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Hart Of Honor: A Danielle Hart Novel

Page 8

by Gregory Sanders

  One of his aides entered his office, and interrupted his thoughts “Prime Minister? First Minister Gaelon is here to see you.”

  “Send him in,” replied Hobarth. He really didn’t like Gaelon. Hobarth was Mydrodite, and his people had a long war with the Valuvians many centuries ago. That was before the Protectorate admitted the Valuvians as member states. He thought that might play a part in his dislike of the pink man, but he felt that it was more likely due to Gaelon personally. The First Minister was rather inexperienced for such a high-level position. When he was elected to the Parliament of Ministers he was politically an unknown. Yet, he seemed to draw the populace to him, much like a magnet draws metal. After only two terms in Parliament, he was elected by his peers to serve as First Minister. Many in the Protectorate thought it was only a matter of time before he would be appointed Prime Minister. Very few people ever spoke a word against him. Hobarth scoffed at that idea. No one in politics is that clean. Rumor was that several of Gaelon’s previous political adversaries had perished under mysterious circumstances. Of course, nothing ever pointed to Gaelon, it seemed he was too good at covering his involvement. Now, if anything were to happen to him, Gaelon would become Prime Minister. Since Gaelon’s election as First Minister, Hobarth hadn’t stopped looking over his shoulder and he had doubled his personal guard. As the Valuvian entered his office, Hobarth stood and greeted him. “First Minister Gaelon, thank you for coming,” he said as he gestured toward a chair.

  Gaelon took a seat. “I wish it were under better circumstances, Prime Minister. This business with the Terrans is most concerning. To think that they would be so vile as to attack an unarmed passenger ship, it's just unbelievable. Especially after we offered to aid them in their troubles with the Quarantine Zone.”

  Hobarth nodded. “Indeed. We lost over 2500 citizens when the Terrans destroyed that ship. Their official statement is that their sensor malfunctioned and showed our ship as a V’drellian warship.”

  Gaelon shook his head. “Is that even possible? Has their paranoia and hatred of other races has finally consumed them? First, they claimed they were attacked by a mysterious adversary from the Quarantine Zone, and we agreed to let them send ships in to investigate. Then they report that their ships were destroyed by V'drellians and now this? I’d feel better if a representative of the Protectorate personally reviewed their ship’s sensor log.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” Hobarth agreed. “Which is why I am meeting with their Queen tomorrow to review them with her. Under the circumstances, maybe you should stay here and delay your return to Mars. I am instructing our embassies in the Terran Commonwealth to begin quietly sending their non-essential personnel back to the Protectorate. At least until we can sort this mess out if that is even possible at this point.”


  K’oron had walked these halls many times in his life. These were the halls of the Order of V’drellz Stragizi, their sacred passages seen only by the members of their order, and very a few honored outsiders in their long history. He had grown up here, taken from his childhood home at the age of six. They were taught to be the hands of V’drell, the son of Th’warzin the death god. It was believed that V’drell was the first Emperor, and he formed the Dominion to further the will of his father and spread death across the universe. Although the religious aspects of the Order had long faded into the past, the V’drellz Stragizi still carried out their original purpose. To bring about death to all who opposed the Dominion, and to faithfully serve the Emperor. K’oron had been exceptionally skilled killed the previous Commandant. Kill your superior, and take his place. By the time he was twenty, he had become Commandant-General, the highest rank in the Order. That was ten years ago. Since he had assumed leadership of the order he was at the beckon call of the Emperor, and the two had even become somewhat friends.

  As K’oron exited the last hallway he found himself in the courtyard of the Emperor’s Palace. The steps to the palace were to his right, and the main gate with its guards was to the left. He climbed the steps, entered the palace and walked across the atrium floor. There was a set of double doors on the far side of the room between the two curved stairways that went to the upper floor. He opened the doors and entered the Emperor’s council chamber. On the throne sat Glars’n, the one hundred forty-ninth Emperor of the Dominion. He approached the throne and knelt down. Even though he might consider the Emperor to be a friend, he would not dare to fail to show the Emperor proper respect.

  The Emperor reached out with his scepter and tapped K’oron on the shoulder. “Rise, my friend. How goes your investigation?”

  “Excellency, I feel that the more I dig, the more questions I have,” K’oron admitted. “Our perimeter scans were correct. There was a ship at the Terran border that shot their craft, and it wasn’t one of ours.”

  Glars’n looked troubled. “Who was it? Was someone sitting within our borders just to ambush the Terrans?”

  “We don't know, but it does appear like that was the case,” K’oron replied. “Also of interest is the fact the Commander No’tok was in the area when his normal patrol is three day’s flight from the border. That was why I chose to board his vessel, to see why No’tok was suddenly racing to the border without orders from Imperial Command." K'oron continued. "Before I left his ship, there were two Terran prisoners aboard. He wounded them, and I had been helping them recover. I was trying to build a trust bond so they would open up to me. However, they attempted an escape. One managed to get away, but the other one was killed. I wanted to examine her body, but No'tok's men had already tossed it out an airlock by the time I was informed. With no prisoners on board, I chose to return. I would have thought that he would have at least saved her body for examination. It all just seems rather strange."

  “No'tok is a Commander," the Emperor replied, "and as such is entitled to exercise discretion over his patrols. So it could easily be a coincidence that he was in that area."

  "I tend to not believe in coincidences," K'oron explained, "especially when soldiers are involved. Of course, he could have varied his patrol, but why then would he not notify anyone? Without knowing the Drah'jik's location, we would have a difficult time locating his ship if anything happened to it. Seems negligent to me, or more likely intentional."

  "So, you think that No’tok knows more about this incident than he is letting on?” Glars’n asked.

  K’oron answered, "I believe so, but I also think that it is because someone more centrally located to the conspiracy is pulling his strings. I think No'tok is a shrewd man, but not connected or powerful enough to start something of this magnitude. He has to have others working with him.”

  Glars’n scowled at the thought of traitors in his service. “Really? So you believe that we have multiple officers or officials involved. That is very worrisome. Perhaps we should bring him in for deep questioning? We can see how far this conspiracy goes? I'm sure that he will tell us what we need to know after a little bit of persuasion.”

  “We could Excellency, but it might be more revealing to let him lead us to his co-conspirators.” K’oron offered as an alternative. "I can continue to monitor and follow him. He will make a mistake, and I can be there when he does."

  “Very well,” the Emperor agreed, “we’ll do it your way, for the time being, K’oron. I want to see results, and I expect them soon. I will not accept failure from the Commandant-General of the V’drellz Stragizi. Go, find the answers to these questions, and take care of those responsible.”

  K’oron bowed. “I shall not fail. I will not return until I have the answers you desire. Those involved will soon be bowing before Th’warzin in the grave.”


  Queen Constance never liked being in Fleet Command. Everything was metal and inorganic. She imagined the warships in her fleet probably had the same feel. She would have preferred to have hosted this meeting at the palace, but her guest insisted that it be here when they had first-hand access to any relevant data. She had instructed Admira
l Hawthorne to make certain that Captain Ridgeway was in attendance since this whole mess occurred as a result of his actions. He was standing in the back of the room, head hanging low. As it should. Your careless actions have seriously jeopardized our relations with the Protectorate. She might have appeared cordial on the surface, but inside she was seething with anger. “Prime Minister, we are truly sorry for causing such a tragic loss of Rylan life. I hope that by this examination of our raw sensor data, I can show you that this was a terrible accident.”

  Prime Minister Hobarth nodded in agreement. “As do I. This has been a terrible tragedy. I do hope that this will answer the questions my people are asking. So many think that the Terrans have become xenophobic of other races. After all, the Rylans are a nation of many races, whereas the Terrans are only humans.”

  “I can assure you that is not the case,” the Queen politely countered. “True, there are some humans that dislike other races, just as I am sure that there are people within your nation that do not like humans.”

  “Indeed your majesty,” the Prime Minister replied, “and a great many more after your fleet destroyed one of our passenger ships.”

  Queen Constance grimaced at his words. She completely understood how his people felt. If the situation was reversed, the Council of Barons would be demanding action. “I believe the data is queued up, Prime Minister." She then spoke to an officer at the console panel. "Lt. Commander, please play back the bridge audio.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” the duty officer responded. He touched the panel in front of them and the audio began to play.

  “Captain! We’re picking up a ship. It’s matching a Rylan engine signature we have on record!” The first voice spoke, presumably the sensor officer.

  “Lock on to target, and prepare to fire on the scum!” The voice belonged to Captain Ridgeway.

  “Captain, we’re being hailed by the Rylan vessel,” the voice of the comms officer was heard.

  “Target acquired,” said the voice of the weapons officer.

  “Get ready to blow this piece of crap out of existence! Fire!” There was no doubt it was Ridgeway that gave the order. Everyone in the room turned and looked at him.

  “That’s not what happened!” Ridgeway said pleading his innocence. “Someone has tampered with the audio! My sensor officer said it was a V’drellian ship, and we never received any communication attempts from any vessel during the incident!”

  Queen Constance was boiling with fury. This was no accident! This man’s hate could have just launched them into a war! She looked at him with disgust and rage. “Captain, your actions have caused the deaths of numerous Rylan citizens, and by your own hateful words ordered the attack. You are hereby relieved of command and rank, and will be placed under arrest until I decide what to do with you.”

  Prime Minister Hobarth exploded. “Queen Constance, I demand that this man is turned over to the Rylan Protectorate immediately! He should stand trial in the Protectorate for his heinous crimes against our citizens!”

  The Queen tried to calm her guest down. “Prime Minister, we have not finished out internal investigation yet, but if our findings confirm what we heard today, we will most certainly extradite the prisoner into Rylan custody. She tried to assure him, but she could tell that it was having little effect.

  Hobarth eyes were about to jump out of their sockets. “If your findings confirm? If? We have heard by his own mouth that he ordered the attack! Would you deny my people their justice? Harboring a criminal guilty of genocide would put a fatal strain on our governments’ relationship, and appears that you and your people condone his vile actions.”

  Now it was her turn to be angry. “Is that a threat Prime Minister? It certainly sounded like one.” She spun around and started walking toward the door. “I believe we are done here. Good day!”

  “Mark my words,” Hobarth shouted after her. “You will regret making an enemy of the Rylan Protectorate!”


  K’oron had never been to this area of space before. Although this asteroid field did border V’drellian space, there had never been any indication of anything of value out here. He followed No’tok from his ship to a trade outpost and watched as he rented a small personal ship. As No’tok boarded, another man in a hooded cloak joined him. Then K’oron had followed the short man discreetly as he maneuvered through space to this ship hidden in the asteroids. He kept his ship camouflaged to avoid the renegade commander from picking him up. He was barely able to get a reading from the derelict, save the emergency beacon signal. Minimal life support, and heavily damaged. No’tok, what are you doing out here?

  He watched from a distance as No’tok docked the small ship to one of the undamaged portions of the ship. Moments later, two other ships that had been camouflaged suddenly appeared and also docked. K’oron had never seen ships like these before and wondered who the occupants were. When he thought enough time had passed, he brought his ship up close to the derelict and began looking for a place he could board without being detected. After finding a suitable place on the dark side of the derelict, he made his way aboard.

  Once on board, he began to follow the muffled sounds of voices echoing through the otherwise silent ship. He saw No’tok, a human, and an Androsan standing at the end of a corridor outside a room where the voices were coming from. He backtracked and found another corridor that connected to the other side of the room. Now he was close enough he could make out what was being said.

  “The Rylans are infuriated at the Terrans,” said a voice that K’oron didn’t recognize. The speech patterns sound like those used by the Rylans. “Hobarth practically threatened war if the Queen did not surrender the Dauntless captain immediately.”

  “Our agents were able to modify the audio data successfully it seems.” This was a softer voice, a human female.

  “The V’drellians have long hated the Rylans and will jump at an opportunity to catch them unawares, like during a war with the Terrans.” This third voice was male, and definitely V’drellian.

  “The Commonwealth is doomed now,” said the female voice. “They cannot win a war on two fronts. They do not have the ships to defend their borders on all sides.”

  “Once the Terrans are disposed of,” the V’drellian voice added, “the Dominion and Protectorate will turn on each other. Once one destroys the other, we will destroy the survivor.”

  K’oron’s jaw clenched. So, I was right. No’tok is involved in a conspiracy against the Dominion. It seems that this conspiracy goes beyond our borders. Whomever these people are, they won’t be content until the entire universe is in chaos. He was lost in thought when he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. It was the Androsan that had been in the other corridor. He just walked into the corridor that K’oron was hiding in! Their eyes met for a moment. The Androsan pulled a large knife from his belt and ran towards K'oron screaming in a battle cry. Immediately K’oron drew his own blade and took up a defensive pose.

  As if that wasn’t bad enough, the human male that had been with No’tok and the Androsan came running to find out what was going on. Upon seeing the V’drellian and Androsan in combat, he shouted “Intruder in Corridor 5! Initiate lockdown!”

  K’oron might have been worried about the distant slamming of bulkhead doors, but he was too busy concentrating on the Androsan that was trying to kill him. Suddenly he felt very dizzy. Judging by the staggering of his opponent, it wasn’t just him. They’re gassing the corridor! K’oron tried to get past the Androsan to the bulkhead door, but his opponent held his ground. His head was spinning, and he wondered how much longer he could stay conscious. He watched as the Androsan took a staggered step and collapsed. This was his chance! He made it to the bulkhead door and tried to pull the emergency release, but his strength was expended. He dropped to the floor. His eyes were barely holding focus when the door opened.

  A little V’drellian man was standing over him. It was No’tok. “K’oron, you should have kept your nose out of my busi
ness. Don’t worry though, I have a nice little cell on this ship waiting for you.”

  That was the last thing he heard before the dark silence of unconsciousness crept over him.


  When K’oron came to, he was in some kind of small cell. Instead of a normal solid door, it was made of small metal bars just far enough apart for an arm to pass but nothing larger. He could still feel residual side effects of the gas, most notably the pounding behind his eyes. “Ugh, my head.” He tried to look around but turning his head was making him nauseous.

  “Is someone there?” A voice called out.

  It was another human female voice that seemed very familiar to him. The voice was close by. Probably next to him in a similar cell. He lifted himself off the floor and into a sitting position. “Who’s there?” He answered their question with one of his own.

  “K’oron? Is that you?” The voice asked.

  The fog in his brain had cleared enough now for him to remember why the voice sounded so familiar. It was one of the Terran pilots he had taken care of on No’tok’s ship. The one that likes to look at the stars. Danielle! She isn’t dead after all. He breathed a sigh of relief. “Lt. Hart?” He asked hopefully. “I was told you were killed trying to escape. What happened?”


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