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Royal Lies: The Royals Series Book #1

Page 4

by K. L Roth

The crowd jeered as the guard took to the lever.

  Ace stood by the gate and watched with intensity. They were getting the punishment they deserved, yet he felt the unspoken wrongness of it all.

  The man he had killed was his first. Something about watching the light leave his eyes had left something dark etched into his mind, something he could not shake no matter how much he prayed.

  The prisoners had the same calmness surrounding them as the man he killed had before he plunged his sword into his chest.

  It was not just a feeling, as if he could see it, like warm arms, something peaceful and angelic-like. Those men had something he had never encountered before and he got the feeling that they knew something that the rest of them did not; they did not fear death even though they were not dying gallantly.

  The lever was pulled, brining Ace out of his swirling thoughts, and cracks echoed. However, one man’s neck did not break quickly and instead he swung there, gasping for air, trying to pull the rope from his neck.

  A blue tinged his swollen face and Ace could not stand it.

  He ran over, feeling the other guards watching him, and pulled out his sword. He plunged forward, to kill the man, to end his suffering, when he was pulled back by two guards.

  ‘What are you trying to do?’ One spat as the sword was snatched from his grip.

  He did not answer as he watched the man struggle, splutter, and take his last, painful breath.

  He felt them pull him away, their grips digging painfully into his arms. He looked around him and watched as the bodies were lowered and crowd cheered, thirsty for more.


  ‘Marie,’ Lina, one of Queen Mary’s ladies, ran in. She looked around and curtseyed. ‘I do apologise for the intrusion but…’

  Marie rolled her eyes. ‘Sit.’ She pointed to a green and gold chair. Lina had helped bring Marie and James up. James was Anne’s child, and Marie was the king and Mary’s daughter. However, not being a boy, meant that James would take the throne over her, even if he would have been deemed a bastard after Anne’s death. ‘What is it?’ Marie turned to her servants. ‘Leave us.’

  They nodded and left, closing the double doors behind them. Lina looked up with wide, blue eyes. ‘Ace has been imprisoned.’

  Silence protruded through the room.

  Marie should ask why on earth Lina was telling her this, as if it were important, then she would pretend not to care, and Lina would pretend to be ignorant; but none of that happened.

  A minute of silence passed between them before Marie turned, her hair falling out of its pins and tumbling down her back in silky waves, and hurried down the corridor to the queen’s chambers.

  Marie burst into her chambers while Mary was sat at her desk, writing a letter. ‘Can I help you?’ she asked, looking up with disapproval.

  ‘Mother, I need your-’

  ‘You will address me as Your Majesty.’

  Marie ground her teeth. ‘Your Majesty.’


  ‘Ace is imprisoned. Why?’

  Mary put her quill away and leaned back in her chair. ‘He tried to kill one of the men who are trying to assassinate us.’

  Marie sorrowed her brows. ‘So? That’s a good thing.’

  Mary shook her head. ‘He was trying to help him. One of the men’s necks did not break and instead of letting him suffocate and suffer, as he should have, he tried to kill him to put him out of his misery.’ Mary used her candle and heated the wax, and sealed the letter. ‘He was assisting them and that is…’

  ‘No!’ Marie shouted, her shrill voice echoing around the room. ‘Free him. Please.’




  Marie stomped her foot. ‘You know, Mother,’ she leaned over the desk. ‘I may just make a scandalous appearance at tomorrow’s dinner with our cousin, Frances, the French Dauphin.’

  Mary narrowed her eyes.

  Marie smirked. ‘In fact, I may just show everyone how impure I really am. No man would then be interested in marrying me.’

  Mary ground her teeth. ‘You have a duty to this family.’

  ‘And you have a duty as my mother, but you have never done a decent job at fulfilling that, Your Majesty.’

  Mary sighed. ‘You are just like I was when I was young.’



  Marie pressed her lips together and looked down at the letter. ‘Have him freed or I will cause a scandal.’

  She turned and walked over to the door.

  ‘Wait,’ Mary called after her. ‘Why do you care about the boy? Do you not usually lay with them and just throw them away after?’

  Marie scoffed. ‘No, you see in some ways, I am not like you at all. Anyway, he is just one of guards who is good at his job. He saved my life and I feel that this is a poor way to show our gratitude.’

  ‘He will be released.’

  Marie smiled. ‘Good, and, I do not want him to know it was I who had him freed.’

  Mary grinned as Marie left. She felt uncomfortable. Showing that she cared about anyone, even slightly, was a terrible thing when it came to her mother.


  Alice continued preparations for the upcoming events. She was not going to leave such extravagances to Queen Mary.

  Plans such as these are vibrant and colossal, everything Mary was not.

  Everyone was dressed in the latest French fashion, beautiful dresses in the most elegant colours. The corsets were tight and it had taken two of her ladies to lace her up that morning.

  Mary would rather brood in blacks and grays these days now that the king was leaving this world. Her mood matched the colours she wore but that didn't stop her from trying to trample Alice's dreams.

  Alice had ordered new damask and colours for the once dreary blue and all gold throne room. Rich purples and silver laced with intricate black sparkling beadwork now adorned the arches and windows. Polished silver candelabras stood tall and held finely carved cream candles.

  Purple was the color of royalty and royalty is what she would be once Henry was gone and the crown was theirs.

  She could not help but daydream as the thrones were polished and the new banners hung. She was floating on air in her new gold brocade gown dancing with James, her jeweled tiara leaving sparkles on the tiled floor. Around and around her spun her, skirt flying out and twirling.

  ‘Alice! Oh Alice, there you are. We have been looking all over the castle for you.’ Lady Kaylee called out bringing Alice from her dancing fantasy.

  Alice's Ladies-in-Waiting were her best friends from childhood. They knew her secrets and previous indiscretions so she kept them close at hand when she came to court. Her mother made sure of that.

  Lady Kaylee whose parents are the Lord and Lady of Norfolk, a kind soul with a curvaceous body and striking red hair. She is the bubbly one, always flitting about the castle as if she walked on air.

  Lady Christine whose parents are the Duke and Duchess of Lincolnshire, a far more match of wits for the men at court with her fierce tongue and velvety brown locks of curls. She managed to beat them all at chess and cards every chance she got.

  Lady Amanda who parents are the Lord and Lady of Pembroke, the skinniest girl at court with her long thin arms and legs that never stop. She turns many a head with her flashy dresses and raven black strands.

  Lady Trish of Lockwood whose parents had passed and left the lands and title to her alone, had the longest sun kissed mane the court had ever seen. Poor girl had to keep it braided up so it would not sweep the floor. Trish was her closest confident and most beloved friend of all and she knew everything about Alice.

  ‘Let us get to work on the finishing touches.’ Alice clapped her hands to the servants swarming around like busy bees at her every beck and call. They all bowed and took their new assignments with care.

  No one wanted to be on her bad side after what happened to the last maid who moved her earrings when c
leaning her chamber. She was accused of stealing, her hand cut off and banished from the realm. Lady Christine had talked Alice out of having the poor, innocent girl beheaded.

  Just as the girls were helping Alice to decide on what colour floral arrangements and garlands to strew about, James strutted in demanding her attention and privacy.

  He had that wicked glint in his eyes as he prowled towards her. Alice decided she would make him work for what he wanted right now. She squealed in delight as she whispered, ‘Catch Me’ into his ear and ran off hiding behind the massive pillars.

  He would catch her eventually and when he did it only made him want her more. James lived for the thrill of the chase and he loved nothing more than the pleasure he would receive once he tracked her down like a wild animal.

  She scurried over to the next pillar after removing her heels so he would not be able to hear her next move.

  Unfortunately for Alice, they have played this game a few times now and James being the cunning hunter he was, guessed her next move and raced to the pillar front right as she was looking back at see where he was at.

  He grabbed her and swung her around the room in his arms. Stopping, he grabbed a handful of hair and shoved his tongue deep into her parted lips. She sighed and cupped his hard length throw his black leather riding breeches.

  He flipped her around and sat down on his father's throne placing her on his lap straddling him.

  She deepened their kiss and clawed at this back. He groaned into her neck as he lightly nipped her soft flesh all the way down to her heaving breasts. She slowly licked his earlobe and sucked it against her teeth.

  James growled and pulled a hard nipple from her tightly bound chest, bit down on the hard bud and watched her face flame in ecstasy.

  She threw her head back in delight, slicked down from where he had her perched and dropped to her knees. Unlacing his leathers, she freed his throbbing cock and licked her lips. Swirling the head with her tongue, she licked him up and down in preparation before taking him all the way in.

  Alice looked up and glued her eyes to his. She knew how much he liked it when she gave him the sweet little innocent look while she was blowing him.

  He twisted her braid in one hand and held her down with the other as she stroked him with her mouth. She swallowed and took him in further allowing him to use her. She bobbed faster and sucked harder when he tensed up.

  James was so far down her throat she could no longer breath. She was about to struggle when he finally shot his seed deep into her stomach.

  He was panting hard when he smirked, ‘Damn, Alice, you are going to be the death of me yet. Are you trying to give me a heart attack? Fuck! I could not breathe. My toes curled up so bad in my boots, it was painful.’

  She just wiped her mouth and kissed him, knowing better than to complain about her breathing problem during the whole ordeal.

  Next time he would choke her if she did. The first time he had done that, it almost made her black out.

  His cock was huge soft, so when it was hard she really had to choke it down. But if that is the price she had to pay to live the good life, then so be it.

  Alice stood and straightened herself up imagining what her hair looked like after James got done manhandling it.

  He was looking relaxed, lacing his pants back up, cocky smile back on his face.

  ‘You know, Alice, once we are married we are going to give the elders one hell of a show. I for one cannot wait.’

  He pulled her close and kissed her forehead. ‘I love you, baby.’ She winked and shyly whispered against his chest, ‘I love you, too.’ Heel clicks could be heard coming down the marble hallway just outside the room. They started walking towards the door. They both knew whose shoes they belonged to, only one person in the whole castle stomped her way through the halls, Mary. ‘Why can she not just rot with your Father? We need to figure out a way to get rid of the hag.’ Alice told James quietly. James nodded in agreement. ‘Awe, plotting my death as always, Alice?’ Mary seethe out as she rounded the door. ‘Well, you are going to have to work pretty hard to get my ass out of my home.’ Alice could not believe she had heard her since they were only half way across the throne room when she had mentioned it to James. Or maybe she can just read my mind, Alice thought I herself. She is a real witch to me all the time, after all. James laughed out loud, ‘Mary, dear stepmother, why on earth would we be plotting your death? If I wanted to get rid of you, then you would be gone. I would not go around threatening the future queen when the crown you wear is only going to last a few days longer.’


  Edmund waited patiently in the dark alley for Edward Crownley to stumble out of the Maids of the Golden Shield brothel. Rumor had it from the most trusted of his so called paid ‘advisors’ that Edward was going to visit his favourite whore this night after finding his beloved wife Rose, in bed with Sir Edmund. If it was not for the note he found carelessly left on her dressing table earlier in the day, he would have never known of her indiscretions with his biggest rival. Edmund took advantage of his stature with the king every chance he had, using said status to take Edward down a notch every time he managed to scratch back up to the surface. For this reason, Edward vowed to himself to prove himself to the king and the nobles. He had finally purchased enough land to gain himself a seat on the all mighty privy council. His only way of getting the respect he thought he so deserved but was never truly warranted. Edward has always tried to reach way beyond his grasp. His father and forefathers were arrogant men so he got it honestly. Poor Rose was forced into marrying him by her father to raise her family's status. She cried profoundly on their wedding day at the alter cursing her father and the king for granting the marriage. It was not like Edward was displeasing to the eye or anything, she was just in love with another man and he was not titled or privileged. In fact, he was a Pagan. Rose knew all the Pagan families that lived in the forest due to the many trips she made to see her secret lover. Their summer love affair did not last very long before Edward came to court her. That affair would never be just in the eyes of the Rawling family tree. But Edward knew and kept her secret so they could marry. She made due though and gave Edward a son, Jeffrey and a daughter, Mina.

  Edward snuck out the back door as quietly as he could but the creaky old hinges on the door gave him away. Edmund knew that door all too well since he visited the brothel regularly and half the staff had well-padded hands from his coins. Regina, his first choice among the prostitutes, was a loyal pet of his letting him know of Edward’s arrival. It took mere seconds before Edward reached the point where he could grab him. He reached out and caught him by the cloak, dragging him by the fabric into the entryway of Regina’s apartment. He had paid her off well to leave the door unlocked for his use later that evening. Edward resisted but Edmund was stronger, meaner and more determined to get the job done now that the king had demanded he do the job himself. His minions failed the last attempt to take Edward’s life and paid dearly for their mistake. Of course, he was accused by the Duke, but the king dismissed his accusations just as fast as Edward had made them. Edmund was like a second son to the king so it was no use for the Duke to proceed. Edward fought and braced himself against the doorway trying to break free. Edmund stabbed him in the ribs and let go of his hold while Edward let out a blood curling scream. ‘What are you doing? Do you know who I am? The king will have your head for this act.’ Edward spat out, coughing as the wound filled his lungs with blood. The more he resisted, the faster the liquid spewed into his rapidly expanding organs. He was barely able to breathe now. Edward whispered into his ear, ‘Oh, I know exactly who you are Duke of Nothing and I do believe you are shitting your pants right now realising who is going to take your life and your wife. I will be sure to tell her how you fought so bravely to try and save your pathetic excuse for an existence every time I stick my cock inside of her. Who is she going to tell that will believe a stupid, so called grieving widow that I murdered her husband? She will not have to play
the actress for very long. She fucking hates you and the very thought of lying next to you in bed every night. She tells me every time she comes to my room and deepthroats me all the way to my balls. Yes, she played the distraught victim in front of you but it was all a rouse. She has been coming to me for years. In fact, your so-called children are likely mine. Thanks for raising them by the way. Daddy’s home and he is taking his family back.’ With that, Edward’s eyes rolled into the back of his head. Edmund watched his pupils dilate in the candlelight and kissed his foe goodbye on the cheek. He dragged the piece of shit right over to the rest of the steaming piles outside the horse stables next door. Stripping him of his jewels and coin, he finished by wiping his hands-on Edward’s velvet overcoat, the only garment not soaked in blood now. He had to get rid of the gems in the river along the way back to the castle and keep the gold, what little bit there was, to make it look like a robbery gone awry. ‘No sense in getting caught red handed.’ He laughed to himself at his own sick joke. One gone, so many more to go.


  The chapel bells ring, echoing into the night. The king is now gone. The last breath of life stolen from him by a feather pillow with an unknown name. He tried to struggle and scream, but nothing came out in his weakened state. The images of his only son James played through his mind as he drifted off to nothingness. King Henry VIII led a wonder life, but a lonely one. He would soon join family in the peace and quiet of heaven. His first love Queen Sophie of Austria, the Queen consort of Portugal, House of Habsburg, was a very single minded Catholic. They were betrothed at birth, the usual for royals. Henry met Sophie at the age of five when she was sent to the English court to be raised and taught the ways of a Princess. Her father passed suddenly and she became queen at age seven. Queen of Austria for a year, she died of dysentery at the age of eight after playing in the massive water fountain located in the front of the palace. The grounds keepers failed to maintain the water quality and lost their heads for their negligence, costing the king a great grievance with Austria. Henry’s second arrangement was to James’s mother, Queen Anne, then Princess of Scotland, House of Stuart. Anne was brought over from Scotland a week before they were married at age sixteen just after Henry’s father, King Henry the VII, died in a jousting accident. His father wanted to prove to his regency that he was still a strong, powerful man, not the weak, struggling ruler he was currently seen as due to the poverty-stricken realm he resided over. His grandmother, Queen Beatrice, begged him not to ride and blessed her favor as she handed it to him and kissed his lips for the last time unbeknownst to her. Henry rode off on his Peruvian stallion, armor gleaming with his joust at the ready. The two horses opposite each other pawed at the ground, nostrils flared, awaiting the order from their master to charge ahead. The flag is lowered, the ground shakes with the momentum of the animals pounding towards their goal and the crowd goes silent. Breathes are held as the king lowers his joust ready to strike. Sir Richard Seymour, the knight vying for the win, clashes with the king. Wood splinters, a man cries out, the crowd gasps, and the king falls from his steed lying in a puddle of blood. Sir Richard’s pole glanced off Henry’s armor and shoved the broken wood under his helmet into his skull. The force of the impact exploded the mighty rod that cost the king his life. The nobles all rushed to the king’s side and made way for the queen. She knew at once it was no use calling for the surgeons. He was flailing about and shaking so bad she could barely get herself close enough to tell him she loved him. He stopped moving shortly after she whispered her last word. That is when Henry VIII became king. No one seen or heard anyone enter the king’s chambers. The two door guards were currently being held in the dungeon, torturing them for knowledge. The queen did not believe them. She was depending on them to point their fingers towards James so she could be Queen Consort. Unfortunately for Queen Mary, neither one was talking. She ordered both to be drawn and quartered, in the castle square, their intestines hanging out during the dismemberment. The rack was nothing compared to this. The men begged for mercy from God, repeatedly proclaiming their innocence. The horses remained antsy, the riders tried to maintain control as the axe man prepared to slice their abdomens. One horse reared spooking the others into action. The two guards were ripped limb from limb before they could be cut. James smirked when he glanced at his stepmother whose face was clearly pissed off. Too bad for her that he ruined her fun. They were dear friends of his that fetched him ladies to fuck during balls and plays held at the castle. Watching them die was a pity. Now he’d have to find someone else to do his dirty deeds for him. ‘Off to go claim my crown and my queen.’ He seethed out between gritted teeth in the ear of his stepmother. She looked at him in disgust. Did he not have any love for his own father deep inside his black heart? Or was this the doing of his whore mother, Anne?


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