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Bedtime for Cody: An ABDL MM Romance

Page 6

by Jerry Hastings

  With that thought in mind, I hurried out of the house and surveyed the region. I wore a thick jacket and pants alongside a pair of Winter boots. If he’d gone out, then the weather had to be freezing him. Just the thought of that happening squeezed my heart.

  My eyes then spotted a set of footprints on the snow. They were smaller than mine, and the way they were positioned in the white layer made me certain he’d been running. Dammit! What happened that caused him to be doing this?

  I hurried after him, my eyes snapping down every once in a while to make sure I wasn’t following another set of footprints that weren’t his. I didn’t need to worry, though. I could never get confused over something like that. I knew his feet like I knew the back of my hand.

  I plowed through many trees and brushes at high speed, the air still cold enough to hurt my face. It took more time than I was hoping I would, but eventually, I spotted him. Curled up in the snow, he didn’t have his paci on anymore. I’d bought a great variety of them for him, but right now he was preferring the rawness of his thumb touching his tongue.

  Lying on the layer of snow like that, with just his diaper on, his skin was a tone of gentle blue. I hurried over to him, picking him up in my arms and worrying that he was dying. But he was very much still alive.

  Cold, but still alive.

  I rocked him in my arms, keeping him close to my chest, letting the warmth of my body bathe him. His eyes opened, his pupils looking for mine.

  “Hey there, little man,” I said, but he didn’t respond, still sucking his thumb as if his life depended on that.

  “I’m sorry for everything that happened, but you still need to tell me what it was that made you feel like this.”

  One step at a time, I took him back to our house in the woods. If his parents saw him like this, they’d kill me. I was going to keep him tucked beneath his blankets and comforters, and I was also going to turn up the heaters to their maximum levels.

  I closed the door of the living room beside me, sitting on the bed some seconds later and then pulling up the comforter. I wrapped it around him and began to sing a gentle, long lullaby song to soothe his racing heart.

  He was shivering, but his skin was beginning to regain its natural color. His cheeks grew rosier some seconds later, and it didn’t take him long then to open his eyes one more time and squirm.

  Now that he was almost back to his normal self, I needed to ask him about what happened. He’d shown me his displeasure sometimes regarding some of the things we did, but I didn’t think it got so bad to the point of making him run away from me.

  He didn’t open his mouth but pushed himself off me and proceeded to my computer desk. Pulling one of the drawers, he fished out a small notebook I’d bought some time ago that had never been used since.

  Snagging a pencil, he began to jostle down something. I got off the bed and padded to him, eager to read what he was writing, but he just grunted and shifted until his back covered the small piece of paper.

  Some seconds later, he turned around and handed it to me. I read each word as my hand shook. He couldn’t have lost his ability to speak, right? This had to be his way of telling me there was something so wrong about our relationship he couldn’t even bring himself to speak the words.

  Dear Mister Matthew,

  I’m writing this because I don’t want to speak about it. I’m going to be short about this and straight to the point. I don’t like the rules, the punishments, and most of all, I don’t like the spanking.

  I know that for you those things are pretty important, but they make me feel more pain than pleasure. Please, let’s just put them aside… okay? I don’t want you to feel that you’ve been doing something you should be blamed for, but I also don’t want to be subjected to them again.



  I put down his letter, pulling him to me and hugging him as hard as I could. “It’s okay, my little prince. I’m not going to do it ever again. No more rules, okay? From now on, there’s going to be no more rules, and it will be all about pampering you.”

  He hugged me back, burying his head on my chest and then breaking down, crying. He said he was feeling okay now, and the fact he was hugging me confirmed that, but still… I couldn’t help but think I needed to be blamed for his tears.

  I should have seen the signs way before this happened. His head still buried on my chest, his tears rolling down his cheeks. I brushed the back of his head up and down with my hand, up and down some more until he wasn’t crying anymore.

  That still didn’t mean he was ready to walk away from me and talk to me like the little he was. I gave him some more time until he felt he was ready enough. It took him more time than I thought he was going to, but some minutes later, he pushed his head off me and then tilted it up.

  “Mister, I’m finally ready to talk. I couldn’t talk about the issue before, but now I feel much better.”

  “That’s really good. I’m glad you’re feeling better now.”

  He chuckled, covering his mouth. Even though he was looking much better, there was still something about this that was bugging me. The light of his eyes was long gone, thanks to everything that I did to him. I swear I didn’t want to hurt such a sweet little guy.

  “Mister, I just want you to know that I don’t hate you. I just think that we need to stop doing those things. They are a little too abusive.”

  I brushed my thumb on his cheek. “I know what you mean. I didn’t see the signs that you were trying to show me. I should have been a better Mister.” I inhaled and then continued. “I’m dropping the rules for good and they are never going to be mentioned again.”

  “Thank you, Mister. I knew you were going to understand me,” Cody said, hugging me once more as he peppered me with kisses. This sight of him so happy, jumping on his feet, rejuvenated me.

  I knew he was having the time of his life, and so was I. My hand snuck down to his diaper, and I found myself happy that he was overjoyed by the turn of events. He was so happy and, in turn, making me so content that I just could not help myself.

  His eyes snapped to me, the gleam on his irises unmistakable. “Mister, but do you really think that now is the right time for that?”

  I leaned my head until I was touching his neck, smelling his sweetness, and bathing myself in the warmth of his body. My hands then explored his whole body, kneading his impossibly soft skin.

  I just could not stop having enough of him.



  Itook in the sight of the Spring season in front of me. The blooming flowers, the green grass, the smell of the roses and all the other flowers that surrounded me, and the view of the mountains beyond me.

  Mister was standing some feet from me, holding in his hand a cylinder of a red firework device. I didn’t know how it worked, and he said he wasn’t going to teach that to me, for my own ‘safety,’ as he mentioned many times before.

  I thought it was all bullshit, but I didn’t mention that to him, of course. I kept it to myself, still sitting on the grass and admiring the little birds – some of different colors – as they hopped from tree branch to tree branch, singing and tweeting like their lives depended on them doing those things.

  Mister fired the firework, and it exploded above our house on the farm. I couldn’t have asked for a better place to live the rest of my life, and he was the perfect companion for that. The place was nothing short of magnificent, the colors popping to my eyes, independent of the time of the day.

  Mister had said he couldn’t forgive himself. He’d mentioned we would have an unforgettable New Year, but then a harsh cold struck me, and I wasn’t able to leave the bed for days. Sneezing all the time, the walls of the room had been my only companions, other than the man of my life, of course.

  And out here, near New York City… it wasn’t the Big Apple, but it was close enough. Mister took me there all the time, and he said that soon we were going to marry. He’d mentioned various times, to the poin
t of having sounded obsessed with that, the possibility of sealing his fate with me inside that big old church they had in Manhattan.

  I sure as hell hoped he was going to make that true.

  After the firework exploded in all its glory, I remained where I was, still sitting on the grass and smiling at him. I was just on my diaper, as usual, and suckling on my paci too. Beside me was a coloring book, and I’d been coloring that sketch of his I’d drawn before… before that thing happened. It hurt me so much I didn’t want to remember it.

  And, there were no more rules. Mister confirmed there were going to be no more rules from now on, which made me so jubilant I jumped around in the house. Something terrible happened then. I ended up bumping against one of his small tables, knocking over one of his flower vases.

  I’d thought then that he was going to punish me, but all he did was to give me a long sermon about looking where I was walking on. Then, we made love. He got inside me for the first time, and didn’t pull out when he finished.

  I was so happy then I’d hoped he would make me pregnant and we would have a baby together, but then I remembered that the whole thing was too silly to ever happen one day. Plus, I already was his baby. Mister didn’t need another.

  After the last light splinter of the firework faded to blackness, he proceeded to me, wrapping me up in his huge, muscular arms. Mister had always been a well-built kind of guy, but now – and I didn’t know if I was just imagining things – he looked even more like a tank.

  Kicking the door open, he put me in my high chair. It was big enough to fit a big boy like me, and I then couldn’t help but swing my legs back and forth. He’d already left a sippy cup ready, the liquid inside it reminding me of grape juice.

  And when he handed it to me and I sipped from it, jubilance overflowed through my whole body. Oh, the taste. Oh, the smell. It was all so perfect. I couldn’t stop having enough of it, sipping like my life depended on me emptying this small bottle.

  It didn’t take too long for me to finish that, the liquid still cooling my stomach and the rest of my digestive system. His fingers then pinched one of my cheeks, his head leaning down. I closed my eyes, but what came right after made me shoot them open in an instant.

  It was a kiss of him on my forehead. A peck, and even though it was short-lived, it made me miss it. It didn’t take him long to pull his chair and sit beside me, hugging me so much I ended up dropping the sippy cup from my hand. Thank goodness it was empty already.

  “You’re so cute, and I love you so much,” he said, his words making my heart melt. I’d thought no one in this world could ever make me feel like this, but Matt here was on a mission to prove I was mistaken about that.

  When his hand fished from one of his pockets a small, velvet box, I couldn’t help but gasp. Of all the things I’d thought he was going to do now, this wasn’t one. When he opened it, his eyes gleaming with joy, all I could do was to say, “Yes! Yes!” many times over.

  The ring, with the shine of the metal telling me it was silver, offered me the marriage that I’d been thinking about this whole time. We’d moved out of Owens, Georgia. We’d already told my parents that he was in love with me, and I with him.

  There were no more secrets. We kept an open relationship with everyone. The people that thought we were weirdos… We discarded them. We kept close to ourselves just the people that mattered the most. Just the ones that could look past all the newness of my littleness and his daddiness.

  They were the best.

  “I’m going to marry you, my little prince, and it’s going to be a day you’re never going to forget. Oh, and you can be sure that we’re going to invite just the people we like to our party. It’s going to be big, it’s going to make the news, and then… Well, then there’s going to be so much more it’s not even something I can detail right now.”

  He wasn’t lying. That was indeed going to be a wedding party I would never, ever forget.

  The End

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  More MM ABDL? Yes!

  Loving Littles: An ABDL MM Romance Bundle

  Read it HERE


  The moment I woke up was the moment I noticed something wrong – too wrong – was going on with me. Oh Jesus, what the fuck was that smell? It seemed to be in the air, in my nostrils, in my lungs, and even in my hands.

  I peed myself while sleeping, and this wasn’t the first time it happened. I needed to do something about this, or else my housemate was going to find out about it and kick me out. I paid for half the rent, but it didn’t really mean anything if he found out I had incontinence problems.

  Sweating quite a bit, I slid off the bed, grabbed the bedsheets, and then opened the door. Realizing I was still wearing my dirty PJs and underwear, I couldn’t help but shake my head at the thought of having to put them to be washed as well.

  Because of these silly, shitty incontinence problems, I’d been having to put so many bed sheets and clothes to be washed in the room downstairs. Bryce didn’t mind it much, but he’d made some questions about it sometimes. Some very inopportune questions I didn’t like answering at that.

  Putting my head on the door of his bedroom, all I could hear was the sound of his loud breathing. Still sleeping, good, and no sign that he was going to snore every night again. Whenever he did that, I just couldn’t sleep. It almost felt like bombs were exploding right in our house.

  I reached the washroom and put the bed sheets into one of the washing machines. It still had enough space for some other things, and so I didn’t turn it on yet. Then, I hurried back to my bedroom, changed my smelly PJs to a white shirt and a pair of jeans, and rushed back with my dirty clothes.

  Turning when I heard someone clearing his throat, my eyes landed on him.

  Bryce was in the doorway, one arm resting on it. His eyes looked serious, like he knew I should have told him something important – that he should know about what was going on with me. And he didn’t have a shirt on too, showing me the perfection of his torso.

  I could see every curve, every line of his build, and they turned me on so much. For a moment, I didn’t know what to do, just opening and closing my mouth, flames flooding my cheeks.

  His nipples looked so big too, and I couldn’t help but stare at them, and then at his face, and then at them again. I was making a fool of myself, and I knew that very well. However, how could I not be doing such a thing with Bryce showing me what his body was like?

  He didn’t know I was gay, and even if he did, he’d probably kick me out of here too. He was a very conservative guy.

  His caramel skin was something of wonder, and even though he was a good 10 years older than me, it still looked so smooth. I felt like touching it now, feeling it with my fingers, running them along his lines, and also basking in the hardness of his muscles. That would be a dream of mine coming true.

  If he learned I jacked off at night while fantasizing about him, he’d kick me out too. It was a wonder I was still in this house. He had so many reasons to expel me from here. He just didn’t know about any of them – not yet anyway.

  And that’s all without mentioning the fur on his chest. He was making me drool over it, wondering if this could be much more than an initial attraction and that I could sleep together with him one day, caressing his chest hair until he fell asleep.

  His arms seemed to be twice the size of mine too, making me wonder what he would feel if he were to pick me up. He’d probably say I weighted like a feather, which wouldn’t be too far from the truth.

  And he’d make me feel so protected and cared for. Though I had to suppress all those
thoughts and temptations. Bryce was a good man, a gentle man, and he cared about me, but he would never care for me. If anything, he was going to end up marrying a gorgeous woman pretty soon.

  “Bryce! I didn’t think you were going to get up so early.”

  “Well, with you making so much noise, I had no choice but to check up on you. Is everything alright?”

  Ah, so there it was again. How much he cared about how I was doing. No wonder I loved living with him, despite all the difficulties that came with calling this place my home.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

  “No, I guess not,” he said, eyeing me up and down. “And you changed clothes this early in the morning. What happened? That’s not very like you.”

  Not recently, no, but I wasn’t going to tell him that.

  “Yeah, I don’t like my PJs that much anymore. I’m going to buy some new ones.”

  “Wanna me to go with you?”

  I grinned and responded, “No. no need. I’ll be fine on my own.”

  “You sure? Because last time you came back with a hefty bill to pay, and I think you are still paying it, right?”

  Oh shit. He was right about that. I could always end up spending too much when there wasn’t anyone keeping me in check.

  I blushed. We were approaching some sensitive topics, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to be talking about them.

  “Yeah, but I swear this time it’s going to be different,” I answered, punching the air upward to tell him I was determined this time and that, because of that, it was going to be different.

  He chuckled the gentlest chuckle I’d seen in a very long time, making my dick so hard. I was so ready to kiss him here and now. If only he wasn’t straight. If only he wasn’t looking for a girlfriend… maybe then we could be so much more.

  Bryce then checked up on the washing machine that I’d turned on, and padded back to me. “And when do you think you are going to find a job?”


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