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Shadows of Deception

Page 9

by Amy Hale

  “It’s no problem, Jeremy. Please reassure Caesar that there will always be plenty to eat. I’ll make sure of it.”

  Jeremy briefly clapped him on the back. “You’re a good guy, Colt. Thank you.”

  Colt shrugged off the compliment. He wasn’t used to being praised. Despite all that had happened since meeting Jane, he still felt he wasn’t hero material. “Don’t give it another thought.” He nodded toward the door. “You’d better get in there and get some before Caesar eats them all.”

  Jeremy chuckled and re-entered his room, closing the door behind him.

  Colt meant to walk back to his own room but found himself rooted to the spot outside Jane’s door. He knocked and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Rachel flung open the door looking ready to do battle with Brett once again. Her demeanor changed when she realized it was Colt.

  “Good morning. Please, come in. We just finished packing up.” Rachel looked around the room. “Well, what little there is to actually pack.”

  Colt stepped inside, and his eyes instantly found Jane’s. She looked tired, and he suspected she’d had another nightmare. She refused to talk about them, other than to tell him they were disturbing and keeping her from resting properly. He hated that he couldn’t protect her from her dreams. It was obvious to him that the dreams were more than just mere nightmares, but until she was ready to talk, he’d have to be content with whatever information she gave him.

  Jane ran a brush through her long red tresses and smiled at him. “So, what’s first on the agenda today?”

  He moved to sit next to her, then kissed her on the forehead. “Blake pointed out some possible hiding spots on the map. With all the exploring they’ve done to get here, he has a good idea of the kind of place they’d be searching for. I think it’d be smart to check those out first.”

  Rachel nodded in agreement. “Definitely.” She turned to Jane. “Do you remember Wes?”

  Jane blinked a few times, searching her memory for the guy Rachel mentioned. “No, I can’t say I do.”

  “Ah, well, I’m not sure how often you may have seen him. Wes kept to himself as much as possible.” She inhaled and let out a quick sigh. “Anyway, he used to live in this area, and when we escaped he told us of a couple empty properties somewhere near the Ohio River. If they haven’t been torn down, I’d wager that’s where they went.”

  Colt felt hopeful and he grinned. “Sounds like a solid lead. We should discuss it with the others then load up and hit the first stop.”

  Jane and Rachel grabbed their bags and followed Colt outside. Within moments, the others had joined them around the truck. They agreed that Rachel’s idea seemed to be the smartest place to begin, then they loaded up their vehicles and drove toward the river.

  The sun was beginning to set when the small group finally found one of the properties Wes had mentioned to Rachel. Most of the area had been cleared to make way for farmland and there were only a couple spots left that matched the descriptions Wes had given.

  Rachel groaned as she got out of the truck. “Thank God. I hope this is it. I’m tired of driving and that packed lunch wore off hours ago.” She stretched her arms above her head. “Wes had better be here, or I’m killing him when we do finally find him.”

  Jane snickered. “Not feeling very charitable?”

  Rachel flashed a sweet smile. “Actually I am. If I were terribly angry, I’d torture him first.”

  Colt and Jane laughed as the rest of their group walked up beside them.

  “Talking about me again?” Brett said with an irritatingly clueless smile.

  Rachel pinned him with a glare. “Did you hear me mention a baboon’s ass?”

  Brett pretended to mull that over. “No, can’t say that I did.”

  “Then no, I wasn’t talking about you.”

  Brett placed a hand over his heart, his theatrics overly dramatic. “Why must you wound me so?”

  “Since it’s illegal to murder you, it’s all I’ve got left.” Rachel turned on her heels and made her way up the dirt path leading to the vacant house in the distance.

  Colt and Jane were close behind, carefully watching for even the slightest clue that they weren’t alone. Jeremy was on high alert, trying to tune all his senses into his surroundings. He felt something reverberating from in front of them. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of it, so he reached out for Jane.

  “Jane,” he hissed in a loud whisper. “We need to stop.”

  She turned and noticed the worry marring Jeremy’s features. “Colt. Rachel. Wait.”

  Colt halted immediately, but Rachel was farther ahead and was too slow to react. She ran directly into something white hot—and invisible. She could see the house several yards in front of her, but there was a transparent barrier surrounding it. For a moment she felt stuck, as if she were in tar. She tried to pull away, but didn’t have the strength to break free. Worse yet, every moment she was trapped felt like an eternity of hell fire on her skin. She struggled not to scream, despite her pain. She was aware that any noise may alert the owner of the punishing trap—giving away their location.

  It only took Jane a couple of seconds to realize that Rachel was in trouble. She carefully approached and focused her thoughts on building a protective bubble around Rachel, much as she’d done for Colt the day before. It was difficult, and she could almost feel the heat that Rachel felt as she slowly pushed her energy around her friend. Jeremy stood beside her, twisting his hands.

  “Jeremy. I’m going to push really hard and try to briefly break Rachel’s connection with…whatever that is. When I do, swoop in and pull her back. Got it?”

  He nodded and took the stance of a runner. Jane closed her eyes, inhaled deeply, then opened them and forced as much energy as she could around Rachel. In the blink of an eye, Jeremy was at her side, then back again with her unconscious body in his arms.

  The rest of the group lagged behind and had approached just as Rachel hit the barrier. Blake ran forward, but Colt put out a hand to stop him while Caesar froze in terror beside them. Brett, not quite grasping the need for stealth, yelled Rachel’s name as he barreled forward. Jeremy carefully slid to the ground, his arms securing her body to his as he went. Her head lulled to one side as he loosened his grip and laid her in his lap.

  Within moments, everyone had surrounded the pair, worry etched in their expressions. Jane knelt down and felt for a pulse, fearing the worst. Her mind quickly replayed the events that took Dr. Weston from them, and she had to swallow a lump of fear to keep herself in check.

  Her face relaxed. “She’s alive. I think I can take care of the rest.”

  Brett sunk to his knees and gently grasped Rachel’s limp hand in his. “Is she going to be okay?”

  Jane nodded. “I’m sure she will be.”

  At that moment they heard a muffled shout from the house. The door flew open and out ran a young woman. Her blond curls trailing behind her as she sprinted toward them.

  “Blake. Blake, is that you?” Another figure appeared in the doorway, but his features were in shadow from the bright light behind him. He yelled to the young lady running in the opposite direction.

  “Elana, get back here. It may not be safe.”

  She ignored him as she pushed forward, slowing once she reached the barrier.

  A wide smile crossed Elana’s face. “Blake! I’m so glad you’re safe.”

  Blake rushed toward her, but caught himself just before meeting the same fate as Rachel. “I’m so happy to see you Elana.”

  She turned back to the house. “Cameron, drop the shield! It’s okay.”

  The energy that hummed around her dissipated, and she charged forward, wrapping her arms around Blake’s neck and kissing him soundly on the lips. He smiled and she turned to say hello to the rest of the group. That’s when she saw Rachel.

  “Oh no. She hit the shield?” Not waiting for an answer, she bent over Rachel and pressed her lips together in a sad, grim line. Tears were already building up on her
lower lashes.

  Jane looked up. “She’s alive. I think I can heal her, but it’d be better if she were some place more comfortable.”

  Elana’s mouth fell open and she gapped at Jane. “You… You’re here? You survived?”

  Jane gave her a tight smile.

  Blake turned Elana in his arms and looked into her eyes. “We can explain everything later, but right now we need to help Rachel.” He jerked his head in the direction of the house behind them. “Is there a sofa or bed in there we could lay her on?”

  She nodded. “Follow me.”

  Colt bent down and scooped Rachel up into his arms. “Let’s get her taken care of.”

  Brett hovered close. Caesar scurried to Jane’s side and clasped her hand tightly. She could almost feel the fear radiating through his small hand. She gave it a reassuring squeeze.

  “It’ll all be fine. Don’t worry.” She tugged on his hand, and they followed behind Colt.

  In a few short minutes, the small procession entered the house illuminated with candles and battery-powered lanterns. Elana motioned to a sofa that had certainly seen better days. Colt gently placed Rachel on the cushions as Jane positioned herself near Rachel’s head.

  Cameron shut the front door, then moved near the sofa as if to oversee the process. He eyed each of them with suspicion. Jane looked up at him. His large frame seemed to fill the room. He was an intimidating man, even on his best days. Jane had never been completely comfortable around him; though, she couldn’t pinpoint why.

  “Hello, Cameron. It’s good to see you again.” Jane’s voice relayed a calm she didn’t truly feel.

  He nodded. “Yeah. You too.” He then aimed his glares at Colt and Brett. “Who are they? And why are they with you?”

  “I’ll make introductions later. I need to focus on Rachel.”

  He crossed his arms and looked down at the girl on the sofa. Jane placed a hand on Rachel’s forehead and closed her eyes. The usual swirls of color formed in her mind as she focused on her friend, but despite her best efforts, Rachel wasn’t responding. Jane willed her panic to settle. She’d never tried it on someone who couldn’t concentrate with her, besides Dr. Weston, and he was already gone before she’d gotten to him. She was unsure of how much she could accomplish on her own. Adjusting her position so she could place both hands on Rachel, she tried once more. Again, the colors flashed in her vision, and she pushed the healing force out of her hands and through Rachel’s body.

  A small moan escaped through Rachel’s parted lips, but her eyes didn’t open. The bright pink tinge that marred her otherwise porcelain skin was slowly receding. Jane took that as a good sign.

  “I think that’s all I can do for now.” She looked up at the curious expressions from their newest companions. “It usually works right away, but she’s not awake to participate, so the healing process may take a bit longer.”

  Kyler, Elana’s twin brother, cleared his throat. “Healing process? What did you do?”

  Blake smiled at the group. “It’s a long story. Let me grab the cooler from the truck. We can all eat, and I’ll fill you in.”

  Sandwiches, chips, and a few other snack items were passed around until the entire group had a meal in front of them. They sat close to Rachel, keeping a careful eye on her as they ate.

  Blake began to make introductions. He gestured to the young blonde woman that ran out to meet them. The young man that sat next to her looked remarkably like her with only minor differences. His hair was shorter, and while she had blue eyes, his were a vivid green.

  “Colt and Blake, I’d like you to meet Elana and Kyler.”

  Colt raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “Siblings?”

  Elana smiled. “Yes. Fraternal twins, actually.”

  Colt nodded in acknowledgment. “Nice to meet you.”

  Kyler snorted in disbelief, and Elana elbowed him in the ribs. “Stop it, Kyler.” It was a warning that held a tinge of panic.

  Kyler glared at Colt and Brett. “He doesn’t mean it, Elana. I heard him.”

  She closed her eyes in frustration. “I told you not to do that.”

  Colt frowned. “What did I say?”

  Elana leaned forward and looked him in the eyes. “It’s not what you said.” She cleared her throat. “It’s what you thought.”

  Jane shook her head in disapproval. “Oh, Kyler. You didn’t.” He simply shrugged. She turned to Colt. “You’ve heard the stories of how twins have a telepathic link?”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard about it.”

  “Well, these two are living proof, except they can do more.” She shot a glance at the twins. “They can also read other people’s minds if they are within a certain proximity.”

  Brett went pale. Colt frowned.

  “But we don’t make it a habit. It’s an invasion of privacy,” Elana quickly interjected. “I apologize for his insensitivity and intrusion. You don’t deserve that, especially just meeting us.”

  Colt placed his forearms on his knees and looked across at the pair. They were both watching him intently, and he noticed Kyler’s hands were shaking ever so slightly. “I give you permission to do it again. Read my mind, and see if you can find any reason not to trust me. Then look and see if you can understand why I might be a bit leery of trusting you.”

  Elana and Kyler glanced at each other nervously, then back to Colt. Kyler held his sister’s hand and they both went very still. In a flash, they were gasping. Kyler frowned and Elana fought back tears.

  “I’m so sorry, Colt. So very sorry.” She sniffed. “We didn’t know about Gregory. I’m sorry he hurt your friend.”

  Kyler swallowed a lump in his suddenly dry throat. He took a swig of water before speaking. “I can see why you’d be hesitant to trust any of us.”

  Jane placed her hand in Colt’s and leaned against him, putting her head on his shoulder. “Colt and Brett are family. They’re risking everything to help us.”

  The new group looked to Kyler and Elana for confirmation. When they both nodded in accord, the others seemed to visibly relax.

  Elana took over introductions. “The big, cranky guy over there is Cameron.”

  Cameron nodded, but didn’t say a word. His body language was relaxed, but his expression came across as someone who was entirely bored with the situation.

  Wes spoke up before she had a chance to mention him. “I’m Wes. I’m the genius of the group.” He wore a self-satisfied smirk and gave a little cub scout salute using his first two fingers.

  Cameron snorted loudly, and Kyler almost choked on a bite of sandwich.

  From the back of the room, a cynical laughter filled the air. Jocelyn, a tall, quiet, young woman with long silver hair and bright-blue eyes stood and walked toward the group. She put her hands on her hips and looked at Wes. “I wish we could turn your mouth off so your ego had a chance to deflate now and then.” She then moved to sit on the floor, still keeping a distance between herself and the group. “I’m Jocelyn.”

  Jane didn’t recall ever meeting her, so she gave her a bright, friendly smile. “What is your role in this band of escapees?”

  She looked at Jane with a vacant expression.

  “We call her Joy.” Wes muttered as he took another bite of his food.

  Jocelyn sent him a withering glare.

  Brett didn’t pick up on the animosity between the two. “Really? That’s a nice nickname.”

  She moved her eyes from Wes to Brett. “He’s being a jerk. It’s like calling a tall person shorty.”

  She peeked back at Wes, and he winked at her just before she looked away. Her expression was stoic as she reached for an apple sitting on the cooler.

  The short silence was broken by a moan. Rachel was awake and attempting to sit up.

  Brett scrambled to his feet and rushed to sit next to her on the sofa. “Hey, are you okay?” Genuine concern disturbed is normally jovial features.

  Rachel rubbed her head. “Yeah, I think so. What the hell happened? I feel like I was dipp
ed in a deep fryer.”

  Cameron’s deep voice reached her from the opposite side of the sofa. “I apologize. I didn’t recognize you from that far away. I should have put the shield a little closer to the house.”

  She shook her head. “You zapped me? I feel better than I should, then.” Rachel stretched her arms and legs as if to prove her mobility. “I’m guessing Jane had something to do with that.”

  Jane nodded and reached out for her friend’s hands. “I think I can finish healing you now that you’re awake.”

  Rachel inhaled a deep breath. “Yeah, I remember how this works.” She closed her eyes and concentrated on happy memories as she felt the healing energy leave Jane’s hands and enter her body.

  A warm blaze roared in the stone fireplace, sufficiently knocking the chill off the living area—the only room in the old house that had intact windows and remnants of insulation still within its walls. Each person in the group had found a spot in the room to bed down for the night. Colt was thankful that he’d thought to bring some of the camping gear. The sleeping bags and blankets had been a welcome sight for those sleeping on the floor.

  Everyone but Jane and Colt were deep in sleep. He stretched out on his left side, his right arm draped protectively around Jane. Her backside was snuggled against him, and when she wiggled her bottom to get closer, he groaned in her ear.

  “You’re killing me, sweetheart. You gotta stop moving like that.” His whisper was feather-light on her ear, and she closed her eyes, enjoying his nearness.

  “I’m not trying to torture you. I promise. I’m just having trouble getting comfortable.”

  Colt’s mouth formed a wicked grin. “You could always lay on top of me. I’m sure I’m softer than the floor.”

  She quietly chuckled but stopped abruptly when she felt him press a hot kiss to the side of her neck. “Now who’s torturing who? You know what that does to me.” She hissed the words through clenched teeth as his lips continued to explore her neck and a small part of her shoulder, where the neckline of her shirt had shifted, leaving her skin bare. His tongue darted out to flick the back of her earlobe, and she shivered.


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