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Lake Effect

Page 7

by Johannah Bryson


  She turned around and looked at him, looked deep into his beautiful eyes and lost herself. How long had it been? How long since she’d felt a man’s touch? He brought his hand from her shoulder to her cheek and gently caressed it. She leaned into the touch and before she could stop herself she was in his arms.

  Holding her head in both hands, he kissed her. She parted her lips and allowed his tongue the access it desired. The kiss deepened and shivers ran down her spine. It had been a very long time since she’d felt this kind of passion, this awakening of every nerve ending in her body. She returned his kiss with fervor and let the passion explode.

  He pulled her closer and she could feel his body mold to hers. He kissed the top of her head and then held her out to see her face.

  “Please believe me, Shelby.” His whispered plea traveled straight to her heart. A loud clash of thunder made her jump and Wyeth laugh.

  “Are you hungry? Can I get you a cup of coffee?” She suddenly realized what she must look like. Her hair completely and totally tangled from her restless night. Her eyes, swollen and puffy from crying, and, oh, mother of mercy, she was in Jack’s dress shirt and hadn’t brushed her teeth.

  He shook his head back and forth as his eyes darkened like the rain clouds outside. He leaned down and kissed her again with a passion she’d never known.

  She melted in his embrace.

  Again their kiss deepened until finally Wyeth broke the contact. They both knew where this was headed. He looked down into her face and then gently and easily scooped her up and walked her up the stairs to her bedroom. She pointed the way at the top of the steps and looked up into his eyes as he gently laid her down on the rumpled bed.

  “Are you ready for this, Shelby?” He knelt down beside her so their eyes were level with one another. “If you’re not ready, I’ll understand.”

  Words eluded her and she answered him with a simple nod of her head.

  • • •

  “We can go as slow as you need to.” He hoped against hope that she would say yes because right now it was taking every ounce of self control he possessed to stay here, calmly kneeling on the floor, and keep his hands to himself. He wanted her, more than he’d ever wanted any woman.

  From the moment she’d answered the door, her hair all tousled and glasses askew, wearing nothing but a man’s dress shirt, he’d wanted her.

  The brief thunderstorm had passed, replaced by a slow and steady rain. The lace curtains on her window blew in and out with the breeze as if they were breathing. He stood and slowly removed his tie and jacket, hanging them on the back of the chair that sat by her massive, old fashioned vanity. Their eyes locked in the large round mirror and held for a moment as he unbuttoned his shirt and added it to the chair.

  He turned to her slowly and watched her face as he removed first his shoes and socks, then his pants. He very uncharacteristically left them lying on the floor as he made his way to Shelby who had straightened the sheets. She closed the distance between them on the bed and allowed him to wrap her in a complete embrace, the skin of their legs touching and further igniting their passions. The rain beat its steady tattoo on the roof and he could feel her heartbeat.

  Leaning up on one arm, Wyeth slowly unbuttoned her shirt and slid it off her shoulders. She rose up to remove it, revealing her perfect and beautiful body. He had to fight for control. His hand touched her cheek again then followed her neck down to her chest. The pads of his thumbs slowly rubbed across her nipples and she rewarded him with a deep blush and an intake of breath.

  He cupped her breast in his hand and studied it with wonder. Bending his head he kissed her and let his tongue replace his thumb, feeling her bead and then harden. He leaned over and repeated his actions, lavishing her other breast with equal attention. He felt her hands run through his hair and down his back, hitching in the back of his boxers, pushing them off. He rose up and finished the job then removed her shorts and panties as well. The warm summer breeze gently kissed their bodies as they came together.

  Flesh on flesh they continued exploring each other. Shelby found his erection and wrapped her hand around him, running her thumb up over the top and sending him to the absolute edge of his control. He rolled until he was on top of her; gently spreading her legs open with his knee, he reached down to feel her. Her hips rose to meet his hand and rose again as he gently stroked that soft, velvety spot he’d longed to touch from day one. She whispered his name when his thumb found the spot it had been seeking and she raised her hips for a third time.

  Unable to wait a moment longer, Wyeth reached for the small packet he’d placed on her nightstand, ripped open the package and, slipping the condom on with ease, slid into her warmth, marveling at the way her body embraced his. They fit as if they belonged to one another. Slowly and steadily he began to move and Shelby moved with him. Her hands slid down his sides and, pressing him into her, she wrapped her legs up and around his back. The feeling was exquisite.

  “Open your eyes, Shelby, look at me please. I need to know you’re okay.” She opened her eyes and looked deep into his. Her pupils dilated and she closed her eyes again then slowly burst around him. Feeling her release, Wyeth kissed her again, tongues tangling as his own release followed moments later.

  They fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms, the rain their lullaby, the breeze off the lake cooling the heat of their bodies.

  Wyeth woke later that morning to the bird song outside her window. He watched Shelby sleeping, curled up in his arms, her hair fanned out across his arm and her pillow. God, she was beautiful. He’d never woken up with a woman after making love. He’d never invited a woman to his bed and never spent the night in one of theirs. Shelby Aylesworth had turned his world upside down. His mother’s words about love came back to him. He smiled down at her and touched her hair, careful not to wake her up. It was so soft, like super fine strands of red-blonde silk. Gently he kissed the top of her head and felt himself hardening again.

  • • •

  “Mmmm.” Shelby slowly came awake and looked up at Wyeth who was running his hands through her hair. His brilliant smile made her body tingle all over.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” He placed a chaste kiss on the end of her nose.

  “Morning.” She felt suddenly very shy which was silly considering their current state of undress.

  “I love this blush.” He ran his finger up her neck and back down to her chest. “I love this beautiful hair.” He picked up her hair and watched, mesmerized, as it sifted through his fingers. “I love your eyes.” He bent his head gently down and kissed each one of her eyes. “These lips … ” Softly and slowly their lips met and Shelby felt an explosion of joy course through her. It had been so long and she just didn’t want this feeling to end.

  Wyeth’s tongue parted her lips and ravished her mouth, this time with a hungry need that he’d obviously controlled the last time around. His hands greedily ran over her body as if he couldn’t get enough of it. She did the same, exploring every inch of him, tasting, and feeling.

  She had no idea how long they stayed in bed. Hours, minutes, a lifetime? It didn’t matter. What mattered was that she felt something she’d convinced herself she’d never feel again: passion, love.

  • • •

  “I’ll take that cup of coffee now.” Wyeth stood behind Shelby in the kitchen and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder and kissing her neck.

  “Me too, take your pick.” She spun the carousel around, choosing a French vanilla for herself.

  “That one.” He pointed and Shelby slipped the little cup of dark roast coffee into the machine and closed the lid, placing the cup underneath. She waited while the machine purred and then sputtered the last of the coffee into the cup.

  “Hungry?” She leaned into him as she asked the question.

  “Starving,” he replied, taking a nip at her neck.

  Shelby giggled and let the feeling of warmth wash over her. The sound of her own laughter was a novelty to her. As if on cue, Norman came over to sit in front of them, letting out one bark.

  “I know you’re hungry too.” She smiled as Wyeth ruffled the fur on the top of the big dog’s head.

  “Would you mind feeding him for me while I make us something to eat?” She pointed to the container in the corner. “Only a cup of food, don’t let him con you out of more.”

  Shelby took out several containers from the fridge and began assembling a large plate with fruit, cured meat and several kinds of cheese. She opened the containers and placed the homemade hummus and pesto into small dishes, then added a few large handfuls of crackers for dipping.

  Wyeth tucked into the hummus and hugged her. “You made this?”


  “My God woman, you can cook!”

  “I can do a lot of things.” She looked shyly at him over the top of her glasses.

  “Yes, you can.”

  They sat together in companionable silence. It felt so normal and natural.

  “You cooked, I’ll clean up.” Wyeth whisked her plate away and made quick work of washing up.

  “I’m going to run home, take a shower, and then I’d like to come back, if that’s okay with you.”

  “I’d like that very much.” Shelby stepped into his arms and hugged him. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips then let himself out the side door.

  She brewed herself a second cup of coffee and walked into her living room. She’d check her e-mail then take a long leisurely soak in a tub. Firing up her computer, Shelby reflected back on the morning. Her heart was so full it was about to burst. She giggled again just thinking about it. Oh boy, if Lindsey could see her now she’d never hear the end of it.

  She took a long sip of coffee and waited for the screen to come to life. She was about to take a second sip when the first article and picture on the news feed caught her eye.

  Could this be love for New York’s most eligible?

  Hurriedly she clicked on the little square and waited for the story to pop up. The picture came up first: Wyeth and a woman in a heated embrace. She clicked the arrow to the next picture. There he was again, and although she still couldn’t see the face, it was certainly the same woman: sleek black hair, her body wrapped around him like a fur. Wyeth’s face was smoldering, much like it had been this morning. Without bothering to read the story she turned off the computer, dumped her coffee down the drain, plugged back in her phone, and dialed Cheri Beauchamp.

  “I’d be happy to take care of your mail and paper,” Cheri said after Shelby explained her plans. “Hope everything’s okay with your mom. You drive safe and call us if you need anything. You tell Lindsey she needs to close that diner for a week and get up here for a visit.”

  “I will, Cheri, and thanks again.” She hung up feeling a little guilty about the white lie. Her mother was perfectly fine — in fact, her parents weren’t even home. They were enjoying their first year of retirement traveling. The postcard she’d received last week was from Switzerland. She didn’t care about that. She just needed to put as much distance between herself and Wyeth Packard as possible and the best place to go would be to Lindsey in Henderson. If she saw him or even heard his voice, she’d cave. His physical presence overpowered her; all rational thought was lost. A good dose of country life would clear the fog and give her some perspective. Her girlhood friend would welcome her with open arms. Hastily she packed and headed out.

  • • •

  Wyeth knocked again, no answer. Where could she have possibly gone?

  He peered in the window by the kitchen — nothing. He looked through the door of the small garage and saw that her car was gone too. Deciding to wait it out, he settled into the glider on her back porch. He admired the small backyard, knowing its haphazard look and array of wild flowers didn’t just happen. He was watching two birds fighting for space in the birdbath when he heard a car.

  “Hey! What brings you this way?” Wyeth was surprised to see Cheri Beauchamp walking up the short walkway.

  “I’m looking for Shelby, have you seen her?”

  Cheri frowned at him. “She left earlier today, said her mom was sick and that she had to run down there to see her. Asked Len and I if we’d keep an eye on the house, collect the mail. Did she know you were in town?”

  Wyeth felt his heart sink to his stomach. She knew and he’d bet his last dollar that her mother wasn’t sick either. She was running — running from him — but why? He kept his face neutral and shrugged his shoulders as he answered Cheri.

  “Actually, I was planning on surprising her. Guess the surprise is on me.”

  “Guess it is. Well, I’m just checking the mail and I’ll be on my way. Good to see you. Stop by the store sometime.”

  “I’ll be in, promise.” He waved to Cheri as she headed back to the center of town then headed home himself. This wasn’t the way he’d planned on spending the evening. He tossed his keys in the dish by the door and noticed his phone light up. The battery had died sometime on his way back from New York so he’d left it to charge when he headed back over to Shelby’s. Five missed calls, and a voicemail. Perhaps one of them was from Shelby, explaining her sudden departure. Without bothering to look at the numbers, he quickly punched in the code for his voicemail and listened.

  “Wyeth, it’s Janele. What the hell were you doing with Abby Newkirk at the benefit last night? Your picture is splashed all over the Internet gossip columns news feeds. You’re going to have a hell of a time explaining these to your friend up there. I just wanted to give you the heads up. That witch, I should’ve known she was up to no good when I saw her. Call me!”

  What the hell was his sister talking about? He wasn’t with Abby, and then he remembered her kissing him. She kissed him. He never kissed her back but Shelby wouldn’t know that. They’d been in the foyer, alone. He ran a hand through his hair and made a beeline for his study. There on the news feed was the picture and the headline. He closed the lid on his computer and slumped back into his chair. My God, what Shelby must think of him. One thing he knew for certain, he wasn’t going to let Abby get away with this.

  • • •

  Once over the lake, Shelby headed her car west and then south; south toward Henderson, her haven of safety. Lindsey didn’t know she was coming but that wouldn’t matter. She looked at the clock on her dash. Norman had now recovered from his ride across the lake and sat in the back seat of the car, his head hanging out the window that was only rolled down halfway.

  Shelby knew Lindsey would be at the diner, finishing up the Sunday rush, which started about the time the three churches of Henderson let out. She smiled as she pictured all the good-natured ribbing and sense of community that’d be going on. Just about everyone stopped in on Sunday morning after church, the regulars serving coffee and talking about everything from their pastors’ sermons to the local farm report.

  Three and a half hours later, as she pulled off the highway towards town, a wave of nostalgia washed over her. She and Jack had always known they’d wanted more than Henderson had to offer. They’d worked hard starting Jack’s company with two of his college buddies and, when the opportunity presented itself, they’d headed north. Now, driving through the little town, she reflected on how different her life had become. She came up over the hill and into the sleepy hamlet. Shelby slowed her car as she headed into the business district. She pulled into the driveway that led to the back parking lot. Norman was on his feet before the car even stopped.

  Weary from the drive and emotional from all that had happened, Shelby rang the bell and waited. She could hear Lindsey running down the back steps and before she could even say hello, found herself wrapped in a best friend hug. Norman
waited quietly as long as he could, then let out one bark so she’d know he was there too.

  “Girl! It’s about time you got your butt down here. Let me look at you.” Shelby waited patiently while Lindsey held her at arm’s length.

  “What’s the matter? You look tired and you’ve been crying, haven’t you? Well, come in, let me get that.” Lindsey grabbed Shelby’s bag and ushered her and Norman in and up the steps to the apartments above the restaurant.

  “First we get you settled, then I feed you, and then you talk.”

  Shelby stopped in the hallway at the top of the stairs and gave her friend another hug. “Yes to all three, but first a nice hot shower, please.”

  Shelby emerged from her shower feeling a little less road weary, and surprisingly hungry. Lindsey had her small kitchen table all set with two plates, each with an egg salad sandwich, their favorite from childhood days.

  Shelby sat down and proceeded to pour her story out to Lindsey, leaving nothing out. Lindsey listened carefully then shook her head.

  “Are you sure you’re giving him a fair chance, Shelby?”

  “Oh, Lindsey, I’ve thought it over and over. He never really explained the woman who’d been there the day I brought the bakery over. Granted, I never asked him in detail about it and maybe, to be fair, I should have.”

  “Yes. You should have.”

  Shelby looked at her friend across the table and shook her head. “Then those other pictures I got in the mail. Who would send me those and why?”

  “Why indeed?” Lindsey took a big drink of milk before she continued. “Did it ever occur to you that his interest in you may be making someone else feel very jealous? I mean, after all, he sounds like he’s quite the catch. You said yourself he was the perfect gentleman. Shelby, I think I know you about as well as anyone else. I know how much you loved Jack and he loved you. I know how long you’ve waited and I know you wouldn’t give your heart to someone that didn’t return that passion.” She picked up a carrot stick from her plate and waved it for emphasis. “I can’t explain why all of this happened but I really believe you’re not seeing the whole picture. And, even if you are, what harm done? You had a marvelous fling. You’ve proved to yourself there is really life after Jack. This sort of thing happens all the time.”


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