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Page 60

by Shae Mills

  Dar rubbed at his jaw. “Do you remember her when she first came to us?”

  “Uh-huh—shy, trembling little creature.”

  “Yes—fearful, timorous.”

  Korba shrugged. “I wonder whatever happened to her?”

  “I have no idea. Think we should ask?”

  Korba thought for a moment. “Probably not. We really should attend to running the Empire, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, definitely, but we do not seem to be very good at it today.”

  “Quite true. I wonder what it was that she said we were good at?”

  “I really think we should ask her about that one, don’t you?”

  Korba stood up. “Yes. I will go pay her a visit.”

  Dar lurched out of his chair and grabbed Korba by the arm. “No, really, let me ask her.”

  “No, no, it is okay. I am sure all the commotion earlier fatigued you. I will tend to her myself.”

  Dar grinned deviously. “Uh-huh, I think not. Remember you said that we share all, and that includes interrogations.”

  Korba took a deep breath. “Yes, you are right. How short-sighted of me.” He slapped Dar on the back. “We will go together.”

  Chelan stripped off her uniform and lowered herself into the giant pool sized spa. Just then she heard the doors to the bedroom open, and she smiled to herself.

  Korba entered the en suite first. “I will have you know that the Imperial wheels of negotiations have just ground to a halt, and all because of you.”

  Chelan feigned offense. “Oh really!” She glanced at the door. “Well, far be it from me to detain two Emperors at once for my own selfish needs. I believe the both of you are now excused from my services.”

  Dar was stripping off his gloves. “Insolent, isn’t she?”

  Korba dropped his shroud. “Always has been.”

  Dar peeled off his jacket. “I have asked this question before, but do you not have any control over her?”

  Korba shook his head as he shrugged out of his jacket.

  Dar kicked out of his boots. “Well, I left you on your own for several years to get it right, and you have obviously failed. I guess now I will have to take over.”

  Korba nodded. “You are correct. Firm discipline must be the answer.”

  Chelan grinned. She looked over the two naked men and sighed with reverence. Then she raised a cleansing bar from the water. “Who is washing and who is rinsing?”

  Dar and Korba stared at her. Dar leaned to his friend, his voice a low rumble. “I will hold her, you spank her.” And then he winked at her.

  Chelan dropped the bar. “You would not dare,” she stuttered.

  Korba’s brows rose. “Oh no?”

  Chelan backed up to the far end of the pool. “No! Please...”

  Dar lunged for her. “She just begged us,” he stated jubilantly as he dived below the surface.

  Chelan leapt from the water, running for all she was worth from the en suite.

  Dar surfaced, shaking out his long mane as he tracked his fleeing quarry. A switch flipped and the predator in him exploded. He bolted from the pool only to be halted by Korba as the man barred his path. Dar’s chest labored. “You let her escape!” he accused Korba.

  Korba gave a casual shrug, but his muscles were strung tight. “I took the simpler route. Now she is where we want her: right next to our bed.”

  Dar shook his head again, spraying water everywhere. Heat flared uncontrollably throughout his body. He went to dodge around Korba, but Korba countered his move.

  The black-haired Warlord braced himself in case Dar pressed his advance. Then Korba scooped up a towel and threw it at the man.

  Dar snatched the towel from the air, standing still a moment as he eyed the Emperor before him. All earlier humor had fallen by the wayside, emotions now governed by hormonal storms. Dar’s mouth watered as his erection surged, the thought of what was about to occur inflaming him to dangerous levels.

  Korba nodded, his voice low. “I know your instinct. Get it together before we go in there.”

  Dar ran his hand down his abdominals and then fisted his erection. “You know me better than that, my Lord.”

  Korba’s eyes narrowed. “I do. That is why we take this quiet moment for you to get your lust under control. She baits. She ran, inviting pursuit. You can scent her receptivity as well as I can. And I am about to take her in front of you. All of that together is incendiary.”

  “You have no idea of our past sexual dealings, their true extent over the years. Yes, she has taken me to derangement and back, but I have never lost ultimate control.”

  Korba’s jaw worked. Dar may have felt he was in control, but Korba could sense just how near to the surface Dar’s frenzied need flowed. And he was all too well aware of Dar’s tameless side. Factor in that another male about to sexually take Chelan, there were all kinds of ways the interaction could go bad fast. All Korba needed was to force these few seconds of calm to defuse the situation, and it worked.

  Dar took a deep breath and then ran the towel over himself, adrenalin draining to a manageable level. Then he nodded to Korba, acknowledging with appreciation what Korba had just done.

  Korba’s eyes glinted slyly. “Shall we attend to our Lady?”

  Dar smiled as he dropped the towel. “We shall.”

  Both men exited the en suite and approached the bed where the fair-skinned beauty awaited.

  Chelan stretched out on the sheets before them, her hands slinking down her supple body in overt invitation. “About time the two of you got here. I was just about to satisfy myself, but I really would prefer if the two of you did it for me.”

  Korba and Dar slipped up on either side of her. Korba smiled at her, his fingers finding her breast, teasing her nipple. “Your wish is our command, my Lady.”

  Dar took her other nipple in his mouth and sucked hard as his fingers slipped into her moistness, her gasp nearly shredding the control he had just managed to achieve. He released her breast and looked up into her pretty eyes as his fingers delved deep. “I believe that before the pleasure should come some punishment.”

  Chelan felt every muscle in her body clench with anticipation, her fantasy world blossoming.

  Dar looked at Korba. “What do you suggest we do, Sire? She needs to be disciplined.”

  Korba’s eyes narrowed as his fingers traced down her silky skin and joined Dar’s in her slippery depths. Korba’s voice was a low rumble. “I suggest we torture her with our bodies until she can stand it no longer. And if she tries to run again, then we will attend to her shapely bottom.”

  Chelan moaned, their fingers parting her, probing her, caressing her. She closed her eyes, their touch causing her to writhe in ecstasy.

  Korba leaned over and kissed her inviting lips, his fingers leaving her femininity and finding her hard nipples again.

  As Dar lay beside her, he trailed kisses down her slender abdomen, his tongue joining his fingers. He parted her wide and took a long taste of her moist heat. Korba’s lips wound their way over her neck to her breasts, and he sucked her.

  Chelan arched like a Persian kitten to the men’s touch as they took her. She entwined her fingers in Korba’s mane as his hands squeezed her breasts, his hot mouth teasing her nipples and forcing more warmth to flow between her legs.

  She moaned as her other hand sought out Dar, her fingers brushing through his long silver-blonde hair, his fingers deep inside her, his tongue lapping at her swollen flesh, his lips taking her clit. She was awash in a sea of sensation.

  Dar moved his body between her legs, his hands parting her thighs wider. Then he settled himself before her soft folds once again. He opened her for his enjoyment, and she responded ever so eloquently to him, her body begging him for more. With a satisfied moan, he took her clit between his teeth, his tongue flickering over her.

  The orgasm that swallowed her rivaled nothing she had experienced before. She cried out, her back arching so forcefully that only her head and hips
remained on the bed.

  Korba released her and looked down at Dar just as the man rose up, his fingers pressed into her femininity as the waves of euphoria washed over her. The two men smiled.

  As she continued to contract, Dar withdrew his fingers from her. Then he shifted to her side and sat back on his heels and watched as Korba slipped over top of her and entered her, a smooth, long push.

  Korba hooked one of her legs with his arm and drew it up high, allowing himself to penetrate her deeper still. Then he groaned in elation, feeling her heated depths overflowing with the liquid aphrodisiac that nearly rendered him senseless.

  Dar stretched out beside them and took her honeyed mouth with his, kissing her thoroughly. He kneaded her pebbled nipples as Korba continued within her, his thickness filling her completely, stroking her perfectly.

  AND SO THE LOVE CONTINUED, each man giving and taking all, each man making love to her in perfect unison until restful slumber claimed them all.

  Later, Chelan pried herself out from between the two sated men. She looked down at them dreamily as they slept. Dar lay on his stomach, his hair amassed about him. Korba was on his back, a picture of male contentment.

  Chelan tiptoed to the spa and slipped into it, sitting down gingerly. She winced; her tissues were more tender than usual, and small wonder. Then she lay back and pondered her life. She had her family, and what a family it was! She resided in a wonderland, the Imperial Palace on Iceanea. She was the mate of the two most powerful men in the galaxy. Her blonde-haired son was that of Dar, her raven-haired beauty of Korba. And now, to forever bind the three of them, there was Emma.

  Chelan closed her eyes and remembered the night the little girl was conceived. Unable to pick a father, Dar and Korba had made sure that each had an equal chance, their night of lovemaking beyond her wildest dreams as each man spilled his essence into her again and again. Emma, beautiful Emma, had been the result. And now Chelan felt complete. Well, almost complete.

  She looked down over her full breasts as her fingers traversed into her own folds. Today had been wonderful, but she wanted one more gift... one more treasure. She wanted the two Warlords within her once again, favoring her with their seed. She loved the way they swelled, the way they tasted, and the way they filled her. Neither had taken her so completely after Emma’s conception for fear of the Guild, but her appetite for her men was insatiable, and she wanted that ultimate experience again, no matter what the threat. And even more, she wanted another precious child.

  She rose from the waters and walked over to a panel. She made arrangements for the nannies to take the children to the fair, and then she checked all the security reports. Finally, she smiled. It was perfect. She was in estrous. And if either man protested, she was well aware of how to whip them into a frenzy. She would not be denied.

  She padded silently back to the side of the bed. Her eyes raked over Korba as he lay on his back, his flaccid penis calling to her. With fluid grace, she straddled his thighs, and his luminous eyes opened to hers just as she took him in her mouth. The groan he emitted caused Dar to stir.

  The blonde Warlord looked over at Chelan on her hands and knees, consuming Korba’s organ. Like a cat to prey, he rose effortlessly and moved in behind her. He stared down at her beautiful bottom, her wet feminine lips glistening, begging to be taken... and he slipped inside.

  Chelan moaned, the feel of Dar’s member taking her, stealing her breath. She savored his possession for a few moments, and then she slithered up Korba’s body, slipping away from Dar. She positioned herself over Korba and then sheathed him within her. There, she undulated over him a couple of times and then looked back at Dar. “You too, my Lord,” she whispered.

  Dar hesitated, the sight of Korba so deep within her causing his mouth to water, but her request confused him.

  Korba looked at Dar and then into Chelan’s eyes. “We will not—”

  Chelan pushed her fingers to his lips, silencing him. “You both will tend to me at once,” she ordered. “I desire another child. I will stay in the chambers for as many days as it takes to be safe afterward. Grant me this now, please.”

  Dar and Korba’s eyes met again briefly, and they nodded to one another. Korba smiled. “Your wish is granted, my Lady. As before we will—”

  “Shhhh...” Chelan hushed him again. “Last time you both gave me your essence one at a time, all our fluids intermingled. But this time, I want you both at once.” She tilted her hips and clenched down on him with her internal muscles. Then she rose slightly, and then settled back down, massaging his length with her pelvic core.

  Korba felt winded. “Both of us together...? But we will split you.”

  “No,” she breathed. “I know your control. Soften a bit within me. Allow Dar to enter me and then you harden slowly.”


  “Hush... I know that when you both swell, there will be pressure. If there is pain, we will stop. And I know neither of you will be able to enter my womb this way, but to have you both come within me, at once... Oh, my Lord... please, grant me this wish. The sensations will be beyond anything any of us have ever experienced.”

  Korba looked at Dar, the man still as stone except for his pulsing penis. “You okay with this?”

  Dar nodded. “As long as she is honest with us when we begin to swell. I will inflict no pain.”

  Chelan ceased her movements over Korba and looked back at Dar. She reached behind herself with one hand and touched her own flesh where Korba entered her. “I want you here, now.”

  Dar’s blood was racing so fast at the prospect he felt lightheaded. He had never entered a woman already penetrated, but nothing except her crying out for him so stop would prevent him from taking her now. He nodded to Korba.

  Korba held her face as he allowed himself to soften while still inside her. Then Dar straddled their legs and positioned his penis against her. Ever so gently, still dripping with her cream, he began his entry. He watched with rapture as her body readily accommodated him, his organ joining Korba’s.

  When Dar was sheathed to his base, Korba allowed his erection to swell ever so slowly while watching her carefully. Dar remained motionless.

  Chelan tensed as her delicate flesh stretched, but it was everything she wanted, and more.

  When Korba was fully hard, he kissed her lips. “Are you okay?”

  “I am perfect.”

  Dar pulled back cautiously, his penis slipping against Korba’s until only its head remained in Chelan. He held her hips tight, and then penetrated her again, tentatively, gently. She gasped and tilted her hips even more, inviting him to continue.

  Korba finally moved, the look on her face, her eyes closed with pure pleasure, and he began his own subtle pelvic motions, countering Dar’s entries, both men moving slowly, carefully.

  Chelan pushed up on her hands, and then reached down to her own swollen femininity. She touched her clit and began stroking herself. “Oh my god,” she murmured breathlessly. “Mmmmm... I need you both, harder...deeper...”

  Her men responded instantly... each man entering her as deeply and as forcefully as he dared. Neither of them had ever felt or experienced such divine stimulation, such tight, all-encompassing friction, and it was indescribably wondrous.

  Finally, as if reading each other’s minds, they both pushed as far as possible into her and then became still.

  Chelan was panting for air as she continued to rub her clit. Then she felt it, the ultimate swelling beginning. She tried to catch her breath and then quit touching herself. She needed to relax her pelvic muscles as much as possible to accommodate them.

  Dar kept his hands on her hips, reading Korba’s eyes as Korba stared into hers. Finally, both men were fully swollen... both ready to cum inside her.

  Their movements now were ever so small, both being ever so gentle. She looked into Korba’s eyes, and she smiled. She licked her lips and then reached for herself once again. As her finger touched her clit, her orgasm began to roll over her
, and just as she climaxed, both men released.

  She cried out, her body shuddering, every muscle contracting. When the last powerful tremor deep within her had abated, she collapsed flat on Korba, kissing his lips as Dar hunched over her, his hot breath on her neck. The final fabric of passion continued to ripple through them all, over and over and over again, until it was done.

  Dar relaxed down on her lightly, kissing the back of her neck. “That was the most amazing thing ever,” he whispered.

  Korba kissed the top of her head. “I have to concur...,” he rumbled.

  Chelan nodded weakly... her breathing only now beginning to ease. “Neither of you is going anywhere,” she cooed. “And neither of you is leaving my depths. Not until I have drained you both dry.”

  Korba chuckled. “I suspect neither of us wants to leave your depths.”

  Dar rose up slightly. “Very true, but at some distant point we will have to, and then I will be happily tending to some very delicate and distended feminine skin with many fine, soft kisses.”

  Chelan smiled. “Deal,” she whispered. Then she felt their hands upon her, and she knew it was happening again, just as she wanted it to, endlessly.

  She closed her eyes and gave herself to them, mind, body and soul. Here at last, she was safe, she was complete, and she was where she wanted to be most of all, with her men. They were under her, over her, and in her, and best of all, they were giving her the gift of another child. She was in heaven with her gods, just the way it was meant to be.

  HOURS LATER, CHELAN lay back in the spa, floating in the warm water, her eyes closed. RIBUS 7 was back in orbit about the planet, Fremma’s crew being refreshed. While the vessel was over Iceanea, Chelan often receded into quiet reflection, dreaming of once again dancing through the hallowed decks of her favorite ship. So much had come to her there. Love. Pure, everlasting. Love. And in the room next to her lay the purest expressions of that love, her two Warlords: hers, forever.


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