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Royal Lies: The Royals Series Book #1

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by K. L Roth


  James looked at his father with disdain. When would he just die? He thought as he paced across the large room to the writing desk. He peered down at the parchments and opened the recent letters addressed to the king. What did it matter if he read them, considering he would be king soon himself? Just as he broke the seal the Lord Chamberlain, Edward Crownley, marched in unannounced and looked at James with a sneer. Bowing, he looked up with eyes colder than the sea and glanced at the letter James held. ‘Your Grace.’ He paused before standing back up. ‘I did not realise that you had already been crowned king?’

  James ground his teeth and threw the letter back onto the desk. ‘It will not be long.’ He smirked and looked over to his father whose breaths were becoming shallower by the minute. ‘And when I do become king, I will be making some drastic changes around here, Crownley.’

  Edward Crownley groaned and strutted over to the side of the bed and placed some fresh herbs by his side. ‘Your father knew what was best for this kingdom and you would do well to follow his example.’

  James sneered. ‘I am not my father. I have been brought up to be a king,’ he said with a disgruntled tone. ‘You were nothing but a Miller’s son who lied and stole to raise his station in life. You are more like me than you know, in that respect. You care only for yourself.’

  Edward turned on his heel and huffed. ‘I am nothing like you. You are a spoilt brat who only sees the things in front of him, not the future. I live for nothing but to serve my rightful king and protect my family.’ He took one last look at the king before bowing and leaving the room.

  The guards closed the doors leaving James alone with his father.

  James continued to open and read through the letters. One from his cousin Francis, the Dauphin of France, caught his attention immediately. Just as he was continuing to the second page of the letter, two guards opened the door and presented the Bishop of Rochester, ‘Thomas Paulet, Your Grace.’ James waved him in as the bishop bowed then walked over to the king’s side, lifting the king's hand and sandwiching it between his. Not wanting to stay and watch the bishop pray, James excused himself and marched out and down the hall.

  Looking over his shoulder he spotted Alice ordering a maid to place a garland higher on the beams and dashed out of sight.

  He did not want to be dragged into planning the festivities. ‘Your Grace,’ Edmund said laughing from behind, making James jump. Edmund bowed and smiled wickedly.

  James turned and beckoned Edmund to stand up. ‘Damn it, you know I hate when you do that. Well? Do you have news for me? Is it done?’ He arched his eyebrows in questioning.

  Edmund sneered and looked out of the arched windows lining the corridor. ‘It will be. We had a few setbacks but Edward will be gone from here before the day is out, I am sure.’ James nodded stiffly and clenched his fist. ‘Make sure he is, if not,’ James leant in and lowered his voice to a whisper, ‘then you must kill him yourself. He knows too much and I want him dead you hear me?’

  Edmund left James and walked over to his room, licking his lips greedily.

  She should be there by now, Edward’s wife. He had made sure to leave a love note addressed to Rose in their room for Edward to find, so he would catch them in the act.

  He would be getting two things he wanted before the day was out.


  Scarlet and gold draped the four-post bed, next to it grapes and mulled wine sat on a silver platter; it was time. Rose’s mouth twisted in disgust, she swallowed hard to rid herself of the bile that rose and unlaced her corset.

  Her breasts bounced free as her soft blue dress pooled around her feet. She sucked in a deep breath and wiped a rolling tear from her cheek before taking her place on the silk sheets. Edmund walked in, slamming the door behind him, smiling greedily. Sneering at Rose whose delicious body was illuminated by the flickering candle, he placed his jacket on the back of the chair by his writing desk and took off his clothes before slipping in between the silk covers.

  Rose jumped back at the touch of his soft fingers running up and down her arm. He nuzzled his head into her hair and nibbled the top of her ear. ‘Touch yourself,’ he breathed. Her eyes widened, she had never touched herself before, it was a sin.

  ‘I could not possibly.’

  ‘Do it!’ he growled with impatience. Slowly she ran her nails down her small stomach and reached for her neatly trimmed bush. ‘Let me help.’ He pushed his fingers more forcefully than she did to her clit and pinched it between two fingers. ‘You like it?’

  ‘Of course,’ she said, biting her lip. The only reason she was sleeping with him was to get her husband promoted on the privy council. Ever since Edward bought enough land to gain himself a seat on the council, Edmund had brought him a notch down, jealous of the only thing that Edward had that Edmund didn’t, her. ‘We do this, you will leave Edward alone, you will talk to James about giving him a better station?’ She strived to better their title even more so than her power-hungry husband.

  ‘Yes,’ Edmund said and pushed his hand through his slick black hair. ‘Enough talking. Moan for me.’

  A pathetic moan escaped her lip, he rolled his eyes and pushed his fingers inside her before clamping his mouth down on her nipple. Swirling his tongue around, he felt himself harden, pushing his groyne against her. A smile crept across his face as he felt his fingers wetted. ‘You do want me.’

  The door flew up making Rose jolt up, her long hair curling down her spine, tangled in Edmund’s fingers. Shock rippled through when she realised it was Edward who burst through the door.

  ‘How could you?’ He screamed at her.

  Edmund smirked and before Edward could do anything, two of Edmund’s guards ran in, holding Edward back by his arms. ‘Edmund,’ they said in unison. ‘He must have snuck past us.’ They dragged him toward the door but Edmund raised his hand, motioning them to halt. ‘Let him watch… and cover his mouth to prevent him from calling out.’

  The guards gagged Edward and pushed him to his knees. Edmund, as Lord Privy Seal, is one of the highest stations in government, even above the Lord Chamberlain.

  ‘No,’ Rose gasped but Edmund pushed his fingers further into her. She tried not to moan, she tried to squirm free as her husband’s gaze bore into her, but Edmund grazed his teeth across her nipple and she let out an involuntary moan.

  Tears filled Edward’s eyes as he watched the man he hated most pleasure his wife. He watched seething as Edmund's length sprung free, pulsating as he rubbed it around her bundle of nerves and pushed it in. She threw her head back onto the pillow and dug her nails into his side.

  The room heated up as Rose rode Edmund’s cock, kissing passionately, the silk pooling around them, draping around the edges, moving back and forward like waves. Edmund flipped her over, grabbed her by the torso and turned her on her stomach. She brought her knees up to her elbows spreading her legs out wide to grant him better access from behind. He fisted her hair, smacked her round cheeks and pounded into her, his rhythm relentless. Her body tightened, toes curled as they came together, screaming into each other’s mouths. ‘God Rose, you know how I like it when you take a good pounding from behind, baby.’ Edmund licked her ass cheek and glanced at Edward grinning from ear to ear. ‘Oh, Edward, you did not think this was our first time together, did you?’ He laughed.

  Anger replaced hurt as Edward watched Edmund slump down on top of his wife, both panting and slick with sweat, the sheets sticking to them.

  The guards escorted Edward out as Edmund smirked at him, but it did not matter, contemplating the way he would kill him was enough to contain his rage for now.

  Edward wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead and stormed down the corridor, passing Ace, Marie’s guard on the way. ‘Go the other way,’ Ace said with a hard glare.

  Edward ground his teeth but walked off in the opposite way anyway.

  It was not as if nobody knew about the princess’s late night meetings, everyone knew, but still – Ac
e had to keep up the smokescreen that she was innocent.

  Ace watched as Edward disappeared into the darkness and turned his attention back to the princess.

  He ground his teeth as he watched Marie pull her hood up and kiss the ambassador goodbye.

  She turned, her pale purple dress twirling around her feet, and flushed red as she walked back over to Ace.

  She looked up with hooded eyes and met Ace’s hard expression. ‘What?’

  He took in a deep breath. ‘If you are found to be having relations with enemy…’

  She scoffed. ‘Oh call it what it is, Ace. It is sex. Passionate, wonderful, sex.’

  She bit her lip and looked at him with a gaze that would melt most men; all except him.

  He stood straight, always ready for danger. His gaze darted left to right down the corridor before he looked back at her. ‘If you are found to be sleeping with the enemy,’ he repeated. ‘They will punish you, and more so, they will have my head if I was found to be helping you.’

  She smirked. ‘If you are so worried about that pretty head of yours, then why have you not told on me yet?’

  He clenched his jaw as more childish remarks spewed from her mouth. ‘You have responsibilities. Your actions affect everyone around you!’

  She shrugged. ‘I do what I must. I never asked for any of this.’

  ‘Try telling them that when you are sent to a nunnery.’

  ‘I am untouchable,’ Marie screeched. ‘I am a princess, Ace.’

  He suppressed the need to roll his eyes and bowed his head. She continued to stare at him with those muddy brown eyes he despised so much. He ran his finger along the hilt of his sword, which always brought him comfort. ‘Of course, Princess.’

  He turned and walked away, keeping his mumbles to himself.

  In this court, even your thoughts could be treason.

  Looking out of the arched windows, he looked down at the grounds. Things were quiet tonight – just the way he liked it. He turned and walked up to two large double doors. Andre was standing by them.

  ‘Andre,’ Ace addressed. ‘Everything is quiet on the grounds, and the princess is back in the castle.’ He left out the part where he had to watch as she took the ambassador inside her, several times.

  Andre nodded. ‘Get some rest.’

  Ace nodded and walked away, heading straight for the gardens. He did not plan on getting much rest.

  His footsteps echoed around the stone walls as he walked down the candlelit passages. He strode until he reached a familiar set of wooden doors. On approaching he heard giggling from inside the room, smiling to himself, he tapped on the door twice.

  Jo opened the door and blushed pink. ‘Is Charlotte here?’ Ace asked, looking around the door.

  Jo sighed exasperatedly and turned. ‘Charlotte. Ace wants you.’ She mumbled something as she walked off.

  Charlotte walked over to the open door. ‘Ace?’ She smiled widely, showing off her pearly white teeth. Her blonde ringlets bounced around her shoulders as she closed the doors behind her, stepping into the cold passage. ‘You should not be here.’

  He grinned. ‘Why? Is your husband finally satisfying you?’

  She pursed her lips, but the corners of her lips curved into a smile. ‘You are so bad. He cannot know we are…’


  She flushed red. ‘Yes.’

  He raised his eyebrows. ‘Surely he must know?’

  ‘He is not the smartest.’

  Ace scoffed a laugh. ‘No, he is not. Come on, let us get out of here.’

  Charlotte looked back at the closed doors. ‘I said I would stay with Jo tonight. She is upset.’

  He raised an eyebrow. ‘About what?’

  She looked up at him modestly. ‘About you.’

  ‘I did nothing to hurt her.’

  ‘You took her virginity, then slept with all of her friends.’

  He half shrugged. ‘She knew what she was getting into. Besides, she was a bore. She would just lay there, like a sack of potatoes.’

  Charlotte playfully hit his arm and laughed. ‘I will say goodnight.’

  He nodded and waited as she bid goodnight to Jo. Ten minutes later, Charlotte reappeared looking flustered.

  ‘She is furious with me.’

  He smirked. ‘She is always angry. Come on; I have had a hard on all night. We will go down to the kitchen.’

  Charlotte hurried behind Ace down the winding steps into the dark kitchen.

  He lit a candle when they reached the room and growled under his breath. ‘Take it off, now.’ He had been waiting for this all night.

  She unlaced her dress and let it slink to her feet. Her small tits bounced free; her nipples were hard as the cold air danced around her naked body. She trailed her fingers down her chest, circling both hard peaks, she pinched them roughly. ‘Mmm…’ She threw her head back then continued down her stomach and straight to her sweet spot.

  He moaned and ripped his doublet and hoses off, and dropped his sword down on the side table. He held his thick, throbbing member in his right hand and began to stroke it. Grabbing Charlotte around her waist, he ran his other hand through her beautiful ash blonde hair and grabbed a fistful. ‘You want me?’

  ‘Yes,’ she breathed.

  She looked up at him with honey brown eyes, and for a moment, Marie’s gaze flitted through his mind.

  He slammed Charlotte against the side of the prep table and wrapped her legs around his waist, before pounding into her.

  He licked her deliciously pert buds and thought back to when Marie had been fucking the ambassador. He was breathing on her nipples, making them harder, and dripping candle wax on them as she lay on satin sheets, trembling under his touch. She had looked over at Ace, who was peeking through the keyhole at them, as she began to orgasm, and for a moment, only once, Ace had wished he had been the one dripping wax onto her.

  He pushed the unwelcome thoughts of Marie from his mind and focused on Charlotte. She was a beautiful specimen, a true English rose, and yet she was the same all the other ladies in the castle; submissive, modest, and boring.

  ‘Harder,’ Charlotte moaned. ‘Harder, Ace.’

  He pulled out and turned her around, bending her over the side. He wanted to keep the image of Marie in his head while he fucked Charlette. ‘You want me to fuck you harder? I will.’

  He spat on her brown hole and pushed his throbbing cock into her ass, feeling the tightness around him, he pushed harder and harder. ‘Fucking hell!’ Charlotte screamed out. He grabbed her hips and pumped again until his full length was inside her.

  His thoughts flitted back to Marie. The spoilt brat. He would love to teach her a lesson, for her to tremble under his touch, to take her round, pink tits in his mouth and swirl his tongue around her perfectly shaped buds until she was coming over his fingers.

  ‘Oh yes!’

  He felt Charlotte rubbing her clit and grabbed her fingers, pushing them into his mouth. ‘You taste so good!’ He ran his fingers down to her bundle of nerves as he pounded her from behind. She was wet, soaking. He continued to rub her clit as he came in her ass.

  They both moaned loudly, waking a couple servants from nearby. They did not care. They came together, her legs clenched together, tightening her ass around his length until he collapsed on top of her, breathing heavily. ‘Fuck.’

  She turned around and ran her hand through his dark, tousled hair. ‘I wish you were my husband.’

  He pressed his lips together. ‘But I am not. Come on sweetheart, let us get you back to your chambers.’

  She half smiled and quickly dressed. A couple of servant girls walked into the kitchen but quickly left again on meeting Ace’s gaze.

  As he left Charlotte, being careful to only kiss her cheek, he wandered back to his room. He did not kiss his conquests, ever. The last girl he had kissed had been when he was sixteen, who he thought was his true love. Since she went off and married some noble, he made it a rule not to kiss, only to fuck.<
br />
  He stripped down once in his room and washed his face.

  Why was Marie in my head?

  He lay on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He had a nice room, really. He was a bastard son of the Chancellor, and one of the king’s guards. Yet, the queen had made it his job to babysit Marie, which he hated. All it consisted of was watching her sleep with various noblemen, keeping watch as she did it in riskier places in the castle, taking her into town so she could buy more expensive fabrics and jewels, and carrying her back to her room after she drank too much wine, which was most nights. His job was exhausting; the princess was relentless.

  He closed his eyes and let the tiredness take him.

  Until three hours later when he was jolted awake by screaming from within the castle; he knew those screams anywhere – they were coming from the princess.


  The man’s breath, smelling of ale, hit her nose as he grabbed her hair and pushed her down onto the bed. He bared his yellow teeth and growled. ‘You have got it all, have you not, Princess? Your brother is not even a king, let alone the rightful king. I am going to make sure I wipe out your venomous line, starting with you!’

  Marie screamed out again. He pushed his hand over her mouth. She kicked her legs, but he put all his weight on her. She looked at the doors as they shook as guards tried to enter, but he had blocked it.

  ‘They are not getting in!’ He laughed. ‘Your father killed thousands, including my wife! Your brother is a Pagan child, and you! You act like a common whore. None of you are fit to rule.’

  He ran his other hand down to her throat and pushed into her windpipe. ‘Say your prayers!’

  The man was pulled off her. She coughed and gulped in quick breaths as she sat up.

  A loud crack protruded through the chambers as the man fell to the ground, dead. Behind him, Ace stood half naked, looking down at the man.


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