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Whiskey Blues: A Second Chance Romance (Serrated Brotherhood MC Book 2)

Page 8

by Bijou Hunter

  “Not in the least.”

  “How long will you be gone?”

  “A few days.”

  “Are you staying in a hotel?”


  Harmony walks to my fridge and digs around for a soda. “You’ll see how great he is with Elle. That’ll make you imagine what you can have as a family. Once your guard is down, your libido will take over. Bonn is a handsome man, and he wants you. The next thing you know, it’ll be boning time.”

  “I think you’re the one looking to get boned.”

  “Probably. So, does this hotel have a pool?”


  “Bonn will be shirtless and wet.”

  Sighing, I scoop another spoonful of ice cream. “We’re going to bone.”

  “Good because until you get sex off your brain, you won’t be able to look at Bonn clearly.”

  “I’m not that horny.”

  “Yes, you are, but that’s not why it’s bound to happen. Bonn’s last sexual experience was with Kim Crawley. A primal part of you needs to reclaim him. Ever since you found out about them, you’ve had an urge to take back what she stole. That’s one reason you think of her whenever you see him. She left her mark, and you need to erase it before you can see the real Bonn.”

  “That’s very profound, but I think you’re full of shit.”

  “Nope. I remember when you were crying and saying how he was yours. ‘She fucked what was mine’ is exactly how you put it once. Now is the time to reclaim him. That’s all I’m saying. Boning doesn’t mean you’ll stay together, but it’ll get Kim out of the equation.”

  “I don’t want to agree with you.”

  “I know.”

  “But you probably are right.”

  “I know that too,” Harmony says, stretching out on the couch.

  “I guess there’s no denying we’ll bone on the trip.”

  “Do you know what that means?”

  “That I can’t hide from my feelings anymore?”

  “No, you’ll need to shave,” Harmony says with a look of horror. “Like all over. You’re a hairy chick, and this is the big show. You’ll need to prepare.”

  “You’ve been a pain in my ass since the day you were born.”

  “I think you’re confusing me with Daisy,” Harmony says, giggling to herself.

  “Probably. So, will you watch Elle tonight while I dig out the hedge clippers?”

  “I bet Billy would let you use his weed whacker to trim back your overgrown hedges.”

  “You’re the worst, but I might run to the store for Nair. No waxing, though. A cheating man doesn’t deserve a waxed beaver.”

  “And I didn’t deserve that visual.”

  “Didn’t you?” I ask, coming after her.

  “No,” she says, jumping up and racing out of the trailer. “I’ve never been anything but helpful.”

  “Didn’t you mention something about a weed whacker?”

  Harmony scurries toward the pond where she plans to use Mom for cover. Keanu sees her first and goes running in her direction. The two collide and tumble into a giggling ball on the ground.

  I can’t be nearly as jovial with beaver prep in my near future. When I tell Mom about my trip with Bonn, she smiles and says she’s happy for me. Sally knows I’m holding back, but I distract her with whispers of sex and beaver care. Waving me off, she assures me she can watch Elle overnight if it takes me that long to tame my hairy monster.

  These are the moments when I’m smacked in the face with the downside of being so close to my family. No doubt the entire trailer park will hear of my trimming duties by the end of the day.

  In fact, two hours later, Daisy texts me to warn of going overboard and ending up bald. As punishment for her help, I send her a nudie beaver picture I snag off the internet. An hour later, Harmony says Dayton texted her to say he saw the picture and thinks my coin purse looks cold.

  Never has leaving town felt so perfectly timed.

  Twenty One - Bonn

  The condo won’t be my home once I make a deal with Hayes. In fact, all of Hickory Creek Township might prove to be off-limits. I’ve started looking at housing in Common Bend. I even drove by a few places and imagined Chevelle playing with the kids I saw.

  Earlier in the morning, Hayes sent me a message to say the trip is on, and I need to get my shit in order. The Reapers and Cooper Johansson will see me next weekend. Not before. Not after. I have one shot to sell the deal.

  Downstairs, the condo houses a small gym I use daily. I’m less worried about staying in shape for my job as I am at working off my pent-up sexual energy. Nearly nine years without sex will make a man restless. Kissing Ruby only intensifies the need, so I add an extra hour to my workout routine to ensure I won’t sport a hard-on all day.

  A few minutes after I start running on the treadmill, Dayton stumbles into the gym, wearing only tattered sweat shorts. He looks at me, rubs his sleepy eyes, and shuffles closer.

  “You should wear shoes in here,” I tell Dayton.


  “I’m sure you have a few foot diseases.”

  Dayton glances down at his feet before grinning at me. “Banging whores doesn’t lead to diseases on your feet. If you got laid in the last decade, you’d know that.”

  “That isn’t where I thought you picked up your foot diseases. I mean, man, you walk fucking barefoot in parking lots.”

  “Sometimes I can’t find my shoes, and I’ve got to roll.”

  When I say nothing, Dayton stops pretending to exercise on the treadmill and sits on the floor in front of me. I watch him yawn again before he rolls onto his back and rests sprawled on the floor.

  “I didn’t come in here to exercise,” he mumbles while hiding his face under an arm to block the sunlight.

  “What did you come in here for?”

  “To talk to you.”

  Running steadily, I remain steely-eyed even if my gut leaps in fear. Did Hayes rat me out? Were the twins keeping tabs on me and know about the deal I made? I’m not ready for my plan to fall apart before I even get started.

  “What about?” I ask.

  “About Ruby and her mom.”

  His answer messes with my balance, and I nearly fly off the treadmill. Regaining my senses, I keep running and avoid an injury.

  “What about them?”

  “Did you know my mom and her sisters bought De Campo’s pizza place?”


  “Well, they did, and they also met with Ruby and Sally. I wanted to know what the meeting was about.”

  “Why are you asking me?”

  “Aren’t you dating your old lady?”

  “We didn’t talk about De Campo’s.”

  “She must have said something about meeting with my mom.”


  Dayton removes his arm from his face and frowns up at me. “Dude, I don’t believe you.”

  “Dude, you don’t need to believe me.”

  “What if I threatened you? Would you tell me then?”


  “This is serious shit.”

  “You’d sound more convincing if you weren’t hungover.”

  “I could have Camden threaten you. Now that Daisy cuckolds him, he never drinks. You gotta feel for the ball-less fucker.”

  “I don’t know anything about De Campo’s or the Hallsteads. Ruby and I are focused on us, not whatever your family is doing.”

  Dayton stands up and steadies himself by holding onto my treadmill. He eyes the controls before hitting the button to make me run faster.

  “The Brotherhood wanted De Campo’s place.”


  “We had plans for it. When De Campo didn’t want to sell, someone burned it down. Do you get my drift?”

  “Yes, but I don’t know why I should care.”

  “You should care because my mom is starting shit with the Brotherhood and she’s wrangled your old lady into the deal.”

uby is a smart woman. She’ll make the right decision.”

  “Decision about what?” he asks, hitting the button again and speeding up my treadmill.

  “About whatever your mom wants from her.”

  “Why don’t you call her right now and find out what they talked about?”

  “Why don’t you fuck off and find out yourself?” I ask, stopping the treadmill and stepping off. “Clara is your damn mother. If you want to know what they talked about, go fucking ask her.”

  “If it were so simple.”

  Smiling, I wipe sweat from my neck and face. “You’re scared of your mom, so you want me to do your dirty work. What a pussy.”

  Dayton grins. “My mom can be fucking scary. You don’t even know.”

  “Look, I get how your parents are having a pissing match, but that’s not my problem. It’s not yours either. If you were smart, you’d stay out of the crossfire. That way, whoever loses won’t blame you.”

  Dayton runs a hand through his messy, shoulder-length blond hair. He looks ready for a long nap. A few weeks in rehab wouldn’t hurt either.

  “Camden doesn’t like Howler’s favored bastard son. That keeps him on the outside since Howler has my father’s ear. I’m the only one thinking smart and playing along with the new guy’s shit.”

  “So, when you act like an asshole, that’s you undercover?”

  Dayton narrows his eyes. “I don’t like being mocked.”

  “No one does, buddy. It’s a pretty universal dislike.”

  “Look, I’m smart while Camden is in love. He can’t see past Daisy’s pussy long enough to think of our future.”

  “Howler’s kid won’t take the club. You’re the president’s sons. You and Camden were groomed for the top two spots. This guy, JJ, hasn’t proven he’s anything more than a kiss-ass.”

  “How would you know?”

  “Your brother talks and he sees plenty despite Daisy’s pussy distracting him. You should be having this conversation with him instead of me. I don’t know anything about the Hallsteads, the Brotherhood, or De Campo’s. I’m just trying to get back together with Ruby. Nothing more complicated than that.”

  Dayton struggles against another yawn. He glances around the gym and then yanks up his shorts.

  “I’ll take your advice for what it’s worth.”

  “Whatever. Now can I return to working out without you stalking me?”

  “I’m not stalking you.”

  “Feels like it when you stare at me while I’m half naked. Something unpleasant about the entire thing.”

  Dayton isn’t sure if I’m messing with him. He watches me for a long damn time before shrugging and walking to the door.

  “Good luck with your old lady.”

  I wait until Dayton’s out of sight before I exhale my fear. While I don’t doubt my cousins would refuse to off me if the Brotherhood wanted me gone, I also know JJ has proven himself more than willing to deal with club problems. De Campo’s was the first shot across the bow, and the likely reason Clara and the rest of the Hallsteads were firing back. I hope my move with Hayes doesn’t start a full-fledged war.

  Twenty Two - Ruby

  Elle bounces around the trailer park lot while Bonn and I pack the SUV. I know I’ve brought too many things, but I’ve never traveled before, and I’m paranoid I’ll forget something crucial. To be safe, I bring half of my trailer along with two small suitcases.

  “They’ll have pillows,” Bonn says when I shove a few into the back seat next to Elle, who now bounces inside the car.

  “I don’t know what kind, and I’m picky.”


  “Don’t patronize me.”

  “Don’t snap at me just because you’re tense.”

  I want to slug him, mostly because he’s right. Sighing, I stare at the overstuffed SUV.

  “Should I take a bunch of stuff back?”

  Bonn flinches when he sees me tearing up. Cupping my cheek, he kisses my forehead with his warm lips. “Don’t get upset. You can snap at me if you want.”


  “Yes, but just until you stop crying.”

  “It’s not even that,” I mumble, wiping my eyes. “This trip is a big deal, and I’m scared, and I want to bail, but I can’t because Elle is so excited, and I’d be the horrible bitch who ruined her fun.”

  “Yes, she would hate you if you bailed.”

  I glare at him, but Bonn only smiles and shuts the back of the SUV. “Let’s get going before you decide we need to bring an actual kitchen sink.”

  Giving into my urge to smile, I fake-punch him in the arm. “You better be on your best behavior with me.”

  “Same goes for you.”

  Bonn wears a casual grin, but there’s a hint of a threat in his words. I figure I better let it drop and avoid starting a fight before we even get on the road. I’ll let things go and be cool.

  Except not knowing will drive me nuts the entire trip.

  Before Bonn can walk away, I grab him by the arm. “What does that mean? Are you threatening me?”

  “Yes, and you better learn to watch yourself. Do we understand each other?”

  Stepping back, I don’t know how to react. Normally, I’d harden up and protect Elle and maybe hurt the threat. With Bonn, I can only stare shocked at his steely gaze.

  “Oh, Ruby, this is going to be a long trip,” he says, suddenly laughing. “You should see your face right now.”

  “It’s not funny.”

  “Yes, it really is. You’re terrified of me, and I never even once wore the pants in this relationship. Did I even get to pick a single place we ate at during the entire time we dated?”

  “You picked that shithole we went to the other day.”

  Bonn wraps a lock of my hair around his index finger. “Yes, because you stubbornly refused to choose. I only got to wear the pants because you threw them at me.”


  Bonn smiles wider and taps my nose with his index finger. “You do need to understand something about me, though.”

  “What’s that?” I ask, wanting to be angry at his teasing but just relieved my Bonn wasn’t replaced with a raging jackass.

  “You are the only woman I want. I will wait for you for however long it takes, but I will never give up. Not next year or in ten or when we’re old people living in a retirement home. If you find another man, I will follow you around on dates and ruin things, so you’re forced to be alone or with me.”

  Bonn’s dark eyes shine with a hint of malice, and I can’t look away.

  “I’ll be unrelenting, but in a passive way. That’s who I am. I don’t shove you down and take what I want, but I’ll wait. It’s been eight years without you. My poor penis shriveled up a few times and once climbed inside me in protest because I refused to give it another woman. My head and heart are running the show, though, and they demand you. So, you can play cold on our trip, and I will wait. You can keep me at arm’s length for as long as you need, but this is happening eventually. Even if you only give in out of fatigue, I’ll take it.”

  “That’s pathetic.”

  “Maybe for a guy like Camden whose ego must dominate everyone around him. Pathetic or not, I know what I want, and I won’t settle for anything less. I also know what you need, and I won’t let you settle for anyone else.”

  “Stop threatening my future possible boyfriends.”

  “They can’t make you happy.”

  “Because you’re stalking us.”

  Bonn grins at the thought of scaring those hypothetical men. “No, because they’re not me. If they were better than me, they would romance you until you were blind to everything else. No, your future possible boyfriends are failures before they even show up. You might as well preemptively ditch them.”

  “Despite your threats, I’m wearing my most unflattering pajamas on this trip. That way, you’ll remember I don’t want to be seduced.”

  “Flannel? Really? You know for a fact that shi
t makes my dick raging hard. You damn minx.”

  Bonn laughs at my irritation before walking to the driver’s door. He gives the area one last look before getting inside. Sliding into the passenger seat, I inhale Bonn’s scent. His used SUV is pristine much like his condo. We’re both rather anal about cleanliness. I glance quickly in his direction and find him studying me. His dark gaze is too intense in the enclosed space. I hate how I can’t catch my breath when he does nothing more than watch me.

  “Elle,” I say as if she’s my lifeline to a sex-free sanity.

  Turning toward the back seat, Bonn and I find Elle watching the tablet he bought for her birthday.

  “Yeah, Mom?” she asks, beaming at me.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  Elle glances at her father before nodding. I see so much of Bonn in her beautiful face. Rather than playing the role of my lifeline, Elle is one more reminder of what I gain if I dare lower my guard with Bonn.

  Twenty Three - Bonn

  Trees are a crap distraction from the thought of sharing a room with Ruby tonight. When I tell her that Hayes is paying for the trip, she decides we’ll get a single room, so I’ll owe him less. She’ll share a bed with Elle while I’ll be a good boy by staying in the other. If she thinks separate beds will keep us from finding our way together, Ruby has lost her damn mind.

  “I heard you and Sally are working on a project for the Hallsteads,” I say when Ruby remains silent.

  “We’re helping them put together a restaurant where De Campo’s used to be. We’ll manage the place after it opens. At least, that’s what they say, but who knows with the Hallsteads.”

  “Are you still waitressing?”

  “Yes, part time. I plan to quit when the new restaurant is closer to opening.”

  “How did this all come together?”

  “Clara called Sally, and I went to the meeting with her. It seemed like a chance at a better schedule and more money, so I said yes. Sally is still working full-time because she doesn’t trust they won’t ditch the restaurant once they’ve properly pissed off the Brotherhood.”


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