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Playing with Her Doctors

Page 11

by S. E. Law

  “I’m going press right here,” growls a deep voice as I feel a second cockhead probing at my wet slit. “There’s plenty of room in there if you just relax, baby.”

  And then it’s happening. Oh shit! This is so dirty and depraved, and yet I love it. Ranger’s pressing down on Ryder’s dick, pushing the first cock aside as he too, tunnels into my steamy depths. This is so wrong! What slut takes two men, and then not only that, but lets them put both their dicks into her pussy at the same time?

  But that’s whom I’ve become, and the truth is that I love it. I adore giving myself over to the ecstasy, and letting these men handle me any way they want. I’m a vessel for their pleasure, and I tell them so.

  “Use my body,” is my breathy moan. “Use my pussy to make yourself feel good. I want it,”

  The men merely grunt deep in their chests as the passion rises.

  “Shit you’re so tight,” rasps Ranger. “I can barely get in.” The pressure is building and building inside as he works his dick in further so that it’s in tight against Ryder’s pulsing shaft.

  “You in all the way yet?” Ryder manages, trying not to burst at the added tension and friction.

  “Almost,” grunts Ranger. “Oh shit, unnnh. There we go.”

  Suddenly, he’s balls deep in me too, and I let out a breathy moan. This is it. I’ve accommodated two men in my sweetest spot and I’ve become a woman of the world. This is what I want, and everything I was meant to be.

  “Use me,” I say again. “Use my pretty pussy and make me come.”

  With that, the men begin to move. Ranger pulls out a bit, and then eases himself back inside, the slide incredible.

  “Fuck you’re tight,” he breathes again. “Help her, will you?” he asks Ryder. Obligingly, his medical partner raises his head a bit and grasps one of my nipples in his mouth. A bolt of lightning goes straight from my nipple to my cunt, making me gush with pleasure.

  “That’s it,” growls Ranger in back of me. “Oh shit, it’s happening for sure.”

  Because the two men are starting up a rhythm. One goes in while the other goes out in a synchronized rhythm so that my pussy’s always full of dick. But I realize I want both dicks in me at once, getting double dicked every which way.

  “Both of you,” I pant while squeezing and twisting my breasts so that milk begins to flow into Ryder’s mouth. He drinks it, suckling deeply as his cock enlarges in me.

  The men heed my words, and both cocks go in me at once, before both pulling out. Then both in at once, and both pulling out. Oh god, I’m being dicked by twenty inches, both of them so wide and long. Not only that, but I’m breastfeeding one of the men as well, as the other teases my asshole with his finger, gently inserting the tip into my tight, hot hole. I can’t take it anymore, and with a shudder and shriek, burst into a million pieces.

  “Oh god!” is my delighted scream. “Yes!”

  My body goes soaring over the edge. Breast milk flows in heavy rivulets even as my pussy and ass clench and spasm on the men within. Stars pop and explode before my eyes, as a huge gust of liquid spurts from my vag and coats Ryder’s groin and chest down below.

  “Fuck!” he growls, losing it in tandem. “Oh shit, honey, take my sperm, take it all.”

  With a jerk of his hips, he pumps deep splashes of hot cum in me, seeding me with that virile batter. Ranger isn’t far behind me. He pushes his finger deep into my ass, and then ejaculates as well, his cock twitching as jet after jet of hot bubbly jism coats my fertile fields.

  “FUCK!” is all he manages to grunt. “Goddamn!”

  I spiral out of control. This is the dirtiest lovemaking we’ve ever had, and I adore every second of it. Both men have their dicks in my pussy, doing their best to breed me with loads of hot cum. One man has his finger in my asshole while the other drinks hungrily of my breast milk. Not only that but I’ve just squirted all over them, signaling my body’s incredible desire to be with them. These men are mine and making love with them cements the bond between us.

  Finally, however, it ends, and we collapse in a heap by the bubbling spring.

  “Oh,” is my delighted moan. “I don’t think I can get up.”

  Slowly, Ranger pulls out from my pussy in back, and he smirks a little at the sight.

  “Oh sweetheart, your pussy’s so beautiful and it’s got a little gape to it now. Ryder, take your dick out and let’s look at her a bit.”

  The man below me slowly eases out as well, and I mewl a little. I feel so empty without them, and I waggle my swollen folds a bit, baiting them.

  “Oh,” is my breathy sigh. “I think I need that again and soon. It was incredibly wonderful.”

  They smile, Ranger reaching forward to tweak my clit playfully, making me shriek, before dipping his fingers into my hole. I let out a small gasp but then he pulls out his digits, which gleam wetly in the bright sunlight.

  “Yeah, there’s definitely two loads of cream in there,” he says with a satisfied smirk. “We did well, buddy. Bethie, you’re going to be pregnant in no time. In fact, you did so well that I think we could teach this little pussy how to fist, don’t you think? Would you like that sweetheart? One of our fists inside your little kitty?”

  I gasp, turning to look at him with wide eyes as both men let out low, rough chuckles. Fisting? Isn’t that something that only happens in fiction? But from the gleams in their blue eyes, I know that Ryder and Ranger are going to show me everything, and that I’ll love every single second with these men.



  She wears us out.

  It’s the truth.

  There’s only one of Bethany, and there’s two of us. Not to mention she’s only five four and a curvy little thing, whereas we’re six four and huge, muscular, men.

  Yet Bethany does it to us. She’s such a slutty little girl, letting us use her cunt and ass any way we want. As a result, Ryder and I are often the ones gasping and panting afterwards, totally worn out while trying to get oxygen in our lungs.

  Plus, she’s got a dirty mind that we adore. After we’re done, Bethany will often sit up and pull her pussy lips apart, showing us the cream oozing from her two holes.

  “Look,” she mewls. “It’s dripping.”

  It’s true. Ryder and I have been blasting gallons into her ever since we began possessing that sweet body. She brings out the best in us, and it seems that our loads have been getting bigger and our orgasms more intense too. Last time, I practically blacked out from the pleasure which wasn’t good, seeing that we were at the zoo.

  But I love it all the same. This girl is special because she takes us to new heights, and makes the unexpected come true. I thought that she was going to dilly-dally when it came to introducing her son Danny, but she was immediately receptive to the idea, and within a week, we are at the zoo with the cute, chubby toddler.

  And when we mentioned getting pregnant? Bethany said she wanted not four, but six children. Ryder and I were ecstatic, and desperate to seed her immediately because we want a family as soon as possible. Who knew that our thoughts and wishes were so aligned?

  Finally, when it came down to the double vaginal, our girl was more than willing to try, and not just that, but she took it so good. Her pussy stretched to accommodate us both as she moaned and mewled, giving it her all. That curvy body is made for us, and I can’t imagine life being better in any way.

  I turn to my partner.

  “I want to take her out again,” I say. “She’s amazing.”

  Ryder looks up from his desk.

  “Absolutely,” he agrees. “Bethany’s perfect for us in every way, and I can’t wait to see her again.”

  I think for a bit. What should we do? Now that we’ve met Danny, our relationship feels so much more legitimate. I’d been afraid that Bethany wasn’t taking us seriously – maybe she thought we were just two guys that she was going to toy with and then discard. But introducing us to her son opens new vistas, and makes me feel like this could be som
ething serious.

  “You know, why don’t we do something that includes Danny again?” I ask. “You know, something the little boy will really like.”

  Ryder raises an eyebrow at me.

  “Like what? The zoo was pretty awesome. What else do two year olds like?”

  Hmm, that’s a good question. To be honest, I don’t really know, so I start surfing around on the web. There’s Adventureland, which seems awesome except that there are very few kiddie rides. Everything has a height restriction, and unfortunately, Danny isn’t four feet tall yet.

  There’s also a Children’s Museum, but something tells me that Bethany’s probably already been a million times. She’s a devoted mom, and this kind of thing seems like something she’d do with Danny multiple times on her own. By contrast, I want to do something special for them, and to really knock her socks off. I want to do something extraordinary that will make her inhale with delight, and laugh with joy. Suddenly it becomes obvious what we should do.

  “Let’s rent out a fire station for Bethany and Danny,” I say excitedly. “You saw how much Danny loves his toy firetrucks, and how he went ga-ga when that one fire truck went by with its siren squealing.”

  Ryder pauses for a moment. It’s true. Bethany’s son went nuts at the big red truck and its wailing sirens, and he’s probably never been to a real-live station before. But my business partner frowns.

  “I don’t think they’re going to let you rent out a fire station,” he says. “They have work to do. They’re not going to clear the station just because you pay them money.”

  I shake my head.

  “You never know until you try,” I say. “I once saw an Indian wedding on West 34th Street on a Saturday afternoon. They blocked off a street in Manhattan so that the groom could ride down the lane on his white horse wearing finery. So something has to be possible.”

  Ryder snorts.

  “Yeah, but how much did it cost?”

  I nod.

  “Well, I happened to talk to the groom’s uncle, who was standing there overseeing the festivities. He said it was $35,000 for an hour because the city decrees that when you block off a street, a firetruck has to be there in case of emergencies. If the city charges $35,000 to block off a New York street for an hour, then maybe they’ll let us rent a station to ourselves for a few hours too. Anything’s possible.”

  Ryder rolls his eyes but then shrugs.

  “It sounds insane,” he says. “But why not? Give it a try because the worst they can say is no. Do you even know who to contact for this?”

  I smirk.

  “Well, my Uncle Larry is a City Councilman. I bet he knows someone, or at least who to put us in touch with this.”

  I pull out my cell. It rings a couple times, and Larry picks up.

  “Hey Ranger,” he belts into the phone in a boisterous manner. “What’s going on with my favorite nephew?”

  I smile into the phone.

  “Hey Uncle Larry,” I say. “Long time no see. I just have a favor to ask …”

  He chortles.

  “What’s the point of having a relative for a politician if you don’t get a couple favors here and there?”

  I laugh a little.

  “Well, I’m not looking for anything illegal, don’t worry. It’s just that I was wondering how much it costs to rent out a fire station for a couple hours. Is that even possible? Or is it completely against city policy?”

  My uncle harrumphs on the other side of the phone.

  “Why would you need to rent out a fire station? Are you planning on practicing medicine there?”

  I laugh, trying to sound casual as my brain goes into overdrive.

  “We’re looking into doing some charity work,” I fib lightly. “You know, plastic surgery for kids and all that. There are children born with cleft palates, and a lot of them need surgery within the first few years of life. We thought having a post-op celebration might be a nice gesture for kids who’ve already had a couple surgeries before they’re five.”

  Immediately, my uncle’s on board.

  “Oh sure, that sounds great,” he chortles. “In fact, let me put my office manager in touch with you. Leonora can handle it all. She’ll book everything. I think the going rate is $100,000 for an afternoon, but since it’s for charity, maybe she can get FDNY to reduce the price.”

  This is moving too fast, and I quickly put on the brakes.

  “No, no, it’s fine,” I say. “Actually, how about if we come by first to tour the place? Is that okay? I’ll put down a deposit if FDNY wants, and bring my … ahem, events manager by so that we can see the space and determine if it’s suitable for a kiddie event. Would that work?”

  Uncle Larry’s already on it.

  “Sure,” he says. “You know, I know Bobby Gimmer over at Ladder 18 down in Chinatown. You want to take a look at that space?”

  “That’d be great,” I say gratefully. “Thanks, Uncle Larry. Totally appreciate it. This is all for a good cause, so you won’t regret it.”

  Uncle Larry chortles again and says, “Hopefully I can parlay this into something to put on my website. You know, City Councilmember Larry Stevens connects with sick children. That sort of thing. I’ll be in touch. Stay cool, Ranger. Not that you aren’t always cool.”

  With a smile, I hang up. Uncle Larry is a good guy. He taught sixth grade up until about ten years ago when he was bitten by the political bug. He ran for the school board first, and then was elected county foreman. Now, he’s on city council and happy as a clam. He says it melds his commitment to public service as well as his great love for the city.

  I don’t want to let him down either. Although my idea came at the spur of a moment, maybe doing some charity work for kids is a good thing. Ryder and I certainly know how to fix cleft palates, even though we don’t see it much in our current practice.

  “It sounds like you’re thinking about opening up a charity,” says my business partner wryly from his desk.

  “You heard the phone call?” I ask.

  “Loud and clear,” he says in a dry tone. “So we’re going to look at Station 18 down in Chinatown with the supposed goal of assessing whether it’s right for a children’s party? Because we’re now doing pro bono work for kids who need their smiles fixed?”

  I shrug.

  “Okay, so it was a little out there, but you know what? It’s not a bad idea. We love kids, and we want to be fathers too. This is a great way for us to use our skills for children. Plus, we’ve been making so much money that it seems obscene not to spend it in a way that’s meaningful. Why not?” I ask. “We’ll kill two birds with one stone: help children, and make Bethany happy.”

  Ryder grins.

  “Sounds good to me. I mean, I’m not making any promises, but the charity work sounds promising,” he says in an amenable tone. “We’ll check it out, and start the ball rolling. So are you going to get the paperwork going?”

  I shrug again.

  “Sure, why not? I’ll get Gerald on it,” I say, referring to our lawyer. “We’ll get the 501(c)(3) forms filed, and then take it from there. It’ll obviously take a lot of planning, but you know what? This feels right. It feels really good to give back.”

  Ryder grins, nodding his agreement.

  “Yeah, and it’s all because of Bethany. If it wasn’t for her, you and I would still be self-centered plastic surgeons doing boob jobs with our eyes closed. But now it looks like we’re branching in another direction. The Epicine Foundation. I like it.”

  And that’s how the charitable arm of our practice was started. Because of Bethany. The curvy girl works wonders even when she isn’t in the room. We want to please her, and as a result, the seeds of a non-profit were born and now, Ryder and I plan on seeing where it takes us. Who knew that Bethany could make such a difference? My heart pounds, and I feel myself falling even more in love with the delightful curvy girl.



  Danny goes running into the fire station,
his face alight with glee.

  “Whee!” he squeals, with both arms out like he’s a plane. “Whee! Whee! Fire truck!” he shouts while pointing at the big red behemoth parked inside. “Hose!”

  The fire truck is impressive. Up close, it looks to be at least sixty feet long, with a giant ladder mounted on top, and wheels that are as big as small horses. It’s shiny and red, and polished to a gleam.

  “Oh my gosh, how did you get this private tour?” I ask in a whisper.

  Ryder grins at me.

  “It’s not a private tour,” he whispers back. “We told them we needed to check out the space because Ranger and I want to hold a kids’ party here.”

  I stare at him.

  “A kids’ party? But why?”

  The handsome man smiles.

  “Ranger didn’t tell you? We’ve just finished the paperwork for the Epinine Foundation. We’re starting a charitable wing of our practice,” he says. “We’re going to do pro bono operations for kids with cleft palates. Our skills have been used for nose jobs and face lifts for fancy ladies for a long time now. Now, it’s time to give back.”

  I’m stunned.

  “Really?” I ask. “But wait, what is a cleft palate?”

  Ranger cuts in then.

  “Sweetheart, it’s where the roof or lip of a child’s mouth doesn’t fully close by the time he’s born. The baby often has holes between his mouth, nose and throat, and may have difficulty speaking or swallowing.”

  “That sounds awful,” I breathe.

  Ranger nods.

  “It is, but plastic surgery is a good fix. The cases can really vary in terms of severity, but Ryder and I know what to do. We haven’t done one of these cases in a while, but it’ll all come back. It’s standard for plastic surgeons.”

  My heart brims with passion for these men.

  “You’re good doctors,” I say softly. “With kind hearts and you’re giving so much of yourselves too.”

  The physicians look wryly at me.


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