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Page 51

by Shae Mills

  Chelan mulled over Korba’s words. “I had not thought about that.”

  “Well, that is a fact that has undoubtedly plagued him perpetually over all this time. He may be many things within our society, but if he returns to us, he will never again have the title of Warlord. He will still be renowned and revered by all the masses, but he will no longer be what he has always aspired to be... He will never become again what he once was, a Warlord supreme.”

  “All the more reason to get over here and see what the Cleosans can do for him.”

  “I agree, but it is not just the physical deficit that burdens him.”

  Chelan’s features suddenly softened. “I know. He feels that he failed us all. His men were the last defense against my abduction, and he now knows all too well what happened as a result.” She looked at Korba, her heart heavy. “But you and I know a RIBUS could have been protecting me directly and the outcome would have been the same.”

  “True, my Lady.” Korba hesitated. “But I do not refer to the obvious military aspects. What I refer to is a more personal encumbrance.”

  Chelan shook her head at him. “What do you mean?”

  Korba explained. “After all he had done to make you his, to have you pregnant with his child... We are a fiercely protective warrior nation. Our need to conquer, possess, and protect is written by centuries of DNA imprinting and conditioning. Overcoming such a colossal failure in our eyes is nearly impossible. I know. I have felt it.” He looked down at his hand and clenched his fist. “I know,” he whispered. “I understand completely.”

  Chelan went to reach for him, but the sound of the intercom caught her attention.

  Korba acknowledged it. “Yes?”

  “My Lord. The Cleosans and Dr. Stose are all ready in the private sickbay area.”

  “Thank you.” Korba looked at Chelan. “Ready?”

  Chelan smiled. “Yes! Essentially, I give birth shortly.”

  Korba stood. “Indeed, and with none of the pain.” And he offered her his hand.

  THEY STEPPED INTO THE private sickbay area and Chelan stopped in her tracks. There were people everywhere, the hubbub having an almost festive atmosphere. All the commotion was such a surprise that she was rendered breathless. She had expected an austere clinical setting with only a couple of conservative doctors present. But this was akin to a party.

  The lead Cleosan fertility specialist ran up to her and then fell to one knee before her. “My Lady. The wondrous time is upon us!”

  Chelan nodded. “It is! And just where is our mother-to-be?”

  Chelan had no sooner asked the question when a very enthusiastic Leeman dusted up to her, her long robes sweeping the floor. The tall, wispy woman joined the doctor, sinking to one knee before her and Korba.

  “Oh, my Lady! I am so excited I can barely breathe.”

  Chelan laughed. “That makes two of us. But we both must breathe, Leeman. The baby requires oxygen.”

  The four of them laughed, and with that, the entire room seemed to register Chelan’s presence. Everyone fell silent, all eyes upon her. Dr. Stose materialized from the center of the crowd and walked up to her just as Leeman and her doctor rose to their feet.

  Chelan smiled. “Dr. Stose.”

  “My Lady and my Lord,” he greeted. “It is a great honor to be a part of this.”

  Chelan beamed. “I would have it no other way. You are a dear friend and the best doctor in the realm. Plus you are the only man that literally knows me inside and out.”

  Stose bowed. “Well, the first thing I noticed about you over two decades ago was just what a shy young lady you were. I also know that despite our ease, you are still thus, and so out of respect for you, most of the people here that are of the spectator inclination will be dismissed. They have already been filled in on your modesty.”

  Chelan peered past Stose to the thirty or so Cleosans staring at her and chattering quietly among themselves. “They are all doctors?”

  “Yes, my Lady. All fertility experts. But only three doctors other than myself will be directly involved with the transfer.”

  Chelan stepped around Stose and studied the crowd, all their faces alight with eager anticipation. She glanced back at Stose and Korba, smiling at them both. Then she took a deep breath and addressed the room. “I think everyone is more than welcome to stay. The transfer of a child from one species to another, no matter how similar the hosts, is probably quite the event. I have no problem with being in the company of professionals.”

  The room instantly erupted into pandemonium, giant smiles of appreciation everywhere. Then as if on some hidden cue, everyone sprang into motion. Chelan watched in rapt silence as Leeman was whisked away, examining tables were revealed, and equipment was checked and double-checked. Chelan wrung her hands together and looked to Stose. “What did I just do?”

  Stose chuckled. “I had already told the group that most would be escorted out for your personal comfort. Allowing them to stay is not only a privilege, it exceeds all their expectations.” He leaned into her. “And the Cleosans are not known for their propensity toward events that create excitement. They are a rather low-key race. In essence, you have just spawned a rather rare festive atmosphere.”

  Chelan whispered back. “Is that a bad thing, considering my most private parts are about to be on display?”

  Stose laughed. “My Lady. I will keep you shielded as much as possible. And since I will be doing the extraction, that procedure will be as private as can be.”

  Chelan smiled. “Well then, shall we get on with it?”

  Stose lead them to a private room, where Chelan changed into a short white medical gown. Then she was led to the first table, where she lay down, smoothing her gown while Stose placed a sheet over her. Cleosans skittered about as Leeman lay down on the table next to Chelan, the woman’s eyes as big as saucers.

  Then the lead Cleosan doctor spoke. “Everyone knows their places, and the Lady Chelan and Leeman have been briefed. Throughout the transfer I would ask that everyone be silent. Doctor Stose and I will narrate as we proceed. If there are any questions, please ask them at the end.”

  A murmur of acknowledgment went through the crowd. Then Chelan and Leeman held very still as a decontamination beam pulsed over them. The moment the machine was done, Leeman reached for Chelan and they held hands. Leeman smiled. “I will see you on the other side.”

  Chelan smiled back at her. “And so you shall.”

  Just then Korba came up to Chelan and a chair was brought for him. He sat beside her and took her other hand. “And I will be here the whole time, my Lady. All will be well.”

  Her eyes sparkled, her gaze never leaving her mate’s as Stose injected her with the anesthetic, and all went blissfully dark.

  CHELAN AWOKE FROM HER dreamless sleep. She blinked back to reality and then smiled at Korba. “I am back,” she whispered.

  He smiled and raised her hand to his lips. “Yes, you are, and you are no longer pregnant.”

  Chelan looked about the private room. “Is the party over?”

  Korba chuckled. “Well, it is probably still going on in the main room, but I thought you would like to wake up in peace.”

  Chelan squeezed his hand. “Thank you. You think of everything. When can I get up?”

  “Stose says as soon as you feel okay. The procedure did not take long. You have been given fluids and some hormones to help stabilize any fluctuations. There might be some spotting and maybe a little cramping, but all went perfectly.”

  Chelan rose slowly, wondering if she would feel dizzy or disoriented, but she felt completely normal. She swung her legs over the side of the table as Korba stood, watching her with concern. Then she glanced down and ran her hands over her abdomen. “Wow. I feel as if nothing has happened to me.”

  Korba nodded. “That is excellent. Now, let’s try standing.”

  He held her hand tightly as she slipped from the table and stood. She looked up at him. “All seems fine.”

p; He smiled and handed Chelan her white gown. She changed quickly, and when she was ready, he spoke. “What do you wish to do?”

  “Right now, I just want to go home.”

  “This way, then, my Lady. We shall go out through the side corridor to avoid the celebrations next door.” And he escorted her directly to the Command Center.

  THE NEXT FEW DAYS FOR Chelan were spent visiting Leeman, the woman being confined to the medical center until the implant was considered a complete success. This morning, Chelan walked up to her and sat down quietly.

  Leeman opened her eyes, smiling broadly. “Oh, my Lady. I did not hear you come in.”

  Chelan smiled. “I saw that you were sleeping. I did not wish to wake you.”

  “I am so glad you are here. Today has been a bit lonely.”

  “Thankfully, today is the last day you have to be flat on your back, and all is well, so I guess all the partygoers have departed for more exciting fare.”

  Leeman laughed. “Well, most of them have. There are still enough of them here to poke and prod me regularly.”

  Chelan winced. “That should be over soon, I hope. Once you are cleared later this afternoon, where are you going?”

  “My family is meeting me at the castle. There are a lot of things to get done there, and everyone wants to help.”

  “I know you desired a boy. Any names for the baby once he is born?”

  “Would you like to help choose?”

  “I am honored that you would ask, but no, I will leave this up to you.”

  “I already have an idea, and I would love your opinion.”

  “And it is?”

  “Duncan Terig Fraser Mackenzie.”

  Chelan beamed. “Ohh, I love it! But hopefully Duncan will not have to write out his full name too often.”

  Leeman laughed. “It is not my culture that goes for such long names. But some of your Earth dwellers do.”

  Chelan sighed. “The castle is going to be so warm and welcoming. I think you will be very happy there for many years to come.”

  Leeman nodded. “I know I will. And you, my Lady, are welcome there at any time. It would be wonderful to have you join us and the entire family as often as you wish and for as long as you wish.”

  “I have no doubt that his Lordship will have adventures that bring us in close proximity every now and again. And when that happens, I will be more than delighted to spend some time with you and the whole clan.”

  Leeman reached for Chelan’s hand. “I want to thank you once again for this, my Lady. This gift you have given me will be the light of my life until death takes me from this world.”

  Chelan squeezed her hand back. “And let us hope that your life is indeed long and happy.”

  Leeman went to speak but was interrupted by a Cleosan doctor. “One more blood test for the happy mother-to-be, one more scan, and then we are done.”

  Chelan smiled up at the doctor and then stood. “I shall leave you now. Once you are on the planet, and while RIBUS 1 is still here, we will be in constant contact.”

  “Thank you once again, my Lady, for all that you have done.”

  Chelan nodded to them both and then left for the Command Center.

  Once there, she sat down and reflected on all that had happened with Leeman. Her hands slipped over her tummy, and she smiled. She had brought life to Terig’s world, nurtured his son within herself lovingly for Leeman. Nothing could compare to the warmth permeating her. If only she could stay for the duration of Leeman’s pregnancy and watch Duncan delivered into his world!

  She stood to go find Korba just as a communications light flashed. “My Lady. This is Tannis on the Bridge. An Imperial fighter from RIBUS 7 is requesting docking at the private hangar. What are your orders?”

  Chelan furrowed her brow. “Why the private hangar?”

  “No idea, my Lady. They also refuse to give their identification. However, they were cleared for departure from RIBUS 7 and they did ask that the docking request be directed to you specifically. Should I refuse the docking?”

  Chelan’s eyes suddenly widened. “No! It is okay, Tannis, I know his identity.”

  “I could order an escort, my Lady, for extra safety.”

  “No, that is okay. The flight deck security is sufficient. Let them know that the pilot is to be allowed entry without identification or interrogation.”

  There was a slight hesitation, and then, “As you wish, my Lady.”

  Chelan straightened her hair and ran the palms of her hands down her white gown. It had to be Dar. She had surmised he would eventually come, and right at the end of the mission was when she had suspected he would. He had no intention of rejoining the Empire, and this was probably his way of saying a final good-bye.

  She waited, and then the shroud appeared at the entrance to the workout area. Chelan was a bundle of nerves as she watched him slide off his hood and flight gear. Then he approached her and stood on the stairs before her in all his majesty. “My Lady,” he whispered softly.

  Chelan curtsied deeply. “My Lord.”

  Dar looked about. “Who knows of me?”

  “On this ship, only Korba, Stose, Tannis, Rayik, and Yanis. I suppose security on RIBUS 7 has an inkling or you would not have gotten here unscathed. Of course, you could have used a cloaked fighter. But then you would not have needed to clear RIBUS 7’s security.” Chelan paused, giving him the opportunity to confirm her suspicion that he was in possession of such a vessel, but he remained irritatingly silent. “Jason was sworn to secrecy upon your first meeting, so that is it,” she added with finality.

  Dar stepped down the stairs and placed his flight equipment on the console. Then he looked to her, the sight of her wearing the gown he had given her so long ago almost bringing tears to his eyes. “I love you.”

  Chelan nearly melted before him, but she was not going to be charmed by his words. “I love you too,” she stated matter-of-factly. She took several deep breaths. “I should alert Korba to your arrival.”

  He nodded his permission, and she hit a switch.


  “My Lord is required in the private Command Center.”

  “Yes, my Lady.”

  Dar looked about him and then directly at her. “The ship. She feels so alive.”

  “She should. She is not the dead hull you have called home for so long.”

  “I guess,” he smiled.

  The main doors opened and Korba stepped in, his eyes coursing over his formerly long-dead friend.

  Dar turned to face him. “Sire.” And he bowed.

  Korba walked up to him and then became very still. They stared at one another for a long time. Then they fell into one another’s embrace. “Damn you, you rogue,” Korba berated him. “How dare you die.”

  Dar chuckled. “Well, despite your wishes, I intended to, my friend. But try as I might, it was not to be.”

  Korba nodded to a chair and Dar sat. Korba seated himself and then looked to Chelan.

  Preferring to remain on neutral ground for the time being, she chose her own chair and sat between them.

  Dar smiled at Chelan. “Your woman is a great negotiator.”

  Korba smiled back. “I know she is, but I was beginning to wonder how effective she had been, since you had not showed. She does have some persuasive assets, however, and I do not mean just the obvious.”

  Both men chuckled and Chelan blushed. She crossed her arms in front of herself and smirked. “Keep it up and neither of you will ever taste of my obvious assets again.”

  Korba raised his brows and looked at Dar. “A challenge?”

  “Most definitely.”

  “I like challenges.”

  “As do I.”

  “Should you go first, or shall I?”

  “Be my guest, Sire. I have waited this long...”

  Chelan’s eyes widened with astonishment. They had been together but a few minutes, and they were bantering with each other as though they had never been apart—and quibbl
ing over her, on top of it. “Stop it!” she admonished. “There are more important issues at hand right now.”

  Dar’s dreamy eyes lit upon her. “Name one?”

  She went to speak but her mouth snapped shut.

  With that lingering smile upon his handsome face, it was as if nothing had ever happened. And with his shroud about him, nothing appeared amiss. His azure eyes shone, and then he looked to Korba. “I hear you have a fine daughter.”

  Korba nodded. “She will be all that her mother is, I am afraid.”

  Dar chuckled. “That will put a few gray hairs on your head.”

  “You are right, no doubt. She is merely eighteen of Earth’s months, and already as beautiful, as defiant, as stubborn—”

  Chelan cleared her throat. “I believe this conversation is disintegrating again.”

  Korba smiled. “You are right, my Lady. We will leave Shanna out of it for now.” He looked back at Dar, Korba’s smile fading. “My friend, I cannot believe you survived, and all this time existing on your own in such a hostile environment.”

  Dar stared down reflectively. “It was... different. In the beginning, basic subsistence was my only focus. Later, having survived, then came the emotional toll. But I had the memories of my past to sustain me.”

  Chelan saw him glance at her and she felt her eyes water, but she instantly blinked back the moisture.

  Korba nodded to him. “How did you lose your arm?”

  Dar sighed heavily. “RIBUS 8 was going up in a ball of flames after directly attacking Talon’s ship, as you and I had planned.” He redirected his gaze to Chelan. “We could not hit Talon hard, but we went after him seriously enough to draw all his ship’s fire for a time—time enough for Korba and most of RIBUS 10’s crew to scatter to the stars.”

  He looked back at Korba. “Explosions were everywhere. I had given orders to abandon RIBUS 8, yet I knew they came too late. Talon had sent men in to capture me before the final destruction was to happen. But I was not going to be taken alive. I was hunting down one of Talon’s jackals in a flight bay when a lone warrior around a corner barred my way to the fighters. I swung my arm out beyond my cover to blast the area, but unfortunately, he caught me first. Then, fortuitously, the area behind him went up, taking him out, and my escape route was cleared.”


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