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The Seller (Trading Hearts Book 2)

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by Saskia Walker

  "I thought he was a burglar," Megan continued, "when I saw the alarm was off and the mess downstairs. I guess you never made it up the stairs before you…" She started chortling. "Well, you know what I mean."

  "Lucas, this is Megan. Megan works in the shop with me. Megan this is Lucas who's…visiting." Naomi rushed through the introduction in an apparent effort to distract Megan from thinking about them having sex.

  It didn't seem to work. The blonde woman grinned at him, nodding down to the shirt at his groin. "Nice to meet you."

  "Likewise." Lucas grinned back.

  As she left, she patted Naomi on the shoulder. "Nice work. About time too."

  When she was gone, Lucas raised an eyebrow in query.

  "I went out to get some breakfast supplies." Naomi stepped closer and looped her arms around his neck.

  Now they were alone, she too seemed amused by the situation.

  Lucas tossed the shirt aside and pulled her close against him, his erection fast returning to full mast.

  She stood on tiptoe and kissed him. Lucas took the opportunity to run his hands over his over her curves, enjoying the way she felt when he pulled her to him with his hands on her gorgeous derriere.

  "I better go make us some breakfast," she said as she drew back. "You've got stuff to do. The kitchen's at the back of the shop so make your way down there when you're decent." She looked down at his groin and gave a loud sigh, smiling all the while.

  Then she was gone.

  Lucas glanced at his erection with regret and reached for his watch. It was gone eight. He groaned. It was Monday and he was supposed to be in London. He had to work fast. There would be time to play with Naomi that evening.

  He sent a quick text message to his PA requesting she hold the fort until later that morning when he would be in touch with instructions. Using his phone, he quickly researched facilities in the immediate area and discovered there was an intercontinental hotel five minutes walk from his current location. It offered the use of office suites, equipment and admin assistance to hotel guests. Perfect. After breakfast he'd head round there, book a suite and get set up with office facilities. Most everything he could do over the phone, but several of his clients expected head talk time over Skype and he needed a professional, private space for that.

  By the time he'd showered and dressed and was on his way downstairs, the smell of coffee and toast indicated which way he should go. He glanced into the tiny galley kitchen. Naomi was busy with a coffee percolator. From what he'd seen of the place there wasn't an actual area designated for her to create her designs. How did she manage? From what he understood, she'd worked from her family home to begin with, and then moved in here. His question was partly answered right away, because he saw a notice board heavily pinned with sketches and fabric samples. Instinctively, he knew the breakfast bar doubled up as her design space.

  He glanced the other way into the shop. The blinds were up and Megan was out front cleaning the windows.

  "Almost ready," Naomi said.

  Lucas nodded and wandered into the shop, taking the chance to look around in full daylight. It was smartly presented and cleverly arranged. He liked the way things were stacked. The range of colors and fabrics really caught the eye. The arrangement was important and he quickly decided it would have to be echoed in franchise displays. Careful manifesto notes would have to be made in consultation with Naomi. As the thoughts ran through his head, he took a quick look at some of the price tags and frowned.

  Naomi closed in behind him a few moments later. "Found anything you like?"

  "The owner." He arched his eyebrows at her. He'd never get tired of that smile of hers. "Your prices are too low," he added.

  Her smile disappeared, making him wish he hadn't said anything.

  "Your profit margins must be non-existent."

  She shrugged. "There's a lot of competition for the market here in the centre of Edinburgh, and it was one way to get my products out there and seen, people wearing them."

  "Are you making any profit at all?"

  She glanced away. "Enough to pay the overheads and the manufacturer. Not much else." She was getting defensive. "You have to have a few loss leaders to get off the ground. That's common retail practice."

  "A loss leader is one item that lures people in the door to check out the rest of your stuff. It looks as if everything in here is a loss leader."

  She sighed. "Well, I'm only just starting out."

  "Hey, I didn't mean to be harsh." He grabbed her into his arms and kissed her forehead, soothing her. "What you need is an agent."

  Her head dropped back and she laughed in disbelief, looking up at him. "You really are mean. Besides, you promised we wouldn't talk about that this week. We do our work then meet up for dates."

  When she pouted, he wanted to kiss her. Those luscious lips seemed even more tempting without lipstick. Naked. If he didn't have so much to do, he'd have her back in that tiny bed of hers.

  "We agreed not to discuss the agency or contracts," she added.

  "Okay, we're really not talking business stuff though. I'm interested as a friend, one who cares about you."

  He'd regained her attention and she gazed up at him with curiosity in her eyes. The dusting of pale freckles across her cheekbones made her look cute, while the doleful look in her eyes as she considered finances made him want to chuckle. "Its early days for you, establishing yourself in an outlet here, I know that. What are you, a couple of years out of college?"

  Even as he voiced the question, he realized he didn't know how old she was. He figured twenty-six, maybe twenty-seven. This week would remedy the situation. Thankfully they'd gained more time to learn basic stuff about each other, as well as the most important thing – trust. She hadn't known how to take his offer of a contract – with strings – and once he reflected on it he could see her point.

  She nodded. "I've had the designs in manufacture for just over a year now, and the shop opened shortly after. I did a one year apprenticeship before that."

  "It's still very new. You can't gain the full range of knowledge you would need for an expanding business like this all on your own. Naomi, I can tell you're an independent, headstrong and – quite frankly – stubborn young lady. You made those characteristics obvious when you walked out on me in London." He couldn't help teasing her. She looked so adorably flummoxed by his comments.

  "You're being mean again." Her lips were pursed.

  "It's the truth – nothing wrong with knowing your own mind and what you believe in. I admire that. It stops being helpful if you won't accept genuine offers of help and advice."

  She nodded, but there was still reluctance in her posture.

  "Hmm. It's a wonder you even thought of applying for agency representation, you being so self-reliant and all."

  She narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't push your luck."

  "Okay, I'm teasing you, I'm sorry. But seriously, this is the sort of thing you need help with. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I need to work through my schedule today, and I'll hand over as much as I can to others for the days ahead. We'll make time to look at your accounts and your profit margins later in the week."

  When her eyebrows gathered in a frown, he quickly soothed her, stroking her upper arms gently. "Honestly, no ulterior motive, just as a friend... a friend who cares."

  Again she stared up at him with a wistful expression. She was willing to trust him with her physical safety during sex game, and she wanted an agent, but she didn't know where their personal boundaries were. He would have to make her trust him on all levels.

  He kissed her, enjoying her soft lips and the eventual relinquishment in her as she sighed and leaned in against him to return his kiss. When they drew apart, he was pleased to see the frown had gone. Her perfectly arched eyebrows weren't meant to be marred by a furrowed brow.

  Naomi looked toward the pavement outside and exclaimed loudly. "Oh my God!"

  Lucas followed her gaze. A mature gentleman was c
hatting with Megan on the pavement outside. Megan pointed into the shop, peering in at them. The man beside her peered in too.


  "It's my dad."

  A moment later the man in question entered the shop, the door chiming as he did so. "Hello, sweetheart, I didn't expect to see you back today." He nodded back at Megan who had stayed outside but was peering in at them. "I just called down to make sure Megan had remembered to open up." He chuckled and winked. Then he looked at Lucas expectantly.

  There was a likeness, Lucas noted. The man's hair was white, but vibrant ginger strands remained in his goatee beard. If he didn't already know Naomi was a natural redhead, Lucas had the proof before him. Her father was tall and distinguished and he had a genial smile. The tweed jacket he wore had leather elbow patches. A checked shirt, jeans and loafers completed his mismatched but comfortable attire.

  "Dad, I..." Naomi's voice was somewhat strangled, and she looked from one to the other of the two men in a helpless fashion. "This is Lucas Eaglestone."

  Lucas smiled, amused because her complete bewilderment over the introductions was too adorable. How would she introduce him – as her lover, a potential business consultant, or what? The pained expression in her eyes meant he wasn't able to wait to find out. He had to erase it.

  He stepped out and offered the older man his hand. "Mr. Kildare, good to meet you."

  Naomi's father took his hand and shook it with a strong grip.

  "I work with a retail agency in London. Whilst we haven't made a decision as yet, I've come to check out the look of the displays because it's so integral to the label. It had to be seen to be understood properly, so we brought our discussions here to Edinburgh." It was a risk, mentioning the agency again, but he wanted her to have the option of keeping their personal involvement private if she wanted to. It was the obvious get-out. "Any franchise outlet would have to follow the style of layout I see here," he added, "it works so well with Naomi's designs."

  "I've often said that," Naomi's father responded, with a proud glance at his daughter. "It's so cleverly arranged, but Naomi won't take credit for that side of it. Tried to make me think it has to be done that way because of space limitation."

  Lucas looked back at Naomi. The grateful, relieved look she was giving him filled him with a deep sense of pleasure. She was glad to be rescued, but it was the truth. Her talent didn't stop at the designs.

  The door chimed again and Megan entered the shop carrying a bucket and cleaning equipment. She looked at the three of them with blatant curiosity. Lucas wondered what she'd said to Naomi's dad. That she'd found a burglar who turned out to be a naked male guest in Naomi's bedroom? Whatever it was Mr. Kildare hadn't been fazed by it.

  "Are you the creative influence?" Lucas asked Mr. Kildare.

  "No, no. That was her Mum. I'm a retired chemistry teacher. I just know a good thing when I see it." The older man beamed.

  Lucas nodded. "Naomi told me about your input on her business plans. I was just about to discuss the shop layout angle with Naomi over coffee. Seems like you should be part of the discussion."

  "Absolutely, if you think I can help."

  Lucas's plans for the morning were slipping back, but he could spare another hour here. Then he caught sight of Naomi's smile, and he didn't have a choice. She was pleased with what had been said. He was fast discovering her happiness meant everything to him and right then – seeing her so pleased – Lucas knew there was nothing he wouldn't do to keep this woman happy and content.

  Chapter Three

  "So, let me get this straight…" Megan said, and she had a bemused look on her face. "You went to London for a contract to expand the business, and this guy who's head of the company offered you one, and you did a runner?"

  Naomi frowned. "It's more complicated than that."

  "I get it's complicated, but just for my sake let's keep things simple." Megan gave a side-eye glance that indicated she wasn't simplifying it for her own benefit, but for Naomi's.

  Naomi resisted the urge to interrupt.

  "And then this guy who's head of his own business and a very busy man drops everything and comes all the way to Edinburgh to talk you round?"

  "Yes." Naomi's face heated, and she hated it. Her pale skin blushed so easily, she was like an open book for anyone to read. She needed this chat, but she was mortified by Megan's cross-examination. Megan had every right to quiz her though, especially given the fact she'd assumed Lucas a burglar and had almost called the police on him.

  "And then there's the fact he's one serious hottie." Megan fanned herself with both hands. "I don't even need to ask if he's good in bed. A man who oozes that much self confidence and charm has to be. Which makes me wonder…what the hell else did you do over the weekend – win the lottery?"

  Naomi sighed, loudly. "All right already. You can make fun of me. It's all true and I deserve it, but it's not as simple and fantastic as it sounds. The reason I did a runner was because I thought he was offering me a contract as some sort of payment because we slept together."

  "Well, I'm guessing the fact he chased you all the way up here to Scotland proved you wrong on that point. A man like him doesn't need to travel far to find a lover."

  "I suppose so." The doubts still needled away at her brain though.

  Lucas wanted her. She had no doubt about that. Was it still a negotiation – the contract in return for more of what he wanted? Would it be so bad if it was? She couldn't shake it – she wanted her work to be given a contract on its own merit, nothing to do with who she was shagging and why.

  On the other hand, she couldn't deny the complete joy she'd felt at being reunited with Lucas. Waking up next to him and having him around first thing in the morning was incredibly special to her. When they were intimate, all thoughts of professional behavior and inappropriateness vanished from her mind. Such was the effect he had on her. But when he wasn't around she was torn between complete longing to be with him again – a longing that was like a gnawing all-consuming ache inside – and relief she had the mind space to question what the hell was going on with her life.

  Megan wasn't done quizzing her. "And now, this guy, who's like some sort of powerhouse workaholic, as you yourself described him, is camping out in the most expensive hotel on the Royal Mile just so he can see you at the end of your working day?"

  Naomi's shoulders dropped. "When you put it like that, it really does make me sound like the most ungrateful spoiled brat there ever was."

  Megan laughed and hugged her side. "Oh no, that you're not. Come on, Sweetheart. I get you're confused. I'm only teasing because I can see why. Lucas is amazing."

  Naomi gave her friend a grateful smile. "I'm overwhelmed, to be honest."

  "Don't fret so." Megan's eyes glazed over while she stared at the doorway to the back of the shop, as if she was picturing him standing there. "Life's short. Never mind the contract, just enjoy the man."

  "We need the contract," Naomi replied, stubbornly.

  Just then the door chimed and two young women with backpacks entered the shop.

  Megan waved in their direction and gave them her most winning smile as she welcomed them. "Please feel free to have a look around. If there's something specific you're looking for just give us a shout."

  Naomi glanced their way from under her lashes. Her chest ached with pride when the women pointed at the array of garments on the shelves and cooed and gaped. When customers gave obvious signs of awe and admiration it humbled her. This time it did even more. It anchored her to her work, reminding her of why she'd traipsed to London in the first place. Not to find a lover. Okay, that was a bonus, a big one. But she simply couldn't lose focus on the main goal. She owed it to her mother's memory to make this dream come true. She couldn't lose sight of that while she indulged in an affair, no matter how intense.

  She drew herself up and took a deep breath. "Megan, thank you. You're helping me sort my head out and I needed that. I'm going to need more help from you though,
because I've asked Lucas to reorganize my appointment with the guy I was supposed to see in the first place."

  "Another trip to London?"

  Naomi nodded. "I know it puts more demands on you."

  "I'm always ready for more shifts. And your dad did me proud. He called in here both mornings you were away and then collected my lunch order for me. He watched the shop so I could have a proper break out back."

  "I'm lucky to have you both."

  "Naomi, your designs deserve a big future, and when that happens – and it surely will — you won't be here running a little shop in Edinburgh any more. You'll be spending more time at your drawing board and traveling all over the world promoting your brand. You better get used to handing over the reigns here at Drusilla's."

  Naomi was about to deny Megan's words, but she was struck speechless instead. Megan was right, she realized. The prize she was fighting for would change her life forever.

  "Yes, now you see it don't you?" Megan said, nodding at her. "And you'd better get ready to cut the apron strings here."

  "Don't say that," Naomi replied, genuinely upset at the thought of not being there every day.

  Megan shook her head and laughed. "Maybe knocking about with Mr. Lucas Hot-shot-workaholic will do you good. Some of his power ranger magic will rub off on you and you'll get out in the world where you belong. Now there's a good excuse for you to hang out with him." Megan winked.

  Absurd as it was, it did make sense. Lucas was from a world she hoped to edge into, a savvy, retail world where her designs would be seen and rated. She hadn't thought much beyond the point of gaining representation and shelf space for her designs. Drusilla's would always be the start of her business. It could be the flagship shop, but it couldn't be more than that if she started to expand. She did need to think beyond it.

  If anyone knew how to push forward with an idea and a business, it was Lucas. Even if the reasons for their relationship had become muddled, she couldn't ignore that. Her thoughts wandered and once again she found herself thinking about their relationship, sex, and what she had learned about submission. A whole world of pleasure and experience had been opened to her – a sexy, intense and somehow sacred world. When they were in that moment of deep intimacy, where she had handed over all power and control to him – and he showed her how much he valued it – it was a vivid experience, sex beyond anything she'd ever known before. She never would have found that place if he hadn't shown her the way. Her body heated, desire pooling in her groin. It took an immense effort to haul her mind back on track and think about business.


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