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Fight 4 Us (Book 4): Conquered

Page 12

by Brian Grenda

  “I’m sorry you had to go out like this dad. We had some great times, but I will take care of mom now. She will be safe,” says Jon.

  Jon steps out of the way and Kelly steps closer to Frank.

  “I love you Frank. You have been a great father-in-law and I will never forget you. I will miss you,” says Kelly with tears in her eyes.

  Heart monitors and medical machines start making noise.




  Doctors rush over to Frank’s body. Jon and Kelly get out of the way and move to the door.

  The doctors shout, “We need him alive. Just a little bit longer.”

  “Get them out of here Rich!” shouts the other doctor.

  Rich guides Jon and Kelly out of the room as the doctor’s work on reviving Frank.

  Jon and Kelly are moved into the hallway by Rich.

  “What are they doing to my father? Why do they need him alive?” shouts Jon.

  Rich says, “I don’t know, they are trying some new experimental treatment on him.”

  Kelly walks down the hallway and back into a nearby empty room.

  Jon follows Kelly into the room.

  TJ walks over to Rich and asks, “What are they doing to Frank? Why do they need him alive?”

  Rich says, “We have orders from D.C. I can’t talk about them, but we have orders on what to do with sick people, and people that we may find on our missions.”

  TJ is concerned by what his father just told him, but knows that his father won’t tell him with Jon around.

  TJ says, “I will be driving Jon and Kelly back home and then I’m coming back to your house. It would be nice to have some time to talk with you.”

  Rich says, “I will be home in about an hour. I will make sure I make it home to talk with you. A lot has changed since the last time I saw you.”

  TJ and Odin walk into the room where Jon and Kelly are.

  “I’m sorry for your lose you two,” says TJ.

  Kelly asks, “He’s dead?”

  “It doesn’t look good for him, but I’m just sorry that this happened to him and your family,” says TJ.

  The doctors come out of Frank’s surgical room and shout, “Damn it. We lost him. He was a fresh one. We got some fresh zombie bacteria though to look at.”

  Jon walks into the hallway and looks at the doctor.

  The doctor says, “I’m sorry son, but your father is gone. We tried everything that we could.”

  Jon isn’t sure what to make of what the doctor says and walks back into the room.

  “We need to leave now. I want to get out of here and back home to make sure my mom is safe,” says Jon to Kelly.

  TJ says, “I’ll take you home.”

  Jon and Kelly walk out of the medical building and into the parking lot.

  TJ and Odin follow behind and exit the building.

  Kelly and Jon get into the backseat of TJ’s jeep.

  TJ opens the driver side door and Odin jumps in.

  A red sports car drives up to TJ and parks in the parking spot next to TJ’s jeep.

  TJ looks at the sports car and is about to get into his jeep.

  “Not going to say hello,” shouts Janet from inside the sports car driver seat.

  TJ looks through the passenger side window of the red sports car and says, “Hey. I didn’t know it was you Janet.”

  Janet gets out of her car and says, “I’m done with this place. I got my crap and I’m going home.”

  “Where is home again?” asks TJ.

  “You going to stalk me or something?” jokes Janet.

  “It’s on the beach. A nice little condo on the beach,” says Janet.

  “I’ll have to remember that. I love the beach,” says TJ.

  Janet walks over to TJ and grabs his left arm. Janet takes out a pen and writes on TJ’s left forearm.

  Janet says, “Good people got to stick together.”

  TJ looks down at his forearm and reads what Janet wrote on it.

  “19 Gulf Blvd, Clearwater Beach Estates.”

  TJ says, “I know where that is. That’s right on the Gulf.”

  Janet walks back to her car and says, “Come find me. I’m on the 4th floor. Number 2.”

  TJ, “Yes ma’am. I will definitely see you again.”

  Janet shouts, “I hope so. I hope so TJ.”

  Janet reverses out of the parking spot and drives towards the exit of the base.

  TJ can’t help but to be smiling when he gets into his jeep.

  As TJ starts up his jeep, Kelly and Jon can’t help but to wonder who that woman was.

  “Friend of yours TJ?” asks Jon.

  TJ replies, “I hope to be more than friends with her actually. I just met her before I ran into you downtown. Odin and I saved her from some zombies.”

  Kelly says, “She’s cute. I like her short brown hair.”

  TJ reverses out of the parking spot and says, “Me too. Me too Kelly.”

  TJ exits the base and starts his drive down the road.

  “Where do you live Jon?” asks TJ.

  “Bay View Condos. It’s right on the bay,” says Jon.

  “Damn big money condo Jon. I know those condos. You living in a million-dollar condo! High roller!” says TJ.

  Jon replies, “The condo is my parents. They have lived in their condo for about six years now.”

  Jon gets upset knowing that his father is gone and his mother will be all alone now. Jon has always been close with his parents and the loss of his father will stick with him the rest of his life.

  TJ pulls up to the front gate of Jon’s condo.

  The gate is clear of people, zombies, and any danger.

  Jon looks at TJ and says, “Thank you TJ. I appreciate the effort with my father. I won’t forget it.”

  TJ asks, “What were you three doing downtown and at the building that I saw you come out of?”

  “We were looking for food, water, and supplies. We are running low on everything. There are only a few people alive in the condos. Most people are out of food and supplies,” says Jon.

  “You might want to check out the Big Club on 100th street. We took it over and should have plenty of supplies, food, water, and tons of other crap. You can even stay there if you need to,” says TJ.

  Jon says, “We definitely will. Thank you again.”

  “Thank you, TJ. Bye Odin,” says Kelly as Jon and Kelly exit TJ’s jeep and enter through the front gate of Jon’s condo.

  TJ watches as Kelly and Jon enter the condo parking lot safely and lock the gate securely.

  TJ gives a beep as he drives away from the condo gate.

  Kelly looks at Jon and says, “What are you going to tell your mom Jon?”

  Jon says, “The truth. I don’t want to lie to her.”

  TJ drives down a road and sees a massive obstruction blocking the road. Nothing can get past the huge pile of cars, vehicles, trash, debris, and other materials.

  TJ stops his jeep and is amazed at the tall wall of debris that is blocking the road.

  TJ makes a left turn and drives down a side street. As TJ is driving down the side street, he can’t believe what he sees.

  The pile of debris is blocking several businesses, roads, and homes.

  It looks like someone has created a massive border around a big chunk of downtown.

  TJ has to make a left turn and go the long way around to get to his parents’ house.

  TJ makes a left turn and passes a sign.

  The sign reads, “Tampa Zoo Primate & Bird Sanctuary.”

  Just as TJ turns away from the huge debris pile, he notices a large group of birds on a huge tree. The birds are of various breeds and sizes.

  TJ can’t help but to look at them as he drives past the tree.

  TJ rolls down his window and looks at the birds high in the tree.

  The birds look at TJ and let out a huge squawk.

  Odin lets out a little bark.

ing isn’t right around here, boy,” says TJ to Odin as he pets Odin on the head.

  TJ makes his way to his fathers’ house and parks his jeep in the driveway.

  The neighborhood is clear of any zombies or trouble. It’s actually very quiet as TJ and Odin exit TJ’s jeep.

  TJ looks at Rich’s house and shakes his head.

  “I hope are you okay mom,” whispers TJ as he walks towards the front door.

  TJ unlocks the front door with his key, Odin runs into the house, and TJ shuts the front door.

  Rich and TJ’s mom bought this house when TJ was in the Marines. TJ has only been in this house a handful of times for holidays and special occasions.

  TJ walks into the kitchen, hits the light switch and starts to laugh.

  “Oh right. No power,” says TJ as he turns the light switch off.

  TJ opens the refrigerator and grabs a bottle of water. The refrigerator is pretty empty and only has some bottles of water, a bottle of wine, and a couple of cans of tuna in it.

  TJ opens a cabinet and grabs a bowl. Odin sits down next to TJ and looks up at him.

  Odin barks, and TJ puts the bowl of water on the ground for Odin to drink.

  TJ sees that Rich has a generator outside in his backyard.

  TJ walks into the backyard and looks at the generator. He checks to sees if the generator has gas in it and it has about half a tank left.

  TJ pulls the cord and the generator kicks on.

  The lights on the house and AC power right on.

  “Rich is that you?” asks the neighbor next store.

  “No Jack. It’s me TJ,” replies TJ.

  “TJ. How are ya man? I haven’t seen you in forever,” says Jack as he peaks over the side of the white privacy fence.

  TJ replies, “I’m doing okay Jack. How are you? You alone over there?”

  Jack replies, “Yeah, I’m okay and yeah, I’m alone. Betty left me about five years ago now.”

  Rich pulls into his driveway.

  Jack and TJ hear Rich’s car.

  Jack says, “Take care TJ. You be safe out there.”

  Rick walks into the house and greets Odin in the kitchen.

  TJ walks into the house through the sliding glass door and says, “I’m glad you and I could talk dad.”

  Rich stands up from petting Odin and says, “Of course son. How are you? Did you see your mom’s grave in the backyard?”

  TJ replies, “No. I was talking with your neighborhood next door.”

  “Jack. Yeah. He’s okay. He’s lonely over there, but he’s okay,” says Rich.

  Rich, TJ, and Odin walk into the backyard.

  Rich and TJ walk over to the grave that Rich made for TJ’s mom.

  “She was a good woman. I’m going to miss her,” says Rich as he fixes the makeshift wooden cross he made and put at the top of the grave.”

  TJ looks down at the grave and feels a mix of emotions. He feels sad that his mother is gone, mad that she died by being attacked by zombies, and upset that he never got to say goodbye to her.

  “How you holding up son? How did the fight with The Conquerors go?” asks Rich.

  “We are doing okay. Odin and I are making it. The fight for the Big Club went well. We run it now and we have cleared out a lot of their buildings and businesses,” says TJ.

  TJ looks over a Rich and asks, “How’s Jon’s father?”

  Rich says, “He didn’t make it. There is nothing that we could do to save him. The bite was pretty bad and deep.”

  TJ looks at Rich and says, “I figured as much. When I was at the base, something felt different about it. Did D.C. give you new orders or something?”

  Rich says, “Let’s go inside and talk.”

  TJ and Rich walk into the house, followed by Odin.

  Rich and TJ sit down at the dining room table.

  “Son, the world has fallen apart. You and I both know that. The officials in D.C. have given me new orders. I can’t say specifics, but the new orders aren’t looking good for any survivors,” says Rich.

  “What do you mean? You have to give me specifics dad. Don’t play the I can’t tell you bullshit card. The world has fallen apart,” shouts TJ as he stands up from the table.

  Odin barks as TJ raises his voice.

  TJ looks at Odin and says, “It’s okay boy.”

  Rich replies, “The world and the people of the United States aren’t worth saving in the eyes of the government officials.”

  “Not worth saving?” asks TJ.

  “The government doesn’t have the resources to help everyone. How do they pick and choose where to send resources? They see Florida as a lost state, and basically every state is lost to them. Last time I checked in with the D.C. higher ups they said that they would be sending another jet of supplies down to MacDill. They haven’t come yet, and it’s been over a month since they said they would send help and supplies to the base,” says Rich.

  “So, they are trying to help the people of Tampa?” asks TJ.

  “No, they aren’t helping the people. They are helping select military bases, government officials, and select organizations. We had commands to shoot to kill anything living and dead. Anything that posed a threat to us actually,” says Rich.

  TJ walks over to the kitchen sink and says, “I figured they wouldn’t be able to help everyone, but it sounds like they aren’t even trying to help U.S. citizens.”

  Rich walks over to TJ and says, “You need to take care of yourself and anyone you care about. The government may provide help eventually, but don’t count on it. They said something about instituting two programs. Program reset and program weaponize. They didn’t get into specifics on either of them, but I know they are working on something.”

  Rich hands TJ a government issued bright orange badge and says, “Here. Take this badge and keep it with you. On you, at all times. The pass will get you on the base, no questions asked, and if you run into a military person or group away from the base, they will know what this pass means.”

  TJ takes the pass and asks, “Do you have any more passes like this?”

  Rich says, “I have a couple more at the office, but I don’t have any more here at the house.”

  Rich looks at TJ and says, “I’m proud of you son, and I’m glad you are okay. I don’t care what the government says. You and the people are worth saving.”



  “How does that connect the two panels and converter?” asks Matt.

  Bruce replies, “With these wires and cables.”

  “How’s it coming Matthew?” asks William.

  Matt stands up and says, “It’s coming along, I got most of it figured out now and think we will be able to setup the Big Club with full solar power.”

  “Excellent. Solar power is the best energy source we have now. Living in Florida will make it even easier to rely on the sunshine. Mother nature and the earth will show us the way and how to stay alive,” says William.

  Matt has been with The Warriors for about three days now. Bruce, William, Justin, and Jeremy have taught him a lot of useful tricks and tips with surviving in this world.

  “Matt, you coming to weapons training?” asks Kylie.

  Matt looks at Kylie with an annoyed look on his face and says, “I guess. I’ll try it again. You need to go easy on me though.”

  Kylie says, “No. You need to get better is all. Class starts in a couple of minutes.”

  William walks over to Matt and says, “Word of advice Matthew.”

  Matt looks at William.

  “Take weapons training seriously. The training may save your life one day and better yet, if your wife wants your there, you need to be there,” says William.

  Matt says, “Happy wife, happy life right.”

  “Indeed Matthew. That motto still works even in this new world of ours,” says William.

  Justin walks with Matt over to weapons class. The class is being held in the open courtyard at the center of the scho

  William walks over to Bruce and asks, “Is he understanding our ways Bruce?”

  “He’s getting there, but has much to learn,” replies Bruce.

  Matt runs over to the weapons class and gets in line with the other participants.

  “Nice for you to join us Matthew,” says the instructor.

  “For those who are new to my class. I am Li. I will be showing you how to use a variety of weapons, from the broadsword, to the hook swords, the bo staff, and the chain whip,” shouts Li.

  Matt, Kylie and the other members of the class break up into groups and work on technique, form, and angles.

  Kylie is getting pretty good with the bo staff and broadsword.

  Matt continues to struggle with finding the right weapon for him.

  Master Li walks over to Matt and asks, “What’s wrong Matthew? You look so unhappy today.”

  Matt replies, “I’m okay. I’m just suck with which weapon is right for me.”

  “You don’t have to be great with them, just learn the principles of how they work and how to use them. You will need to use weapons in this new world,” says Master Li.

  William sees that Bruce has his eye on Master Li, as Bruce has been watching her teach the class today and most days.

  “Are you ever going to ask her out Bruce?” asks William.

  Bruce replies, “What do you mean William?”

  “I see the way you look at Li. She is beautiful and single,” says William.

  Bruce says, “Yes. She is very beautiful.”

  William shouts, “Master Li. Bruce says that he would like a private weapons lesson, if you can find the time. “

  Bruce gets red in the face and is embarrassed.

  Master Li replies, “I’m free after this class. How about it Bruce?”

  William looks at Bruce.

  Bruce replies, “Sounds good. I’m looking forward to it.”

  The loud roar of a car engine is heard.

  Matt looks over towards the auto shop, which is at the far end of the school.

  Master Li says, “Okay class. Gather together. Good class today, and you are free to leave.”

  Kylie sees that Matt is intrigued by the auto shop and says, “Let’s go check out Tran and his cars.”

  Matt and Kylie walk across the courtyard and over to the automotive department.


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