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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Awakening Aubrey (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Jack 'Em Up Book 7)

Page 6

by Shauna Allen

  All the breath rushed from my lungs. I cupped her jaw and sunk into her lips. She groaned and gripped my biceps as she kissed me back, seducing my mouth. Her fingers threaded through my hair as she drew me closer, changing the angle of our kiss to delve deeper.

  Heat simmered between us, hot and heavy, as blood rushed through my brain in a furious, emotional rush. I had no clue how to deal with all the feelings she brought alive in me. Confusing, tangled, overwhelming emotion.

  “Do you want me?” she whispered against my lips.

  “No tienes ni idea.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “You have no idea.” My thumbs grazed the satiny skin of her inner arm.

  “Then take me. Please.” She nipped the cords of my throat. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. I just need this.” She met my gaze with hooded, lust-filled eyes. “I need you.”

  “Get in the car,” I demanded, the gravel in my voice betraying me.

  Her eyes flared, but she slid inside without a word.

  I sucked in a huge gulp of air and slid a hand down my face as I battled with my body. I wanted her . . . fucking desperately. But I didn’t want her to leave here in a couple of weeks thinking I’d used her. She was way too special for that.

  A tap on the passenger window yanked my attention. She lifted a brow to prod me.

  I jogged around and started the car with a little more gas than necessary. I caught her smiling out of the corner of my eye.

  She sputtered when I bypassed the turnoff for the hotel, instead heading straight back to my place. In the driveway, I parked and faced her in the silent car, our breathing the only sound between us as the hush of night descended.

  “Are you—?”

  She pressed a finger to my lips to silence me. “I’m sure.” She replaced her fingers with her lips and kissed me with a tenderness I’d never known.

  With a soft smile, she slid out and beckoned me to follow her inside.

  I didn’t question her anymore.

  Inside, I found her already in my bedroom, taking in my private space. Tracing a fingertip over my dresser, she bent to study a photo of my family at my graduation from basic training. Shining eyes met mine. “Your sister is pretty.”

  I was not interested in talking about my sister. With my eyes glued to hers, I used one arm to yank my T-shirt off and toss it aside.

  She rose, her gaze raking over my naked torso in a hot sweep that I could feel as she took in my abs, my chest, and the tattoo of the Virgin Mary on my ribs. “Say something to me in Spanish, Jude.”

  “Lo eres todo,” I murmured, my heart pounding in my throat.

  “What did you say?”

  I stepped toward her and wrapped a fiery curl around my finger. “You are . . . everything.”

  I felt her body melt at my words as she leaned into me, her hands gripping my shoulders for support. “I don’t understand a word, but I love it when you speak Spanish. It makes me all warm inside.”

  “Warm,” I whispered against her throat. “I like that.”

  Her eyes fluttered closed as I leaned in to taste her mouth. Our kiss morphed from a tender touch of flesh to a slow burn to a raging inferno in seconds. Her hands cruised over my skin as if she was memorizing every cell.

  “Jude.” My name was a whisper on her lips, a promise. “I . . .”

  I quieted her with my lips on her throat, drawing a ragged groan from deep in her chest. “I’ll take care of you, I swear.”

  With a nod, she let me slip the dress from her shoulders until it puddled at our feet. She stepped out and toed off her sandals, leaving her in a simple black bra and panties that made such a bold statement against the translucent ivory of her skin.

  Heat filled my body in a tidal wave as she wiggled her shoulders to let her bra straps fall down, barely concealing the pink blush of her nipples. I swallowed and traced the outline of her perfect fullness.

  She sucked in a breath and swayed into me.

  I tried to be gentle, I really did, but when she lost her bra and pressed against me skin to skin, I was a goner. I toppled with her onto my bed and her hair fanned out on my pillowcase like lava. I let loose, kissing and licking and suckling every bit of exposed flesh I could get my hands on. Her writhing cries beneath me only spurred me on.

  Our mouths crashed into each other with the fury of a hurricane and I realized this moment with her was wholly inevitable. It always had been.

  She gave as good as she got until we were naked and she was panting beneath me, her eyes wide and dark, filled with hot lust and something else I couldn’t name.

  “Okay?” I asked, breathless.

  She raked her hands down my back to clutch my naked ass. “Okay. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop, Jude.”



  Jude’s melted amber eyes met mine in the darkness of his room. I felt the tension in his muscles as desire and doubt warred in his mind. Hell, I felt the same, but I’d come too far to not give myself to him now. It felt entirely too right. Too destined.

  “Please,” I whispered again, my heart rattling with fear and love.

  He finally nodded, shifting away far enough to roll on a condom. Then he was on me like a fierce black panther, squeezing my breath tighter in my chest.

  He kissed me again, as if testing and tasting my readiness. I wrapped my tongue around his and lifted my hips to him in an invitation.

  He groaned into my mouth and pressed forward.

  I gasped and tightened as he found his way inside. I forced myself to breathe and try to relax at the invasion. I wanted this. I wanted him.


  I kept my eyes squeezed shut at his low, confused voice and silently pleaded with him to keep going. My eyes flew open as he began to pull out and roll away. I grabbed his shoulders. “No!”

  He moved away, something like betrayal painted all over his face. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  I sighed and flopped to my back with an arm over my eyes. “Who wants to admit to being a virgin in college?”


  I rolled my head to study him. “I’m sorry.”

  He raked a hand over his head in a gesture I was learning meant he was confused. “Don’t be. This is a big deal, Aubrey.”

  “I know.” Now I felt small and stupid.

  “No, I don’t think you do.” He rolled to his back next to me, his nakedness impressive. “You don’t just give your virginity away to anyone. It’s not something to be embarrassed about. It’s a gift.”

  Something like righteous indignation rushed through my chest. “Really? And who was your first?”

  Sigh. “That’s different.”


  “Because. You’re special.”

  “Special?” I spat the word like a curse. “Did you grow up in the dark ages? It’s just sex, Jude.”

  He was on me in less than the time it took for me to blink. “This isn’t just sex and we both know it.”


  “No maybe about it.” He kissed me with such sweet tenderness it brought tears to my eyes. “Just answer me one thing . . . why me?”

  A bridge seemed to open between us, linking our hearts in this moment and I was certain I’d never feel this again in my life. I wanted to grab it with both hands. “Because you are more than everything to me. You’re inevitable.”

  I couldn’t be sure, but I’d swear tears glistened in his eyes as he studied me like he was seeing me for the first time. Instead of speaking, he kissed me until I was breathless again, then he not only took my virginity, he stole my heart.

  ~ ~

  I woke up a few hours later to warm, rhythmic breath on my neck. I slid my eyes open and gained my bearings. I’m a back sleeper, so Jude was curled over me on his side, his leg thrown over mine, his arm heavy and pleasant over my waist. Not quite spoons, we were more like a knife and spoon maybe. I smiled at the thought.

  I inched over and grabbed my cel
l phone from the bedside table where he’d thoughtfully left it after getting us both an after-sex snack. No missed calls or messages. All good.

  Last night, we’d laughed and talked and flirted as we ate the crackers and cheese and it wasn’t awkward at all. It was wonderful. He didn’t question what I meant when I said he was inevitable. He just seemed to get it. We had been on a trajectory, destined to crash into each other, our whole lives. I was sure of it. Now more than ever.

  I set my phone down and rolled my head to study his sleeping face.

  Where could all of this lead? What did I want? What about him? I could’ve totally been blowing all of this out of proportion, harboring this crazy love of mine alone.

  I brushed his cheek with my fingers. It didn’t matter. No matter what happened to us, knowing this man had become the greatest gift I’d ever received.

  Sleepy light brown eyes met mine. “Hey.”

  His voice rolled over me like hot honey. “Hey.”

  He pressed a kiss to my shoulder. “What time is it?”

  “Just after midnight.”

  “Do I need to get you back to the hotel before the guys send out a lynch mob?” His smile was warm against my skin.

  I moved to face him, propping one arm under my head and wrapping the other around his waist. “There won’t be any mob, but you can take me back whenever you want.” I cuddled into him, eating up his warmth.

  Fingertips blazed a trail down my spine, giving me goosebumps. “How about never?”

  My eyes flew up to meet his teasing smile. “Don’t tempt me, Cortez. I gave you my virginity, remember? That’s good for at least breakfast.”

  His face dropped. “Aubrey—”

  I kissed him to shush him. “Don’t. I was kidding.” I shifted to rise and dress, but he grabbed my arm.

  “Wait. It’s not that I don’t want you to stay. I do. It’s just . . .”

  “Look, Jude, I told you I wouldn’t read more into this than sex. Great sex, granted. Spectacular for a first time I’m sure, but I’m not looking for a commitment. I understand that’s not in the cards for us.” I was proud as hell I got the words out, even though I wished they weren’t true.

  We stared each other down for several long moments as my heart pounded a ragged tattoo.

  Finally, he nodded and rolled away. “You’re right.” I cringed at the hard edge to his words. Wasn’t that what he wanted to hear? I stood and faced his back as he yanked on jeans. “I’m gonna go get some air. Let me know when you’re ready to go, okay?”

  Not exactly the fairytale ending to the night I’d dreamt of.

  ~ ~

  I was glad the next day was Monday and Jude had to get back to his training on base. It was awkward enough having him drive me back to the hotel in pained silence after what should’ve been the most magical night of my life. Okay, maybe not, but a girl can hope, right? I mean, I knew exactly what I was doing when I decided to sleep with Jude. My feelings for him ran deep and wide and I couldn’t regret giving him my virginity. Not even when our night ended so messed up. I’m still not sure what happened. One minute we were cuddling in some sort of post-sex daze, the next he clammed up after my stupid remark about breakfast. But he’d said he never wanted to take me back. Talk about mixed signals.

  All I knew was that I was grateful to just be with my guys and the Charger while all the military types went back to business. Status quo would give my heart a much-needed break from constant hormones and fantasies.

  I joined Jesse under the car, thankful he had his earbuds in this morning. I wasn’t ready for questions or joking about my walk of shame late last night when I ran into the guys, shooting the shit by the pool outside our hotel as I slunk by. They didn’t say much, but I was sure ‘I just lost my V-card’ was blinking in bright neon across my forehead. If not, my mussed hair and swollen lips probably gave me away, though the unobservant lugs didn’t seem to notice.

  Now, Jesse worked quietly, Micah clanked around in the toolbox, and Blake was making phone calls to some local junkyard, while I stared listlessly at the rusty undercarriage like a lovesick idiot. I needed to get it together.

  I rolled my head toward the open garage doors and let the breeze blow over me, inhaling the scent of freshly mowed grass and rain. In the distance, storm clouds tumbled and moaned, their bruised purple mocking the blue sky right over our heads.

  “Can you hold it?” Blake asked whoever was on the other end of the phone. “Great. Thanks. I’ll have someone there today.” He hung up and knelt down to face me and Jesse.

  Jesse paused his iPod and plucked out an earbud. “What’s up?”

  “The last junkyard on my list has an original steering box in perfect condition. He’ll hold it until the end of the day. I’ll call Fletch then head out—”

  “I’ll go,” I piped up, rolling out from under the car a little too fast.

  Blake’s dark eyes were speculative as he studied me. Yeah, yeah, I was normally happiest under the hood with grease under my nails, but I needed something to do to occupy myself until this funk passed.

  I held out my hand for the truck keys. “Seriously. I’ll do it. There’s not much for me to do here until we get the box anyway, right?”

  Over his shoulder, Micah said, “Let her go, dude. You can stay and help me with the MIG machine.”

  “Fine. One sec.” He shifted toward the doors, his gaze locked on the storm clouds, as he dialed and lifted his cell back to his ear. “Hey, Fletch. Sorry to bother you at work, but I need to run something by you.”

  I listened as he explained about the steering box then they hung up and he faced me. “All right. Fletch is hitting up the ATM. Drive to base and meet him by the PX. He’ll give you the cash then you can run to the junkyard.” He handed me a scrap of paper. “Here’s the address. A guy named Norm said he’d hold the box, but I don’t want to risk losing it, so get there as fast as you can.”

  I grabbed the paper and keys. “No problem.”

  “You know where you’re going?” Blake called behind me.

  I smirked over my shoulder. “I know how to use the GPS. Besides, you can’t miss the base in this town. Down the highway a couple exits and turn right.”

  He nodded and watched me drive away.

  I rolled down the window, enjoying the cool breeze that rolled off the clouds and cranked up the radio to sing along with Aerosmith. I was right. The base was super easy to find. We already had a base pass, so the guard waved me on after I showed him my ID.

  Following the signs to the PX, I wondered which one of these buildings Jude was in. What was he doing? Was he thinking of me?

  “Ugh.” Disgusted with myself, I hit the gas and drove on.

  A few blocks later, I found the shopping center and pulled in, my eyes searching for Fletch’s truck. The ATM stood in front of the building, but no big, scary-looking guys were hanging around with wads of cash. I parked and eyed the front door, my fingers drumming the steering wheel.

  I checked the time on my phone and sighed as my stomach rumbled. Glancing around again, I locked the truck and loped inside to buy a snack.

  Rushing through the now sprinkling rain, the AC hit me smack in the face. I brushed curls from my eyes and took two steps inside then faltered in the eerie silence. All around me, people littered the floor, lying on their stomachs, their eyes bugged with fear.

  One of the men on the ground shook his head at me in a quiet plea to not speak. I glanced around, but saw nothing.

  Then, as if he materialized from thin air, a bulky guy in Army fatigues strode into view, an older woman with a bleeding cut to her head in tow. His steps slowed once he spotted me, but he said nothing as he unceremoniously dumped the woman to the ground. “Stay.”

  I couldn’t process this. He was a good guy, right? But the detached emptiness of his eyes told another story. My legs trembled as he approached, the assault rifle in his hand held with practiced ease.

  “Who are you?” he demanded, his voice stern and cl
ipped like I’d imagine a drill sergeant to be.

  “I, uh . . . Aubrey.”

  Something dropped from a shelf and rattled down the aisle behind us, making him whip around in paranoia. He flipped back, his expression now a scary mix of fury and fear. “Get on the ground. Don’t move or I will kill you.”

  I sunk to my knees then rolled to my stomach just like everyone else. I inched closer to the man who’d tried to warn me. “What’s going on?” I whispered.

  He shot a quick glance over his shoulder then looked back at me, careful to keep his head low. “He just walked in here like this was a battlefield or a training mission or something and started barking orders. Not sure who he is, but I’m pretty sure he’s off his rocker. He’s been mumbling to himself in some kind of code and treating us like the enemy.” He quieted a moment as our captor moved to another aisle. “But that gun is real and it’s loaded. He’s already shot someone.”

  Unadulterated terror filled the man’s eyes and icy claws of fear scraped down my spine. “He did?”

  He inclined his head toward the cash registers. A pair of feet were all that were visible in a pool of blood. Shit.

  I froze at the sound of boots on the linoleum, but our captor stayed with the man he was currently berating for moving too much. “Do you know if help is coming?”

  The man shook his head. “I think we’re on our own.”

  I swallowed the bile rising in my throat and laid my forehead on the cold ground as realization hit me . . . I was being held hostage on an Army base by a soldier armed to the teeth.

  I was going to die.




  I glanced over at my commander’s voice in the doorway and quietly excused myself from the tactical training video with a nod to Master Sergeant Creed.

  “Sir?” I joined Col. Remington in the hallway.

  He snapped an envelope my way. I stared down at the official seal of the United States Army. “What’s this?”

  “It came in this morning from Ft. Benning. I’d imagine it’s about your application to Ranger school.”


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