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Tame Me (Book #1 in the Blood Brothers MC Series)

Page 15

by J. A. Collard

  “She’s staying at the clubhouse.”

  “The clubhouse? You mean the Blood Brothers clubhouse?”

  “Yeah, that’s the one,” I say, spilling noodles into two bowls.

  Luisa wanted to come home with me tonight, but I didn’t want her to have to cop an earful from Hawke because of me. She was angry and argued with me, but I explained that Hawke expected her to be there and I didn’t want to cause any problems between them. Plus, I could do with some time to myself to think.

  “Earth to, Jasmine,” Tristan says, smiling.

  “Sorry, Tristan, I was somewhere else.” I hear my mobile ringing and sigh as I think it’s Quill calling again, but when I look down at my phone, I see Nic’s number appear.

  “Fuck, what do I do?” I say in a panic.

  “Who is it?” Tristan asks, about to take a mouthful of noodles.

  I look up from my phone. “It’s Nic.”

  “What does that asshole want?”

  “I don’t know.” I decide to take the call. I hit the answer button and walk toward my bedroom to get some privacy.


  “Hey, Jasmine, it’s me.”

  I’m stunned. I haven’t spoken to him since our divorce, and even then all he managed to say to me was that he was sorry.

  “What’s wrong, Nic? Is everything okay?”

  “No, no, everything’s fine, Jasmine.”

  “Then why are you calling me?”

  I hear him sigh on the phone and go quiet. I’m about to ask him if he’s there, but then he continues. “Look, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I’m better now, Jasmine. I’ve gotten help with my gambling addiction and my life is back on track.”

  I close my bedroom door and sit on the edge of my bed.

  “That’s great, Nic. I’m happy you’ve gotten help,” I say honestly.

  “Listen, Jasmine, is there any way that we can meet up? I know I don’t deserve for you to forgive me, but I’d really like to see you again, just to get some closure.”

  I chew on my nail, contemplating how to let him down easy.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Nic.”

  “Please, for me, Jasmine? Just give me this one last thing. I’d really like to see you in person. Surely our entire marriage wasn’t all bad?”

  I sigh deeply. “No, it wasn’t,” I reply with regret in my voice.

  “Please, Jasmine, do this one thing for me?” he pleads.

  I rub my forehead, feeling conflicted. Part of me wants to meet him, but part of me thinks that he doesn’t deserve this.

  “Okay, Nic, but on one condition.”

  “Sure, anything.”

  “We meet at my store.”

  “I’m fine with that. We can have a coffee. Is Friday okay?”

  “Friday is fine,” I reply.

  We agree on a time and I end the call, wondering if I’m going to regret doing this. I know Luisa and Ricky will be around at the shop, so I’m not worried.

  I walk back out to my kitchen and find Tristan on the couch eating and watching some T.V.

  “Taste good?” I ask with sarcasm.

  “Sorry, I helped myself. I didn’t know how long you were going to be.”

  “That’s fine. I was only kidding.” I walk to the bench and help myself to some noodles and carry a bottle of red wine and two glasses.

  “Wine?” I ask Tristan.

  “Sure will, thank you. So, what did Nic want?” Tristan asks, focusing all his attention on me.

  I half turn on the couch and take a bite of noodles. When I finish, I answer Tristan. “He wants to meet up. He said he wants closure.”

  “Do you think that’s wise considering what that asshole did to you?”

  “I feel bad for him, Tristan. Our marriage wasn’t completely horrible, and we had some good years.”

  “Yeah, but still…”

  “I know, but you don’t have to worry. We’re meeting at my shop so Lu and Ricky will be there.”

  Tristan puts his empty bowl on the coffee table and takes a sip of wine. “Just be careful, Jazz. You know what he put you through.”

  “I will, I promise.”

  “Good, now what’s happening with that hot biker?”

  “Oh no, we’re not talking about him.”

  “Why? Do tell.”

  Not wanting to live the drama again, I tell Tristan that I did not want to talk about it that night. He’s a good friend because he doesn’t push me to explain.

  I walk Tristan out of my apartment and peer through my window, noticing Trigger is outside on the phone. I hear my phone ring again and glance at the screen, seeing that it’s Quill. Why won’t he just leave me alone? I switch my phone off and head to my room to go to bed.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “What the fuck did you just say, Bear?”

  “Sorry, Prez, I thought you knew.”

  “No, I didn’t fucking know. What the fuck happened?”

  I can feel my hand gripping my phone so tightly that I fear it’ll crush beneath my fingers.

  “Last night, Jasmine and Jess had a catfight. I don’t know exactly what was said, but Trigger got there in time just before Jasmine was about to slap Jess.”

  “What the fuck did that bitch say to my woman to get her so angry?”

  “Don’t know, Prez, but Trigger threw Jess out and told her not to come back.”

  I take a deep breath, trying to control my anger, but at the same time I’m pissed as hell that my boys couldn’t follow one fucking order. “You have any idea where she went?” I ask, exhaling a breath at the same time to calm my racing heart.

  “Triggers tailing her. She left last night and told me she had a friend who was sick.”

  “And you fucking believed her?” I growl, feeling my heart pounding against my chest again.

  “Yeah, I did. She told me you knew.”

  “You should have fucking checked with me, brother. She fooled you. I knew shit. Where the fuck is Trigger?”

  “I just spoke to him. He’s outside her shop, keeping an eye on her.”

  “Good, I’ll give him a call. Next time, Bear, you call me. My woman so much as scratches her ass, I wanna know. You got me?”

  “I got you, Prez. It won’t happen again.”

  “It better not, or you and I are gonna have words.”

  I hang up the phone and look around at my boys who are outside on their bikes waiting for me. When I was on the phone to Jasmine last night, Gunner had called me to let me know the location of where the Gypsy Brothers were. I had given him strict orders on finding their location and he pulled through. So this morning, the club made plans to go down there to find out what the fuck they knew about my old man’s coke. I was in my fucking zone until I received the call from Bear telling me that Jasmine left the clubhouse.

  I dial her number but it goes straight to voice mail. So I send her a text and still nothing. Fucking Jess, I warned her that morning not to fuck with me or my woman, but the bitch won’t listen. If I find out she’s the one responsible for Jasmine leaving, then shit’s gonna hit the fan. She will be banished from the club.

  I look down at my phone, finding Trigger’s number, and dial as I pace the asphalt, trying to calm the fuck down. I’m torn because I want to fucking get on my bike and head back home to Jasmine to make sure she’s okay, but I can’t fucking up and leave yet. I got to follow through with the Gypsy Brothers and collect my father’s coke.

  Trigger picks it up after two rings.


  “Trigger, where is she?”

  “Don’t worry, man. I’ve got my eyes on her. She’s at work. ”

  “You keep a watch on her, you got me, Trigg?”

  “I got you, Prez.”

  “What the fuck happened between her and Jess?”

  “I don’t know the whole story, but fuck, Prez, Jasmine had Jess on the floor by the hair, and I got there just in time before Jasmine gave her a beating.�

  I smile when I picture my woman trying to hit another bitch. She’ll make a good old lady.

  “Listen, I gotta go. The boys are waiting on me. You keep an eye on her, Trigg. I’ll deal with her when I get back.”

  “Good luck with that one, Prez. Your woman’s a wildcat.”

  “That she sure is,” I growl and hang up.

  I try and call Jasmine one more time, but again her phone is off. I leave her what seems like the hundredth message and hop on my bike and start the engine. Hawke strides up to me and places his hand on my shoulder.

  “Everything all right with Jasmine?”

  “I don’t know, brother. She’s not fuckin’ answering my calls.”

  “I spoke to Luisa just before and she’s with Jasmine at work. She told me what went down between her and Jess.”

  “You gonna spill it, Hawke?”

  “Jess told Jasmine that you’re just using her and when you’re done, you’ll go back to her. She said you called her saying that you’re sorry for throwing her out and that you had to do that in front of Jasmine. Jess told Jasmine that she doesn’t belong at the club and she never will.”

  “That fucking bitch.” I scowl. “I’ll deal with her when I get back. In the meantime, let’s go see what the Gypsy Brothers know and deal with this shit.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  The next couple of days go by so fast, and before I know it, it’s the day before Quill is scheduled to return. I know he’s going to want to talk it out, but I’m done with him. I don’t have the energy to fight and explain why I left. Usually, I would be happy to have it out, but I’m not feeling well. I developed a cold two days ago and went to the doctor’s this morning. He said I have a chest infection and need to take some antibiotics and rest. How can I rest? I have a business to run. However, I did promise Lu that I would leave at lunch. She wanted me to stay home, but I have to do all the bookwork for the business, so she made me promise that I would leave early.

  I just finished serving a customer when I noticed Trigger outside the shop. He’s been there every day since Quill left, and I still can’t understand why. I mean, how can someone just sit outside all day watching over someone else? I like Trigger. It’s almost like he’s a brother looking over me, but this is a bit over the top. I don’t need a bodyguard. Surely he has better things to do than babysit me. I walk out to our storage room in search of Lu and find her there stocking the ribbon and boxes.

  “Lu, I’m going home now,” I announce, voice sounding scratchy with my cold and, not to mention, my runny nose; it’s red from all the times I’ve had to wipe it. I hate to admit it, but all I want to do is head home, crawl into bed, and sleep.

  As I leave the shop and get into my car, I hear Trigger’s motorbike rumble and know he’s following me. As I get home, I climb out of my car and head over to Trigger, who is texting someone on his phone. “Hi, Trigger,” I say, coughing. His head snaps up at my voice and his eyes narrow, showing concern. “Did you want to come in for a coffee or something?”

  “Nah, I’m good,” he replies. “I had one earlier, and by the looks of you, I don’t think we should be in the same room, you get me?” he says, smirking.

  I smack him across his shoulder, showing I’m not happy with his joke. “I was just trying to be nice, Trigger. You didn’t have to be rude.” I fake being pissed at him.

  “Hey, darlin’, I’m only saying the truth. You look like crap. Go inside and get some rest. Anything you need? Bear's on his way over to take over for me.”

  I glare at Trigger and draw my eyebrows together. “Why is Bear coming over? I don’t need you guys watching over me. I’m not a baby.”

  “I know that, darlin’, but orders are orders,” he says, dismissing me as he gets back to texting.

  I sigh heavily and suddenly feel tired. The drugs are making me woozy. “Fine, I’m going inside now. If you guys want to sit out here all day long, then so be it.” I storm off to my apartment.

  I open the door and head toward my sink and fill a glass of water to take more medication. Without any other thought in mind but bed, I go to my room and lie down with a heavy groan as I feel my head throbbing with pain. My phone announces that I have a message, and I look down at it and again I see Quill’s number on the screen. I don’t know why I do it, but I open the message and read it.

  Quill: Why the fuck aren’t you answering my calls? Just let me know you’re okay.

  I want to reply to him so badly, but then I dismiss that thought and ignore the text. I switch my phone off and shut my eyes, and I’m soon fast asleep, my body feeling exhausted and drained.

  The next morning, I wake up and find my head is feeling better and my throat and nose aren’t as bad. The tablets are working like a treat. Luisa convinces me to stay home for one more day just so I can be 100 percent tomorrow and makes me promise that I’ll rest up and eat the chicken soup that she prepared for me. Even though I insisted I was fine, she spend the night at home last night and told Hawke that I needed her. I didn’t fight her on that; I needed some TLC.

  I can’t stay in my bed all day; it’s driving me insane, so I get up to take a shower and just stand under the spray for a long time, enjoying the hot water soothing all my aches and pains. I feel so much better after my shower that I contemplate going into the store, but then think better of it. Lu would kick my ass.

  I change into my yoga pants and white T-shirt and sit on the couch with my Kindle. It’s as good a time as any to catch up on my reading. I love reading romance novels; they’re my favorite. I’ve just started to read when I hear the roar of a motorcycle outside my apartment. Obviously Trigger or Bear are here on babysitting duty. Well, it’s their choice. Not my problem if they want to waste their time. I take a sip of my honey and lemon tea and settle back into the couch. I hear steps approaching from outside my apartment and realize Trigger is finally taking me up on my offer to have some coffee. At the knock on my door, I open it without hesitation.

  “Thought you’d change your mi—” My words get caught at the back of my throat, and all the air in my lungs vanishes, as there standing in front of me is not Trigger or Bear. It’s Quill. He looks tired but still very hot. His hair is messy, his jaw is covered with a couple of days’ worth of growth, and his eyes are a fiery blue and full of anger. I’m caught off guard. I wasn’t expecting him at least till tomorrow night. I panic, and my heart is beating so fast that I’m sure he can hear it. I try to close the door, but Quill steps inside so I can’t shut it. He pushes the door open and I’m forced to step back to allow him entry.

  “Come in, why don’t you,” I say sarcastically. Quill ignores my sarcasm and pushes past me. He reaches my bench top and then rests up against it, glaring at me. His eyes shoot to mine, and I can’t help but swallow hard. He is pissed. Butterflies erupt in the pit of my stomach when my eyes detach from his and roam his body. He looks good. I forgot how, with one look, I’m putty in his hands. His jeans are torn at his knees and his arms are bare, showing off his tattoos, and his dog tags are out on display. I watch as he runs his hand through his hair in an effort to calm down.

  “I, um, didn’t expect you till tomorrow.”

  “Close the door, Jasmine,” he commands, his eyes narrowing on me.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I realize that I forgot to shut the door, and with one swift push, the door slams shut. I turn to face him again and my breathing picks up when I see his eyes traveling the length of my body and then rest on my lips.

  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Don’t give in, Jasmine.

  I straighten my back and glare at Quill, remembering why I’m upset at him in the first place.

  “Is there something you need, Quill? Because I suggest calling before you show up at my apartment.”

  His eyes, which were devouring my body only moments ago, suddenly turn to steel.

  Uncrossing his feet, he storms toward me, stopping only inches away. His scent lingers between us, smelling of leather and

  He points his finger at me and says, “If you fucking answered any of my calls or texts, you would know that I was worried and showed up here. But oh no, Jasmine is too fucking good to take my calls, aren’t you, Jasmine?”

  Heat travels the length of my body, and I push his finger back at him. I’m fueled by rage.

  “Don’t you dare turn this on me, Quill. If it wasn’t for your whore, I wouldn’t have had to run out. I know when I’m not wanted, and I sure as hell am not sticking around waiting on you,” I shoot back at him. “Now get the hell out of my apartment.”

  Quill shakes his head and says, “Not gonna happen, babe. We’re having it out, and I’m not leaving till you listen up.”

  I take a deep breath, trying to calm down as my patience is running thin. “Well, you’ll be waiting a long time, because I’m not having it out with you today, or any other day. Now leave.” With my hands on my hips, I’m feeling braver than I actually am.

  Quill gives me his panty-dropping smirk, and my core tingles with the sexy look on his face.

  Hold it together, Jasmine. Think of something else. Nope, not working; he looks too damn good.

  Fighting with myself, I decide the only defense I have is to walk away from him. So with that last thought, I turn around and head toward my bedroom, knowing there’s a lock on the door.

  “Well, if you won’t leave, I’ll leave you. Now get the hell out, Quill.” I stride toward my room, but I’m too slow for Quill. I feel him behind me as he puts his arms around my waist and pulls me up against his hard body. I gasp when I feel his hard length against my backside. I want to push him off me, but I missed him. I didn’t realize how much until this moment. It’s been so long since I had him inside me and my body betrays me.

  His tongue licks a trail to my ear, and he whispered, “Don’t try and play this game with me, babe. It’s not gonna work. You want me. I know it and you know it.”

  He trails his fingers down my stomach as his mouth kisses the side of my neck. My breathing is fast and shallow as his hand travels lower and lower until he thrusts it inside my panties, zeroing in on my clit. I moan and arch my head against his shoulder, enjoying the pleasure his fingers ignite. His tongue outlines my ear, and then he whispers, “So fucking wet. You might say you don’t want me, but your body tells me otherwise.”


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