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Destiny's Choice

Page 8

by Kimberly Hunter

  An unladylike snort came across the line. “Because you are the king at throwing out the unexpected. Now spill.”

  “She has a point, brother.” Flynn’s low chuckle was loud and clear.

  “Fine.” He sighed deeply. “Rivera would like another to carry out her parent’s execution.”

  “Say again?” Steven’ expression was more confusion than surprise. Everyone else was silent.

  “You heard me.”

  “But why?” Even Mikeal looked as if he was at a loss on this one.

  “I’d hazard a guess that she doesn’t want her past messing with her future?” Sasha surmised.

  Grimacing, Roan’s hand tightened around his juice bottle. “That’s part of it. The other is, well, being Alpha, I’m supposed to be impartial. To not let my emotions rule my judgment. I can’t in this situation and Rivera knew it. I as well once I had a chance to really think about it.”

  “Well, damn,” Steven huffed. “That leaves all of us out as well.”

  “Those were my thoughts also,” Roan agreed. “Being as all of you are part of my inner circle, this poses a problem I never thought I’d have to face. While I’d like nothing more than to avenge my True Mate, I also have to think what such an act would do to the Pack.”

  Steven frowned, rubbing his chin. “Some of the older generation would see it as your due. But others, well, they might not be so inclined.”

  “Which is really a good thing in a way, brother.” Flynn’s voice conveyed love and understanding. “Father was right when he told us that even though we could shift into an animal, it didn’t mean we could act like one. We had to hold ourselves to a higher purpose for future generations.”

  “He was right,” Roan said with a deep sigh. “My executing her parents would undermine my place in the Pack regardless of my Alpha status. The trust and respect I’ve built up over the last decade would start to crumble and put the Pack as a whole in jeopardy. I can’t let that happen despite my personal feelings on this matter. Our judgment may be swift because of what we are, but Pack Law was never meant to be abused by any individual due to their standing in the Pack.” He looked to Mikeal, getting a respectful nod. “Nor was it meant to be used as a tool for revenge.”

  “Okay. So who do you guys know that can carry out their sentence?” Sasha asked.

  Roan was at a loss. From the expressions on Steven and Mikeal’s faces, they too had no clue.

  “I might have a solution,” Flynn said.

  “Who?” Steven asked.

  “Our Uncle Quinn.”

  Holding back a groan, Roan knew he should have thought of that. His only excuse was that his mind was going in too many different directions to think clearly.

  “Your dad’s Beta, Quinn Lowry. That Uncle Quinn?”

  “That’s the one,” Flynn answered. “Do you know him, Mikeal?”

  “We’ve met on quite a number of occasions. His Mate and my mom are good friends. I went to Uni with his oldest son, Kurt.”

  “I remember him from a few Pack gatherings,” Steven added. “Skinny, average height, and looks with brown hair. But man, powerful.”

  “That’s how he won so many challenges when he and my father first took over the Pack. They all knew they couldn’t beat the Alpha. But after seeing Uncle Quinn, well, they thought it’d be easy pickings.” Roan chuckled, remembering the stories his father and Uncle Quinn used to tell him and Flynn.

  “Boy, were they wrong.” Flynn laughed as well. “Dead wrong in some cases.”

  “So, you think he’ll help? I mean, I’ve only met the man once and that was at Tala’s christening. He seemed like a really nice guy though.” Sasha said.

  “He is and yes, he’ll help. He called not long after I became Alpha and said that if I needed anything, to let him know. He owed it to my father.”

  “That’s settled then,” Sasha quipped. “You are going to call him before you get here though, right? I’d hate to invite the man over only to spring something like an execution on him out of the blue.”

  Roan couldn’t help but smile. “Of course. Plus, he lives a couple hours away. He’ll need to prepare for the drive.”

  “Good then.”

  Before anyone could say more, the faint sound of a baby crying could be heard.

  “Oops. I think someone has a wet tushy.”

  “You want me to take her, hon?”

  “No. You stay and finish. I still have to get the rest of her things packed. Mom will be here in a few to take her back to Angel’s place.”

  “Alright. I’ll be up in a bit.”

  The sounds of moving and kissing could be heard over the line. Then Sasha said, “And congrats, big brother. Rivera sounds like a really nice match for you.”

  “She is, little sister. She is.”

  “Excellent. Just make sure there’s no kinky stuff in the barn stalls. That’s mine and Flynn’s domain.”


  Mikeal and Steven burst out laughing as Roan shook his head, chuckling himself.

  “I’ll endeavor to try. But I make no promises on the hay loft.”

  “Deal. Ya big perv.” She giggled as the sound of her footsteps faded away.

  “Dude, I don’t know whether to feel sorry for you or envious as hell.” Steven rolled his eyes while sporting a big grin.

  “She’s a handful alright. But I wouldn’t have her any other way.”

  Everyone could hear the love and utter devotion in Flynn’s voice. Roan then looked over at his own True Mate and knew exactly what his brother was talking about.

  “It’s good your mom is taking the babe,” Mikeal said. “I wouldn’t want to have any child of mine around such goings on either.”

  “No, we don’t. And all the people would be too much and too loud. Plus, mom’s been a little lonely what with Dillon enjoying some of his spring break with friends in New Orleans.”

  “Ah.” Mikeal nodded with understanding. “Well, spending time with her granddaughter should put a smile on her face.”

  “Tala always does. And speak of the devil, there she is now.” A door opening and closing sounded in the background. “Anything you need me to do before you get here, brother?”

  “Have everyone meet in the clearing. And don’t be surprised if Dane and crew show up. I have another bomb to drop.”

  Flynn groaned. “Sasha is going to love that. Okay, everyone to the clearing and prepare for another bomb. I’ll see you guys then.”

  “Bye, Flynn.”

  “Later, dude.”

  Roan disconnected, getting questioning looks from Steven and Mikeal. He just gave them a mysterious grin, not bothering to elaborate. Though with those two, they were sure to figure it out sooner or later.

  Taking his phone to the seat in front of Rivera, he dialed his uncle’s number.

  In actuality, Quinn Lowry was his great-uncle on his mother’s side. The baby brother of his grandfather, Quinn’s birth was an accident and very unexpected. So unexpected that Quinn and Roan’s mother, Charlaine, had been born just days apart. Unfortunately for Quinn, his mother died during childbirth, her True Mate following soon after. Roan’s grandparents took him in, raising Quinn and Charlaine together like siblings instead of uncle and niece.

  “Lowry Farm. Quinn here.”

  That Texas twang always made Roan smile. “Hello, uncle.”

  “Roan! How the hell are ya, boy?” The happiness in his voice was clear. And Roan could see in his minds eye the big grin he was no doubt wearing.

  “Well, that’s why I’m calling.” He then went on to explain about his True Mate and everything in between.

  “Happy for you on finding your True Mate but damn boy, you and that brother of yours never make it easy, do you?” He chuckled.

  Roan grinned at that. “Not much point if it were easy.”

  “Ain’t that the truth.” A soft snort sounded across the line. “Alright, you know you can count on me. But just so you know, I’ll make it quick for both of them reg
ardless of anyone thinking otherwise.”

  “Which is why I called, uncle. I’m too close to this. And while the facts of their crime and the proof speaks for itself, I also have to think of the repercussions to the Pack if I were to take this matter into my own hands.”

  “Spoken like a true Alpha and the man your daddy raised. Proud of ya, boy.”

  Warmth heated Roan’s cheeks, and his heart at the praise. “Thank you, uncle. That means a lot to me, truly.” It did. Being family and his father’s Beta, Quinn had a hand in making Roan the Alpha he was born to be.

  “I’m only speaking the truth, boy. You know that. And if your daddy was here, he would say the same.”

  “Yes, uncle.” It took him a moment to swallow the lump in his throat at the high praise from a man he admired as much as his father.

  “Now, about the Reynard, pup.”

  “That, I’ll handle myself.” Roan quickly pulled himself together. “Up until now, I have let his past deeds snowball towards a formal punishment. Having him and the other two gathered for Ian and Lillah seemed the perfect opportunity and was just an excuse to carry this out. But murdering a human threatens the safety of the Pack. No one is immune to the consequences of such an act. No one.”

  “Good.” He then let out a deep sigh. “What is it with these young pups nowadays? Seems like the younger they are, the more ignorant and disrespectful.”

  Roan grimaced at that, knowing exactly what he was saying. “With the world changing around us, we’re all trying to adapt as best we can. But the younger generation, well, most don’t understand what it’s truly like to fight for what they want. To make a place for themselves within the Pack. They want everything handed to them. And if they don’t get it, they’ll take it, damn the consequences. That poses a very real threat to the Pack.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been hearing the same from others.” Quinn let out a low, rumbling growl. “So what’s your plan?”

  “It’s time the young ones, and the rest of the Pack, learned what true power is. And the repercussions of ignoring their place.”

  A low whistle sounded across the line. “You sure, boy?”

  “It’s time, uncle. Time for the Pack to learn a lot of things.”

  Silence reigned for a bit, then, “Well, if I’m to have a ring side seat, I guess I need to let Caroline know and get myself on the road.”

  “I’ll meet you in the clearing, uncle.”

  “I look forward to it, boy.” He then clicked off.

  Making sure his phone was disconnected; Roan laid his head back against the seat and closed his eyes. The coming confrontation would no doubt be the hardest he’d have to face. But for the safety and continuation of the Pack, and his family, Roan would do whatever it took. If it meant putting the fear of the Alpha in them all, then so be it. That would just be the price he would have to pay.

  Chapter Seven

  The feeling of a warm hand gently shaking her shoulder brought Rivera slowly to wakefulness. The sounds and smells upon reaching a semi-conscience state were momentarily confusing as the vague impression of a dream whispered through her mind. It was disorienting as the misty images of wolves, running, and tall pines faded along with a sense of joy, peace, and belonging. When she finally opened her eyes, Roan’s handsome face came in to focus, bringing the events of the last twenty-four hours slamming into her brain. Any thoughts of dreams vanished as her True Mate smiled down at her, his teeth white and even, his expression one of pure happiness.


  “Hey.” She smiled back at him, feeling unaccountably shy for some unknown reason.

  He leaned down, softly rubbing his lips against hers before thoroughly kissing her breathless.

  Oh, God. The taste of him, the heat, the want and need swamped her senses. It was as if she had no idea what true passion, true desire felt like until she met this man. A part of her must have been frozen before he came along, only to be melted with a searing kiss.

  “Mmm. You taste good, sweetheart.” Roan pulled back enough to nibble on her bottom lip, his tongue soothing the tiny bites. “Rich…decadent…sinful.” He took her mouth again, stealing what was left of her wits.


  They broke apart with a jerk, a rumbling growl sounding from Roan as Rivera panted. Both looked toward the fool who dared to interrupt them.

  “Whoa, man.” Steven raised both hands in the air. “Didn’t mean to stop the love fest, but Connor says we’ll be landing in thirty-five minutes.”

  That seemed to mollify Roan, the growls stopping as he took a deep breath. Rivera, on the other hand, was mortified. She could feel the heat creeping up her neck and onto her face. Pulling the blanket over her head, she groaned.

  “We’ll be ready, Steven.” The mirth in Roan’s voice was clear.


  “No need for that, sweetheart.” The blanket was pulled away to reveal Roan’s wide grin, those light eyes dancing with humor. “We’ve just found each other. Not keeping our hands to ourselves is expected.”

  She glared at him. “I have no problem with public displays of affection. But I’d rather not have an audience when a simple kiss can get out of hand.”

  “There’s nothing simple about kissing you, sweetheart.” His eyes began to glow with white heat as he reached out, his index finger softly touching her lips.

  She drew in a shuddering breath at both the look and the touch. “You know what I mean.”

  “Yes, I do. But I find I have become quite addicted to the taste of you, Rivera and have no desire to be cured of it.” He leaned down again and gave her a quick, but no less thorough, kiss. “Makes me wonder what tasting the rest of you will do to me.”

  Rivera nearly bit her tongue off to keep from making a sound. The warmth from his lips lingered after he pulled away.

  “Why don’t you go freshen up? We’ll be landing soon.”

  Bringing her chair back to its upright position, she stood, glad her legs were steady as she handed him the blanket. “You do realize that addiction can go both ways, don’t you?” She wasn’t about to let him get by with that comment without saying something.

  A sharp indrawn breath was her answer as Roan clearly remembered just what she had tasted the night before. She gave him a sultry smile, trailing a lone finger down his chest as she passed by him. His low groan followed her down the short aisle on the way to the small lavatory. She totally ignored the man and woman in the back seats. Her mind was completely on getting the upper hand on her True Mate. And having won that round, she couldn’t contain a little giggle as she opened the narrow door.

  Once in the tiny restroom, Rivera did her business. After washing her hands, she splashed a little water on her face then used some to cut down on the static in her hair, finger combing the long locks. Straightening her clothes and making sure all was presentable, she took one last look in the room’s mirror. Satisfied, she then stepped out. Before she could get back to her seat, a hand shot out and wrapped tightly around her right wrist. She jerked with startlement, trying to pull away as she looked over to see Peridot eyes glowing with anger at her.

  “You would really let him murder your mother and I? After all we’ve done for you?” Ian spat at her.

  “Release me,” she demanded. His grip only got tighter; the bones in her wrist began to grind together. She couldn’t hold back the gasp of pain.

  “Unless you want to prove undeniably that Lupus can’t fly, I would greatly suggest you let my True Mate go. Now, Ian.” Roan’s voice was low and deadly, his gaze burned with lethal intent.

  Looking at the man she had once called dad, Rivera felt somewhat saddened that there was a complete stranger staring back at her. A man who only resembled the one who’d raised her. But now that she thought about it, her “dad” didn’t really exist, did he? He was a carefully constructed persona to keep up appearances. The same could be said for the woman at his side. Swiftly sifting through her memories was proof these two individuals were never
her parents. They were two adults she had lived with that kept her fed, clothed, and sheltered.

  A calculated and thoughtful expression came onto Ian’s face. It glowed from his shrewd light green eyes as he gazed at Roan, then at her. Further proof that any rights he claimed to have as a parent were gone. He and his Mate had hurt her, had tried to kill her time and again when she was young. They were still hurting her to save themselves. She owed neither of them her loyalty, or even her pity. It was time Ian and his Mate realized that.

  When Ian once again turned his gaze toward Roan, Rivera struck.

  Balling up her fist, she punched him square in the nose. The sound of cartilage crunching and screaming was loud in the plane’s small confines. But it got her wrist released as Ian needed both hands to staunch the flow of blood from his now broke nose.

  “Fucking bitch!” Tears streamed down his cheeks, mingling with the blood as Lillah tried to help him.

  Rivera cradled her wrist, glad it wasn’t broken, but it was definitely badly bruised. “I may not be able to shift, but that in no way means I’m weak. Nor does the fact you being responsible for my birth give you the right to lay hands on me. I owe you nothing. My affection, trust, or loyalty. God knows I never received any while growing up.”

  It was true. She couldn’t remember a time in her entire existence where these two people showed they cared or were even happy to have her around. Indifference, and at times, guilt due to her inadequacies, was the most she could expect from them.

  Strong arms wrapped around her. “Let me see, sweetheart.”

  She turned in his embrace, showing the rapidly swelling wrist already beginning to turn purple with dark bruising. Roan snarled at the sight. Before he could move toward his intended prey however, Rivera put her good hand on his chest.

  “Don’t, Roan. I’m sure it’s what his goal was.”

  Being highly intelligent, Ian had done many things to help the Pack over the decades. But keeping a secret of this magnitude for so long also showed just how cunning and devious he really was. And even if he didn’t know Roan’s plans, Ian was considerably smart enough to at least figure a bit out on his own. That being the case, he really had nothing to lose by trying to force Roan’s hand into killing him and Lillah sooner rather than later. Roan, of course, had plenty to lose.


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