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FIERY ILLUSIONS (Keeper of the Emerald Book 2)

Page 21

by B. C. Harris

  Two remaining men, looking like heavyweight henchmen in a movie, spin towards me. As they leap at me, I say “Korabellum.”

  A flash of energy picks both men up like they’re weightless and drives them into the ceiling of the small room before they crash unconscious to the floor.

  ‘’Let’s get out of here,” I say.

  My friends look at me dumbfounded.

  “Cool,” Michael says, breaking the silence. “And I thought I had the best devices to keep us safe.”

  “I’m walking with Emily,” Jasmin says as she rushes to my side.

  - 51 -


  For the past hour we’ve been pushing our way through an endless wall of people along Corso Vittorio Emanuele, a major street leading to the Roman ruins. Along the way we’ve witnessed a desolate crumbling mass of destruction.

  Finally, the Colosseum is within view. There’s a massive barbed-wire fence surrounding it, something that was never shown on TV.

  There have been so many attempts by desperate people to steal Michael’s backpack that I have lost count. With Jamie, Jasmin and I following Drew and Michael, I was able to view firsthand the thieves trying to grab the backpack, only to receive a sudden shock that sent them tumbling to the ground in pain. I wonder what Radwin and Squirt think about what has been happening.

  Throughout our walk, throngs of disheveled people have constantly been begging for food. The streets are lined with sick and sometimes even dead people. It’s as though everyone on the face of the earth who has an illness has come to Rome to be healed by Santtonnice. I’m sure that they didn’t expect to be kept away from him by a huge barbed-wire fence.

  Standing among the throngs at the Piazza Madonna Di Loreto, our location according to my spy-band, we are at the beginning of Via Dei Fori Imperiali, a once majestic boulevard that leads directly to the Colosseum.

  Adjacent to this wide street are the famous Roman ruins which now look ominous. Are these ruins a symbol of what is going to happen to the rest of my world?

  An incredible mob of people in front of us is pushing against the fence, wanting to reach their new God. Heavily armed guards are standing inside the fence, ready to slaughter anyone who might try to cause a problem.

  Further along the wide street is a well-guarded gate.

  “No one is allowed past the fence,” I hear a nearby man explain in English to a woman who is so weak and feeble that I expect she’s going to collapse at any second.

  I’m terrified. I’ve never seen so many frantic, desperate people. The pictures that I saw on TV of Santtonnice helping people were an illusion. Nobody is helping these people; their suffering is horrendous.

  “We’ve got to find a place where we have more privacy,” Jamie says.

  “Where can we possibly go?” I ask.

  As the five of us come closer together, the crowd around us pushes against us as though we’re a sliver that needs to be squeezed out of wound.

  I’m having trouble breathing. I’m beginning to panic.

  “This way,” Drew says as he grabs my arm. His strength momentarily reassures me.

  Drew pushes his way towards a row of battered empty stores, pulling me behind him. The others follow, pushing tightly up against me.

  After prolonged pushing and shoving, we finally reach the remains of a store with a Gucci sign dangling precariously above its entrance.

  There’s a mass of sick people lying on the floor of the demolished store who came here to be healed. I want to shout out that they have been deceived, but I guess they already realize this. Or is it possible that a false hope – even if it’s an illusion - is better than no hope at all?

  Drew pulls me to the back of the darkened room that once sold luxury fashion items. My friends follow. They’re speechless.

  As we approach a cracked door at the back of the room, Drew’s foot lashes out at it, instantly knocking it off its hinges.

  Drew leads us up some dark stairs. I feel a sense of panic returning.

  Radwin flies out of Michael’s backpack. His lights are a welcome relief in the dark claustrophobic staircase.

  We reach another door; this time unlocked.

  There’s another hallway, followed by another narrow staircase.

  Exhausted we reach the third floor of the building.

  Once again, Drew kicks in a locked door.

  We enter.

  We’re in an office. There are computers and other forms of office equipment. I notice a small kitchen area.

  Jamie flicks a switch on the wall. Nothing happens.

  “No electricity,” he notes.

  I’m not surprised. We haven’t passed any buildings on our journey so far that showed any evidence of having electrical power.

  “Look,” I hear Michael say as he looks out a window.

  Within seconds we’re gathered at a window that looks directly towards the Colosseum, providing a view that is different than we saw from the street.

  “It’s only partially renovated,” Jamie states the obvious.

  In fact, there’s only a very smart part of the Colosseum that has been refitted with the white marble from St. Peter’s Basilica. The pictures I saw on TV showed a remarkable new Colosseum with glistening white marble on its outside walls.

  Santtonnice must be controlling the pictures that are being broadcast on TV. What we saw must have been a computer generated reconstruction of the Colosseum. Another illusion.

  I wonder what’s happening inside the Colosseum.

  Michael is fastening tiny micro chips that he brought with him to Squirt and Radwin. They are going to undertake the dangerous mission of trying to reach the Colosseum. The micro chips will allow us to communicate with Squirt and Radwin.

  The nano-drones, nicknamed the flies, will be accompanying Squirt and Radwin.

  We are hoping that the combination of Squirt, Radwin, and the flies will help us to discover what Santtonnice is intending to do.

  - 52 -


  Excitement is mounting among us in our makeshift new S O S headquarters as Squirt, Radwin and the flies head towards the Colosseum.

  Jamie and Drew are focusing intently on one of the spy-pads while Jasmin and Michael are looking at the screen on another one. It was decided that I would move back and forth to monitor what is happening on both spy-pads.

  It’s a time-consuming process for Squirt and Radwin to reach the Colosseum in a manner that prevents them from being detected. While Squirt can find places to hide while he’s running along the ground, this is not so easy for Radwin to do. A flying two-headed yellow fish-like creature would quickly attract attention. So far, Radwin has done a terrific job trying to blend in with the pigeons and seagulls that are flying in the area of the Colosseum, although he’s larger than these birds.

  For about twenty minutes, Radwin has been flying from one bird to another as he makes his way towards the Colosseum. Although his destination is not too far away, not every bird he flies beside has the same goal. A few times he actually has to fly some distance away from the Colosseum because the bird he was flying near decided to go in another direction.

  Our flies, the tiny nano-drones, were programmed by Michael to fly beside Squirt and Radwin. They will help us to see the progress that Squirt and Radwin are making. Once they reach the Colosseum, Michael and Jamie can use their spy-pads to send the flies anywhere they want inside the ancient structure.

  Jamie and Drew, who are monitoring Radwin, are one minute celebrating his progress and the next, expressing their dismay as he’s forced to fly away from the Colosseum by birds that keep changing directions.

  Squirt, on the other hand, quickly made his way to the barbed-wire fence that prevented anyone from getting within blocks of the Colosseum. I watched nervously as he threaded his way through the fence without attracting any attention to himself. What we didn’t count on was the multitude of stray, hungry cats that lined the area around the Roman ruins and Colosseum.

>   The first indication that something was wrong with Squirt was a scream that erupted unexpectedly from the purple zakabibble. At first the tiny camera on the fly didn’t give us any indication as to why Squirt screamed. Squirt was darting here and there like a frightened rabbit. Then I caught sight of the danger he was facing. He was being chased by a hungry cat.

  Now we’re watching Squirt who has leaped into a tree, only to be followed by the cat.

  “It’s okay,” I reassure Squirt as I’m able to talk into the spy-pad to communicate with the micro-chip fastened to his back.

  While I’m sure that Squirt can climb higher into the tree, I also know that the cat has endless patience. We don’t have all the time in the world. We can’t sit here waiting for the cat to leave Squirt alone. In a few hours we’re going to have to head back home. I don’t intend to leave without Squirt.

  “Let’s wait a few minutes,” Michael says, “before we take action to help Squirt.”

  Although I don’t know what kind of action he’s intending to take, I step over to Jamie and Drew.

  Radwin is now flying directly over the Colosseum. It appears that there’s a large tent inside the Colosseum.

  I wonder what’s happening under the tent.

  “Radwin,” I exclaim, “you’ve got to get inside the Colosseum.”

  Radwin is flying by himself. If anyone sees him, he’ll be in danger.

  As he begins to fly lower, I say, “Take your time. Be careful.”

  Radwin descends into the Colosseum.


  It’s Michael.

  “The cat has almost reached Squirt.”

  Taking a few steps towards Michael, I say, “What can you do to save him?”

  Michael smiles

  “First of all, let me maneuver the fly closer to the cat.”

  Michael slides his finger across the screen of the spy-pad.

  We’re now looking at a close-up of the cat.

  Michael touches something on the spy-pad.

  The cat goes limp.

  “Run Squirt! Run,” Michael shouts.

  Squirt races down the tree.

  “What did you do to the cat?” I ask Michael.

  “The nano-drones can spray a chemical that momentarily paralyses a target. I only used a small amount on the cat so it will be okay in a minute or two.”

  “What if it falls out of the tree?”

  “Probably won’t happen,” Michael says. “Cats are good at sleeping in trees.”

  I wonder what other tricks Michael has.

  As we view the area near Squirt, there are a few trucks along the roadway leading to the Colosseum.

  “Squirt,” I say with renewed enthusiasm, “those big vehicles on the roadway are trucks. They’re going into the Colosseum. Do you think you could jump onto the back of one of them?”

  “Trucks, trucks, trucks,” Squirt repeats.

  Squirt bounds across a field like a hyperactive kangaroo.

  “Go Squirt, go!” Michael shouts.

  “You can do it,” I add.

  It looks like Squirt is going to be safe, then out of nowhere comes another menacing cat.

  Squirt leaps into the air as though he’s flying. It’s amazing how much distance he covers before he hits the ground again.

  Unfortunately the cat is bigger and faster than Squirt. Regardless of how much Squirt twists and turns, the cat does not give up.

  It looks like Squirt is tiring. Suddenly, the ferocious cat pounces on him. There’s a feeble cry from Squirt.

  The large cat has Squirt pinned to the ground.

  “Michael!” I yell. “The cat has Squirt. Do something.”

  Michael touches the screen of his spy-pad.

  The cat flips into the air as though it received a shock.

  “One more thing, I forgot to tell you is that those little nano-drones can deliver an electrical shock.”

  “You electrocuted the cat?”

  Michael smiles sheepishly.

  “Sort of. But don’t worry, it will be okay in a few minutes.

  - 53 -


  Radwin is now inside the Colosseum. He’s under the huge tent that’s covering the interior. The tiny fly that’s accompanying him is providing pictures for us.

  There’s a large stage in the center of the Colosseum. It looks like a pyramid with a flat top. Around the edge of the stage are boxes that look like caskets arranged in a large circle. Also on the stage are pillars that look like Roman columns.

  “Radwin, take a rest for a few minutes and hide,” Jamie says. “I’m going to send the fly off to do some exploring on its own.”

  After what must have been a nerve-wracking trip for Radwin to reach the Colosseum, I think Jamie’s request makes sense.

  “Michael, how do I separate the fly from focusing on Radwin?” Jamie asks.

  Up until this point in time, the fly was programmed to follow a micro-chip that was attached to Radwin’s back.

  “On the main menu,” Michael says as he continues to monitor Squirt’s progress on the screen in front of him, “unlock the transponder. This will give you complete control of the fly.”

  “Got it,” Jamie says.

  Jamie slides his finger across the touchscreen as though he’s playing a game. The smile on his face shows that he’s enjoying what he’s doing.

  “What is it?” I say as the fly shows a close-up view of one of the boxes.

  Jamie directs the fly around one of long boxes. It looks like it’s made of plastic or fiberglass although I suspect it’s some other material. There’s a dark window along half of the top of the box. At one end of the box are several small antennas.

  Michael steps over to see what we’re looking at.

  As the nano-drone travels to the other end of the box, there’s a small digital display.

  “Get a close-up of the display,” Michael says.

  Jamie slides his finger across the spy-pad. The picture zooms in on the digital panel on the box. There are blinking numbers, but none of them make any sense.

  “What is it?” I say again.

  “Looks like a controller for a bomb,” Drew says.

  Could these be bombs? Does Santtonnice have a plan to destroy Rome even if he doesn’t get my emerald?

  “Don’t forget,” Michael interjects, “that everything that we see is being recorded. When we get home we can look at the boxes in more detail. Right now, I think it’s important for the flies to inspect as much of the Colosseum as possible.”

  “I agree,” Jamie says as he uses his finger to move the fly higher into the Colosseum.

  As we noticed before, there’s a tent inside the Colosseum that would prevent anyone from seeing the stage area. It reminds me of a huge circus tent.

  Jamie says, “This must be the reason why there were never any overhead pictures of the Colosseum on TV. Santtonnice doesn’t want the rest of the world to see what he’s preparing to do.”

  “The boxes and pillars form two circles,” I say as we’re seeing an overhead view of the casket-like boxes arranged in a large circle on the platform below. There are seven boxes. A second smaller circle of seven pillars lies within the circle of boxes. In the middle of the seven pillars are two large tables that look like they’re made from white marble.

  “The formation reminds me of Stonehenge,” Jamie says.

  It’s now easier to see the seven boxes on the platform. They’re on what appears to be pedestals. As I look closer at the two tables that are set inside the smaller circle of seven pillars, I notice a golden throne behind the tables.

  “Squirt’s now inside the Colosseum,” Michael announces.

  I move over to the spy-pad where Michael and Jasmin are positioned.

  “Can we get Squirt into the tunnels underneath the floor of the Colosseum?” I ask. I remember learning in my ancient history class about the labyrinth of tunnels under the floor of the Colosseum where the wild animals were kept before the gladiators fough
t them.

  “Actually,” Michael says, “the floor of the Colosseum disintegrated many years ago. Santtonnice must have had a new floor installed. The fact that it was completed so quickly is proof of the careful planning that has gone into whatever is going to happen next.”

  This isn’t something that just occurred overnight. Whatever Santtonnice is intending to do, he has been planning for a long time, and he has had help from a large network of people.

  “Squirt, I need you to find a way to get under the floor where you’re now standing,” Michael says.

  The fly that’s accompanying Squirt is still programmed to follow him and show us what Squirt is seeing.

  Squirt begins to explore ways to reach the tunnels underneath the floor. He’s constantly stopping and starting as he looks for some way to achieve what he’s been asked to do.

  Suddenly, Squirt vanishes into a thin crack in the floor. The fly follows him.

  We’re instantly greeted with a view of what looks like an underground palace.

  Everywhere I look I see evidence of luxury. There are exquisite golden tables that are set with a huge variety of food. There are plush velvet chairs and flowing red curtains along the walls. It’s as though we have entered the palace of an emperor.

  “Look at this,” Jamie exclaims.

  I step back to where Jamie and Drew are looking at their spy-pad.

  “Looks like the control booth for a Broadway play,” Jamie says.

  I agree with his observation.

  “Can we get inside it?” I ask.

  Jamie controls the tiny nano-drone so that it inspects every inch of the door on the control booth.

  “Maybe there’s a space at the bottom of the door that it can squeeze through,” Drew says.

  Jamie maneuvers the fly to the bottom of the door and slowly slides his finger over the screen of the spy-pad.

  All of a sudden the fly is inside the control room. There’s an endless bank of computers and a wide array of other technological equipment, much of it unknown to me.

  “What do you see?” Michael asks as he focuses on his spy-pad which is controlling a fly in another part of the Colosseum.


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