored, she asked, ‘What are we going to do about breakfast? I’m starving.’

  Tony’s eyes glinted with understanding, he picked up both documents from the bed, stuffed them in a file which he placed in his bag before heading towards the door. ‘You dry your hair, I’ll have a quick recce, be back in five.’

  Fifteen minutes later, they were sitting in a small café, eating freshly baked pain au chocolate and croissants. Lorne had brought the file with her, and had it open beside her, studying his notes.

  Gold reserves held by each country.

  China $1,534,000,000,000

  Japan $ 954,100,000,000

  Russia $476,400,000,000

  India $275,000,000,000

  Taiwan $274,000,000,000

  South Korea $262,200,000,000

  Brazil $180,300,000,000

  Germany $136,200,000,000

  France $98,240,000,000

  Italy $94,330,000,000

  UK $57,300,000,000

  ‘How would Baldwin get his hands on such information?’ Lorne asked, shaking her head.

  ‘The same way HQ did, I guess, through the net.’

  ‘Really? Is nothing sacred anymore? I sometimes wonder if the net doesn’t do more harm than good. I know it has its good side, I mean for catching paedophiles and bringing them to justice, but in my book the negatives far outweigh the positives.’

  ‘It’s the superhighway, there to support good and bad info, that’s something we all have to live with.’

  ‘I’ll tell you what does stick in my throat with this list, I hate the way some of these countries plead poverty, for example China and South Korea, Taiwan, even Russia for that matter. From the images we see on TV, some people living in these countries live in mud houses, work in paddy fields for a dollar a day, their children dying from starvation, and all the time their governments are sitting pretty on all this gold. What’s wrong with this world? Look at the last Olympics, you know, in Beijing, they tore down people’s houses to build the stadiums needed for the games, even forcing some of the people whose houses had been destroyed to work on the construction sites, without proper equipment and clothing, for what? To add to their gold reserves?’

  ‘All right, Lorne, get off your soapbox.’ He smiled and picked up her list of questions. ‘So your Dad knows about you coming to France then?’

  The previous evening while Tony had been in the bathroom, she had rung her father as instructed at nine.

  ‘Yeah, he’s not too happy about me being here but he understands, he’s looking after the dog for me.’

  ‘It’s natural for him to be concerned.’

  She noticed a sadness fill his eyes and he quickly looked down at the sheet in front of him again.


  ‘Going back to your list, I see that you do have some misgivings about the Capitaine, you just weren’t willing to share them with me, is that it?’ Lorne could tell he’d gone on the defensive, he’d obviously realised she was going to ask something personal and blocked the way. She shrugged, feeling awkward and shuffled her feet under the table.

  Tony asked, ‘How did Tom and Charlie take the news?’

  She stared at the basket of surplus pastries on the table. ‘They don’t know. I couldn’t get hold of either one of them, and ended up leaving a message on the machine.’ Her tear filled eyes met his, and he surprised her by placing his hand on top of hers. ‘They’ll understand, Lorne, and I’m sure you’ll make things right with Charlie when you get home. Just take her back a nice outfit or something I’m sure that’ll suffice.’

  Her lip curled up. ‘And you think teenagers can be bought, just like that? You have a lot to learn, agent boy. It’s obvious you’ve never been around kids.’

  Without answering he rose from his chair, a stern look clouding his features. ‘Right, we better be going, you fit?’

  Clearly, she had hit an unintentional nail on the head that he didn’t want to talk about. She swallowed, gathered the papers together and ran out of the café after him. ‘Tony, I’m sorry.’

  ‘For what? Forget it, Lorne, I have.’

  Chapter Thirty

  They trampled through the sodden fields and crouched in the same place they’d used to stakeout the chateau the day before.

  ‘I don’t know if you’re aware, but they have a marvellous invention in the shops nowadays, Tony. It’s called an umbrella, ever heard of one?’


  Lorne pulled her soaking wet t-shirt away from her shoulders and made a face behind his rain-soaked back.

  The day had started out sunny and warm, but by mid-morning, dark clouds littered the sky, spitting out their contents and thoroughly drenching them. Nettles and brambles, which appeared to have multiplied overnight, surrounded them. Lorne watched the creepy crawlies darting around, seeking cover from the rain. At least something around here has some sense.

  Because the autumn winds had stripped the leaves from the overhanging trees above, the rain was finding it easy to work its way through, adding to Lorne’s misery.

  ‘Can you make out anything?’

  ‘I think I can make out two lorries. There’s a lot of activity going on over there, but we’ll need to move in closer to get a better view.’ He stepped into the brambles in front of him, making Lorne wince. ‘That’s better. Yep, two lorries.’

  ‘Is it the same scenario as yesterday?’

  ‘Nope, one’s loading, the other unloading. Jesus, there must be at least fifteen men over there.’

  ‘Can I take a look?’ She shuffled up behind him and resting her forearm on his back, she looked through the binoculars. ‘Oh shit!’

  They heard a distant crash, Tony snatched back the glasses. ‘Hell. Can’t see Baldwin being happy about that. One of the large ornate framed paintings has fallen off the back of the lorry, no pun intended, and crashed onto the drive.’

  A lot of shouting was heard and then silence. Lorne tugged impatiently at Tony’s arm. ‘Come on, give me a running commentary, for Christ’s sake.’

  ‘Baldwin’s just arrived, wow! His face is darker than the clouds above us. He’s pushing a couple of the blokes around, I get the impression no one is willing to own up to the mishap, mind you if I were in their shoes, I wouldn’t either. Shit!’

  Before Lorne had a chance to ask what had happened a shot rang out, her reaction was to cover her head with her hands.

  ‘Fuck, he just shot one of his guys right between the eyes.’

  ‘Tony, please let’s get out of here.’

  ‘No chance, things are just hotting-up, if we go now, that’ll be another day wasted.’

  ‘But it’s too dangerous, he’s too dangerous, and if someone finds us, we’ll be outnumbered.’

  ‘Don’t be daft, Lorne, we’re not going to be discovered, have some faith in me, woman.’

  Under her breath she mimicked his deep voice. ‘I’ve been doing this work for nearly twenty years you know.’ But knowing he was an expert in his field did little to ease th
e fear growing and twisting her insides into knots.

  ‘Jesus, Lorne, give it a rest.’ Tony told her, still keeping a watchful eye on the events over at the chateau. ‘I thought the guys would back off after seeing one of their colleagues shot but they’re not, the shit’s really hitting the fan, even the drivers are getting caught up in the scuffle. Baldwin is well ticked off. He’s waving his gun in their faces as if he was an SS officer during World War II. Going from one to the other, some of the guys are backing off, but most of them are standing their ground.’ Another shot halted his commentary.

  ‘I take it he’s just shot another one?’ Lorne asked, beginning to tremble.

  * * *

  ‘You no good bunch of wankers, anybody else want a go?’

  One of the larger men stepped forward to challenge Baldwin.

  ‘Come on then, Mario, if you think you’re hard enough. You’ve been dying to have a crack at me ever since I wasted your shitty brother, anyway, now’s your chance, boy.’

  The man leapt at Baldwin, but three men jumped on him to restrain him. Baldwin flinched and took an involuntary step back, wondering if this time he had pushed the group too far. Shaking off the thought and determined to regain his authority, he approached Mario, almost touching noses with the man in an effort to intimidate him.

  Mario sucked in a breath and fired the spittle he’d churned up in Baldwin’s face. ‘Go on then, hard man shoot me, shoot all of us. And then what?’

  Baldwin called the man’s bluff and shot him twice in the head. The man who was built like a gorilla, crumpled to the ground, nearly taking the men who were holding him down with him.


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