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Maid to Order: A Catgirl Harem Adventure (Build-A-Catgirl Book 1)

Page 16

by Simon Archer

  “Great! Well, let’s move this party away from the noise,” Charlie said and waved to Leah.

  Leah turned to Ellie and Kennedi, tipped her head towards the casino doors, and the three of them passed us, walking into the casino.

  Two long hallways and one elevator ride later, we were all standing in the most luxurious penthouse I had ever seen. The walls were knockdown that had been painted a light beige color and had a hint of shine to them. The floor was dark hardwood and looked like it had never been walked on. The floor plan was open, which made the place look even bigger. More impressive than the carefully selected furniture or the newly updated kitchen, was the view. One entire wall of the place was floor-to-ceiling windows, and you could see the city lights of Elko for miles before they faded into blackness. I would have loved to see it during the day.

  “Please come in,” Charlie said casually as he moved further into the huge living room directly in front of us.

  “Yes, come in,” Leah echoed. She immediately pulled Kennedi and Ellie aside, and the three of them headed to the kitchen. I followed them with my eyes until they stopped to stand around one of the three prep islands there were.

  Charlie and I took seats opposite each other in low-back, overstuffed, leather chairs that faced the wall of windows.

  “This is nothing short of amazing,” I said, nodding toward the view.

  “Thank you, we enjoy it when we are here,” Charlie responded. He picked up what looked like a television remote that had been sitting on the edge of his chair and asked, “Scotch or microbrew for you?”

  “I’ll have what you are having,” I told him.

  Charlie held a button down on the remote and spoke into one end. “Two scotches, on the rocks, and a plate of lime almonds, please.” As he put the remote down, he said, “I don’t have occasion to use this thing much, so when I do, it feels a little awkward.” He held it up where I could get a good look at it and then set it back on the chair.

  “What exactly is it?” I asked.

  “A portable intercom, basically,” he answered. “Watch. On approximately thirty seconds, our CG will bring us what I just ordered.”

  True to his word, less than a minute later, we’d had our drinks and snacks delivered by a cat girl with dark red hair, pale skin, and a black tail.

  As I watched her leave, Charlie said, “Leah hates that she is so subservient, but if she isn’t being told to do something for us, she gets all mopey.” He shrugged his shoulders and added, “So, I ask her for things a few times per day so that she doesn’t look miserable all the time.”

  “She can’t be reprogrammed?” I asked him.

  “We did have her reprogrammed once, but the first time she updated, she went back to acting like a servant,” Charlie said. “As I said before, she was an Omnicorp gift, and apparently they think we need someone to wipe our asses all day long.” He sighed.

  I let out a light laugh. “When Leah will allow them to break away, I’ll introduce you to Ellie. We just built her today. Kennedi’s had a lot more time with her than I have so far, but it’ll be interesting to see how it works out having two CGs. A week ago, I wouldn’t have dreamed of ever having one, nevermind having two!” I laughed some more.

  “What is her ability?” Charlie asked after taking a slow sip of his scotch and popping an almond in his mouth.

  “She has continuous connectivity and wifi repair capabilities. Kennedi insisted on that particular skill, although I’m still not sure as to why,” I told him. I saw his eyebrows lower slightly and followed up. “We have instructed her not to connect to any outside networks, though. She won’t be using your wifi, or updating, while we are here.”

  “I see.” Charlie sat forward in his chair and gave me an intense gaze. “Has Kennedi mentioned the uploads that can happen when an update occurs?” he asked me very seriously.

  “Yes, she has. We’ve been very careful so far. We’ve had her less than a day, so any information she uploads would be useless at this point,” I answered.

  “Leah and I have talked about how to keep ours, her name is Macy, from updating, but even if we tell her not to, she’ll skip one day and update the next,” Charlie told me. “We’ve resorted to only having her around minimally. She spends the day with any maintenance or house help we have come in. For example, tonight, she’s been helping our private chef, Cora, prepare dinner.”

  “I found out less than a couple hours ago that you have to repeat the command to not upgrade every twenty-four hours, and it has to be accompanied by a reason the CG accepts as plausible,” I informed him, repeating what Kennedi had told Theo and me.

  “Oh, alright. That makes more sense now,” Charlie said, almost to himself.

  I took the brief moment that Charlie was lost in thought to take a drink of my own scotch. The liquid went down with a smoothness that could only mean it was a Johnny Walker Gold Label Reserve. I decided to try one of the lime almonds, as well. They were much better than they sounded initially. They tasted like they had been soaked in lime, salted and roasted so that the lime flavor became light and refreshing instead of sour as I’d expected.

  I finished chewing my almond and washed it down with another sip of scotch. Charlie was watching me, waiting for me to finish before he asked, “Aside from CGs, the Platform, and fixing farm equipment, what else have you found to occupy your time in Elko?”

  “You’ve pretty much said it all. I’ve spent a little time training with Sally from the Army Surplus, but otherwise, I haven’t been here long enough to really take time to see the sights,” I answered him.

  He nodded as though he understood where I was coming from. “I’ve met Sally. I like her no-bullshit attitude. I heard she’d been on the Platform from here and there, but I’ve never heard it from her directly,” Charlie said in a slightly prodding manner.

  Sally’s story was not mine to tell, so I chose to alter the course of our conversation. “She is certainly bullshit-free, I’ll agree with you on that. She came to my last match briefly. I’m not sure she’ll come to the next one. Say, you and Leah will be there, isn’t that what you told me?” I asked in a nondescript attempt to change the subject.

  “Yes, we will be there. Speaking of, Leah was hoping to have Kennedi up to our skybox with us. Would that be ok with you?” Charlie followed suit and changed the topic.

  “I think Kennedi would love that, but I really need her watching after Ellie for a little while,” I said, disappointed because I knew Kennedi really would enjoy herself with Leah.

  “Have her bring Ellie with her. It’s not like we don’t have room,” Charlie said as though I should’ve known the invite would be extended.

  “Charlie, I think you just made Kennedi the happiest cat girl on earth,” I told him jokingly.

  “Excuse me, sir,” a small voice said from behind us. Charlie and I were both startled as we had not seen Macy approach us. “Dinner is ready to be served, sir.” She was barely speaking above a whisper but looked happy to be bringing us the notification.

  “Thank you, Macy,” Charlie said. “Please tell Cora to plate in five minutes. We will be settled in by then.”

  “Yes, sir.” Macy hurried silently away.

  “Well, Clark, let’s go get the women and start this party,” he said jovially as he stood up. I followed suit. “I hope you don’t mind, but we opted for our chef tonight because Omnicorp has been everywhere else we’ve gone. I don’t think they need to be part of our having a relaxing meal.” He let out a chuckle.

  “You’re a smart man, Mister Lindy,” I replied, amused at his attitude.

  We walked over to where Leah, Kennedi, and Ellie were sitting, gabbing away like they’d all known each other for years but just recently reconnected.

  “Ladies, allow us to seat you for dinner?” Charlie said, addressing the three of them.

  “Oh good, it’s time to eat!” Leah said, hopping up out of her chair. She waited for Kennedi and Ellie to get to their feet before leading all of us
to the dining area just left of the kitchen.

  The table was set as fancy as I’d ever seen at even a five-star restaurant. The china was bright white with blue and silver flowers around the edges, and the flatware shone like it had just been polished. Each setting had a water glass and wine glass, both pre-filled. A fresh bouquet of trimmed yellow orchids sat in a low vase in the center of the table and was surrounded with miniature white votive candles that had already been lit. The lighting surrounding the table was dimmer than the rest of the penthouse and lent itself to a relaxing vibe. The more I saw of Charlie and Leah’s home, the more I admired their good taste.

  Just after we were all seated, Macy brought out salads and silently placed them before us. I looked up to see Kennedi and Ellie’s reaction. Leah saw my glance and said, “No worries, Clark. I already told them about Macy.”

  “Ok, I appreciate that, Leah,” I said.

  The five of us started eating. After the salads, we were brought cornbread-and-bacon-stuffed pork chops and blanched asparagus. If I never ate anything else again, I would be happy living off those pork chops. It’s the only time I’d ever seen cheddar cheese used in a stuffing, and the meat practically fell apart, it was so tender.

  The conversation during dinner covered everything from career paths to travel plans for the future. Charlie and Leah entertained us with stories of their beginnings in the casino industry. I told them about some of the more unusual customs I’d run into in my travels, and Kennedi talked about the crazy stories she heard people tell when they brought random items into the pawnshop she’d been held at. The laughter flowed, and I felt any stress I’d been holding onto melt away.

  Once our main course was finished, Macy brought coffee for Leah, Kennedi, and Ellie but set down scotch in front of Charlie and me. She showed up just a minute later with piping hot miniature molten lava cakes that were so delicious that a word wasn’t spoken until all five of them were devoured.

  “That was amazing,” I said, completely stuffed and feeling that familiar after-a-perfect-meal relaxation wash over me.

  “I’ll be sure to tell Cora,” he responded, smiling.

  Ellie looked at Leah and asked, “What made you select these food items for our meal tonight?” She had managed to grab everyone’s attention with such an odd question.

  Leah sat back with a thoughtful look for a moment before replying. “Charlie and I are meat-lovers to start with. Secondly, we often eat out on business, which, after a bit of time, becomes an endless number of fancy steak and seafood meals. Lastly, we both grew up in the Midwest where home-cooked meals were a daily occurrence so, when we have the chance, we revert to our roots and pull out our grandmothers’ cookbooks,” she told Ellie, speaking to her as if she was the only person in the room.

  I realized that was one of the traits that Leah had that not many people do: Her ability to be completely present with the person she is talking to. She could make anyone feel like they were the most important person on earth just by talking to them.

  “I believe I would like to learn how to cook,” Ellie followed up. “Everyone seems so happy when they are eating, why not keep them happy?” Her expression was sincere and delighted, and I found myself relieved to have her fitting in so well.

  “I will set up lessons with Cora for you if you’d like to learn manually instead of digitally. She’s an excellent teacher and would be at your disposal while you are in town,” Leah offered generously.

  “You are ridiculously kind!” Ellie exclaimed. “That would be wonderful!”

  Leah, as well as the rest of us, laughed at Ellie’s choice of words. “I’ll speak to her tomorrow morning and get back to you with some available times. She will insist that you not share her recipes with anyone else, though.” Leah told Ellie, who was grinning from ear to ear.

  “Of course. I never share data of any kind,” Ellie said matter-of-factly.

  Leah, Charlie, Kennedi, and I each looked from one to the next.

  “You don’t?” Kennedi asked Ellie, sounding overly cautious as to where the conversation was going.

  “No. I stream data in, not out.” Ellie didn’t seem to notice the hush that had fallen over the table.

  “But I was under the impression that all--” Charlie started but was cut off by his wife.

  “That’s a great thing to be able to do, Ellie. Endless knowledge!” Leah said a touch louder than Charlie had been speaking. She looked over at her husband and laid her hand on top of his to indicate she hadn’t meant to be rude but wanted to cut off the conversational path. She quickly changed the topic back to cooking lessons.

  After our drinks were finished and a few more stories had been shared, I noticed the time. It was after eleven, and we still had a half-hour ride before we’d get back to the loft. I decided it was time to wrap up what had turned out to be an amazing evening with fascinating people.

  “Well, Charlie, Leah,” I looked from one to the other, “I believe it is time we let you two to the rest of your late evening. This has been perfect.”

  “We will most certainly do this again,” Charlie said, standing up. “And soon.”

  “I will certainly look forward to it,” Kennedi chimed in.

  Leah, Kennedi, and Ellie got up and gathered around one end of the table to say their goodbyes while Charlie and I shook hands at the other end.

  “You know, Clark,” Charlie started, a note of seriousness in his voice. “I don’t ever discuss business over dinner at my home. That is why I’m certain we need to meet for lunch soon. I don’t know if you are open to trying your hand in the casino industry, but if you are, I’d like for you to check it out. You are someone I could see myself working with.”

  Of all the things that I could have imagined him saying to me, that hadn’t been one of them. I felt as though somehow, my life path just took another turn.

  “Sure thing, Charlie. I’d be happy to hear what you’ve got to say,” I replied.

  “Great! We’ll all be in touch soon then!” Charlie said jovially as we all walked to the front door. A couple of parting words at the door, then Kennedi, Ellie, and I were on our way back to Theo’s house.


  I woke up at eight o’clock the next morning feeling like a new person. It was more than just getting plenty of sleep that was the cause, however. It was spending the evening with friends. I often forgot how important it is to have a comfortable social circle. It’s like therapy you don’t have to seek, pay for, or admit to needing. I felt like Charlie, Leah, and I would be good friends for a long time to come.

  Theo had lent me a camping cot he’d had stored away to use for Ellie until we got her something better. He’d set it up in the loft while we were at dinner the night before. The cot was empty now, and Kennedi was gone too. I took my time getting up and dressed. Regardless of being early, the air was already heating up, and I had asked Sally to come to help me start training for my next match today. She said she would be at the house at nine o’clock.

  Just as I was pulling a t-shirt over my head, the loft ladder started rattling. I looked over just as Ellie’s head popped up over the edge. “Good morning,” she smiled and greeted me as she stepped into the loft.

  “Good morning, Ellie,” I said.

  She walked in front of the window and looked out. The sunlight streaming through the window shone on her hair. It looked like spun gold as she flipped it behind her when she turned around. With the window now behind her, the light outlined the curves of her athletic body. I couldn’t help but admire the extremely low-cut top she had on, paired with jean shorts that barely covered her ass. As she walked back over to me, I took a long look up and down her. The way her hips swayed when she walked and those legs of hers caused a reaction in the jeans I’d just put on. She walked right up to me and put both her hands on my chest and slowly rubbed them up, over my shoulders, and behind my neck. She pressed her entire body against mine and looked into my eyes.

  “May I ask you a question?” she whispere
d and then bit her bottom lip just a little while she waited for my response. My focus had been on my now-hard dick pushing against my jeans, wanting to be released. I cleared my throat as I slid my hands down her sides and around her waist.

  “Of course,” I said, my voice was raspier than I’d expected. “What would you like to know?”

  She pulled me in even closer and put her soft, pink lips on my ear and whispered, “I would like to know what you were fantasizing about doing to me last night and what those things would feel like.”

  I swallowed hard as the heat from her breath, and her question made my dick push out against her even harder. She leaned back and looked into my eyes again.

  “I am happy to answer that for you,” I said and slid my hands down to cup her firm, round ass. I pulled her hips even tighter against my crotch. “Do you feel that?”

  “Mmmmhmmm,” she moaned and slid her hands back down my chest and to my waist. She slipped her hands under the bottom of my t-shirt and tucked her fingers just inside the waistband of my jeans. Her hands slowly traced the edge of my jeans, across my abs and around my waist, causing me to shudder with anticipation. “Yes, I feel that.”

  “Close your eyes,” I instructed as I rubbed my hands up the curves of her body until they were just under her arms. When I saw that she had closed her eyes, I slid my hands around her tits and tucked my fingers inside her top. When the backs of my fingers brushed lightly across her nipples, she sucked in a sharp breath, tipped her head back, and gripped my jeans. “What do you feel now?”

  She tipped her head down again, her eyes still closed. “I feel your hands on my breasts.” She could barely get the words out through the shudders my fingers were causing her to have. She let go of my jeans and lightly slid her hands up under my shirt and around to my back. She started tracing my muscles, using her nails with a feather-light touch. My cock responded by pushing hard against my jeans again.


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