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Bedtime for Cody: An ABDL MM Romance

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by Jerry Hastings

  Bedtime for Cody

  An ABDL MM Romance

  Jerry Hastings

  Bedtime for Cody Copyright © 2020 by Jerry Hastings. All Rights Reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Cover designed by Jerry Hastings

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  More MM ABDL? Yes!

  More from Me

  About the Author

  Chapter 1


  Zipping up my backpack and swinging the strap over my right shoulder, I proceeded out of the classroom while trying to be the last one out. I didn’t know what always came over these people whenever a class ended, but it was like they behaved as if they were cockroaches trying to flee the flip-flop of a fat, ugly woman.

  They all conglomerated at the doorway, pushing and shoving each other as if doing that could make their ‘escape’ faster. Even the professor, a man in his early sixties, stared at them wide-eyed. He liked me. He knew I was the only one that was a little different from them. More reserved, one could say.

  Having classes after Christmas wasn’t something that happened with most students, but since the Covid-19 pandemic, that was the only way to pick up the pace. Owens College didn’t want to be left behind, and who could blame them?

  The professors were being nicer too, now that they didn’t have to wear masks all the time and avoid doing normal human things like kissing, hugging, partying, and the like.

  It took some time, but eventually the last student got through the doorway, stumbling and almost falling on the floor nose-first. I proceeded out too, turning my head to the professor and flashing a soft smile on my face.

  He lifted his hand to tell me it was all okay, and then I continued out of the building and into the parking lot. I didn’t have a car and didn’t know how to drive yet. My parents were so super protective of me.

  Time and time again they insisted that me learning how to drive would be a health hazard. They thought that just because we lived in this small-ass city, that I didn’t need to learn to drive and that I’d never have to.

  But, I was studying at Owens College because one of my dreams was moving out of here and working in New York City. I didn’t have any solid plans to make that happen yet, but what I had was still more than enough to make me think that it would come to fruition one day, and that I needed to learn how to drive soon.

  I didn’t have many friends, and the ones I had weren’t close enough to teach me how to drive. I supposed I could ask and pay them, but then the whole college would know about that. Jack would know about that, and he’d use that new information to make fun of me all the time.

  I couldn’t allow that to happen.

  Exhaling, the first other thought that crossed my mind was that I didn’t have any hope of finding my Daddy in this city one day. Owens, in Georgia, had a population of around 5,000 people.

  I was never going to find the person I’d been looking for here, but it was also true that I hadn’t been looking hard for him as well.

  Why would I be doing that when the number of guys here seeking girls was already so desperately low? And whenever that kind of thing was brought up, I was reminded by the other students in our college that they always had a hard time picking up women.

  The whole thing was just hopeless.

  I didn’t have to drive. Okay, I could understand that somewhat, but to get home I still had to hop into a bus and then hop out when it pulled over in front of there. I didn’t like having to take the bus for anything or to go anywhere, but since I didn’t know how to drive, it was my only option.

  And I’d already convinced mom and dad I didn’t want them picking me up. I was a kid at heart still, but on the outside, I still had to keep behaving like the 19-year-old I was supposed to be.

  It was with that thought in mind I remembered I still wore my Mickey pull-up. I didn’t have a lot of money for everything I wanted, but what I had I saved up to buy myself some gifts. Some people would say that was kind of sad, and in truth, it was.

  I admitted that I lived a pretty sad, lonely life, but again, there wasn’t much about that I could do.

  The pull up did crinkle a little, but most of the time, other people near me couldn’t hear anything. That meant I could continue walking around with my pull-up and reminding myself that, if I peed in it, I could just rush straight to the nearest family restroom, lock the door and then change into another pull-up.

  Every day I took other pull-ups with me when going to class, so I was always prepared. I just hoped that would never happen, though. I was pretty shy and such an introvert. I would make a fool of myself in front of everyone in class. And Jack would possibly figure out what was going on and then use that information to destroy my life.

  If there was one reason I could never allow anyone to find out what I was like when nobody was looking, it was him. I didn’t know for what reason, but since he stumbled on me for the first time, he’d been picking up on me all the time.

  It was like I remembered him of something vile in his past he didn’t want to think about. Or maybe he was just like all the other bullies out there. Maybe he got off by bullying other guys like me.

  I supposed it didn’t help things that I was like a head shorter than he was, skinny, and looked so frail a stronger-than-normal gust of wind could probably lift me in the air.

  Surveying the city with my eyes, I couldn’t help but remember how small it looked. The buildings were well spaced out, with lots of parking spaces for vehicles, but the nonexistence of apartment buildings ground my gears.

  I wished there was at least one apartment building here. I could then save up enough to pay the rent for some months and-

  What the hell was I even thinking right now? I would never have enough money for that. I’d been trying to get a job here, something part-time, but that was easier said than done. This wasn’t the kind of small city that was blooming economy-wise.

  Pretty much everyone my age had been looking for reasons to convince their parents they needed to move out. But that was the thing with those geezers and grannies, wasn’t it? They’d been living here their whole lives, and they dreamed of dying and being buried here.

  When I got back home, I’d lock the door and put on some music to make mom and dad think that I was just studying. But what I was going to be doing was looking up online some more toys to buy for myself.

  New diapers, pacis, bibs, and that sort of thing. I had a whole collection of them. I did have to keep them hidden from them, though, inside a hole in the floor. It was hidden by a thick rug, so there was no way they’d ever find out about them.

  They were safe. Sometimes the thought of that happening one day did make me feel a little paranoid, but it was usually the kind of paranoia that I could just brush off and ignore.

  I was almost done crossing the parking lot when three pairs of footsteps made me stop. I didn’t turn around, but the sound of those footsteps was something I’d always remember. They always tightened my heart
and made my blood boil.

  If there was a particular group of guys I hated with my life here, it was them. Jack and his lackeys. They were the guys that thought they ran the college, and right now they were here to pick on me again.

  It was just as I’d said. They probably got off on humiliating me.

  My heart thumping against my chest, I couldn’t deny that their presence scared me, but I was still not going to give them any hint of that. I was going to keep my chin tipped up, back straight, and I was going to continue walking toward the bus stop.

  There was nothing they could do to stop me. I was in the middle of the city. It lived off of the economy that the college generated, but there were still plenty of people inside some restaurants and other shops.

  If they spotted him trying to bully me in this parking lot, they’d step in and put him in his place. This was a pretty conservative town, but most people here looked after each other. My neighbor was a classical example of that. When mom and dad one day forgot to leave the front door key under the rug, they invited me to rest in their living room. They’d even offered me some chocolate cookies, which I liked so much.

  “You’re going to ignore us again, Cody?” Jack asked, but I still didn’t turn around to meet his grey, smoldering eyes.

  He found it pretty comedic how I responded to his bullying attempts, but there was always also something hidden behind the pupils of his eyes that made me think he detested me. It wasn’t just that he got off by bullying me, but that something I’d done made him abhor me.

  And now he felt like he needed to get his revenge, or whatever it was that made him obsessed with me all the time.

  “We have nothing to talk about, Jack. I’m going home.”

  “You’re not going home. Not until you tell us what it is you’re wearing under your pants.”

  I pursed my lips, heat flushing to my cheeks. There was something he kept suspecting about me all the time, and that was the pull-up I wore each time I came to college. Maybe his ears picked up on the crinkling noise. Maybe not. I supposed it didn’t matter.

  He wasn’t going to stop picking on me, unless I could somehow put him in his place and make him fear me. Doing that, however, was easier said than done.

  I was all alone, and I was skinny and looked so frail when compared to those monsters. They looked the same to my eyes. They were tall, muscular, and fat at the same time. They could manhandle me with ease.

  “Do you want to see my cock, Jack? Are you gay?” I finally said, but it was a weak and weightless taunt.

  He guffawed. “Sure, show me that tiny little thing. I’d like to take a photo of it and post it on my Facebook account. Then, everyone would know how pathetic you really are.”

  Heat still flushing to my cheeks, I was wondering for how much longer I was going to be able to resist what he was making me feel. I’d always had a problem with bullies. He wasn’t the first one, but still, having to put up with him wasn’t easy.

  A tear was threatening to break out and roll down my cheek, but if that happened, he’d know he won. He’d then feel more motivated to pick on me all the time, and my life here would become a living hell.

  I supposed I could tell mom and dad what he was doing, but then this whole thing would turn into a shitshow I didn’t even want to think about right now. I didn’t need that kind of thing making my life even shittier.

  And that was the truth behind it, wasn’t it? I couldn’t hope to ever find my Daddy one day. I had no hope of ever having a life where I felt okay with myself, being pampered by a man that thought I was the world to him.

  His lackeys sneered, one of them saying, “You’re fucked, Cody. You think that you’re going to be able to keep your secret hidden from us until we graduate, but that is not going to happen. We know there’s something pretty fucked up you don’t want anyone ever finding out about.”

  Their sneers, their laughs, and their presence were enough to make me spin on my heels and lock my eyes with them. By this point, the tears were coming out and I was hating myself for not being stronger.

  I needed to be stronger. If not for myself, then for the Mister that I knew was out there somewhere but hadn’t found me yet.

  “Why do you pick on me all the time?” I shouted, anger tainting my tone. Still, the people in the shops and restaurants didn’t turn their heads to find out what it was that was happening here. Engrossed in their conversations, they kept ignoring me.

  Jack sneered, his belly looking big and pretty pronounced.

  “What’s the fun in telling you that?” I’m going to let you figure it out by yourself.

  This was it. I was done letting him bully me and make me feel I was some kind of pathetic guy that couldn’t fend for himself. I was going to show him he was wrong. I was going to prove it to him.

  Enough was enough. I’d thought some of the citizens of Owens would have already stepped in to save me from them, but they still ignored us. I needed to be the one stepping up for myself, and not a stranger that didn’t care about me.

  I shouted and sprinted to him, raising my fisted hand. I thought that was going to shock Jack and that I was going to catch him off guard, but the opposite happened. His smile widened and he ended up not having to do more than to hug me to him to immobilize me.

  What I’d thought before about him being much stronger than me was true. I already knew it was, but now he was showing how significant the difference between us was. He could kill me right now in a matter of minutes.

  And him holding me to him like this, the stench of his armpits flooding my lungs, his hug was so tight I couldn’t help but scream in agony. His embrace was strong enough to make me feel as if my ribcage was going to be crushed.

  I’d thought that my scream would be enough to make the people in the restaurants and the shops notice what was going on, but again, they ignored me. And Jack’s lackeys then clamped their hands on my mouth, stifling my scream.

  Jack’s gaze grew intenser all of sudden, his eyes locking with mine.

  “You think this is some kind of joke, little man? You think you can brush me off and pretend I don’t exist?” He barked, spit spilling out of his mouth. “Well, let me enlighten you then. I’m going to take your pants off and find out for myself what it is that you’re wearing. Then, the whole city is going to know you’re weird.”

  I squirmed and struggled in his embrace, but I couldn’t do much. He probably weighed around twice my weight, and that was with me being conservative about my estimate. My heart thumping in my chest, fear began to flow in my veins and I felt my head getting lighter and lighter.

  The pain was insufferable, his arms tightening around me, his body lifting me off the ground and then making me feel again as if he was going to crush every bone of mine.

  If all he was going to do now was to find out that I wore a pull-up for college, that would be fine, I was thinking by this point. Anything would be better than him straight up killing me here. He was either going to do that, or break my spine.

  I could feel it getting strained, begging for this to stop.

  One of his lackey’s fingers looped around the waistband of my pants, and I thought that this was going to be it. They were going to take it off me, kill me, and then ruin my reputation in Owens.

  My mom and dad would bury me, and then they’d kill themselves because they loved me far too much.

  Darkness was beginning to encroach my vision, and if there was one thing that could make me feel some relief now, it was knowing that my torment was ending. I didn’t live a good, fulfilling life, and Jack here was putting an end to it.

  I squirmed and struggled still, but I was much weaker already. Little by little, he was sniffing my life away…

  Chapter 2


  Iput the heavy log on my shoulder and then carried it to the back compartment of my pickup truck. It was red and getting a little rusty too, but it was still the only vehicle I had and I cherished it.

  I was working for this
family that needed me to make some lumber for them. Christmas was over and I shouldn’t be working, but I guessed I was some kind of a workaholic. I worked pretty much all the time, which left very few opportunities for mingling with people and making more friends.

  Making friends was how I normally found possible dates, but in this small city, doing that was getting harder year after year. I was still single and some people did find that very odd, considering my age.

  I was pushing forty and still hadn’t found that special someone I’d like to marry. I did have a partner some years ago, but that was before moving here. I moved to Owens because I needed a change of scenery.

  I’d fucked it up big time with my little man. Keith was everything to me. He was my world, but then I got too jealous of his friends. I just didn’t feel okay with him meeting up with them every other day, which ruined our life together.

  I needed him in his little headspace, being the baby I loved pampering all the time. Him meeting his friends kept making me think that he was seeing someone else, even though that didn’t make much sense at the time.

  He’d lived with me. His family knew about his relationship with me, and they didn’t mind it. People in New York City were a lot more open to that sort of thing than the people here in Owens were.

  Depositing the log in the back compartment of the pickup truck and then doing the same with some more logs, the next thing I did was to close the back door, secure the logs in place, and then enter the vehicle. Sitting behind the steering wheel, I turned on the engine and then drove toward downtown.

  Calling it ‘downtown’ was trying to make it seem something it wasn’t, but people here still called that collection of buildings downtown, so I had to conform to the norm.

  It wasn’t a relevant thought, so I just brushed it away. My Christmas was pretty lonely, living in that small house on the hill and drinking one beer can after the other until I passed out. I needed to do something about my alcohol addiction, but that was easier said than done.


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