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Page 2

by Jaymie Holland

  They came to a stop at the ballroom doors as he shook his head. “I can’t. I leave for the airport. I have a redeye to California.”

  She schooled her features to avoid showing disappointment. “Then I shall see you when we leave for Cabo.”

  “I’ll meet you there,” he said. “Until then I’ll be in California visiting my parents.”

  She held out her hand. “I will see you then.”

  He smiled. “I’m looking forward to it, Leslie.”

  Just his smile and the way he said her name made her stomach twist in the strangest way and she felt a little unnerved, off-kilter, in a way that she never had before. There was something about the toughness of the man that combined with a certain depth of person she rather liked. He just might be perfect for her.

  She straightened her shoulders and returned his smile. “I’m looking forward to it, too.”

  He gripped her hand before leaning down and brushing his lips over her cheek. He smelled good, a natural scent that was all man. Sexy and sinful all at the same time. Her cheek tingled where he kissed as he drew away and she resisted touching her fingers to her face.

  “Goodbye, Rick,” she said as he took a step back.

  He gave a brief nod before he turned and walked away.

  Chapter 2

  “I love the flowers.” Leslie smiled as she looked at Rick’s image on her laptop at her kitchen table. Over the past two weeks since the auction, their Skype conversations had become an almost daily occurrence. She drew a yellow rose out of the bouquet of assorted yellow, white, and orange flowers. She brought the bloom to her nose and breathed in the wonderful scent. “Yellow is my favorite color.”

  He smiled in return. “I had a feeling you would like them. Yellow suits you.”

  She twirled the rose as she looked at his handsome face. “Thank you.”

  When they talked, she was always struck by how good-looking he was but even more appealing was that he had a great personality that made him easy to talk to about her day, her friends, her business, her co-workers, and even the models she worked with.

  The one thing she wouldn’t talk about was her family. What she had to say about any of them wasn’t worth sharing. Why ruin a perfectly good conversation?

  And of course Michael. She never talked about the bastard.

  When she asked him, he shared a little of what it was like serving as a Navy SEAL and as an instructor at the academy. There wasn’t a whole lot he could tell her because the things he had done were highly classified.

  In his voice she could always hear the respect, admiration, and appreciation he had for his fellow SEALs when he spoke about some of the guys he had worked with past and present.

  He told her more about his parents, brother, and sister, and it was obvious he cared for them and loved them. He’d had the kind of upbringing that she always wished she had. Being born with a silver spoon in her mouth had not been a pleasant upbringing. Not when that spoon was shoved down her throat all of the time.

  Over the years, both she and Rick had traveled around the world. Her modeling business took her places and she could afford to vacation in exotic locations. He had traveled because of his career. They compared notes on places that he was allowed to talk about and she told him stories about some locations that she’d been to. Both enjoyed their travels to most destinations, although she didn’t really know what he thought about some of his more secret missions.

  After all the time they had spent talking, she felt like she knew him.

  And she knew that she wanted him.

  Even though most of their communication had been over Skype and phone, there was a definite chemistry between them.

  She smiled at his image on her laptop screen. “I’ve never asked you what made you decide to join the military.”

  He leaned forward, closer to his webcam. “When I was going to college I saw a feature on a soldier. I listened to what that guy said about his sense of duty. He ended up losing a leg and didn’t regret it. He said he wanted to make a difference and serving his country was doing just that.” Rick leaned back again. “It struck a cord in me. I was set on a business career and it hit me that I wanted to do the same thing as that man. Make a difference.”

  “How did you choose the Navy and to train to become a SEAL?” she asked.

  “I studied every branch of the military.” He looked dead serious as he spoke. “The place I believed I needed to be was where I could do the most good. To get there, I knew I had to become a SEAL.

  “After I graduated from college,” he continued, “I enlisted and went through extensive training. When I finished training I was deployed to places I can’t speak of to serve my country. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.”

  The man was unbelievable. “That’s pretty amazing.”

  “It’s not any more important than our boys who are on the front line,” he said.

  Modesty was something she found endearing about Rick. He never took credit for things he’d done. Teamwork was important to him.

  When she asked him to tell her more, he gave her a good idea of what he had been through to make it as a SEAL. It was almost too much to take in. It wasn’t just combat training but so much more. She loved that he was so tough. A man’s man.

  He changed the subject and asked her about her day. She told him some of the things she dealt with daily. Considering what he’d gone through they seemed like petty little things in comparison. But he made her feel like what she did was important and it mattered in its own way.

  After awhile, she said, “Are you ready for me in Cabo, Rick?”

  “You have big plans for us don’t you,” he said in a teasing voice.

  “Well, we’ve Skyped enough that I feel like I know you…” She pricked her finger on a thorn on the rose and set it down. “We can skip all of the awkward getting to know each other.”

  “So,” he said, “just a hello at the airport when you pick me up and then I jump you when we get to the hotel… Is that your plan?”

  “No.” she shook her head. “I thought you understood me better. You pick me up and I jump you at the hotel.”

  He flashed his adorable grin. “You are an aggressive one, aren’t you.”

  His smile made her feel almost like a schoolgirl with a crush. “Only when I sense a connection.”

  He rubbed the stubble on his chin. “Is this a ‘come into my parlor said the spider to the fly’ situation?”

  “I’m shocked.” She pretended to be offended. “What type of person do you think I am?” Then she gave him what she knew was sensual smile. “To answer your question, yes, the spider and fly story does fit. Frightened yet, Mr. Tough Guy?”

  He laughed. “Should I call you black widow?”

  She had to admit that he had that right. She’d been a black widow to many. Love them and leave them as she moved on to her next. Although she hadn’t really killed anyone. Yet.

  A part of her wondered if this one would be different. Maybe she wouldn’t dump Rick when she was through with him. She knew deep down that she could not keep running from relationships because of one major hurt. But something about leaving them wanting and moving onto the next was fun. And safe on her emotions.

  Maybe if someone stood up to her… But that would set her up for hurt. She’d been hurt enough after what Michael had done to her.

  “A black widow…” She tilted her head to the side. “Yes, that’s me. You didn’t answer my question. Frightened yet?”

  “Frightened of you?” He raised a brow. “Naw. You actually sound fun.”

  “We have talked on Skype and at the auction about what I’m looking for.” She might as well spell it out. “I want a man to be a man. I don’t like wimps, but I like to control things.”

  Rick leaned back in his chair, giving her a clearer view of the upper half of his body. “You have used the word ‘control’ a lot. Do you mean just in bed?”

  “In a lot of things,” she said. “On top in bed,
yes, but also in business and in relationships.”

  She wasn’t sure if he was amused or just curious when he asked, “So it is obvious from what you have said that you like kink. So how much kink?”

  She nodded. “You’re pretty good at guessing games aren’t you? Do you know what power exchange is?”

  Rick cocked his head. “I think I can put two and two together, but why don’t you tell me since you are in charge here.”

  “We both know you are stronger than I, but you relinquish control because you want it and you trust me.”

  He did look amused now. “In other words, when a man lets you tie him up.”

  She gave him a sensual smile. “I love to restrain a strong man, but that is only a part of it. It’s an amazing high.”

  “I just like to have fun.” He grinned. “It’s been a long while but a girlfriend and I played tie-up.”

  Leslie raised an eyebrow. That was unexpected. “Who did the tying up?”

  “I did.” He shrugged. “It was only one time. She was adventurous enough to try but it didn’t do anything for her.”

  “What about you?” Leslie asked. “Did it do anything for you?”

  “I thought it was hot,” he said. “But she didn’t get into it so that was that.”

  Leslie picked up her rose again. “And since then?”

  “I guess I just haven’t found the right partner.” Before she had a chance to respond, he asked, “What else can you tell me that I might find surprising?”

  She looped a strand of hair around her finger. “I love fetish wear.”

  He was obviously intrigued by his expression. “What kinds of fetish wear?”

  “Cat suits, leather, latex.” She pushed the strand of hair over her shoulder and held the rose between the fingers of both hands. “And I adore lingerie. I have tons of it. I could open up a store with all of the panties, corsets, garter belts, and countless other things in my collection.”

  “You’re kind of like a fantasy, aren’t you?” He grinned.

  She smiled. “Be careful what kind of fantasy you want.”

  “You’re working hard to frighten me off.” He smiled and shook his head. “There are layers and layers to you, Leslie,” he said. “I have a feeling that I’ve only scratched the surface.”

  She sniffed the rose’s perfume again then looked at him over the rose. “You have no idea.”

  Chapter 3

  Leslie felt the change in the air the moment she stepped off the plane and onto the ramp in the Los Cabos International Airport. She had checked her bag, and two plane changes later she hoped it was still with her. She carried a large tote with an extra change of clothing and a few personal items just in case.

  She made her way toward baggage claim and held her purse close to her body on one side and gripped her tote on her other. She had picked out a pair of white capris to wear with navy blue slip-on shoes as well as a navy blue boat-necked shirt with gold anchors embroidered on the sleeves.

  Just as she reached baggage claim a tall form caught her attention as Rick strode toward her.

  No man could possibly ever look as good as him. He wore a black polo shirt, snug Levis, and athletic shoes. His skin was tanned, the muscles in his arms well defined, and the power in his presence was undeniable.

  She couldn’t help a smile as he hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Did you check-in anything?” he asked.

  “Two bags.” She glanced toward the carousel. “There they are. The hot pink ones with the Diva luggage tags.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Diva?”

  She shrugged. “It was unique and matched the suitcase. Besides,” she said. “I work with a bunch of divas and I know them well.”

  “Two bags for a weekend?” he asked with clear amusement.

  “A long weekend,” she said with a quick grin.

  “Damn, what do you have in here?” He raised one of the two heavy bags he easily pulled off the conveyer belt.

  “That is a surprise.” She had plenty of surprises in store for him.

  After he grabbed her bags, he walked with her outside. The balmy air brushed over her and a light film of perspiration coated her skin from the warmth of the late afternoon sunshine. She pulled a pair of big sunglasses out and pushed them onto her nose then dug a floppy hat out of her tote and adjusted it on her head. No sense in burning her fair skin.

  They headed to where he had parked his rental car, a red Mustang. “Perfect,” she said as he loaded her suitcase into the back of the car. “A hot man and a red Mustang. Can’t beat that combination.”

  Rick gave her a quick grin. “Don’t forget a beautiful woman.”

  She smiled back at him. “I’m ready for a mojito. How about you?”

  “You’re on.”

  The trip to the Pacifica Resort in Cabo took about fifty minutes. The desert scenery on the single-laned highway was completely different from what she was used to in Baltimore, but she loved it. A paved high coastal drive, that was beautifully landscaped, took them straight to the resort.

  The resort itself was gorgeous and appealing, the perfect getaway for their extended weekend trip. The glittering crystal blue sea was visible through magnificent floor to ceiling glass windows.

  “I have been so ready for this weekend.” She looked up at Rick from under the brim of her floppy hat. “As you know from our conversations, it’s been a trying couple of weeks at the agency.”

  “While I’ve been basking in the sun at my mom and dad’s in San Diego,” he said as they walked to the registration desk.

  “Talk about an extended vacation.” She laughed. “Every time you told me about the weather in California, I went through a fit of jealousy.”

  They came to a stop at the desk. “You don’t strike me as the jealous type.”

  “When it comes to men and most things, I’m not. I don’t have time or reason to be.” She looked out the windows at the gorgeous views. “But this…” She raised her arms to encompass the view. “Who wouldn’t be envious?”

  The woman behind the registration desk asked their names in heavily accented English. Rick responded in fluent Spanish, the words rolling off of his tongue as if he was born to the language. Leslie knew the language marginally well, but in no way did she speak it as well as he did. She enjoyed listening to him. He had a beyond sexy voice that she could listen to for hours—and had during their phone and Skype conversations.

  When he finished talking with the woman, she gave him two key cards and instructed them on where there rooms were located.

  “They gave us a connecting suite,” he said as he easily carried his and her luggage to their rooms.

  “I understand Spanish, but do not speak it very well,” Leslie said. “How did you become so fluent?”

  He shrugged. “I grew up in San Diego which isn’t far from the Mexican border and I took classes in high school. Most I learned in the service, though.”

  The charity provided separate rooms for the winners in the various resorts that were included with each auction. Leslie planned on only one room getting any use on their stay. His. Or hers. Whichever came first.

  The suite was gorgeous, the sitting room also having floor to ceiling windows. “It’s magnificent,” she said as she moved to stand beside the window after dropping her purse, tote, and hat onto the couch.

  She heard the thump of the suitcases as he set them on the floor and then felt his presence as he moved up behind her. He put his hands on her shoulders and started massaging them as they looked out the window at the sparkling sea.

  “Geez, what do you have in those suit cases?” He laughed. “You wearing a suit of iron on the trip?”

  “No, but you might be,” she said.

  She leaned back against him, feeling as if they had done this a thousand times. “It’s simply amazing.” Even though she had been around the world, she always felt some kind of awe when in the presence of some of nature’s wonders.

  She turned just enough t
o look up at him. “What’s first?”

  “So you aren’t throwing me into bed right away?” he asked.

  “There is plenty of time for that.” She laughed.

  “Let’s head out for dinner then.” He smiled down at her. “I’m starving.”

  The walk down the beach to Restaurant Row on the marina was fun and they found a restaurant with a thriving atmosphere. An energy spread through the city signifying it was Friday night and time to seriously party.

  It was early enough in the evening that they didn’t have to wait to be seated. Apparently all meals were cooked tableside in the restaurant. It was an amazing thing to watch and the food tasted fantastic.

  She and Rick never seemed to run out of things to talk about which she found invigorating. He was someone who could keep up with her intellectually.

  How would he match up with her sexually? That was something she intended to find out and soon. She liked that he was adventurous and open to some fun games, but for her it was more than a game. She simply loved control. Whether he could or wanted to handle her would soon be found out.

  All in good time…

  Partying on the marina was really getting into gear by the time she drained her second mojito. They left the restaurant then stopped at a nightclub and listened to the live band. She learned that Rick was a great dancer the moment he escorted her out on the floor.

  The night was still young when she took his hand and led him outside. “Let’s go for a walk.” She slipped off her shoes and carried them as they headed toward the water. Moonlight glittered on the sea, the silvery moon seeming close enough to touch.

  The air smelled fresh and clean and cooled her skin. She had read that the temperatures in the desert dropped at night and she found herself rubbing her arms with her hands to chase away the chill.

  He draped his arm around her shoulders and pressed her close to his big body and his heat warmed her. She rested her head on his shoulder as they walked along the beach, the wet sand cool beneath her feet.


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