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Tame Me (Book #1 in the Blood Brothers MC Series)

Page 13

by J. A. Collard

  “So romantic.” I giggle.

  “I’ll give you romance,” he says as he lays me down on the bed and presses his naked chest against my bare breasts. His hard erection digs into my thigh, and I quickly unbutton his jeans and slide them down his hips, impatient to have him inside me.

  My hands glide over his firm ass and I push him into me, causing him to rub against my pussy. My panties are soaked and my clit is pulsating with the sensation of him grinding his hips against mine.

  “Fuck, babe, you want me to take it slow, but when you do shit like that… I can’t control myself.” And with that, he leans in and sucks on my ready and erect nipple. The feeling of his unshaven jaw creates a stir within me that has me panting for more.

  I arch into him as he sucks and licks at my other nipple while his hand trails a path down my torso. His fingers seek my naked folds as it travels beneath my jeans. I’m so turned-on that I almost don’t hear him when he mutters, “What the fuck are these?” His fingers have stopped and he’s unbuttoned my jeans and just staring down at me.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask as I lift my head to look down at him.

  “What the fuck, Jasmine? What are you wearing?”

  Oh fuck, his boxers. I forgot I had them on.

  “Oh those,” I say, giggling.

  “Are they what I think they are?”

  “Yep, they sure are,” I respond, laughing. “I didn’t want to wear my panties from last night, so I borrowed yours. I didn’t think you’d mind, considering you never wear any.”

  “Mind?” he grunts. “Baby, it’s the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. You in my boxers, fuck me.”

  My laughter is soon over when Quill pulls my jeans off together with his boxers and slowly and steadily licks me up from my entrance to my clit, circling his tongue.

  “Quill,” I pant.

  “Slow, remember?” he says, and I feel the vibrations of his words travel through me, causing me to arch my back.

  What was I thinking asking him to go slow? I can never do slow with him.

  He trails a wet path to my navel where he dips his tongue into the curve of my stomach. His hands trace the outline of my body, causing goose bumps to erupt all over me. He quickly slides off the bed, and I watch as he kicks off his jeans and pumps his cock once, then a second time. The sight of him naked with hooded eyes and stroking himself has me trailing my finger to my pussy where I slide my juices from my entrance to my clit and rotate my finger there. I moan as I hear Quill groan as he quickens his pace. The sound of him stroking himself causes me to get even wetter, and I use my index and forefinger to finger my pussy. My orgasm builds as I watch Quill’s head arched back and his muscles straining with each stroke. My eyes travel his magnificent body, covered in tattoos from his shoulder to his elbow like a half sleeve. My fingers work faster, and without any warning, my orgasm hits me hard. My toes curl at the intensity of it, and I fall flat against the bed. I’m still coming down from my high when Quill crawls up the bed and thrusts deep inside of me.

  “Fuck, babe, that was fucking hot. You’re so wet. Does watching me stroke myself turn you on?”

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  He stills as I adjust to his length and girth. He pulls out all the way and then enters me once more, rotating his hips on each upward thrust. I feel myself building up to orgasm again, and I place featherlight strokes on his back as he continues to thrust deep inside of me. Our eyes lock as we both get caught up in the moment of making love. Quill dips his head and takes hold of my mouth, kissing me softly, his tongue continuing the same rhythm as his cock. It’s as if our bodies were built for each other, the way we fit perfectly together.

  “I’m gonna come, Quill.”

  “Then come for me, baby. Give it to me.”

  Warmth spreads across my body and my pelvis bucks as I climax hard. Three more thrusts and Quill plants himself deep inside of me, his hot liquid filling me.

  He drops his head to my shoulder, and I can feel his warm breath as he tries to steady his breathing. He’s still inside me when he captures my mouth in a kiss and then leans back, looking down at me. I feel exposed, as if he can see through to my soul. What am I feeling for this man? Surely not love; it’s too early for that. I reach up and cup his face when he narrows his eyes at me.

  “What are you thinking?” I can’t help but question.

  Quill shakes his head as if he’s trying to rid himself of his thoughts, and quickly smiles.

  “Nothing, babe, just that I’m gonna miss being inside you when I go.”

  I feel a little disappointed that he didn’t say he was going to miss me, but I quickly move those thoughts to the back of my mind. I’m foolish thinking Quill would miss being with me.

  I fall asleep with a smile on my face when I realize bad boy biker just made love to me. And he thought he couldn’t. I’m falling for this man, and it’s scaring the shit out of me. For now, I’m going to enjoy the ride, and what a ride it has been so far.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Babe, you comin’?” Quill asks as he places his leather cut over his shirt.

  I’d walked out of the bathroom earlier and quietly hid behind the bathroom door when I noticed Quill on the phone. Usually, it wouldn’t bother me, but he seemed tense, and his voice was muffled with him trying to be quiet. I didn’t know who he was talking to, but I didn’t want to interfere in his business. Once he hung up from the call, I waited a minute and then heard him shout out to me. We had woken up at the same time this morning and showered together. First, he took me up against the tiles then brought me to another orgasm with his mouth.

  “Sheesh, hold your horses. I’m coming.” I respond and head out of the room when Quill opens the door for us to leave. He slaps me hard on my ass as I pass him, and I turn around to face him.

  “Ouch, that hurt,” I whine.

  “There’s more where that came from,” Quill replies as he grabs me by the waist and walks outside where all the other men are waiting for their president.

  Other women are kissing their men good-bye, and I spy Luisa and Hawke in a deep conversation. Luisa is smiling up at Hawke, and he has his arms around her.

  “They’re so cute,” I announce to Quill.

  “Cute? Don’t think so, babe. Not Hawke.”

  I turn to face him and trail my palms up his torso and rest them on his shoulders.

  “I’m gonna miss you, Quill.”

  The sun is shining this morning, and Quill’s eyes are clear blue. He looks good enough to eat with his white shirt and light blue jeans. His hair is still wet from the shower. God, give me strength, the way his muscles flex when he holds me, he could have his way with me in front of everyone, and I wouldn’t care.

  “You are?” he asks as he wraps his hands around my waist.

  “I am, Quill. Promise me you’ll be careful. Come back safe to me, okay? I know you can’t tell me where you’re going or why, but know that I’ll be here waiting for you when you return.”

  “Fuck, Jasmine, the sound of that on your lips, baby… well, you don’t know what it means to me to know you’ll be here waiting for me. Behave while I’m gone,” he says, placing a kiss on the underside of my jaw.

  “Always,” I respond with a smirk.

  He slaps my ass again and calls Trigger over.

  “Hey, Prez, what’s up?” Trigger smiles down at me with his panty-dropping grin, and then his eyes focus on Quill.

  “While I’m gone, you watch out for my woman. Keep her close; you got me?”

  “Quill,” I argue, “you’re being ridiculous. I don’t need a babysitter.” I playfully slap his chest.

  Quill narrows his eyes at me and then says, “Jasmine, don’t fight me on this. Trigger will keep you safe. Don’t do anything stupid, okay?”

  I pull my head back and sigh, mesmerized by his beautiful eyes, so clear that I feel like I could drown in them. “Quill, I’m a big girl. I can look after myself.”

nbsp; “I know you can, babe, but Trigger will as well, just in case. You won’t even know he’s there, right, Trigger?” Quill asks, not taking his eyes off me.

  Trigger laughs and scratches his jaw. “Right.”

  Quill then focuses on him and frowns. “And keep your hands to your fucking self, Trigg. Jasmine’s off limits. You use the SUV if you need to take her somewhere, because if I find out she’s been on the back of your bike, I’ll cut your balls off.”

  Trigger places his palms out and pleads, “Prez, no need to fucking mess with my balls. I’ll keep her safe. You have my word.”

  “Good man.” Quill taps Trigger on his back. “Now leave us the fuck alone so I can say good-bye to my woman.”

  I glance around and notice all the men are on their bikes and the women are whispering and gawking at us.

  “Are they all their girlfriends?” I ask Quill.

  “Some, yes. Some are their old ladies.”

  “Old ladies? What does that mean?”

  “They are their woman. Old lady is a term used to say they belong to a brother. They wear their patch on their cut. See that lady over there next to Blaze?”


  “See how it says ‘Property of Blaze’?”

  I squint my eyes, getting a clearer look. “Yeah, I see it, but why?”

  “That’s so other brothers from our club and other charters know that she belongs to Blaze. If any brother tries anything with her, well then, they are taken care of. It’s all about loyalty in this club, babe. We have each other’s backs and there’s no messing around on an old lady. My boys know they need to take it seriously because once they patch a lady in, she’s their responsibility and she belongs to a brother until they say they’re not theirs anymore.”

  “Sounds a bit selfish,” I say, looking around to see if I notice more patches.

  Quill frowns at me. “What’s selfish about that?”

  “Well, a girl is patched in and committing herself to only the one man, but when he decides that he’s had enough, he says ‘See ya’ and he’s done, but the girl is then heartbroken and has no say.”

  “I don’t see it like that, babe.”

  “How do you see it?” I question, interested in his answer.

  “Well,” he says, kissing me on my forehead, “when a brother chooses that woman to be his property, he’s vowing to make her his in every way. She belongs to him, and that means no fucking around on her. Like a wife.”

  “Mmmm. Have you had an old lady?”

  He shakes his head. “No, never wanted one,” he answers, and then I see a strange look in his eyes.

  What does that mean? I wanna push him for more answers, but I know now is not the time. I’ll just have to wait until he gets back.

  “Babe, I gotta go. I’ll call you when we get to our location, but until then, please listen to what I said and stay close. When you go to work, Trigger will follow you.” Quill leans in and kisses my neck just below my ear. “When I get back, I’m gonna make up for lost time.”

  Butterflies erupt in my stomach at his admission, and I kiss him with all the passion that I feel for this man. I hear hoots and whistles coming from the other men and Quill groans before he pulls back.

  “Gotta go, babe,” he repeats, as if he’s trying to convince himself. Quill smiles and then walks over to his bike where he straddles it and starts the engine. He places his helmet over his head and covers his eyes with his aviator glasses. He’s every girl’s fantasy. And he’s mine.

  I hear the roar of bikes come to life and watch on as he takes off with Hawke and Blaze by his side followed by the other men.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I ride off with Blaze and Hawke by my side and the rest of my men follow behind. I tell myself not to turn back, because if I do, I won’t be able to fucking leave her. Last night was the beginning for us; she finally gave in to me, body and soul, and I’m fucking thrilled. It was nearly all ruined when I received a phone call from Jess this morning saying she was sorry and wanted to make it up to me. The woman just won’t get the fucking hint. I told her to leave me alone and that I was with Jasmine, but she just ignored me and said I’ll be bored of her soon. I ended the call before Jasmine had a chance to hear our conversation. I don’t want to ruin how far Jasmine and I have come. I know I’ve gone all caveman on her, but I don’t give a shit. She’s my woman and no one is going to take her away from me. Her staying at the club means she’s being protected. I also have an eye on her twenty-four seven. I’ll know her every move. I am so fucking into this woman that she is the only thing that’s on my mind.

  Her taste lingers on my tongue as we ride against the wind. I love this feeling of riding my bike with my boys beside me; it gives me a sense of freedom, which I was deprived of for two long years. I decide to try and take my mind off Jasmine and focus on the task ahead. We’re going to get some answers, even if we have to kill some fuckers. It just doesn’t make sense. Why would the Gypsy Brothers want to mess with my club? They know Angelo Owen is my father, so why would they choose to fuck with his drugs? I know they were pissed at me for not wanting to combine clubs, but they would have to have a death wish to mess with me and my men.

  I think back to this morning when I woke up to Jasmine sleeping in my bed. She looked so cute lying there like she belonged. Last night she asked me to make love to her, something I thought I was incapable of, but Jasmine makes me want to be a better man. Last night when she said she was scared of what she was feeling for me, it made me realize how strong my feelings were for her. I’ll do anything for her if it means she’ll be my woman. I haven’t even patched her in, but already I’m calling her my woman. When I return from club business, I’m going to have a talk with her about being my woman, and I’m not going to take no for an answer.

  I smile at the thought of how she’s going to react to my demand, and I’m going to enjoy using her body against her to comply. Fuck! There I go again, thinking about Jasmine. My balls tighten and my cock hardens at the thought of having her beneath me, screaming out my name.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I see my man off and notice all the ladies staring at me with their mouths open. They seem shocked. What are they looking at? Do I have something on my face?

  Trigger strides over to me and says, “Don’t mind the ladies, sweetheart. You’re the new cat in town, and they only want to know who’s got the prez’s interest.”

  “Oh, I don’t get it. He’s had other women, surely?”

  “Sure, he’s had other woman, but none that he’s ever put on the back of his bike or kissed in front of club members, that’s for sure.”

  “Oh,” is all I manage to say.

  “Yeah, ‘oh.’ Don’t worry, I got you. They mean no harm.”

  “Should I be worried, Trigger?”

  Trigger rubs his scruffy chin and says, “Nah, if anyone messes with you, they’ll have to answer to me and then Prez.”

  I glance over to the women again and catch Jess’s eyes on me. What the fuck is she doing here? She’s back and I hadn’t noticed her before, but that long red hair stands out amongst all the other women.

  The woman that Quill told me was Blaze’s old lady walks up to me and says, “Hi, I’m Tess.

  What’s your name?”

  I’m taken off guard. She seems nice. She’s gorgeous with dark brown hair and blue eyes. She seems to be my age, and I like her immediately.

  “Hi, I’m Jasmine.”

  “Hi, Jasmine. I haven’t seen you here before until last night. How long have you known Quill?”

  “Not long, maybe a couple of weeks.”

  “Well, he seems to be crazy about you,” she says with a big smile on her face. “He’s never brought a girl to the club before.” She turns her head and looks over her shoulder. “Well, except for Jess, but she doesn’t count. She’s a club whore.”

  “Yes, I’ve met Jess,” I respond, rolling my eyes. “She seems to thin
k she and Quill are still an item.”

  Tess smiles and says, “Don’t let her get to you. She’s harmless. She’s been hangin’ around Quill for years, hoping to become his old lady. She’s been coming here since she was a teenager. Her dad used to be part of the club till he died. She just doesn’t know how to get the message.”

  I look over Tess’s arms and notice she has tattoos covering most of her left arm.

  “I love your tats,” I say while pointing to a particular one with roses and doves, hoping to change this awkward conversation.

  “You like? I did them myself. I’m the tattoo artist here. I do all the boys’ tats. If you ever want one done, I’d be happy to do art on these arms.” She smooths her hands over my arms and says, “You’re so lucky. You have gorgeous skin.”

  “Thank you. I get it from my mother. She’s South American.”

  “Well, at least you don’t have fair skin like me. A little bit of sun and I’m red raw.” She laughs.

  We stand there talking a little while longer, and then we say our good-byes as she needs to get back to her shop.

  “Hey you.”

  I turn around and find Lu smiling over at me.

  “Hey there.” I give her a brief hug.

  “So you too, huh?” I ask.

  “Yep, I’ve been ordered to stay here with you, and I’ve even got a bodyguard.”

  I start laughing when she points at Bear.

  “Well, that makes two of us.” I point over to Trigger, who’s having a conversation with I’m assuming a club whore.

  “Where did you sleep last night? With Hawke?”

  Luisa places her arm through mine and begins to walk inside the clubhouse. “Let’s go inside. We have a lot to talk about.”

  Luisa and I spend most of the day in Quill’s room. She explains how Hawke and she made up at the party the other night and how close they’ve come to having sex, but Hawke wants to take it slow, and he wants her to be ready. But last night the idea of slow flew out the window and they finally had sex.


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