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Destiny's Choice

Page 1

by Kimberly Hunter

  Destiny’s Choice


  Kimberly Hunter

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are

  products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to

  be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,

  organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Destiny’s Choice

  Copyright© 2012 Kimberly Hunter

  Cover Artist: Erin Dameron-Hill

  Editor: Kimberly Hunter

  Dedication ~

  This is for my fans. You waited so patiently for Roan’s story. Hope you enjoy his journey as much as I did writing it. Huggles!!

  Chapter One

  Finally able to relax, Roan LeGuer sat back in his favorite leather chair. He let the sounds of nature outside his cabin serenade his bruised and battered senses as he watched a cheery crackling fire and sipped an excellent apple brandy. The respite was well deserved and long overdue. He planned to enjoy the downtime to its fullest.

  For the past ten months, Roan had traveled to twenty-seven states and four countries. The purposes for such traveling were several. As Alpha of the Lupus, the only pack of wolf shifters in the world, he was leader of over a thousand Pack members. So it was past time he met with everyone. A task no Alpha had accomplished in centuries. It was also a long forgotten and recently re-discovered tradition, that had the Alpha meeting with his Pack to renew friendships and strengthen the blood bond that tied the Pack together, no matter how scattered they were. It was a good tradition to Roan’s way of thinking because a strong Pack was a safe Pack.

  The other two reasons were quite personal. Roan’s twin and Beta, Flynn, had found his True Mate, Sasha. Their meeting hadn’t been easy. In fact, there had been too many close calls. But Sasha had shown just how strong and competent she really was. So much so that Flynn wasn’t the only one to fall for her. Sharing more than just looks, the brother’s had enjoyed taking their fair amount of women together as well. However, the bond that Flynn and Sasha had was too precious and sacred to be communal. Finding ones True Mate was a rare feat. It was a bond that very few ever experienced. Only nine of the sixty Mated couples in the Pack were True Mates. Roan couldn’t, in good conscience, act on his feelings.

  Flynn and Sasha were aware of how he felt, but those feelings would forever remain unrequited. Being Alpha brought the situation home even harder. He was the leader, the example that others went by, not the exception. He was judge and jury when it came to carrying out the Pack’s laws should any be broken or violated. Coming between a True Mate Pair was almost as bad as attacking a human. The offense could mean banishment, or execution. Most would choose execution, it was more humane.

  His feelings and the law aside, Roan loved his brother and knew how happy he was. Never would Roan interfere or challenge that. Which brought him to the third and last reason. He hoped to find his own True Mate. Unfortunately, the odds were stacked against him. Oh, there had been hope at first, small though it was that he would find her. But halfway through his journey, that hope had started to wither. Now it was completely dead.

  Perhaps, one day, many years down the road, his True Mate would be born. For now, he’d just have to deal with the loneliness and try to move on. Of course, the first step would be never returning to live at the main house in Montana. He had put the wheels in motion a month after he began his journey when Sasha announced her pregnancy. Once his niece had been born, most of his belongings had been moved to the cabin in the mountains of North Carolina. Seeing the happy family, a family he may never have, hurt too much. Flynn understood, though it saddened him greatly. The rest of the family wasn’t privy to his real reason for the move, nor did he bother to make up an explanation. He simply told everyone he was moving to the cabin and he’d visit when he could. His personal guards, Mikeal Reynard and Steven St. Patrick, were given the choice to stay with Flynn or go to North Carolina. It wasn’t surprising that the two decided to follow their Alpha. They were loyal to a fault and had become more than just added muscle. They were good friends. Roan didn’t feel quite as alone knowing the two were close by, ensconced in the guest cabin.

  Taking a sip of his brandy, Roan tried to empty his mind and let his thoughts go. But like a hamster in a wheel, they continued to run round and round. He was about to toss back the brandy and pour another just to calm his over active brain when his cell rang. Picking it up, he looked at the number and smiled, tapping the receive button.

  “Shouldn’t you be in bed with your True Mate?”

  Flynn’s deep chuckle came across the line. “I should, but your niece was hungry. And quite vocal about it”

  “I’m surprised you were able to get to her first.”

  Flynn snorted. “It was a near thing, let me tell you.”

  “I bet.” Roan laughed softly. “Angel still helping out?”

  “Yeah, but not for long.”

  A note of joy was heard in Flynn’s voice. “Oh, why not?”

  “Because she’ll have her own to take care of soon.”

  A wide smile stretched Roan’s lips. “That’s great news, brother. Tell her I said congratulations. She and Seth deserve it.”

  “Well, that’s not all.” Flynn paused. “She’s having twins.”

  That caused Roan to blink and pause a moment himself. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive. The heartbeats are faint, but I did the sonogram myself. She’s having twins.”

  “Good Lord, there hasn’t been a set born since Wade and Wyatt. And that was, what, about ten years after us?”

  “Close to that, yeah.”

  Shaking his head, Roan couldn’t help but laugh. “Angel never could do anything by halves.”

  An answering laugh followed through the line. “You got that right. Mom is ecstatic and Sasha, of course, has already started planning the baby shower. It’s still a little too soon to know what the babies sexes will be, not that that has stopped her. Or mom for that matter.”

  “I can imagine.” Roan grinned. Their mother was in granny heaven when her granddaughter had been born. She was probably in orbit now with two more grandchildren on the way.

  “Got a call from Gabe last night.”

  “How did he sound?” Roan was a bit apprehensive. Gabe didn’t exactly leave on good terms.

  “Now that he’s had plenty of time to cool down and really think; the anger is gone at least.” A deep sigh sounded over the line. “Time will tell if he gets over what he sees as everyone ganging up on him.”

  “Christ.” Roan groaned.

  After learning of her pregnancy, Sasha had serious thoughts about the babe being raised around her True Mate and what the repercussions would be. She didn’t like where her thoughts went to. Since no one had ever heard about an occasion where a Lupus met their True Mate before or shortly after they were born, it was an unknown situation no one had any clue how to deal with. Well, with the exception of Sasha. She wanted her daughter to experience life without having her True Mate and all that entailed hanging over her head. It wouldn’t be fair to her and the woman she would become. Then there was the fact that the female chose when the couple had their First Mating. No way did she want her teenage daughter, with all her raging hormones, initiating her First Mating with an adult Lupus. It was beyond wrong. So her solution? Gabe would have to leave. For how long was up in the air. However, Sasha wanted her daughter to be in her mid twenty’s at the least. Gabe didn’t exactly agree with it, but after Roan and Flynn gave it thoughtful consideration, they agreed with Sasha. Of course, after Sasha threatened to rip Gabe’s balls off if he didn’t leave, he really had no choice. One didn’t come between a Lupa and her child. Gabe
was understandably upset about it, but what else could he do? So, now he was in Japan. On the other side of the world, he was with the Japanese Pack, working at the local university in the IT department.

  “I know. But he’ll have the next two decades to get over it. And we did agree to keep him up to date with e-mails and pictures of Tala. That’ll have to keep him satisfied for the time being.”

  “If not, I’ll have another talk with him.” Roan hoped it didn’t come to that, but his niece and her well being came first. If he kept giving too much attitude about it, Roan was sure that Sasha would stop any and all communications about Tala. It would be Gabe’s own fault if that happened and Roan would have nothing to say about it. He may be the Alpha, but Tala was Sasha’s child. Her word was law in this matter.

  “That’s not all the news I have. Seems we may have a lead on the Alpha Torque.”

  Roan sat up quickly, his heart starting to pick up. “Who and where?”

  “Some obscenely wealthy private collector in Maine. The IRS got him for tax evasion, so he’s having to sell off some of his precious collection.” The sneer in Flynn’s tone was heavy. “Seth’s had dealings with the guy before, so he’s already left to meet with him and authenticate the piece. I’ll know for sure in the morning.”

  “Good. When he’s positive it’s the torque, I want all the info you have on this guy. I’ll be taking the first flight out and making the deal myself.”

  “You sure you wouldn’t want Seth to handle this for you? He does already have a report with the guy.”

  “No. I’ve waited too long to have the torque back where it belongs just to have it slip through my fingers now. Besides, this about money, considering the IRS is riding his ass. I know how to deal with that, Seth won’t.”

  A harsh breath sounded over the line. “Alright, I’ll send you everything we have on the guy. But Roan, try not to intimidate the man too much. I know how you are when the kill is near.”

  Roan growled. “Bearing in mind he has in his possession a stolen family heirloom, I’ll try not to make the man piss himself.”

  “I appreciate the restraint,” Flynn said dryly.

  “Not to worry brother mine, I know how to be tactful when the occasion calls for it.”

  “Fine.” The word was drawn out into a deep sigh but Roan heard a slight pop, like a jaw cracking from a yawn. “Well, I’m for bed. Your niece is finally down for night, so I think I’ll follow her lead.”

  “Get some rest, little brother.”

  “Hmph, says the guy who’s probably been up later than I have.”

  “I’m fine.” Roan chuckled. “You just take care of yourself and the family.”

  “Yes, my Alpha.”


  Flynn chortled. “Night, brother. Love ya.”

  “Love you, too.” Grinning, Roan clicked off, placing the phone back on the little table next to his chair. He then took a healthy swallow of his brandy, feeling the mellow burn flow down his throat.

  The Alpha Torque was almost in his grasp. And contrary to what Flynn wanted, no way in hell was Roan going to hold back. Not when he was so close. Seth, being the meticulous Lupus that he was, would no doubt have brought every bit of documentation he possessed, and some he didn’t, as proof of the torque’s origins without outing the Pack. While Roan was prepared to be generous to the man for the torque’s safe keeping, he wasn’t about to be taken advantage of. If the man thought otherwise, well, Roan would be more than happy to disabuse him of that notion.

  With that joyful thought in mind, Roan downed that last of his brandy, stood, and stripped. He went to the hearth rug, got on all fours, and shifted. After several turns to find the most comfortable spot, he lay down and curled up; putting his bushy tail over his nose He let out a contented sigh, and closed his eyes. He was asleep in moments.

  * * * *

  “Mom, I don’t understand why I have to be there. It’s not as if I haven’t met the Alpha before,” Rivera grumbled as she began to strip out of her jogging clothes. She needed a shower in the worst way. A five mile run, mostly uphill, was not for amateurs. She felt good though. Well, she had before her mother’s little announcement.

  “That was Roan’s father you met, not Roan. He’s been Alpha now for ten years,” her mother, Lillah replied as if she were speaking to a small child, not a woman full grown.

  Pausing to toe off her favorite running shoes, Rivera blinked with surprise. “What happened to Roan’s father?”

  Her mother pinched the bridge of her nose, clearly counting to ten. She then took a deep breath. “He was killed in a plane crash not long after his youngest son Dillon was born. Roan stepped in several months later after winning against only one challenger.”

  “Oh.” She took her shoes off then let her long blond hair out of its French braid, letting the sweat soaked mass lie heavy against her back. “That still doesn’t explain why I have to be there. He knows you have a daughter. Meeting me in person shouldn’t be that big of a deal.” Turning, she went to her in suite bathroom, her mother hot on her heels.

  “Yes, he knows. But because of his duties and your never ending studies, the two of you have never met. And since you’ve finally decided to take a year off and come home, your father and I thought it the perfect opportunity for the two of you to meet. Roan recently moved to his cabin not far from here, so the timing worked out. Besides, he’s not only the Alpha, but one of our dearest and closest friends.”

  “You and dad are close friends with the Alpha?” She reached behind the shower curtain and turned on the water, then got a towel while waiting for it to heat.

  “We are, and if you would spend more time at home, you would know this,” Lillah snapped, her scent conveying agitation.

  Rivera let out a long suffering sigh. This was an old argument, one she didn’t have the patience for at the moment. “Mom, you know my reasons.”

  “I do, but you are a member of this family, young lady. It wouldn’t interfere with your studies if you’d come home more often. Short visits twice a year and sporadic phone calls aren’t enough to let us know what’s happening in your life. Not knowing about your Alpha just proves my point.”


  “No, not this time.” Her mother’s tone turned steely. “Your father and I have let a lot pass over the years because we knew how you felt. We can’t let this slide too. We won’t.” Her small hand lifted to stall any further arguments and excuses. “I didn’t come up here to ask you to join us. I’m telling you.” Amber eyes flashed with anger. “You are to be ready in one hour and meet us in the dining room. Is that clear?”

  Shoulders slumping in defeat, Rivera nodded reluctantly. She knew better than to go against her mother’s wishes. Especially when she was this worked up. “Fine.”

  “Good.” She gave Rivera a tight smile then turned to leave. “An hour, Rivera Dawn Montgomery, and not a minute later.” Her voice carried back as she walked out.

  Hearing her full name made Rivera wince. It was also a not so subtle reminder that if she didn’t show for lunch, her ass would be in a sling.

  “Shit!” she grit her teeth at the rotten luck.

  Adjusting the water’s temperature, she then stepped in. The heat did little to soothe her ire.

  Since the age of twenty-five, Rivera had done all she could to keep clear of the Pack and its machinations. Her parents had also helped in that regard, making excuses for her and whatnot. Now at the ripe age of 176, she had succeeded beyond what she thought was possible. Still, there were the few, very few, times when she had to meet with Pack members. Those had been scarce thankfully. And that was just the way she liked it. Hell, the small number of friends she had weren’t even Pack, they were human and those weren’t close friends either. Hard to keep those when you aged considerably slower than a human did. But she’d managed to build a life for herself without the support of the Pack and she sure as shit didn’t need them now. It wasn’t as if they’d been there for her when s
he needed them most anyhow. Her parents support aside, she didn’t really feel that strong a loyalty to those who had turned their backs on her long ago. Still, she cared about her parents and would do as they asked despite her disgust of the situation. So, she would meet the Alpha, be polite, and make her parents happy. After that, she would go back to forgetting the Pack existed and resume her life.

  Less than an hour later, Rivera was ready. Dressed casually yet classy, she had on her favorite khaki slacks and sage colored v-neck sweater. Her low heeled, brown leather, Mary Jane’s were comfy and she had put on very little make-up with no jewelry or even a watch. She left her long, honey blond hair loose and flowing down her back.

  Nowhere close to be considered a beauty, she had pleasant features and a nice body that she kept in excellent shape. All in all, she looked nice and felt comfortable. That’s all that really mattered.

  Hearing the doorbell chime, Rivera cringed but quickly straightened her shoulders, determined to get through this abominable lunch and back to her normal life.

  “A couple hours old girl, just a couple hours,” she chanted the words quietly, bolstering herself for the ordeal ahead. Then with a deep breath, she walked with purpose out of her bedroom.

  The moment she closed the bedroom door behind her, she was assaulted with the most delicious and sensuous scent she had ever smelled. It was the tang of a pine forest on a sunny afternoon with the undercurrent of a summer storm. Rivera closed her eyes, drawing the wonderful scent deep into her lungs, almost able to savor the bite of pine at the back of her throat. Taste the cleansing rain on her tongue.

  Not knowing what she was doing and not really caring, Rivera hurried down the hall from her room and down the stairs. She followed her nose to the source of the fantastic scent. She found it in the dining room attached to the most gorgeous male she had ever laid eyes on.


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