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Death to Tyrants! Page 42

by Teegarden, David

  Kallimedon, 111n57

  Kalymna, 7, 35n39, 202n63, 212

  Karia, 4n8, 142n1, 165n60, 167n67, 168n69, 212

  Karystos, 58, 74n45

  Keos, 35n39

  Kephallenia, 83n59

  Kephisophon, 58

  king/tyrant, dēmos personified as, 106–9, 107

  King’s Peace, 141, 142n1, 156, 173

  kingships: first half of seventh century, 224; second half of seventh century, 225–26; first half of sixth century, 227; second half of sixth century, 228; first half of fifth century, 230; first half of fourth century, 234; second half of fifth century, 232; second half of fourth century, 236; overall chart of, 223f. See also specific cities

  Kissos, 170, 171n81

  Klazomenai, 18n8, 143n2

  Klearchos, 202

  Kleigenes, 30n31, 31

  Kleitarchos, 57, 58n4, 61, 66, 67, 79, 82, 211

  Knidos, battle of, 142n1, 155–56

  Knoepfler, Denis, 57n1, 59, 61–62, 66n23, 72–73, 74n46, 79, 81n55, 91, 111, 185

  Koch, Christian, 183n15, 184nn18–19, 189, 190n33, 191–92nn37–38

  Kolonos, 20, 24n21, 99

  Kolophon, 124t, 166, 167, 168

  Konon, 73n41, 142n1, 155–56

  Korinth, 8n18, 48, 83n59, 206n74

  Korinthian League, 82n58, 85, 88n8, 91, 102, 115n1, 120, 121, 122, 123n17, 124t, 125tnd

  Korkyra, 83n59

  Korykos, 170

  Kos, 35n39, 125t, 170n76

  Kouroupedion, battle of, 6, 154, 161–63, 201–2, 205, 208

  Krates, 82n57

  Krenidean mining communities (Philippoi), 83–84n61

  Krentz, Peter, 16nn3–4

  Kritias, 3n7, 16, 145n8, 195n46

  Kritios and Nesiotes statue group, 33, 34n35, 45, 144, 145

  Ktesiphon, 92n18

  Kuran, Timur, 18, 21–24, 28, 29n27, 105

  Kyme, 167, 168

  Kyrene, 35n39

  Kyzikos, 35n39, 144–45, 155

  Lakedaimonians. See Sparta

  Lamian war, 82n57, 102

  Lampsakos, 167, 168, 171n82, 205n71

  law, rule of, 91, 108

  laws versus decrees in Athens, 93

  Lebedev, A., 212

  Lebedos (Ptolemais), 165n60, 166, 167, 168n69

  “legal” coups, Eretrian efforts prevent, 75–77

  Leokrates, Lykourgos’s speech against, 29, 30n30, 52n73, 95–98, 99, 105, 146n11, 149, 171, 196n48

  Lesbos, 18n8, 125t, 212

  Leukas, 83n59

  Leuktra, battle of, 66n24

  Libya, 165n60

  Livy, 74n45, 170, 171nn81–82, 196n48

  Lohmann, Susanne, 29n27

  Lokrian maidens, tribute of, 209n80

  Lucian, Demosthenis Encomium, 102

  Lycia, 165n60

  Lydia, 125tnc, 169n71, 170n80

  Lykaonia, 125t

  Lykourgos, Against Leokrates, 29, 30n30, 52n73, 95–98, 99, 105, 146n11, 149, 171, 196n48

  Lysander, 15, 142n1

  Lysias, 15nn1–2, 29n29, 44, 210n86

  Lysimachos: battle of Ipsos and aftermath, 151n22, 153, 154, 159–63, 201–2n61, 208; battle of Kouroupedion, defeat at, 6, 154, 161–63, 201–2, 205, 208; Erythrai and, 151n22, 153; exiles of Priene and, 210n86; Ilion and, 199–202, 204, 205, 208, 210n86; Kouroupedion, battle of, 6; oligarchy supported by, 133; Prepelaos and, 157n37, 160, 201

  Macedon: Asia Minor, conquest of, 122–27, 124–25t, 140–41, 142, 145n5, 153, 154, 157–58, 163n55, 174, 211, 213; Demosthenes on Philip II and pro-Macedonian regimes, 57n1, 58, 59n5, 60n10, 67n30, 68–70, 79n54, 81n56, 82, 84n62, 108, 111n57; Eretria, pro-Macedonian coup in, 57–58, 68–70; Eretrian overthrow of Macedonian invasion and alliance with Athens, 57–60. See also Alexander the Great; Philip II; other specific rulers

  Machanidas, 8, 220n5

  Maffi, Alberto, 184n19, 188n29, 189–90nn31–33, 190–91n36

  Magie, David, 160n46, 166, 168

  Magnesia, 19, 170n80

  Magnesia-by-Sipylos, 35n39, 165

  Magnesia on Meander, 166, 168n69, 205n71

  Magnesian soldiers, oath taken by, 166n62

  Mallos, 126n19, 141n34

  Malousios of Gargara, 174n5

  Mania, 173

  Mantinea, battle of, 220n5

  Mantineians, 8n18

  Margos of Karuneia, 273n5

  Maussollos of Karia, 142n1, 145n7

  McShane, Roger B., 168

  Megalopolis, 128

  Megara, 2n2, 35n39, 83n59, 95, 111n57, 210n86, 5878n49

  Meidias, 108, 173

  Meleager, 208

  Meleagros, 134n28

  Memnon, 123n17, 124t, 125t, 126n17, 158n40, 173n2

  memory sanction (damnatio memoriae), 196–97, 203–4, 211

  Menelaos son of Arrabaios, 174n3

  Menestratos (autocrat of Eritrea), 66

  Menestratos of Axione, 87

  Menippos, 57

  Mentor, 173n2

  mercenaries: democratic forces hiring, 210n86; rewarded for overthrow of tyrant, in Ilian tyrant-killing law, 184, 185, 186, 203; tyrants hiring, 205–6

  Merkelbach, Reinhold, 147–48, 154

  Messana, 128

  Messene, 91

  Messenians, Demosthenes’ speech to, 69n33

  Metapontion, 73n41

  Methymna, 129n22

  Miletos, 5n11, 18n8, 73n42, 120, 121, 124t, 125t, 140n33, 160, 165, 166, 168n69, 169n72, 170n77, 185, 206n74

  Mnesias of Argos, 83n59

  Mounichia, battle of, 16, 27

  Mounichia, theater of Dionysos near, 27, 37, 42

  Mylasa, 7, 166n63, 212

  Myous, 205n71

  Myrina, 167, 204n69

  Myrseloi, 125tne

  Mytilene, 35n39, 119n6, 125t, 126, 141n35, 190n35

  Nabis, 205, 206

  Nasos, 121n9, 212–13n88

  Naulochos, 125tne

  Naupaktos, 35n39

  Nesiotes. See Kritios and Nesiotes statue group

  Nielsen, Thomas Heine, 2, 3, 221

  Nikagoras, 125tnd

  Nikokles, 8, 206, 211, 219n5

  Nikomachos, 59n5

  Nisyros, 7, 202, 212

  nomothesia procedure and law of Eukrates, 93–95, 99

  oaths: all citizens of polis taking, 35; amnesty oath after fall of Thirty Tyrants, 35n39, 47–50; Athenian use of, 34–35; bouleutic oath, 42, 43; Four Hundred, oath of troupes at Piraeus against, 25n21, 26; heliastic oath, 42; of Magnesian soldiers, 166n62; Sparta, Athenian oath of surrender to, 35n39. See also Demophantos, decree of

  Ober, Josiah, 96–97, 98, 148–49, 209n84

  Olbia, 7, 212

  Old Oligarch, 1n1, 3, 4, 216n1

  oligarchies: first half of seventh century, 224; second half of seventh century, 225; first half of sixth century, 226; second half of sixth century, 228; first half of fifth century, 229; first half of fourth century, 233; second half of fifth century, 231; second half of fourth century, 235; overall chart of, 223f. See also specific cities

  Olynthos, 68, 69, 90n13

  Oreos, 27n25, 57, 58, 59–60n9, 59n5, 68nn32–33, 69, 70, 81n56, 173n3

  Osborne, Robin, 116, 123, 130, 135

  Ostwald, Martin, 51, 61n14

  Oxyrhynchos Historian, 73–74n43

  Palaigambrion, 204

  Pamphilia, 125t

  Panathenaia, 32, 44, 45, 209n81, 210n85

  Paphlagonia, 125t

  Parmenion, 57, 124t, 125tna, 141n34

  Parthenon, Athens, 208–9

  Patrokleides, decree of, 35n39, 48

  Pausanias (geographer and writer), 16n3, 34n35, 74n45, 89, 140, 153n27, 155n32, 204n70

  Pausanias (Spartan king), 16

  Pedieis, 125tne

  Peisandros, 19, 20, 24n21, 76

  Peisistratidai stele, 42n52, 105n44

  Peisistratos, 43, 164n56, 196n48

  Pellene, 91

  Peloponnesian War, 3n7, 6n16, 15, 83, 96, 142n1, 219

  Pergamum, 167, 168n70,
204nn69–70, 208n79

  Periandros, 206n74

  Perillos, 76n49

  Persians: Asia Minor, Macedonian conquest of, 122–27, 124–25t, 140–41, 142, 145n5, 153, 154, 157–58, 163n55, 174, 211, 213; coup of the Four Hundred and, 18–19, 20, 24; Ilion as part of Persian empire, 173. See also specific Persian rulers

  Petra, 208

  Petrakos, V., 61

  Phanes, 157, 197n52

  Philetaereia, 203n66

  Philetairos, 204, 205

  Philip II of Macedon: Asia Minor, Macedonian conquest of, 122; assassination of, 90, 122, 124t; dēmos personified as king on law of Eukrates stele and, 106, 108; invasion of Euboia, 57–58; Korinthian League, founding of, 85n2; Krenidean mining communities (Philippoi) and, 83–84n61; letter to the Euboians, 60n10; threat to Greek democracy posed by, 7, 67, 83–84; typical pro-Macedonian coup instigated by, 68–70; tyrannical threat from Athenian dependency on Macedonian goodwill and, 89–90. See also Chaironeia, battle of

  Philip III Arrhidaios, 115, 132, 137

  Philip V, 168n69, 196n48

  Philippoi (Krenidean mining communities), 83–84n61

  Philippides, Hypereides’ speech against, 53n75, 89–90, 92, 109

  Philistides, 57

  Philites statue and stele, Erythrai, 6, 142–72; Alexandrian conquest of Asia Minor and, 142, 145n5, 153, 154, 157–58, 163n55; common knowledge generated by, 171–72; dating issues, 7, 153–54; erection of statue, 158; Eretrian tyrant-killing law compared to, 78n52; historical context, 142, 144–47; Ipsos, oligarchic control of city after battle of, 159–61; Kouroupedion, democratic control of city after battle of, 161–63; maintenance and crowning of statue, 144, 145, 146, 151, 152, 161–64; political status quo in Erythrai after reestablishment of democracy, 164–71; pre-Alexandrian scenarios for, 153–57; reasons for oligarchic/democratic manipulation of statue, 147–53; rewards for tyrant-killers and, 73n41, 152; sword, removal and replacement of, 144–46, 150, 152, 159–61; text on stele and translation, 143–44

  Philochoros fragment, 59n5

  Philopoimen, 8, 219–20n5

  Philostratos, 44

  Philoxenos, 82n57

  Phleious, 59

  Phoenicia, 165n60

  Phokaia, 157, 167, 168

  Phokion, 59, 101, 102

  Phokis, 68

  Phrygia, 125t, 173n2, 205

  Phrynichos (archon), 87, 88n8, 89

  Phrynichos (Four Hundred member), 17, 25n21, 26–30, 36n43, 37n45, 39–40, 42, 95–96, 105n44, 198n54

  Phyle, 15, 16n4, 44

  the Piraeus, 16, 25n21, 26–28, 42, 72n39, 87, 88n7, 91, 100, 111, 170n78

  Pistorius, Hans, 123n17

  Pitane, 125tna, 168n70

  Plato: Leges, 47n63, 152n23; Respublica, 108n50, 209n76

  Platonic Seventh Letter, 48

  Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 34n35, 140

  Ploutarchos, 58n4, 60, 66, 67nn29–30, 79

  pluralistic ignorance, 23, 24, 28, 40, 151


  Moralia, 16n3, 210n86

  Vitae decem oratum, 30n29, 105n44

  Vitae Parallelae: Alexander, 140, 158, 174n4; Aratos, 8, 44, 153n24, 190n35, 206, 210n86, 211, 219n5; Demetrios, 160n48; Demosthenes, 89n12, 90, 100n34; Philopoimen, 8n20, 220n5; Phokion, 58n4, 101, 111n56; Timoleon, 8, 128, 219n4

  Pnyx, Athens, 20, 27, 92n18, 110

  Politics (Aristotle), 3, 8, 10n22, 92n19, 106, 108n48, 164n56, 188

  Polyainos, 124t

  Polybios, 8, 128, 166, 167, 168, 170n80, 171, 205, 205n73, 206, 219–20n5

  Pontos, 124t

  Porthmos, 57, 61n16, 74n46

  Prepelaos, 157n37, 160, 201

  Priapos, 166n64

  Priene, 7, 124t, 125tne, 126, 153, 160, 166, 170n77, 210n86, 211, 212

  private and public preferences regarding regime in power, 22–24

  prize amphoras depicting Harmodios and Aristogeiton, 45, 46

  proedria, 45, 73, 87, 92, 112, 179, 184

  Proxenos, 101

  Prytneion decree, 34nn35–36

  Ptoiodoros, 76n49

  Ptolemais (Lebedos), 165n60, 166, 167, 168n69

  Ptolemy I Epigonos, 165n60

  Ptolemy II, 165n57, 165n60, 166

  Ptolemy III, 165n60, 166

  Ptolemy IV, 208n79

  public and private preferences regarding regime in power, 22–24

  punishment of Agonippos and Eurysilaos, in Eresos anti-tyranny dossier, 128

  punishments for actions committed during overthrow of democracy, in Ilian tyrant-killing law, 187–97, 213; capital trials lodged by magistrates, 193–95, 206–7; financial or economic abuses, 187–91, 206; indictments lodged by lay accusers, 191–93, 206; participation in anti-democratic coup in any capacity, 195–97; sham elections, 195, 207

  purity and guiltlessness of tyrannicide, 31–32, 64, 73n42, 185n24

  Pythes, 160

  Q. Curtius Rufius, 122n13, 125t, 129n22

  regime types, number and distribution of, 221–36; first half of seventh century, 222–24; second half of seventh century, 225–26; first half of sixth century, 226–27; second half of sixth century, 227–29; first half of fifth century, 229–30; first half of fourth century, 232–34; second half of fifth century, 230–32; second half of fourth century, 235–36; overall chart of, 223f

  revolutionary action theory. See collective action, modern theories of

  rewards for those contributing to overthrow of non-democratic regime: in Ilian tyrant-killing law, 197–99; Phanes, honors for, in Erythrai, 157, 197n52; Thirty Tyrants and Four Hundred, problems honoring those involved in overthrow of, 198

  rewards for tyrant-killers, 9–10; ateleia, 45, 98; cash payments, 73, 112, 183, 184n18, 185, 186, 187; children, provision for, 31, 34, 41, 63, 72, 112, 185n24, 186, 187; daily stipend, in Ilian tyrant-killing law, 183–84, 185; in decree of Demophantos, 32–34, 39–40, 41, 73n42; in Eretrian tyrant-killing law, 71–73, 111–12, 185; in Ilian tyrant-killing law, 73nn41–42, 183–87; law of Eukrates lacking, 111–12; noncitizens, incentivization of, 72, 73, 184, 185, 186; Philites stele and statue, Erythrai, 73n41, 152; proedria, 45, 73, 87, 92, 112, 179, 184; sale of tyrant’s property and reward of one-half to tyrannicide, 34, 41, 72, 187; sitēsis, 34, 39, 45, 72, 90n15, 112, 179, 184, 186n24. See also statues of tyrannicides

  rewards for tyrant’s own soldiers, in Ilian tyrant-killing law, 184, 185, 186, 203

  Rhodes, 72n39, 73, 156, 170n79, 210n86

  Rhodes, P. J., 116, 123, 130, 135

  Roman-Syrian War, 170

  Romans, in Erythrai, 170–71

  rule of law, 91, 108

  Salamis, battle of, 96

  sale of tyrant’s property and reward of one-half to tyrannicide, 34, 41, 72, 187

  Samos, 18–19, 24n21, 25, 26, 30, 86, 160n47, 165n60, 166, 168n69, 203

  Samothrace, 208n79

  Sardeis, 18, 124t, 125tnc, 167, 204n70

  Scholia Aischines, 59

  Scholia Demosthenes, 79n54, 669n29–30

  Schwenck, Cynthia, 103–4

  Sealey, Raphael, 57n1, 81n56

  Second Athenian League, 66

  Second Syrian War, 165nn59–61

  Seleukeia, 161n50

  Seleukos I, 6, 34n35, 140, 157n37, 160n46, 161, 183n15, 200, 201

  Seleukos II, 165–67, 169, 202, 204

  Seltman, C., 140

  Selymbria, 35n39

  Seventh Letter, 48

  Shefton, B. B., 145

  ship-mounted catapults, 59

  Sigeion, 174n3

  Sikyon, 8, 82n57, 91, 190n35, 206, 210n86, 211, 219n5

  sitēsis, 34, 39, 45, 72, 90n15, 112, 179, 184, 186n24

  Skiathos, 58

  slaves: Eretrian tyrant-killing law incentivizing, 72, 73, 184; Hypereides’ proposal to enfranchise, 88n7; at Piraeus uprising against Four Hundred, 72n39

  Smyrna, 35n39, 79n53, 151n22, 165–66, 168–69, 171n82, 205n71

  Social War, 120n7, 158n38

  Sokrates, 57

Solon’s laws, 35

  Soteria festival, Priene, 212

  spark plus bandwagon dynamic. See bandwagoning

  Sparta: Athenian oath of surrender to, 35n39; coup of the Four Hundred and, 18, 19, 24, 26, 30; decarchies in Asia Minor established by, 142n1; Dekeleia, occupation of, 37n45, 40, 96; Ilion under, 173; invaded by Eretria, 66n24; Knidos, battle of, 142n1, 155–56; Macedonian conquest of Asia Minor and, 126n18; Machanidas, tyranny of, 8, 220n5; Peloponnesian War, 3n7, 6n16, 15, 83, 96, 142n1, 219; Thirty Tyrants and, 44n58; viability of Greek democracy and hegemony of, 6–7n16, 15. See also Lysimachos

  statues of Eponymous Heroes, Athens, 94

  statues of Konon, 155–56

  statues of tyrannicides: Aratos, in Sikyon, 8; decree of Demophantos pledging, 34, 41; Eretrian tyrant-killing law pledging, 63, 73, 112; Harmodios and Aristogeiton, in Athens, 7, 33, 34n35, 39, 45, 73n41, 129, 140, 144–46; Ilian tyrant-killing law pledging, 183, 184; Philopoimen of Achaea, in Delphi, 8; as well-established reward, 8, 73n41. See also Philites statue and stele, Erythrai statues of tyrants, treatment of, 146n11, 153n24

  stelai, use of, 105, 134n28

  Strabo, 58n3, 70n38, 173, 174n4, 201n59, 204n70, 205n72

  Studia Troica, 199

  synedrion of Korinthian League, 85n2, 121, 122

  Syracuse, 7n16, 8, 98, 219n4

  Syria, 165n60, 166

  Syrian Wars, 165–67, 169, 170

  Tauric Chersonese, 35n39

  Taurosthenes, 58n4

  Taylor, M. C., 16n4, 24–25n21

  Tegea, 35n39

  Teisamenos, decree of, 104

  Temnos, 167, 168

  Tenedos, 119n6, 125t

  Teos, 35n39, 151n22, 160n47, 166, 167, 168

  Teuthrania, 204n69

  Tharsynon, 160

  Thasos, 35n39, 72, 73n42, 185

  Thebes, 15, 58, 66nn24–25, 67n30, 74, 83n59, 90nn15–16, 121, 141n34, 217

  Themison, 66, 67n30

  Themistocles, 205n71

  Theophrastus, Characters, 106n46

  Theozotides, decree of, 34n37

  Thera, 35n39

  Theramenes, 27

  thesmos, 88n10

  Thessaly and Thessalians, 59, 68

  thetes, 25

  Third Syrian War, 165, 166–67, 169

  Thirty Tyrants, 15–16; amnesty oath after fall of, 35n39, 47–50; Attic Stelai recording sale of property of, 105; Eleusinians, massacre of, 194–95n46; funds provided by Lysias to overthrow, 210n86; interest in Harmodios and Aristogeiton after fall of, 44–47, 46; Kritias, 3n7, 16, 145n8, 195n46; oath of Demophantos and mobilization against, 43–52, 216–17; problems honoring those involved in overthrow of, 198; rigged selection to boule and, 207n77; Theozitides, decree of, 34n37

  Thoas, 57


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