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Tempted by a Dangerous Man

Page 9

by Cleo Peitsche

  He pulled back, and I could hear how wet I was. “Yeah,” he moaned. “Oh, yeah.” He held me steady and drilled into my pussy, bouncing the backs of my thighs off the front of his.

  I felt like a sex toy yo-yo, violently shoved away, then yanked back, starting the excruciating process from the beginning again. Corbin fucked me hard. He hadn’t exaggerated about that, and when he repositioned his hands on my hips, I put my hands over his in a wordless plea for mercy.

  Though if mercy was what I truly wanted, I knew the hand signal for it.

  Instead, I felt Corbin’s grip tighten on me. I could feel that he was breathing heavily, panting. Oh, his cock felt amazing in me, so hard, so relentless. Demanding and insatiable.

  Corbin was a man who knew how he liked his sex, and he knew how to take it, too.

  Just when I thought I couldn’t stand any more, he hooked his arms around my chest and waist, lifted me up off the floor, and carried me forward to the bed. With each step, I bounced on his cock. Gently, he lowered me facedown onto the soft sheets.

  The torture brush was just next to me, and I watched in horror as he picked it up.

  I shook my head emphatically, signaling to him that I did not want to get spanked, but of course, he ignored me, would always ignore anything that wasn’t either my safe word or gesture.

  If only I’d been able to talk, I would have suggested that he risked accidentally hitting himself. Or I could have pleaded with him. But I was gagged and helpless, and Corbin had his heart set on drawing out the evening’s punishment.

  “Such a good girl,” he said. He stroked his empty hand down my back, and I relaxed under his touch with a muffled whimper.

  He grabbed a pillow, lifted me up and shoved it under my hips. Now I was positioned so that more of my ass was tilted up in the air and accessible to him.

  “Feels great,” he soothed as he pressed his cock in. “You are…” He squeezed one of my ass cheeks. “Made for spanking. It will take forever to catch you up on all the punishment that you deserve but never received. But it needs to be done, baby. I think we agree on that.”

  There was a tenderness to his voice when he said the last bit, and some soft part of me melted. Rough or tender… Corbin always seemed to change things when I least expected him to. It was like he knew that I’d gotten my defenses up in one area, and then he came at me from another direction.

  Well, there was one huge benefit to being gagged: no risk of confessing my unreasonable and unwanted love for him.

  That small relief soon disappeared, though. Corbin slapped the back of the brush against my butt twice, then began fucking me, driving me into the pillows. He punctuated each thrust with a sharp little spank.

  When I tried to push his hands away, he easily grabbed my wrists and pinned my hands to my lower back. All this without missing a beat, although the blows were a bit softer.

  The reprieve was temporary. And I could feel him now. Without a condom, I could tell that he’d gotten harder. Could feel how much this was turning him on. And I knew I was squeezing him, choking the hell out of his cock with my pussy. I hadn’t come yet. Corbin hadn’t wanted me to, so he’d made sure that I hadn’t.

  And now I was a big mass of unsatisfied nerves. I wanted the pain of the spanking to stop. It hurt, and it annoyed me… partially because I had no control over any of it. And I wanted to come. Needed that relief after hours of slowly rubbing up against Corbin on the dance floor and then this endless teasing he did, slowing when I needed him to go fast, speeding up when I craved it slow.

  How could any man take so much pleasure in denying a woman release? Yet he clearly did. And the more frustrated I became, the more I tried to rub my tormented clit against the pillow, the harder he seemed to grow inside me. Until I felt like his cock might get so huge and swollen that he would split me in half.

  Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more torment, he pulled out of me, leaving me desperately clenching around empty air.

  “Spread your legs,” he rasped.

  Of course I obeyed immediately, but that didn’t stop him from smacking my inner thighs lightly with the brush.

  He pulled my hips up and pushed me forward. “Hands behind your knees. Hold yourself open for me.”

  At that point, I would have done anything. So I grabbed the backs of my legs, not caring that he now had a prime view of every inch of me. I felt cool air whisper across my ass moments before the brush smacked me. Not hard. Just sharply enough to distract me from orgasming.

  Then he finally tossed the damned thing aside. He leaned forward and teased his mouth over my pussy. “Mm,” he said. “Can’t get enough of the way you smell and taste.”

  I tried to tell him that I’d noticed, but of course all that came out were muffled sounds. And I was glad; if I had managed to sass him, the result would have been a few more rounds with the brush.

  “Interesting,” he said, sounding amused. “Love to know what you thought just now.” He plucked the panties out of my mouth and tossed them aside. “Well?”

  By shifting my shoulders, I was able to crane my neck so I could see him. “I… uh…”

  His eyes narrowed. “Do we need to have another discussion about honesty?”

  “I was thinking that it was good that I was gagged because if I’d talked back, I would have gotten more spanking,” I said.

  He snorted gently. “Look at you craving my discipline,” he said. “You were a handful when you were trying to avoid it. I can tell I’m not going to have any peace.” He tapped a finger on my ass, and my pucker tightened defensively.

  “Want to know something interesting?” he asked.

  “Only if it’s not embarrassing,” I said.

  He stuffed the panties back into my mouth. “For your own good. Otherwise we’ll be up all night, and I need to get some sleep.” He pulled my legs down, rolled me over so that I was on my back.

  I stared up at him, feeling like a fool with the underwear in my mouth. He had again found a way to make things even more humiliating.

  “Surely you’re on tenterhooks, trying to guess what I found interesting. You taste different depending on whether you’ve had an orgasm or not. Before an orgasm, your taste is sweet but mild. But after you come…” He kissed his fingers. “It’s divine.”

  I closed my eyes and wished I could melt into the bed. I wished he would let me come, or get me worked up enough that I stopped being self-conscious.

  Or at least turn me onto my stomach so I wouldn’t have to see him taking such delight as every bit of my discomfort registered on my face.

  “Don’t be ashamed of your taste,” he said. “It’s an aphrodisiac to me. The strongest, most irresistible one I’ve ever known.”

  He knelt between my legs. His cock, I noticed, wasn’t the least bit inconvenienced by the lack of physical stimulation. But of course that fit with my theory that he was a strange kind of sadist who derived more pleasure from controlling pleasure than from outright pain.

  “I’ve flown thousands of miles out of my way just for a taste of you. I suspect that if you could speak, you would agree that I’m in control right now.” He paused—a bit theatrically, in my opinion—and waited for me to do something stupid like shake my head or roll my eyes. Finally, I nodded slightly.

  “But I find myself wanting this more than anything else in the world,” he said. He guided himself between my legs and pressed into my pussy. I arched, raised my hips to meet him, my shoulders sliding on the luxury sheets.

  He grabbed my ankles and pushed them over my head.

  Apparently, he was done with his speech, and I was a bit sad because I wanted to hear more about how addicted he was to my pussy. That was the one thing he could have talked about for as long as he wanted and I never would have complained.

  But then he began fucking me, riding higher on me, the thick base of his shaft stroking over my clit with each thrust, and I didn’t care about anything except the little explosions of pleasure that grew in intens
ity with his movements. He felt so amazing. I thought I might pass out.

  But I didn’t. Instead I writhed under him, my muffled moans and screams growing in volume. Corbin ripped the panties out of my mouth, then fitted his lips over mine. He held my face in his hands, and I was pinned under him, nearly bent double, helpless to move in any way he didn’t want me to.

  Even my hips, which vibrated with tension, couldn’t undulate the way instinct wanted. I felt my pussy jerking tighter around him, milking his cock, begging for him to fill me up.

  The rumbling groan that erupted from his chest and throat was primal, and it extended my own orgasm, or maybe I had another one.

  Didn’t matter what it was called. Corbin. He was everything I’d ever wanted. Everything I needed.

  He finally sighed, pulled away from my mouth, and eased my legs down.

  “Don’t go,” I pleaded, sliding my hands over his ass. And what an ass, hard muscles that flexed as he made himself comfortable. “I want to fall asleep with you inside of me,” I said.

  That got a raised eyebrow, and I expected him to tease me for being insatiable or to make me beg for something I already knew I couldn’t articulate.

  Instead I felt his cock twitch inside me, and he kissed me gently. He pulled his upper body back, electric blue-green eyes probing mine. “I know,” he said. “I know.”


  Sometime in the night, I got up to use the bathroom and to clean myself off. When I returned, Corbin sleepily pulled me close. Just before I drifted off again, I thought that I should have used my safe word to save the dress. Apparently I wasn’t quite as much of a tomboy as I’d thought.

  The next morning, I woke to the smell of coffee, scrambled eggs, french toast. Corbin’s dark hair was mussed, sticking out at random angles. He wore no shirt, and his black silky pajama bottoms hung low and loose on his hips.

  “No more flannel pajamas?”

  He looked up from the coffee he was pouring out of a silver pot. “Good morning,” he said, sitting. His grin illuminated his face. “Didn’t realize you paid such close attention to my sleepwear.”

  He nodded at a platter of assorted pastries that sat before him on the table. “Hungry?”

  I rolled over, sat up. At the end of the room, I could see the view out the window by the tub. “Jesus. There’s a lake, too.” It was like something out of a movie.

  Corbin followed my gaze. “Spectacular, isn’t it?”

  Nodding, I slid out of the bed. I slipped into one of the inn’s complimentary bathrobes. Not as sexy as silk pajamas, but better than being naked with daylight streaming in.

  As I passed him, Corbin snaked an arm around my hips, pulled me close. I leaned down and brushed my lips over his.

  “You’re sexy with your makeup all messed up,” he said. The blue-green of his eyes was oddly startling.

  “Crap.” I tried to walk away, but Corbin anchored me to him.

  “I mean it. I like you a little imperfect, a little messy.” He released me, and I sat in a fancy chair across from him and reached for a small croissant.

  “This better not be a segue to asking me to brush my hair again,” I mumbled around a mouthful of flaky, buttery goodness.

  Corbin smirked, picked up his coffee. When he set it down, I took a sip, preferring to help myself to his rather than pour my own. He stood, kissed my lips softly, then indulged in a leisurely stretch that got my pulse thrumming.

  I pushed my curls out of my face so that I could study Corbin. The light played over his perfect body, turning the ridges between his muscles into mountains and valleys.

  He went into the bathroom. The shower started up. So much for a bubble bath together.

  I only waited a few seconds before deciding that I might as well check in with Rob. I licked my fingers clean and crouched beside Corbin’s backpack.

  There were two front pockets. I poked them both, then I chose one at random.

  Five phones. No wonder he was so casual about giving me one.

  I hadn’t wanted to look at my phone since that fateful night in the office. But I couldn’t hide from everyone forever. I placed it on the floor next to me and zipped up the backpack.

  The screen illuminated, and I glanced down. It was Martha. She never called me except when she was throwing a surprise party for Dad. Since his birthday wasn’t coming up, I knew that Dad had put her up to calling. Too cowardly to reach out to me himself.

  But I had to admit that a tiny thrill of relief went through me. Despite my protests to the contrary, and no matter how much I told myself it was a matter of fairness and had nothing to do with my feelings, it had hurt me when he decided to bring Henry into the company instead of trusting it to me and Rob as he had promised.

  That didn’t mean I planned to answer Martha’s call, though.

  Curious to see how many times Dad had made her call, I flicked through my missed messages. One from my mom, a handful from Rob, another handful from Henry. Nothing else from Martha, and of course, nothing from Dad. “Bastard,” I hissed. He’d waited all this time to ask her to call?

  Since I had quite a few texts, I scrolled through them. Mom wanted to know how I was. Henry wanted me to call. So did Rob, and he seemed worried.

  Frowning, I dialed.

  Rob picked up immediately. “Where are you?” He sounded… unsettled.

  “Hi, Rob. How are you? That’s a standard greeting, by the way.”

  “You disappeared.”

  Keeping things from Rob was never easy, but there was no way in hell I could tell him about what had happened since we’d last talked.

  I swallowed. “Had to get away,” I said truthfully. “Put myself back together and figure out my next move.” I frowned, realizing that with all the things that had happened, Rob’s concern might be a sign that there was trouble. But I believed Corbin had taken care of Zachary. And that left… “Please don’t tell me that Smile suspects I broke into his house.”

  “Not that I know of,” Rob said quickly, distracted. “When I was leaving work for the day, Henry took me aside and said he thinks you’ve been kidnapped.”

  “What? Why would he think that?” My mind immediately went to the worst possible scenario, even though I knew it was unlikely—that Henry had somehow discovered I was with Corbin and thought I was being held against my will.

  “You and some buddy of his disappeared at the same time.”

  Blood drained from my face. No, this was the worst possible scenario. When I didn’t say anything, Rob must have assumed I was waiting for more. He cleared his throat. “Ridiculous, I know, but he started to make me paranoid. First he asked if I’d heard from you. When I said no, he started ranting that his friend who went to check out the security system call hasn’t been in touch.” Rob’s voice became angry. “Zak something or other. Seems he has a reputation for getting rough with women, though usually only after a few drinks. Henry was worried that you being you, things had gotten out of hand.”

  “Me being me? What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing, Audrey. Sorry, it’s been a long few days. Dad’s been out sick, and Henry has been working me like crazy, though he did give me a raise.”

  A tremor of envy rippled through me. “How much?”

  “Enough that I haven’t quit yet. So where are you, exactly?”

  I sensed that he really wanted to know if I was with Corbin. After all, he knew who and what Corbin was. “Bed and breakfast,” I said. “It’s pretty romantic.”

  Rob laughed. “Not my thing. Wouldn’t have thought it was yours, either.”

  “Well, you know. Don’t want to get boring and predictable in my old age.”

  “I’m old. You’re just a sapling.”

  I smiled. Rob was so damned proud of the six minutes he’d beaten me into the world. My thoughts circled back to Henry. Had I thought that my life got complicated when I met Corbin? Well, I was wrong. It was Henry who had screwed things up. “You think Henry is actually worried, or do you
think he’s…”

  “Being stalkerish and digging for info?” Rob suggested. “I did think that… until I didn’t hear from you. Hold up—Martha’s calling.” He sighed. “I’d better see what she wants. I’ll call you back.” He hung up before I got a chance to tell him not to bother.

  I sighed and tossed my phone at the bed, watched it sink into the rumpled sheets. Great. So now Henry was suspicious again. Truly the last thing I needed.

  The shower turned off, and a moment later Corbin came out of the bathroom, a large towel wrapped around his waist. He rubbed his head with a small towel.

  “You want me to order more food?” he asked.

  “No,” I said weakly.

  His hand lowered, and concern furrowed his brow.

  I swallowed. “Talked to Rob. Henry got him a little worked up, saying he thought Zachary kidnapped me or something. Does that seem weird to you? That he would think that?”

  “Where’s the phone?”

  I retrieved it from the bed and handed it over. Corbin’s face was somber, and I wondered how he could possibly think I didn’t trust him. He had been allowed access to every corner of my life. I knew he was capable of spying on me, but I hadn’t gone running in the opposite direction.

  If anything, he should have worried that I trusted him too much. That the boundaries between us were dissolving too fast to be healthy. But then… it hadn’t always been a choice. The alternative to trusting Corbin would have been disaster.

  “That’s a problem,” Corbin said finally. “Looking at the texts Henry sent, he knows that something is wrong.” He shook his head. “It’s a little worrisome because he only texted Zachary once, and the second one was more threatening than worried.”

  “Aren’t you worried the police will trace his cell?”

  “I’m on top of it.”

  I wondered what exactly that meant. “Should I call him?” Of course, I didn’t want to. The less Henry in my life, the better.

  “Absolutely not.”

  I frowned. “You didn’t even think about it.”


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