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At Death's Door

Page 4

by Rebekah Paulsen

  “I’m Cerise, that’s Eris and that’s Mona. Oh and that’s Gabriel,” I said pointing at each of them.

  “I’ll be your partner for the night. Don’t get too attracted to me, flower,” he said with a wink as he kissed the back of my hand. I withdrew my hand and backed up.

  “Trust me, I won’t,” I rolled my eyes. Lander laughed and offered me his arm.

  “Shall we?” he asked. I looked over at his brother.

  “Do I have to?” I asked.

  “If you want to get in, then yes,” he explained. I sighed and took his arm.

  “Okay, but if you try anything then this arm will be broken by the end of the night,” I warned.

  He looked me up and down before saying,

  “I make no promises.”

  I groaned and followed everyone towards the castle that was covered in what I hoped was red paint.

  The entire castle was filled with people dancing, drinking, and having a great time.

  “How are we supposed to find the witch?” I yelled over the music.

  “We have to distract those guards because she is right behind that door,” Mona said pointing to a door near the back of the room.

  “I can distract them. I just need a little time to get ready,” Ethan said.

  “I’ll help get set up,” Eris said running off with Gabriel behind her.

  “When the music stops turn off Miss Lisa’s hearing and cover your ears; otherwise, you’ll be stuck in here with everyone else,” Ethan explained.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “You’ll see,” he said with a wink. He walked off to the stage all the way on the other side of the room. Lander wrapped an arm around my waist only to get it slapped away. Leo was...gone. Where the hell did he run off to? Mona took my arm and pulled me towards a door surrounded by guards.

  “He is almost ready,” she said as we walked.

  “What about Lander and Leo?” I asked.

  “Leave them. We only needed them to get you in,” Mona answered. I nodded as Ethan ran towards where Eris and Gabriel went.

  “Are you ready?” Mona asked just as the music went dead. I nodded my head once more as I did as Ethan told me with the help of Mona. We watched as Ethan got up on the stage and got everyone’s attention. I could still somewhat hear him and I guess Mona knew this because the next thing I know Mona is covering my ears with her hands. I couldn’t hear anything. But I could see. I saw everyone mesmerized by whatever Ethan was doing. All I saw him doing was moving his lips. Mona started walking towards the door that the red witch was behind once more, so I followed her. We walked passed the guards who were too focused on Ethan. When we got inside and shut the door Mona removed her hands from my ears.

  Chapter 7

  “Please turn me back on,” Mona said as I came around and turned her hearing back on.

  “What did he do?” I asked.

  “When I said he could not kill I was not kidding. All the Vie get a special gift when they are born. Most get a weapon, but very few get an ability. Ethan was one of those few,” Mona said as we started walking down the hallway, “His voice. When he sings it...well it makes people forget what hurts them most, it makes them forget what they’re supposed to be doing. But with it comes the inability to hurt others so he would be deemed worthless.” Mona sighed and I watched as her usually bright red eyes started to turn pale.

  “I have watched many people die because of their abilities. Some had the ability to heal others, some were able to teleport from one place to another. I knew a little girl who could do many wonderful things with her mind and she was only six,” Mona whispered.

  “Why don’t they just hide their abilities? How would the Vie even find out about them?” I asked. We got to the door and Mona rested her head on the wall. I could see a wetness in her pale red eyes.

  “They did hide it. They all did. Only the Vie had a machine that could tell who was special and who was not. With that machine they were able to kill off almost the entire trait,” Mona said with a crack in her metallic voice.

  “Why didn’t anyone destroy the machine?” I pressed on.

  “Because if they did a lot of people would be hurt. All that machine had worked for would be lost. The lives it had saved would be in danger once more. The progress it had made would would be for nothing. It could not let that happen. It could not let anyone else die,” she insisted.

  “How do you know this?” I asked. Though to be honest I felt like I already knew the answer to my question.

  “Because I...I was that machine,” she barely whispered as the tears ran down her cheek. I didn’t know what to say. She wiped her eyes before the tears could reach the opening in her cheek and placed her hand on the door.

  “Ready?” she asked, staring at the ground.

  “Are you alright?” I replied. Mona stared at the door in silence.

  “Are you ready?” she asked quietly. I just nodded my head in reply. She forced a smile and opened the door.

  Chapter 8

  The room was small with a single blood red and black armchair. A woman sat in the chair. She was tall with messy, shoulder-length, blood red hair with bangs that covered one part of her face. Her dark red eyes popped out against her tan skin. Her right eye was surrounded by a red tattoo that curved over her eye, came down and branched off into three lines. Three scars ran across her left eye. She wore a red spiked choker around her throat and a small red hat on top of her head. Her wings were leathery, demonic and red with the bone structure on the outside. She wore a corset that barely covered her breasts, a short, light red skirt that barely covered anything, fingerless gloves that reached past her elbows, and long red and orange striped socks that went a little above her upper thigh.

  “Can I do something for you?” she asked in an eerie, smooth voice. I stood behind Mona so the red witch couldn’t quite see me. I didn’t want to admit that she intimidated me.

  “We need your help, your highness,” Mona said bowing. I was caught off guard so I was slow to bow. The Witch flinched when she saw me.

  “Whoa whoa whoa, hold up. I know this little bot but who are you?” she asked losing her previous voice and switching to a more urban one. I kept my head down when I answered.

  “My name’s Cerise Greenwood, your majesty,” I was shaking. I have never been in front of royalty. Or, well, someone much higher than me.

  “Your hair is white like the snow... Look at me,” she demanded. I reluctantly did as I was told.

  “Stop looking so scared. I’m not gonna kill you. But your eyes are silver. That only happens when…” she thought for a second before perking up again, “Whatever, anyways I’m Missa. You said you needed my help?”

  “Yes, you see, Ella is dead and we need to find the next one in line, but for one, we need someone to sub in before the Vie gets their hands on the throne and two, we have no idea whom the next descendant is, where she is, or even what she looks like,” Mona explained.

  “Hm...well I’ll look over the Deces while you look for the princess. I never liked Ella so I’m not even mad. Oh and I might have something that could help you,” Missa said as she got up and pulled a box from under her chair. As she sat back down she pulled out a single piece of paper.

  “She used to visit me often. We were close friends. This was the last thing I got from her before we lost all contact,” she said handing the letter to me. I looked at her before opening it. What I saw was surprising. All it said was,

  Dear Missa,

  Mother Ella has been more intent on keeping me here lately and I think I know why. I believe that one of the servant girls overheard me talking to Sava about not wanting to inherit the throne. Mother Ella is threatening to throw me in the dungeon. I’m scared, Missa. I think it’s time I run away before she gets me. This may be my last letter to you. I will change the color I wear. I have since hated the color white anyways heh. I need you Missa. I only ask for your help. I ask of you to lend me one of your guards. Any will do
. I must go now, I might see you again once more. Au revoir.

  Forever yours,

  Spina Mortem

  The fine writing and the slight curve to the name seemed familiar.

  “I did as she asked and sent one of my best guards. His name was Samuel Fate. I haven’t seen him since I sent him away. I worry about him, but I know that it was for a good reason,” Missa said.

  “Why did she not want the throne?” Mona asked.

  “I’m not sure. I guess she knew she could do more than just sit in her room and give orders. So she ran away and I don’t know what happened to her,” Missa answered.

  “Any idea what she looked like?” Mona continued.

  “Um...yeah...yeah! Ungodly long white hair, pale white eyes but you could still see her little black circles, you know those things in your eyes. Usually wore a lot of white but that was because of Ella. She visited often and was a real sweet girl,” Missa sighed.

  “One last question, is there anything else we should know about her?” Mona asked.

  “Yeah, she’s special. I’m not talkin’ in a normal way. She could...sense everything. If you even try to sneak up on her she would be able to tell that it’s you from your own heartbeat. She was a master of all the elements. Well, she would be if she had practiced her abilities. Her mother wouldn’t let her since Spina was thought to be a descendant of the original Witch herself. Ella was afraid if Spina had too much power then she would try to overthrow her mother,” Missa informed us, “and believe me when I say this, no one liked Ella. She was a power hungry brat, the exact opposite of Spina.” I looked over at Mona and nodded to the door.

  “It was really nice to talk to you but we should probably get going,” I said backing up towards the door.

  “I understand. Oh and please do tell your mom I said hi. Mona, if you ever see him again, tell Dr. Helmen that I miss his company,” Missa said as Mona bowed before her, “and cut that out! What do I look like? A Queen?” She let out a loud bark-like laugh as we made our way out of the door and closed it behind us letting out a breath of relief.

  “Who’s Dr. Helmen?” I asked.

  “My creator,” Mona said walking away. I shrugged and followed her. She doesn’t want to talk about it. I get it. And why the hell does everyone have to bring up my dead parents. I get that you miss them but take a hint. They’re dead!

  “Cerise, stop talking to yourself and turn my hearing off,” Mona said as we got to the other door. I turned off her hearing and opened the door. I let Mona go first and followed as I shut the door behind myself. Mona looked at me and almost screamed.

  “Cerise! What are you doing?” Mona asked. I looked at her confused. She calmed a little and looked at me in shock.

  “Can you not hear him?” she asked. I gave her another confused look and shook my head. Hear who? She grabbed my hand dragged me to where we last saw Ethan. Sure enough, he was still singing. I just couldn’t hear what he was saying.

  “This is just adding onto my theory!” She smiled and grabbed my hand as she ran towards Ethan. For someone who looks like a thirteen-year-old she has a very strong gri- oh wait...she’s a robot. Oops. Moving on.

  “We have to get back to Tania and find the princess’s crown! Oh, my Goddess why did I not think of this sooner?” Mona exclaimed dragging me through the crowd. We hopped onto the stage and caught Ethan’s attention.

  “Go find the others while Ethan and I put everything back to normal,” Mona said running over to Ethan. I nodded once and jumped off the stage and started calling for them.

  “ERIS….GABRIEL….um….why not LEO….LANDER….” I yelled scanning the crowd. I saw Leo staring at Ethan in a sort of daze. I tried calling his name to get his attention. I thought for a moment and covered his ears. The slight glaze to his eyes disappeared and he looked at me. I nodded over to my hands and mouthed cover your ears. He nodded and moved his hands under mine as I removed them. I reached into my shawl just like how I would do with my cloak and pulled out what I hoped would be some ear plugs...That’s an arrow. Okay, let’s try this again. I pulled out what I hoped to be was...That’s another arrow. Last time. I pulled out what should be som- Son of a- It’s another freaking arrow. I kept pulling arrow after arrow out of my shawl while Leo stood there watching them pile up. I looked like a magic trick gone wrong! Ughh! I plopped down on the floor only to get an arrow in the ass. I yelped and stood up quickly. I ripped it out and went to throw it on the ground when I noticed that the fletching (you know that feathery looking thing on the end) was just foam. I looked at the rest of them and oh man am I an idiot. I ripped the fletching off of two of them and motioned for Leo to remove his hands. He bit his lip and did so, instantly going into that little trance. I rolled the foam up into little balls and stuffed them in his ears. He snapped out of it, looked at me and hugged me tightly.

  “Thank you,” his voice was surprisingly soft but deep. I smiled and went searching for the others while he followed.

  “Cerise!” Leo called getting lost in the crowd. I ran in and grabbed his hand, pulling him out. I held his hand as we looked for the others. He tapped my shoulder and pointed into the crowd. I followed his finger and spotted Eris! Wait….who is she….oh dear god….looks like we found Gabriel too. He’s attached to Eris’s face. I think I’m going to be sick. I sighed and tugged Leo over to them. I ripped some foam off of my arrows and handed some to Leo. I counted to three and we both stuffed them into Eris and Gabriel’s ears. When they snapped out of it was the point in time that I really wished I had a camera on me. Eris looked straight at Gabriel, pulled away screaming and then slapped him before storming off. I groaned and motioned for Leo to go get her. I watched as Gabriel just stared at nothing and slowly placed his hand where she had slapped him. He seemed to be in complete awe. I rolled my eyes and dragged him towards where Eris had run off. I caught up with Leo and Eris in the middle of the dance floor. They were struggling with Lander. He kept trying to run off so they had to hold him back. I groaned and pulled more foam off of my arrows and stuffed them in his ears. So much for an easy in and out. I gathered everyone and led them back to the stage. Mona and Ethan were fixing the mess. When they saw us coming they finished what they were doing and hurried us out of the castle as everyone took out the foam balls from their ears.

  “The aftershock will only last a few seconds and they won’t be very happy when it’s over,” Ethan said running next to me.

  “Why the hell are you running when you have wings?” I asked staring at him like he’s nuts.

  “Miss Lisa and Miss Jackson are talking and I didn’t want to intrude,” Ethan shrugged. I looked at him for a bit and shook my head.

  “How the hell are you one of the Vie?” I mumbled running ahead of the group. Once we were a good distance away I stopped running to catch my breath. Mona, Eris, Leo, and Lander landed next to me. Okay, that sentence sounded weird. Anyways. We all stopped to regain our breath, well except Mona. When everyone had stopped panting Mona got their attention.

  “Alright we talked to the Witch and what she said reminded me that we need to go back to the princess’s room and find her crown,” Mona explained.

  “Why do we have to find this damn crown? And why the hell does a Witch need a crown if she claims she’s not royalty?” Eris asked slightly hovering above the ground providing those of us that need it with cool air.

  “The crowns are worn because back when everyone was at war with the Vie assholes, no offense Ethan, kidnapping princesses was a thing. So they made crowns that would help track the princesses down. Every princess is linked to her own crown one way or another,” Lander explained.

  “Thank you, Lander. With that crown we will be able to find Spina Mortem and bring her home,” Mona continued.

  “Let’s go then,” Lander offered as he headed forward.

  “Who says you’re coming?” Gabriel asked with his arms crossed.

  “He can come, smartass. He helped us back there, he can help us again. Hell, he can even
take yer fuckin’ place. I don’t think anyone here would object!” Eris spat. I could hear Mona trying not to laugh, I was trying not to too.

  “Um, Eris? I would object since he is my responsibility,” I pointed out. She waved her hand at me and laughed.

  “I know that. I was talkin’ about the rest of them,” she replied.

  “I agree with Eris. You know, about the whole letting them come thing,” Mona put in.

  “I’m with Miss Jackson too,” Ethan agreed.

  “If I could I would like to ask you if it is okay to come along,” Leo said in his ever so soft voice.

  “It’s fine with me,” I agreed.

  “Oh yay. I get to spend more time with you, flower,” Lander said with a smirk.

  “Oh yay, another guy picking on Snowdrop,” Gabriel said in mock excitement. I rolled my eyes and sighed. This was gonna be a long walk.

  Chapter 9

  We decided to rest there. Without blankets, we slept on the cold ground and sadly we woke up to a very wet and chilly spring morning. The thing about Valabin is that you never know what season it will be tomorrow. The Witch of the Foi controls the weather and seasons. Sorta. It’s changed by her mood, and she’s normally pretty happy. All four of the witches control something about life and they have their own special power. Well, except for the Vie. The Witch had her ability taken away when she tried to kill everyone, so she figured that if she can’t have one then no one else could and we know how well that went. I know the Vie control how long you live and the Deces control where you go when you die, but I’m not too sure about what the Damnes does. I got off topic. Anyways…

  “How much further until we get there?” Gabriel groaned. Everyone besides Gabriel and I (we were stuck walking) had been flying all day and were pretty exhausted. I could see poor Leo, who I’ve guessed is the weakest between him and his brother, struggling to stay up.


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