Book Read Free


Page 27

by Penny Hawking

  My mouth dropped open. That was actually funny. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry.” I said grabbing his hand. “Go, go…don’t be late.” I said pushing him towards the door. I gave a small smile. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’ll call you.” Andy said pushing the door open. He gave me a brief smile and walked out.

  My heart did somersault. Why did it sound so good to hear him say that?


  “Sit.” I ordered.

  Nico kissed my cheek and slipped into the booth across from me. “Okay…why does it sound like I’m in trouble?” he asked grinning.

  “Cause you are young man.” I said crossing my arms.

  “I missed you too sweetheart.” He said giving me his ever so charming smile.

  Oh my Nico was cute. He really was, I just wasn’t physically attracted to him. He was seriously like the older brother I never had. I couldn’t ruin this…I had to find the right words to say because he mattered more to me than I let on.

  “Nico.” I said taking his hand across the booth. His skinny hand was warm and inviting. Something I was so familiar and at ease with.

  He squeezed my hand. “Wassup.”

  “You know I love you right?” I said. Nico searched my face. “And you know that I never ever use that word lightly…in fact you’re the only guy that’s had the honor of having me say that to them.”

  Nico shifted and sighed. “I know.” He said calmly as he looked down at the booth.

  “And you know my love for you is that of a sister towards her brother…you’re my bestest best friend…even though you’ve been slacking lately…but I never want our relationship to change you know that right.” I said gently.

  Nico took a while to answer. He licked his lip. “I know that Ornelia.” He said calmly.

  Shit he only called me Ornelia when he was upset.

  “Okay.” I said smiling. I shrugged. “I know you know…and I know that you know that I know…and I just…I just wanted this to be clear.” I said holding his hand tighter. Please don’t be mad at me…please don’t…

  “Why are you telling me this?” he asked narrowing his eyes at me.

  I shrugged quickly. “Because I’m a big flirt…and you know I’m a flirt…I flirt with everybody, especially with you, but I just wanted to make sure that we were---”

  “Hey…” he said cutting me off. He brought my hand up to his lip and kissed it. “I know.” He patted my hand. “I’m just here if you need me…that’s what best friends are for.” He said.

  I grinned and rushed to the other side of the booth and gave him a big hug. “You haven’t been a best friend lately…you don’t even know what’s going on with me.” I pouted.

  Nico laughed as he kissed my forehead. “I do.” He put his arms around me. “You’re playing both Zeus and Andy cause you don’t know what you want. Andy went home with you and knowing you…you probably hooked up or something.”

  “I did not sleep with him.” I pointed out. “I mean we slept slept but we didn’t have sex.”

  “Not from lack of trying.” Nico said nudging my chin. I frowned at him and he laughed. “I know you better than you think.”

  “And I’m not playing them.” I said defensively.

  “Yeah they’re just friends….” Nico said sarcastically.

  “Why does everybody say it like that?” I asked. “I don’t say it like that.” I punched Nico’s arm. “Besides I know Andy doesn’t really like me like that…he tolerates me, we both just needed to let go for a while…try something new.” I said resting my head on Nico’s shoulder. I thought for a while about thanksgiving break. “I think he’s still in love with his ex.” I admitted calmly.

  “Weird…” Nico said. “How do you know?”

  I smiled. “It’s a girl thing…you just know when a guy’s mind is elsewhere.”

  “How he could be with you and think of someone else is beyond me.” Nico said squeezing my shoulder gently.

  I laughed. “Shut-up.”

  Nico chuckled. “And Zeus?”

  “Oh he wants me.” I said confidently.

  Nico laughed. “You’re bad.”

  “I’m just joking.” I said. Even though I really wasn’t. I knew Zeus wanted me, no doubt about it.

  “No you’re not.” Nico said.

  I looked up at him. “Enough about me Nico…what about you? You’re juggling two people.” I bit my lip. “Two people that are very dear to me I must add…”

  Nico sighed. “Don’t bring that up.”

  “Which one do you---”

  “Ornelia…” he said cutting me off. I saw he was serious as he shook his head. I stared into his eyes and leaned my head back against his shoulder.

  “It’s Jazmine, I know.” I said calmly.

  “It’s you.” Nico said kissing my cheek.

  “Eeewww.” I said wiping off his sloppy kiss that he did on purpose. Nico grinned as he picked up the menu.

  “Pancakes?” He asked.

  I grinned. “Always.”


  I zipped up my coat as I walked through the annoying cold. Shit winter was coming and I hated winter. Even though I was cold, I still made it a priority to step on the crunchy leaves. I really had issues. I smiled to myself as I saw a big pile of leaves….oh the small joy of life. I took my camera out my bag. I’ll take a picture before I wreaked havoc. I took several pictures and then moved into the pile itself to take more detailed pictures. Satisfied I put away my camera and rubbed my hands together. Before I could react a group of screaming kids rushed past me and threw their bodies into the pile. My pile….My heart dropped, but I quickly took my camera out and shot a couple pics. I put it away. Well if you can’t beat them join them. I smiled as I walked through the pile kicking and stomping on leaves until I made my way through. I felt bad for whatever man had raked a pile of leaves at a park. It was just asking to get stepped on.

  “You took too long to jump in.” A low familiar voice said. I stopped and turned to the figure on the bench that I hadn’t noticed. His long black hair covered his face, but I didn’t need to see his face to know who it was.

  “Andy!” I said happily. I went to the bench and slid up to his leg which was propped up. “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  Andy closed his journal and looked up. “It’s a public park.”

  I grinned. “Oh come on just admit you were stalking me.”

  Andy smirked. “Yeah that’s it.” He said sarcastically.

  I laughed and threw my hands around his neck. I met his gaze and was caught off guard by the sadness emitting from those gorgeous blue eyes. “You okay?” I asked softly.

  “Always.” He repeated calmly.

  I don’t know why but my heart broke. He wasn’t like this before, even when he barely spoke to me…he never had this type of aura around him.

  “How’s your job?” I asked. I ran my hand over his soft straight black hair.

  “Great.” He said looking down. “It’s fine.”

  My phone rang and I reached into my pocket. It was Zeus. I’m supposed to meet him in 10 minutes. I ignored the call and put my phone on silence.

  “Ignoring calls from your boyfriend?” Andy asked.

  “He’s not my boyfriend.” I said brushing away his comment.

  “Oh yeah I forgot.” He said slowly as he looked me over. “Ornelia only has friends.” He said teasingly as he tugged my coat.

  If one more person says that like that…“That’s right.” I said leaning towards him. “And you’re one of them remember.” I whispered.

  “How can I forget?” He said placing his hand on my knee. I felt the warmth of his touch through my jeans. Was this Andy making a move? Why was I still never sure when it came to him?

  I leaned towards him some more, our faces barely an inch apart, but he still didn’t make a move to kiss me. I stared into his eyes and that’s how I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt there was another girl involved.

  “Who is she?” I whisp
ered. Whoever she was, she was clearly breaking his heart. I placed my hands on both his shoulder, as I focused on him.

  “Nobody.” Andy said looking down. He shifted uncomfortable but I kept my hands on his shoulders. I put my leg on the other side of the bench. He put his leg down so I was facing him fully. I scooted closer to him as I ran my hands slowly up his shoulder to rest on his neck. It was cold outside, but he was so warm.

  “I can’t take away the pain that nobody caused.” I whispered gently. “But I can numb it for a while.” I said sincerely. I’d never felt so obligated to take away somebody’s pain as I did right now.

  Andy looked up and met my eyes. “I’d like that.” He whispered.

  I ran my hands around to the back of his neck as I bent his head and leaned up to press my lips against his cold ones. It was a comforting kiss. I moved back slowly. I brought a finger up to touch his lips as I stared at them. I slowly took his bottom lip in between mine and gave it a gentle suck. I followed suit with the top lip. I didn’t realize I’d been holding my breath for the kiss until I heard my loud exhale of breath. Andy grabbed my hips and pressed his lips firmly against mine. The movement caught me off guard since he hadn’t kissed me like that since Thanksgiving break. I recovered quickly as I moved my lips against his, working my hands up to his hair. I opened my mouth to the nudging of his tongue and gladly accepted it. Oh the warmness of his mouth and the seducing wetness of his tongue against mine. I tilted my head as Andy took control of the kiss. No doubt about it, Andy could work his mouth. I ran my tongue over his lip ring inside his mouth.

  “Oh my gosh they’re making out.” I heard a kid say in awe.

  I ignored them. They’d probably seen worse on TV. When Andy finally let go of my mouth, I was gasping for breath. He leaned his forehead against mine. His heavy breathing was as much of a turn on as his hands that were caressing my thigh. Grabbing my thighs Andy pulled me unto his lap as he kissed me again. This was my favorite position ever. I lowered my hands as I clutched his sweater tightly all the while rocking my hips against him. I lifted myself a little and situated my hips in a better place to feel his bulge against my crotch. There was so much hunger and passion in his kiss…it was almost too much to bear. I had to remind myself to breathe through my nose or risk suffocating. Apparently Andy had some pretty strong lungs. I broke off the kiss and buried my face in his neck as I gulped in air. I moaned softly as I ran my hand up his sweater and under his shirt. Andy kissed my neck as he grabbed my butt and pressed me closer to him. I ran my hand over his side and felt the same rising of the skin I’d felt Thanksgiving break too. It disappeared under his belt. I ran my hand over it. What happened? Another scar from long ago? Self-inflicted? Andy’s kisses stopped slowly. He gently kissed me and then my cheek and jawline before burying his face in the crook of my neck. He lifted his hands off my butt and wrapped them around my back and held me. I opened my eyes caught off guard for the second time. Nobody’s hugged me like that after making out. Was it me he was hugging or the girl he wish he was with? Deep inside I knew, I didn’t want an answer to that question so I hugged him back with as much care as I could foster. We stayed like that for a surprisingly long time. Neither one moving away for fear of breaking the spell.

  Andy sighed and loosened his hold a little I moved back some and looked up at him. “You okay?” I asked.

  He gave a small smile. “Better.” He said smoothing my cheek with his thumb. The gentle caress sent shivers through my body.

  “Is she as big of a bitch as I think she is?” I asked. Anybody that could hurt a guy this badly must be the queen of bitches.

  Andy gave a small chuckle and shook his head.

  “I think she is.” I responded to my own question without acknowledging his answer. I shifted in his lap and looked down. I looked back up at him gently. “Why don’t you ever let yourself come?” I asked softly. I rocked my hips once more against his ever present bulge underneath me.

  Andy sighed and patted my knee. “I don’t deserve that kind of satisfaction.”


  He kissed my cheek and gently eased me off him. We heard a leaf crunch and turned our head to witness 4 boys staring at us in awe. Neither moved as though they were glued in their spot.

  “You didn’t see anything.” I whispered to them. All four of them stared at me mouth open and shook their heads rapidly.

  I grinned and grabbed my camera and Andy’s hand. “Let’s go before their parents come.” Andy grabbed his journal and saluted the little boys as we jogged towards the parking lot.

  I laughed as we reached my car. “I don’t think they were old enough to know what was happening to their little wieners.” I said.

  “You’re horrible for turning those little boys on.” Andy said.

  “There’s only one boy I wanted to turn on, and I was sitting on him.” I said slyly. I giggled as Andy watched me. “What?” I asked noticing he wasn’t looking away.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody like you.” He said sincerely as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

  I smirked. “Like what? A girl that will willingly hump you in a public park in front of little boys?” I asked teasingly.

  Andy watched me closely.

  “Stop staring at me like that.” I said pushing him away. “You’re making me self-conscious.” I twirled around and touched my cheeks. “Is there anything on my face?” I asked patting my cheeks.

  Andy didn’t look away.

  I rolled my eyes. “I guess the creepy Andy has stepped in and that’s my cue to go.” I said pulling open my car door. “I had fun, let’s do it again huh?” I said grinning. I dropped my camera case on the passenger seat and started my car. Andy surprised me by leaning over the hood of my car and peered in at me inside.

  “I think you laugh mostly to make other people comfortable not always because you want to.” Andy said staring straight into my eyes. It took everything in me not to let my jaw drop. “Thanks for caring…really caring….and letting me use you…that means a lot.” He added. He gave me a small smile and stepped away from the car. Even after he walked away and drove off, I was frozen in the parking lot.

  Chapter fourteen

  I sat in the middle of Ms. Casey’s class, today we were getting a new teacher and I was more than a little excited. Everybody knew Dr. Honsu’s work.

  “Hey O.J.” A meek voice said to my right. “Is anyone sitting here?”

  If nobody’s sitting in the chair than nobody’s sitting there. I turned to make a smart comment when I saw it was beautiful braids girl. “Hey!” I said excitedly. She pushed her glasses up and grinned. “Sit, sit…nobody’s sitting here.” I said patting the chair.

  “Thanks.” She said removing her big book bag.

  I cringed she really walked around with too much stuff. Bad for her posture.

  “I didn’t know you were in this class with me.” I said patting her arm.

  “I’m in three of your classes.” She said shyly. “You usually come late and have to sit in the back, so you probably don’t see me.”

  I giggled and shrugged. “You’re probably right…but do you know Dr. Honsu’s teaching us for the rest of the semester and next semester.” I said excitedly.

  Beautiful braids nodded. “Is he good?” she asked.

  “He’s only like the best ever.” I said singing. She laughed and I smiled. I liked this girl’s personality.

  “You’re silly.” She said.

  “What’s your name again?” I asked quietly.

  Her shoulders dropped a little and I felt bad. “Candace.” She said softly.

  I hit my forehead. “Right Candace…don’t mind me, I’m horrible with names…but I won’t forget Candace, I promise.” I said reaching out and hugging her. I caught her off guard because even through her dark skin, I caught her blush and she pushed up her glasses.

  The class hushed as a man in what appeared to be a very classy grey Armani suit walked in with a briefcase.

��Damn.” I whispered to Candace.

  He placed his briefcase on the table and stood up straight as he looked over the class. He showed us a set of brilliant sparkly whites. I was mesmerized. This man was handsome. He had a very dark complexion, he was bald and had a small goatee with sprinkle of white dust in it. He was tall and even through his suit you could see he was fit and worked out.

  I, Ornelia am never one to have a crush on teachers but this one could make me change my mind.


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