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by Shae Mills

  Jim answered. “Well, I believe I’ll be transported back to my home sweet home within the week. The rest will be up to Lena.”

  Chelan looked to the warrior just as the woman spoke. “It will take a little time to get everyone in position, both on the ground and later in the air. But I suspect the operation could commence within the next month. This takes more time than simply coming in and either initiating a complete takeover or razing the planet. And we’re not in a rush anyway. So if you wish to give any input, my Lady, it would be more than welcome.”

  Chelan smiled. “I’ll go over everything with Korba, and if I think of anything pertinent, I’ll let you know.”

  Lena bowed. “Then we will take our leave, if you permit?”

  Korba was about to grant his permission when they were interrupted by the main doors parting. Everyone stared at the shroud that entered.

  Chelan glanced up nervously at Korba just as the Emperor rose to his feet. Then she stood.

  Suddenly, Lena bowed again. “Oh, my Lord! It is an honor to finally meet you! And it is indeed an extraordinary gift to the entire Empire that you have been found alive and well.”

  Dar pulled back his hood, his piercing azure eyes never leaving Jim as he addressed Lena. “Thank you. It is good to be back.”

  Jim’s jaw went slack. “Christ...” was all he could manage.

  Dar’s eyes flared. He switched to English. “Close enough, but I have far more power than your world’s deity ever had.”

  Jim swallowed hard. “Uh, I was told you had been killed.”

  Dar began down the stairs of the Command Center toward Jim, in slow, calculated steps. Lena quickly moved away from Jim and out of the way of any impending action.

  Dar spoke, “Another trait I excel at over your man-god: the power of resurrection.”

  Jim tried to calm himself as the blonde Warlord loomed over him. “I... I have much to apologize for, and much to explain.” Jim shifted his weight nervously. “I don’t know what you know of my stay on this great ship, but I assure you that I am a changed man.”

  Dar remained silent, choosing to stare at the Earthling while tamping down the nearly irrepressible desire to strangle the man to death right there, right then. Even one-handed, it would be so simple.

  Jim finally glanced back at Chelan, his eyes beseeching her, but he could tell he was on his own. Then he cleared his throat as he dared to look back at Dar. “My Lord, if you just give me a chance, you will see just how much I have adjusted my overall attitude.” He sucked in several deep breaths, realizing the beast before him was utterly unconvinced. He spoke hurriedly. “Please, my Lord. You have but to ask any of the people that have been working with me. What I did to Chelan was unspeakable, there is no doubt. And if truth be told, looking back on everything know with my new understandings and insight...” He hesitated. “Honestly, my Lord, I have no idea why you didn’t kill me back then.”

  Dar’s voice was a deep rumble. “That question has plagued me for the better part of many years. I had my reasons then. Do not make me regret not having disemboweled you like you so rightfully deserved.”

  Jim bowed deeply. Then he straightened. “I knew you as Jason, and I admired the man of honor and integrity you were. When I was first brought here, I learned of your true identity. And over the course of this amazing year, I have heard much from the men and women on this ship. They all idolized the great Commander Dar, and through it all, I actually felt privileged that I once knew such a remarkable and distinguished man, and that I had come to call him my friend.”

  Chelan watched the two men as Dar scrutinized the being before him as if sizing up a piece of rubbish destine for an incinerator. She could tell that Dar was completely unconvinced of Jim’s supposed reformation, and as the insufferable silence continued, she finally decided to defuse the situation. “Commander. Jim and Lena have embarked on a fascinating project directed at Earth. I think you would be most impressed. May I suggest that someday soon you take a moment to hear Jim out?”

  Dar’s intense stare never wavered. “How about he acquaints me with this project now. I have the time.”

  Chelan glanced at Korba, surprised to see an amused smile on her mate’s face. She looked back at the two men, noticing that Jim was definitely not going to hold up under much more of the Warlord’s scrutiny. Not that she cared, but she really did not want the man screwing something up to the point where Dar dispatched of him instantly, at least not in front of her.

  Chelan stepped back and hit a switch on the central control panel. The main doors opened and Yanis stepped in. The warrior stood silently awaiting his orders.

  Chelan addressed Jim. “I must confess that I truly believe you have come a long way. I genuinely wish you the best in your new endeavor.”

  Jim finally tore his eyes away from Dar and bowed to Chelan. “Thank you, my Lady. It has indeed been a privilege to be afforded this opportunity.” Then he looked at Korba. “And to you, my Lord. I thank you once again for not only granting me my life, but for all that you have imparted to me. I am forever indebted.”

  Korba stared at the man. “You will always be watched because of your past indiscretions. So I trust this project will be a job well done on your part.”

  “There will be no missteps. I embrace this as much as anyone here does.”

  Chelan looked to Yanis. “Yanis, please escort Jim to wherever he needs to be. I need to speak to Lena for a moment.”

  “Yes, my Lady.”

  Dar signed to Yanis to stand down. Then he glanced at Chelan and Korba. “I shall escort the man out. I believe we have a lot to discuss, both past and present.”

  Korba hesitated, and then nodded. “As you wish.”

  Chelan was reluctant to let Dar leave for personal reasons. But she was also wary of the Warlord’s motives. It was not beyond the realm of possibility that he would strangle the life from Jim once outside the doors. Judging by the fact that Jim was as pale as could be, she had no doubt the man had come to the very same conclusion. She looked back to Dar. “I’m sure you will be very intrigued by what Jim has to impart to you, my Lord. Please allow him to explain.”

  Dar’s eyes narrowed. “We will see.” Not bothering to look at Korba or Chelan, he announced, “We will take our leave now.”

  Jim nodded and then bowed once more to Chelan. “It’s been a pleasure to see you once again, my Lady. I assure you once more that I am reformed. And I humbly apologize for my past behavior once again. I have no words to adequately say just how sorry I am.”

  Chelan simply smiled and watched as he turned and left the Command Center with Dar right beside him. Yanis and his men parted for them, following them out, and then the doors closed.

  Chelan glanced up at Korba. “Is Jim going to survive the day?”

  Korba nodded. “A lot of time has passed. Dar has a superb memory, especially for those things that caused you harm, but I suspect he will behave once he hears what Jim has to say.”

  “I am not so sure Jim will be afforded the time to be heard out.”

  “Dar will grant your wish. He will listen. I have no doubt there will be a few personal issues between them dealt with also, but I predict Dar will leave him relatively unscathed.”

  Chelan was not entirely convinced, but she steadied herself and approached Lena. “Now that that drama is over, I have one small question for you.”

  “Yes, my Lady?”

  “During Jim’s, um, reprogramming, shall I say, did you or any other Iceanean woman tutor him in... other ways?”

  A sly smile traversed Lena’s face. “You are well acquainted with the Iceanean male. Would you avail yourself sexually with a man of your world when you have tasted of, and now live among, such male perfection as that of our men?”

  Chelan drew in a deep breath. “I see your point.”

  Lena chucked. “It was fun watching him as he witnessed some of our ease with our own men, but believe me, no one had the desire to touch him in that manner. He, on th
e other hand, was more than smitten with a few of our women. But life with us was not what he was accustomed to. No one was throwing themselves at his feet for the taking, and for the most part he was stripped of all control in every arena. He had a lot to learn, and respect was at the forefront of his education. Fortunately for him, he was a fast learner.”

  Chelan smiled. “I bet he had to be.” She nodded to Lena. “You are dismissed. And good luck on Earth.”

  Lena bowed. “It will be a pleasure indeed to enlighten the masses, my Lady.”

  Chelan watched the warrior leave, and then she swung around and looked up at Korba. “Did you know Dar was going to be here?”

  “I had no idea. I am not even sure how he knew the man was on board. But no matter. Now all will be settled between them.”

  Chelan decided to let the topic of Dar drop. “I am still not sure I understand why you have decided to allow this experiment at all. It is just not like you. However, since you have signed off on it, the people of Earth could use the education, no doubt.”

  Korba took her in his arms. “Your planet is beautiful. It has much to offer to its people. I merely afford it the chance of reaching its full potential through the empowerment of its women, women just like you. And with that empowerment will come all kinds of other benefits. There will be better population control as women gain the ultimate dominion over their reproductive rights. With a sharp drop in your world’s population, strain on resources will diminish, pollution levels will fall, overall health and longevity will rise, and nature will flourish. One day, should you choose to return for a visit, it will hopefully be a world worthy of your presence.”

  Chelan smiled. “Talon once offered me the opportunity to eradicate all humankind and return my world to nature in all her majesty. I was so very close to taking him up on his offer.”

  Korba kissed her gently on her lips. “Well, if this fails—not that I suspect it will, with our infinite resources—I will happily carry out that manifesto for you.”

  Chelan kissed him back. “Deal. And now that we have dispensed with Jim, what is next on the agenda?”

  Korba smiled. “We go home, my Lady, with our beloved ship in tow.”

  IN NO TIME AT ALL, the big event was upon them. Everyone throughout the Empire was on edge. Either RIBUS 7 made it to near-light speed or she didn’t. A skeleton crew manned her while RIBUS 1 and RIBUS 5 skirted far to either side. RIBUS 15’s crew was depleted to necessary personnel only, most of the rest taking flight in fighters, some relocating to RIBUS 1. If anything went wrong during the jump and RIBUS 7 went up, it would take RIBUS 15 with her, so every precaution was taken.

  Korba, Chelan, and all the main officers stood on the Bridge of RIBUS 1, everyone riveted to the central viewing screen. Communications between RIBUS 15 and RIBUS 7 were carefully monitored.

  Korba glanced behind himself and nodded to Stose. The doctor was present in case Chelan had any issues with the jump, but both men hoped all would go smoothly.

  Finally, Ilan appeared on the visual and spoke. “Sire, we are about to engage. The countdown has begun.”

  Korba was tense, worried about Chelan foremost and about the welfare of the two tethered battleships secondly. He nodded to Ilan. “Zane and I will make the jump with our ships momentarily. We hope to see you on the other side.”

  Ilan smiled. “We will be right behind you, Sire.” And the screen reverted to a depiction of the two ships, RIBUS 15 just in front of RIBUS 7. Korba looked at the Communications Officer. “Notify Zane. We jump in thirty seconds.”

  “Yes, Sire.”

  Korba addressed the helmsman. “She is yours.”

  The woman nodded and then tended to the controls. “Jump in ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one...” And the stars lengthened as the ship leapt forward.

  Korba glanced at Chelan, looking for signs of trouble, but with relief he noted that she seemed well. Then he turned his attention to his First Officer. “Tannis, report.”

  “All is well here. RIBUS 5 is with us and reports the jump was routine.”

  Korba nodded and then looked back at Stose. The doctor smiled and signed that all still appeared fine with Chelan. Then everyone returned their attention to the screen, the space behind them showing the stars as they disappeared rapidly, the color spectrum blue-shifted.

  Time seemed to stand still, the mammoth Bridge as silent as it had ever been. All eyes stared at the screen, all breaths held. Then it happened. RIBUS 15 blinked into view, with RIBUS 7 right behind. Warriors jumped to their feet, roars of victory abounding.

  Chelan slapped her hands over her ears, momentarily startled by all the noise. Then she leapt at Korba. He caught her, hugging her tightly as he whirled her about. Then he set her on her feet and took her face in his hands. He kissed her once. “We will soon have her home,” he announced. “She is back, and she is ours.”

  Chelan nodded enthusiastically. “She made it through like the warrior she has always been.”

  Korba bowed his head, resting his forehead on hers. “The trip home from here usually takes three months. But with a crippled ship in tow, downtime for any necessary adjustments to her, and a slower travel pace overall, I estimate it will take us somewhere between five to six months. Barring any major problems, she will be safely dry-docked on Iceanea then. Crews from around the galaxy will swarm her. She will not only regain her former glory, she will surpass it. Once again she will roam the galaxy, resuming her reign as the most exalted ship ever to exist.”

  Chelan held her breath. “And who shall command her?”

  Korba looked about them and then back to her. “That remains to be determined, my Lady. We will sort that out once she is repaired. But whoever it is will be more than worthy of her.” And he hugged her again.

  CHELAN SAT IN THE PRIVATE Command Center of RIBUS 1, her finger tapping the arm of the chair. She rubbed at her brow and then leaned forward. The journey was progressing flawlessly, with not a glitch. But right now, Chelan felt like she was about to explode, and this time her discontent had nothing to do with RIBUS 7.

  Quite precisely, Dar was driving her crazy. She hardly saw the man and she knew he was deliberately avoiding her. In fact, except to Jason and Stose, the blonde Warlord was nearly as elusive on RIBUS 1 as he had been on RIBUS 7.

  Korba stepped in front of her. “What are you thinking, my Lady, and dare I ask?”

  Chelan glanced at the him almost coolly. “I am thinking about the ghost we have come to harbor upon these decks.”

  Korba sat down. “Hmm... yes. I have been thinking about him also.”

  “Do you think it is trauma? ‘Antisocial’ does not begin to explain his behavior. And it is not just me.”

  “Dar has always done things his own way. That was borne out vividly by the lengths he went to in order to seduce you on Earth.”

  Chelan slumped into her chair. “He is just bloody stubborn, that is all.”

  “After six years of total solitude, suddenly he is back within the realm, the last place he expected to be. He was on that crippled ship, existing with the full intent to live out the rest of his days alone. Now he has been given so many options—uncertain ones, mind you—that I think he does not have a clue what to do.”

  Chelan tried to calm herself. “But he is treating all of us as though we do not exist! And as far and he and I are concerned specifically, he is behaving as though nothing ever happened between us all those years ago. It is as if there was never any bond. Whether he acknowledges it or not, I am a big part of the whole interpersonal equation. Jason is our son, and excluding me from his life like he is doing borders on the absurd.”

  Korba rested back in his chair. “I think that dealing with his arm and Jason is about all he can handle at the moment. He loves the boy to death, and it shows. And for the record, I have not seen either of them for days. So, by that account, he is keeping us all out of his life right now, not just you.”

  “I know that, but Jason did not sprin
g from Dar’s loins alone. Right now, it is as if I had no part in it. Besides, we both know that he, as one of the realm’s greatest Warlords, is more than capable of sorting through multiple taxing dilemmas at once.”

  Korba looked away. “That is also true, but I cannot help you, Chelan. Dar was my closest friend, but for now I too am shut out of his life. I can only assume he will come around. I truly believe he is holding all people and decisions at bay pending the outcome for his arm.”

  Chelan huffed. “You and I both know that that is also ridiculous. If the cloning does not work, what will he do, go find another derelict hull to skulk about in?”

  Korba’s brows rose. “Knowing him, that is a dubious yet distinct possibility. Anyway, I guess no matter what, for the time being, you are stuck with me.”

  Chelan suddenly smiled. “My, such baggage to be saddled with!”

  Korba’s eyes glowed. “I would like to ease your burdens right here and now, but I am expected on the Bridge for a while.”

  Chelan nodded. “I will be around. Maybe I will pay Stose a visit and see if he will part with some doctor–patient confidentiality. Maybe Dar has said something of substance to him.”

  Korba stood. He took a deep breath, almost reluctant to make his next point. “You know, dire situations require drastic actions. Stose may be bound by ethics, but you are the Empress. You could order his tongue to loosen.” And with that tidbit of info spilled, Korba strode out.

  Chelan was instantly on her feet. Within minutes she found herself staring down at Stose in the private medical center. “We need to talk.”

  “By all means, my Lady. Please, have a chair.”

  Chelan sat and got straight to the point. “Tell me about Dar. Is he okay?”

  “Yes, my Lady. The arm is actually coming along quite well. A hand has formed, but all the bones require lengthening and—”

  “That is not quite what I meant, Stose.”

  Stose was quiet for a moment. “My Lady?”

  Chelan was exasperated. “The rest of him, physically, is he well?”


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