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Page 12

by Dee Dawning

  Mysta said, "So the rumors about the Babylon are true."

  "I don't know what the rumors are, but there're a lot of women there that are being held against their will. What can I do to get away from those men?"

  Just then, the large blond bouncer from the entrance slipped past the curtain. "What the fuck is going on? The stage has been empty for five minutes." He grasped Mallory's arm. "Finished getting undressed. I want to see your naked titties and ass out there in sixty seconds." Shoving her into Mysta, he scowled. "You too." And slipped out.

  ~* *~

  Sgt. Carboni and Goodwin stepped inside Chaz's and stared at the wide backs of the five hoodlums who preceded them. They were looking for Mallory, but he doubted they knew she was a woman. There was a tug on his jacket sleeve and he turned.

  A large blond guy sporting a van dyke beard and about a dozen visible tattoos tugged at the sleeve of his suit, and said, "That'll be forty bucks sir."

  Carboni gazed skeptically at the man who stuck his left thumb up, raising his arm in a gesture, which drew his gaze to a sign—Un-cover Charge—Twenty Dollars. He started to pull out his badge, but decided against it. He glanced at Goodwin, presently preoccupied with the T & A gyrating on the stage. Hoping to get his twenty bucks, he tugged at his sleeve and got his attention. "Twenty buck cover charge, John."

  Goodwin whispered back. "Shit we left in such a hurry. I left my money clip at Kelsey's. Why don't you just badge him?"

  "I don't want to announce our presence." Frowning, he pulled out his wallet and handed the guy, who probably doubled as a bouncer, forty bucks. With his and Goodwin's handstamped with a red silhouette of a woman. Carboni looked at back at the guy. "What about them?" He hitched his chin toward the gang of five.

  The guy smiled and shrugged, "You ask them. Besides, they're from the Babylon. Same ownership. That stamp is good for twenty-four hours, so if you want to come back tonight it's free. Bring your friend, he's free, too."

  "Thanks. Now to get through this beefcake." Carboni nodded at the group still blocking the entrance. "Excuse me. We'd like to get through. Excuse me."

  The motley bunch stared at the interlopers and glared as Carboni and Goodwin eased past them. The officers headed for the bar and stood, backs to the bar, facing the stage, trying to decide what to do next.

  "What'll you have?"

  Carboni looked over his shoulder at the bartender. "Coffee with cream."

  "She's off tonight."

  Carboni looked sternly at the smiling bartender.

  The smile faded. "Sorry, bad joke. One coffee with cream coming up. How 'bout you champ?"

  Goodwin answered. "I'll have coffee too—black."

  Ten seconds later, he was back. "That'll be twelve-fifty."

  "Man, you guys are brutal. It just cost me twenty bucks to walk in the door."

  "I don't set the prices sir. I know these girls make a lot of money, but where else are you going to go and see beautiful naked pussy?"

  "He's got a point." Agreed Goodwin.

  "Maybe. I'm going to mosey around. You stay here, keep an eye out for our girl and come to my aid if I need it."

  ~* *~

  Mallory was incredulous. "I can't walk out there naked. I'm just not built that way."

  Candy had Mallory down to her panties and bra, "I don't see where you have a choice. Look, you say you're a model. There's a runway out there. Pretend you're modeling, only you are modeling yourself. Believe me, with your looks and body, you'll have those guys creamin' in their jeans."

  "That's what I'm worried about. Do I have to take everything off?"

  Mysta took Mallory's bra off and Candy dragged her last piece of clothing—her panties—off. "Except for shoes. This is an all nude cabaret. Now, we need to find you some heels. What size do you wear?"

  "Seven and a half."

  "Fine, my shoes will work." Candy put her arm against Mallory for balance and pulled her six-inch purple platforms off, then bent down and placed them on Mallory's feet. "Boy. You have a great pair of legs, honey"

  "So I've been told."

  Mysta said, "Here's a nice purple wig I use sometimes. It'll give you a degree of anonymity." She placed the wig over Mallory's blonde hair. She kissed her on the cheek and whispered, "Good luck. I'll call the cops while you're performing."

  After a swift shove in the back Mallory found herself, totally exposed, face to face with a score of hungry, longing gash hounds.

  Chapter Fifteen

  On the way down, Drew had Jamal stop the elevator for a couple of seconds at the twenty-ninth and twenty-eighth floors and unloaded the remainder of his grenades. As they descended in the elevator, they could hear explosions above from Drew's deadly offerings.

  Once outside the hotel, Drew wasted no time sprinting down the hotel entrance toward the cabaret to which Mallory had headed. Tiffany couldn't keep up as he ran and fell back with Jamal and Brenna. He was about fifteen furlongs ahead of Jamal and the ladies when he saw Paige and the bartender. They were helping Campbell and Jamal's sister who appeared to be shook up, but all right. That meant the plain clothes detectives were here. He hoped they followed Mallory.

  Out of the periphery of his vision, he saw someone from the other vehicle draw a bead on him. He dove to the ground. A bullet whizzed through the vacated space. Drew flipped a summersault and came up firing his Walther.

  The assailant slouched down with bullet hole in his forehead.

  Drew turned and pointed at the silver Hummer, indicating Jamal and the girls were to stay there and help, while he continued into the danger zone.

  ~* *~

  The music played and another performer gyrated to it, but Mallory couldn't bring herself to move. Being a model, it wasn't uncommon to be naked around people. It was unavoidable at times in photo shoots, but mostly it happened at fashion shows where the necessity for quick changing transcended modesty. However, that was around other models and helpers. Most of the men were gay and those who weren't were jaded from being around so much naked beauty. But these men weren't gay and they weren't jaded. They were hard-core roosters. She could feel their gazes fondling her body. She was mortified!

  The slimmest and meanest looking of the five thugs broke away and rooted himself at the foot of the stage. He was close enough that, with the ancillary light, she could see his cruel face. He wore a thin mustache and his dark obsidian eyes were full of malice. She deferred her glance and may have been saved by two distractions.

  Mysta suddenly joined her on the stage and the nasty man glanced her way. She settled right in front of him and started to perform some extra-curricular activity to garner his attention.

  Then the patron to Mallory's left stood and touched her hand. "Well, if you aren't the prettiest darn thing I ever did see! Sweetheart, you and me, we dun gotta do us a lap dance afore I go. What'cha say, Dahlin'?"

  Mallory studied the man. He wasn't bad looking and she did want to get away from the man with the angry scowl, but she didn't want to do a lap dance. She had never done a lap dance. Didn't know how to do a lap dance. "Sorry, I can't do any lap dances until my set is over."

  "Seems to me, little lady, that you-is just-a standin' dere waiting for me to take ya off the stage. Where's tha manager?"

  The tattooed bouncer came over, the scowl still on his face, to see what the ruckus was. "The manager doesn't come in till four. What do you want?"

  "I have to catch a flight back to Texas, but before I go, I wanna lap dance wit this lovely creature."

  By now, another goon had joined the angry one and was watching with curiosity.

  The patron continued, "Tell you what, I gotta be outta here in fifteen minutes. I'll pay ten times the regular rate to take the lil' darlin' for a lap dance right now."

  The bouncer looked at Mallory. "You're new, aren't you?"

  She nodded.

  "Ever done a lap dance?"

  She shook her head.

  "You may as well get it over with. Go on."

Mortified, but also pleased to be leaving the scrutiny of the slimy one, her lap dance partner helped her off the stage and they headed toward the private room, while the meat hounds looked on enviously.

  ~* *~

  Halfway across the boulevard, Drew realized that Ali's henchmen would recognize him and he needed a disguise. He ran back across the street to his Xterra and went through the console. He pulled out a pair or horned rimmed glasses, a stick on faux red birthmark, which he applied to his temple and a peel and stick moustache. He couldn't use the shotgun or grenades in the cabaret, so he left them in the back of the Xterra. He then reached in the backseat and grabbed his cowboy hat and took off for Chaz's.

  "Hi cowboy. Twenty dollars please."

  Drew looked at the burly tattooed man on a stool who pointed up at a sign. Uncover Charge—Twenty-Dollars. He handed him a double sawbuck, had his hand stamped and looked around. The only women visible were the two scantily dressed cocktail waitresses and one undressed lady parading on the stage and runway. Obviously, Mallory wasn't here.

  Ali's men were though, moving about, checking the patrons. Then he spotted Hafez. Generally the goons who were there weren't particularly bright. Not so with Hafez. He was smart and nasty. They detested each other and Drew knew, given the opportunity, Hafez would delight in sucking the life out of him.

  Hoping his disguise would hold, he decided it would be a good idea to stay in striking distance of Hafez.

  ~* *~

  On the way to the private room the patron tried to converse. "You know, Missy, you dun look a lot like that Legs woman I sees in magazines all da time. What's her name? Robbins, dat's it, Robbins."

  Mallory gave a nervous smile. "I hear that a lot."

  "Fact is, Baby Doll, I wuz sure you wuz her. 'Cept for your violet hair and I think y'are prettier than'er. Ah 'ere we are" The man opened the door and bid her to enter.

  ~* *~

  Mysta did her thing. This was her last set and she got off at nine—forty-five more minutes. It was a long night but she had made a killing. Almost a thousand bucks by her count and she didn't even lay anyone, yet. Men get very generous when they see pussy. She wouldn't have minded laying the guy Mallory had left with. In the days when she had sex for fun, she would have fucked his socks off. But she wised up since then. Her pussy was a commodity. No one got between her legs without long green.

  A gaping customer waved a twenty at her and set it on the runway. He looked like a construction worker. She wasn't supposed to let customers touch her, but she made exceptions. Under a five, she smiled. For a fiver, she cupped her breasts and stood directly in front of him, stooped down and spread her legs for a clear view of her puss. For a sawbuck, she did the same thing, but took the Mysta out of mystery by spreading her labia with her fingers.

  For a twenty she went even farther. She sat down right at the edge of the stage, knees bent and spread. She made eye contact, rolled her tongue over her lips and looked down to her twat. He picked up the twenty and folded it several times until it was the size of a quarter and with it between two fingers shoved it into her vagina. She placed her hand over his to hide what was going on and let him move his fingers around inside her for a few seconds. She waited for the question that almost always came.

  "How much?"

  "You're not a cop?"

  "I'm a horny carpenter and you turn me on, big time."

  "Two-fifty. I get off at nine. Get a motel room next door and wait for me outside. I don't want management to know."

  After enjoying about a half minute of having a stranger's finger up her cunt, she pulled his fingers out, put them in her mouth and sucked her juices off. "What's your name?"


  "Well Jack. Go take a shower and I'll see you at nine."

  Jack smiled and got up to leave.

  Mysta called to him. He turned and she said, "Oh, Jack. One more thing."


  Mysta winked. "Don't Jack-off!"

  ~* *~

  Fortunately, the private room was empty. Mallory looked around the square room. Red flocked wallpaper covered the wall above a dark stained paneled wainscot. Paintings and photos of nude women alternating with mirrors, which dotted the wall above the wainscot, were obviously placed there to set the mood for what went on there. There were two couches, three armless chairs and four end tables.

  Mallory turned to the man and said, "I'm sorry, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do."

  "Well, Dahlin', I'll sit on this here davenport." He sat on the couch. "And you sit on my lap facing me and rub your sassy back and forth against me in time with the beat of the music."

  Mallory sat on his lap facing him but she didn't move. This is so humiliating.

  "Well." He said. "You gonna do sumtin' or not."

  He really is good looking. I just wish he were Drew.

  ~* *~

  Slowly, Mallory began to move back and forth, her naked bottom grazing against his clothed groin. The sensation spreading through her made her think of Drew eating her pussy. As she increased her movement, her sex against the man's slacks, she pictured Drew. She could feel his erection through his slacks and she relived Drew making love to her. Craving Drew's husky cock inside her, moving in and out of her was making her wet. Her salacious movement was inflaming her libido. A moan emanated from deep within her. Mallory's fingers sought out her nipples and massaged them. It all felt so good to her, she moved even more excitedly, wishing he were Drew, wanting it to be Drew.

  Mallory suddenly began to feel a new, yet familiar sensation begin to develop in her nether regions, but she also felt it all over her body. An extremely enjoyable, tickly wave of pleasure washed over her. An orgasm was coming. Past the point of return, it suddenly exploded upon her being. She began rocking sideways back and forth. She screamed loudly, "Ahh, ahh, ahh, ooh, eeeeehaaaah uuuuh ooooooh."

  Mallory was experiencing sexual bliss. She grabbed and hugged the head of stranger to her bosom—the stranger whose lap she had dampened, pretending it was Drew. He sucked on her nipple. It added to her carnal joy, then suddenly with the realization—He's sucking on my tit.—her orgasm was cut short.

  ~* *~

  No sooner had Jack walked out the door, when Mysta noticed a customer on the other side of the runway waving a ten. She sashayed over to him and said, "So you'd like to see my pussy up close and personal huh?" He nodded animatedly never taking his eyes off her. "You a cop?" He shook his head vigorously. "Good. If you add another ten to that, you get to put it inside me."

  Mysta smiled as he reached for his wallet, put the ten back and pulled out a twenty. He folded and inserted the money in her pretty pink slot and was receiving the allotted thirty second playtime. She figured he was just about to pop the question.

  ~* *~

  Mallory heard someone come in and looked in the mirror on the wall. It was the mean angry man.

  "My, my, aren't we having a good time."

  She slid off her dance partner's lap, rolling over to sit beside her lap dance partner on the couch, and stared at the interloper. He was an evil looking one.

  He walked up to her. "But I'll tell you, it's the customers that are supposed to get their rocks off, not the dancers." He reached up and yanked the purplish red wig off and her long blonde hair flew loose. "Miss Robbins. I knew you looked familiar, but I couldn't figure out why."

  The stranger spoke up, "Well I'll be darned. You are that Legs woman. No wonda you es so hot." Then staring at the intruder, he said, "Hey, man. In case you can't read except that crazy scribbling y'all do, this is a private room. Did y'all hear me? Private! I'm paying top dolla to be in here alone with this prime piece-o-tail. Ya hear me, Abdul? So get the fuck outta here!"

  "Let me tell you something, you Texas piece of shit. She shouldn't even be here. She is supposed to marrying my Prince and I'm going to take her back. You know what that means?"

  "No, dickbrains. What does that mean?"

  "That means nobody on the outside will ever h
ear from her again, so I can do anything I want to you and she won't be in a position to tell anyone."

  Mallory spoke up. "What are you talking about?"

  "I'm talking about snuffing this big mouthed braggart and cutting him up into pieces."

  "Don't worry, Dahlin'. I've seen his type afore. He doesn't have the nerve to kill me."

  Hafez pulled his 9mm. "Oh yeah? Say goodbye to him Miss Robbins."

  ~* *~

  Drew had watched Hafez go down the hall, pause at a doorway and glance back in his direction. Drew was afraid the man would recognize him, but his disguise seemed to work. Hafez opened the door and surreptitiously stepped in. He followed and put his ear to the thin door. He heard arguing and Mallory's name. He was about to enter when, three shots echoed.

  ~* *~

  Everyone ducked for cover, except for Mysta who was exposed in more ways than one. She jumped into the customers lap, fingers and all. What she didn't realize until she jumped was that, apparently masturbating, he had his shaft out and ready for her commodity. He pulled his fingers out and replaced them with his larger member. Mmmm, it does feel good. She had been getting horny with all the excitement and didn't want to stop so moving her snatch with gyratory motions, she said, "I usually get two-fifty for this, but under the circumstances and since I have another date in forty minutes, I'll settle for a Ben Franklin and a U.S. Grant."


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