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Convincing the Alpha (Hobson Hills Omegas Book 8)

Page 14

by C. W. Gray

  Zed noticed Noah’s hands stretched out behind Ernie, like he’d catch him if he were to fall back. Juan spent more time shuffling his feet and watching Ernie than the tree line. “Okay, I see what you mean. Wait.” He slowly turned his head to look at Mateo. “You actually think they’ll find Bigfoot one day?”

  Mateo gave him a puzzled look. “Of course. We have the right equipment, we’ve found signs of him before, and it’s the right time of the year for it. He’ll be foraging a lot right now.”

  Zed shared an amused look with Carter. “Okay. Good points.”

  “Oh my god, guys!” Ernie danced in place. “Look! It’s a Bigfoot nest.”

  Juan grinned. “Mateo, let’s take some samples.” He paused a moment to sign for Noah. “Noah, you and Carter set up a perimeter. We don’t want to be surprised.” Juan looked at Zed. “Newbie, get the scouting cameras out and set them up around the nest. We’ll leave them overnight and see what we have.”

  Zed sighed and lowered his packs to the ground. “I guess this is better than changing Pike’s diapers or listening to Seth lament his broken heart.” Seth had dated a boy for a whole week before he got dumped. Now, Zed’s brother was convinced he would never love again.

  He put the motion activated cameras in place and did his best to hide them in case Bigfoot was anti-technology. The nest Ernie had found was a hollowed-out portion of the ground under a big red maple tree. It looked like a bear den.

  “Let’s get out of here before Bigfoot gets back,” Juan said, looking around warily. “We don’t want to scare him.” After he finished speaking, he signed his words to Noah and clapped Zed’s alpha on the back. “I think we’ll find him this time.” Juan’s eyes narrowed on Zed as he kept his arm wrapped around Noah. “Newbie, you and I need to talk.”

  Carter snickered and helped Noah watch over Ernie as they headed back to the cabin.

  Mateo gave him a sympathetic look, then left him behind with Juan.

  Juan eyed him. “I haven’t been as attentive as I should have been the last few months as Jackson and I have been settling in together. Then there’s Oscar and my papa distracting me from my duties as one of Noah’s best friends.”

  Zed smiled. “Considering we’re getting married next month, live together, share pets, and have pretty much adopted three kids, I think it’s a little late to ask about my intentions.”

  Juan rolled his eyes. “Believe me, if you didn’t have the right intentions, Gramps and Marco would have taken care of you by now. No, this is about caring for Noah. Ray, Carter, Ernie, and I have been with him for over three years now. I carried him out of that fucking joke of a hospital and watched him struggle to adapt to his loss of hearing. I got to see him thrive with that horse ranch of his. We all did. Well, not Mateo and Niccolo. They’re new to our group, but so are you.”

  “I owe you for what you did for him,” Zed said quietly. There was no way in hell he could ever not like Elijah and the others that had rescued Noah. I owe them everything.

  Juan shrugged. “You don’t owe any of us for that. We did it for him, not you.” He pulled a small notebook out of his pack. “Anyway, we got together and made this for you.”

  Zed stopped walking and looked at the cover in the late afternoon light. The Care and Feeding of Noah Wilson. “What is this?”

  “Things we’ve learned about Noah.” Juan pushed him forward to get him walking again. “His favorite recipes and foods are in there. All of his hobbies and quirks. That we’ve noticed anyway. Did you know he likes concerts?”

  Zed frowned. “Concerts?”

  “He likes heavy metal.” Juan tapped the notebook. “See, you have a lot to learn to properly care for our Noah.”

  Zed smiled slowly. “It’s my favorite subject.”

  He talked with Juan all the way back to Ernie and Reuben’s cabin. By the time they got there, the sun had almost set.

  Ernie’s husband, Reuben, glowered from the porch. The man was a little bigger than Zed and had a great smile, which he wasn’t sharing at the moment. Shit, I should have made Ernie stay home.

  Zed cleared his throat and stood straighter.

  Juan snickered. “Noah was right. You really do have a bro crush on Rueben.”

  “He’s a genius,” Zed hissed and shoved Juan. “Shut up.”

  Noah looked over his shoulder with a knowing smirk, and Zed scowled, hating that his cheeks were heating up.

  “Do you want his autograph?” Carter asked, voice teasing.

  Zed smiled softly when Juan stood in the porch light and signed for Noah. He had noticed Noah’s friends always assigned a person to keep Noah caught up on their conversations when there were more than four of them.

  “Who’s autograph?” Reuben asked, frowning.

  Zed’s eyes widened. “Ernie wants your autograph.”

  Ernie leaned against Noah and giggled. “Yeah, sure I do.”

  “I got your back, man.” Mateo wrapped an arm around Zed’s shoulders. “Reuben, will you show Zed here how to make Cornish pasties? Ernie said he was hungry.”

  Ernie giggled harder, but Zed’s heartbeat picked up. Please, sweet baby Jesus, let me cook with Reuben.

  Reuben shrugged. “Sure. I have some groceries here. You all hungry?”

  “Then, he said that you have to separate the butter with your fingers when you make a puff pastry,” Zed said, trying not to talk too fast. “He said that makes a big difference. I don’t know why, but if he said it, then it’s true.”

  Noah snickered and kissed the top of Mary’s head. Zed’s little sister held Tuffy in her arms. The cat was dressed in a bib and baby bonnet and seemed one hundred percent okay with it.

  “We brought you all leftovers. Seth, I know you’re hungry. I’ll go ahead and warm a couple up.”

  Seth smiled sheepishly and signed, “Thank you.” The teen was always hungry.

  Zed bounced Pike in his arms, smiling when the baby giggled.

  The strobe lights from the door flickered when the doorbell rang, and Zed waved Noah away and went to see who it was.

  He frowned when he opened the door to find Ray. “Why did you ring the bell? You usually come in the back.”

  Ray gave him a strained smile. “I have some news for Noah. I hate this, man. I know he’s going to get upset, and I just fucking hate it.”

  Zed sighed and held the door open. “His dad or his mom?”

  “Both.” Ray grabbed Pike as he walked past him. “I need some baby cuddles. I should have brought Jun with me.”

  Zed shut the door behind him and flipped the locks. He hated that Steven Wilson still had power over Noah, even if Noah claimed differently. The man was a piece of work, and it had been satisfying as hell to hear Marco threaten him that last day.

  Noah had never asked what Marco had said, so Zed hadn’t volunteered the information. Noah probably didn’t need to know all the graphic threats his uncle had made.

  Seth was already digging into a plate of pasties when they made it to the kitchen. Captain Hoof stood watching him, eyes hungry. Zed knew some of those pasties would make it to the goat.

  Noah’s smile faded when Ray signed, “We need to talk.”

  “Back porch,” Noah said. “Seth, will you watch Mary and Pike?”

  He looked between them, suspicious, then signed, “Do you need my help, Noah?”

  Noah smiled and hugged the young omega. “We’ll be okay. Eat your pasties.”

  Mary gently set Tuffy on the floor and held her arms up. “I’ll hold Pike.”

  The cat glared at the baby as Zed passed him to Mary.

  Zed followed the two men to the back porch. He had covered it in potted plants and windchimes. Noah didn’t seem to mind, though he had tripped over a plant a couple of times. He had only cursed for a few minutes, though, so Zed knew he loved them.

  The sound of rushing water surrounded them. The creek was a little flooded from all the spring rain, and the sound of water mixed with the tinkling of the windchimes. Zed sighed hap
pily. He loved their home.

  Ray made sure he stood facing the porch light so Noah could see him sign. “I have two pieces of information about your mom and dad.”

  Noah shook his head. “They’re not my mom and dad,” he said aloud. “They’re just two people I had to spend time with.”

  Ray nodded, understanding in his eyes. “Alright,” he signed. “First, Rachael was arrested for attempted murder. Renard’s kids were very interested in the information I sent them. They hired someone to watch her, and they caught her in the act of trying to push him down the stairs.”

  “Fuck,” Zed said, disbelief filling him. Based on her treatment of Elijah and Noah, he had known she was shit, but murder was something else.

  Noah nodded, face empty of emotion. “I’m glad they caught her. Is Renard okay?”

  “He’ll be alright,” Ray signed. “His kids are keeping a closer eye on him.”

  “Good.” Noah leaned against Zed, and he took the hint and wrapped his arms around his alpha. “What about Steven?”

  Ray made a face before he started signing. “My boss knows what I do on the side, so he knew I was keeping tabs on Steven. A contact of his wants to pull Steven in to testify against the assholes he’s dealing with. They’re promising him immunity for any crimes he’s committed involving them.”

  Noah’s mouth dropped open. “That’s… Ray, that’s amazing. He could get away from that shit and try to kick his gambling problem.”

  “He won’t take their calls,” Ray signed. “We thought you may have more luck with him, but only if you want to try. No pressure here.”

  Noah pulled his phone out and hurriedly typed out a message and hit send. “He’d be an idiot to say no to that deal. I know the kind of people he usually deals with and there’s only two ways you end it with them.”

  “Death or prison,” Ray signed. “Otherwise, they have their hooks in you for life.”

  “He has a chance though.” Noah’s phone buzzed and his face lit up. “It’s him.” The hope slowly drained from his face. “He says he has things under control, and there’s no need to worry. Then he asked for a couple grand.” He looked up, bitterness twisting his mouth. “Of course, he doesn’t want out. I don’t know why I thought he might.”

  Ray blew out a breath, then hugged Noah. “I love you, little alpha. I wish this was easier for you.”

  Noah smiled dryly. “They’ve been doing horrible things my whole life. I’m done with it all now. Dad… no, Steven, had the chance to change, but he didn’t. Fuck him.” He took Zed’s hand and gave him a long look. “I have a family, and they’re my priority. It’s time I look to the future and not the past.”

  Something warm settled in Zed. He liked being Noah’s priority.

  Noah rolled his neck and shoulders and took a big breath. “Now, I have to go meet Carter for one last chore for the night. Seth’s coming with, so you’ll have to get Pike and Mary to bed by yourself, Z.”

  Zed frowned. “What’s going on?”

  Noah’s smile was full of mischief. “We’re dressing Ernie’s alpacas up like Bigfoot. It’s payback for putting Stinkbug in a poodle costume and sending pictures to everyone.”

  Zed nodded, eyes hard. “I’ll protect the home front. Avenge Stinkbug’s honor, my love.”

  Chapter 17


  Zed looked at himself in the mirror. “I really look alright?” He wore a navy-blue suit with a boutonniere of daisies on his lapel. His beard was trimmed and his hair slicked back.

  “You’re so handsome.” Griff sniffled and wiped his eyes. “I can’t believe you’re getting married.”

  Justin chuckled and shifted Ronnie in his arms. “I still can’t believe it took me so long to realize you and Noah were a thing. The way you two look at each other makes it kinda obvious.”

  “You were sleep deprived from a newborn.” Griff patted Justin’s back and gave him a guilty look. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you when I figured it out.”

  Justin gave them both a knowing look. “It’s okay. You’ve agreed not to keep anything from me again. You will tell me all your secrets, or I’ll make Tanner give you both parking tickets.”

  Griff arched a brow. “Would he actually do it? I’ve never met a more strait-laced person in my life.”

  “He’d do it for Justin.” Zed turned away from the mirror and pulled both of his brothers into his arms. “Thank you for being here, guys. I love you two so much and am proud to have you by my side.” He looked over at the couch where Seth napped. “I’d say the same to Seth, but teenagers.”

  “It’s like all they do is eat, sleep, and have hormonal fueled breakdowns.” Justin shook his head and shuddered. “I don’t miss those years.”

  Griff snickered. “Me neither.” He went and poked Seth. “Hey! Wake up. It’s almost time to start.”

  Seth jerked awake and looked around. “Huh? Oh, yeah. The wedding.” He grinned sleepily at Zed. “You look really good all fancied up.”

  A burst of happiness shot through him. “I love you guys.”

  “Ahh, we love you too, big guy.” Justin hugged him. “Now, seriously, we need to get moving.”

  He followed his brothers from the tack room they’d made into a changing room for the wedding. They had decided to have the wedding at the ranch, since that was Noah’s favorite place in the world. It also allowed the sandwich club to come to the wedding.

  Gramps leaned against a post with Mary. “About time. Are you all ready to do this?”

  Zed nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  Gramps pulled him into a hug. “None of that sir business. We’re family, son. Let’s get you married.”

  Mary danced in a circle and held up her flower basket. “I go first.”

  She had chosen leggings, a tutu, and suspenders for her wedding outfit. Zed loved that she had insisted on miniature cowboy boots and one of Noah’s old hats to complete her outfit. If she could, Mary would live in Noah’s pocket.

  “Thanks, Mary.” Zed bent down and hugged her. “Love you, sweetheart.”

  Her arms tightened around him and she squeezed him as hard as she could. “Love you too.” She looked up, eyes watering. “Mama and Daddy never said that a lot.”

  Seth winced and ran his hands over the blue ribbons braided through her blond hair. “Zed and Noah are different. It’s okay to say how you feel with them. They listen.”

  Mary wiped her eyes. “They do. ‘Kay, I’m ready.”

  They had decided against a wedding march song, and the ceremony would be held in the clearing between the two barns. Zed and his group were in one and Noah and his in the other. They planned to meet in the middle. He smiled thinking about it.

  He leaned out the door and watched as Mary skipped down the path toward where their friends and family gathered. Olive was skipping her way from the other barn and tossing flowers all over the place. Noah’s niece had chosen to wear a very poofy blue dress and black cat ears. The two girls met in the middle and grabbed hands before moving to the seat next to Tanner.

  Justin’s husband had Pike and Ronnie in his lap and Bea and Elijah’s twins in the seats between him and Grammy. The poor man already looked overwhelmed with all the kids.

  Zed’s eyes strayed to the back and he grinned. He could see Carrot and the miniatures at the back of the crowd of people with Saul and Emmet. The sandwich club was all fancied up as Seth would say with ribbons and flowers braided in their manes and tails.

  “Abel, you’re next,” Gramps said, patting his grandson on the back.

  Zed’s friend patted his arm and winked as he left the barn and headed toward the center. Juan walked from Noah’s side.

  Slowly, Gramps cued Janelle, Seth, Justin, and Griff to leave the barn while Ray, Carter, Ernie, and Elijah met them in the clearing.

  Zed snorted a laugh as Griff and Elijah waddled in from opposite sides and joined arms. “I love them. Is it bad that I really hope they give birth on the same day?”

  Gramps shuddered. “D
on’t say things like that, son. It scares me just thinking about it.”

  Zed shifted and looked at Gramps. “You remember me saying that I was afraid of being like my dad?”

  Gramps nodded, eyes soft. “I remember.”

  “I’m not like him.” Zed shook his head. “I will never willingly leave Noah or my brothers and sister. If Noah and I decide to have kids, I’ll never abandon them either. I’m in this forever.”

  Gramps patted his cheek. “I know. I’m glad you do too.” He waved toward the clearing. “Shall we?”

  Zed nodded and linked arms with the older man. Marco had insisted on walking Noah down the aisle, so Gramps had stepped in and said he’d be doing the same for Zed. It felt odd, but nice too.

  As they walked closer, Zed could see Noah in his matching suit. Zed didn’t notice Captain Hoof in his own suit at first. The goat pranced at Noah’s side, but Zed was too busy ogling his soon to be husband. Zed almost tripped a couple of times, but fortunately Gramps held him up.

  Gramps chuckled and patted his hand. “Here you are, son. Safe and sound. Maybe keep your eyes in your head, huh?”

  Zed flushed and cleared his throat. “Thanks, Gramps.”

  Marco and Gramps took their seats, and Zed tried to focus on something besides the freckles on Noah’s nose and his gorgeous gap-toothed smile.

  Noah gave him a heated look and leaned forward. “You look hot,” he whisper-yelled.

  Chuckles sounded from behind them.

  Zed ignored them and grinned. “You look very handsome,” he signed and wiggled his brows.

  A tugging on his leg made him look down. “Damn it, Captain Hoof, don’t eat my pants. Why couldn’t you stay at the house like Tuffy?”

  Their stupid goat just bleated at him and continued to munch on Zed’s dress pants.

  The minister cleared his throat and arched a brow. “May I?”


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