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Lake Effect

Page 10

by Johannah Bryson

  It was one o’clock in the morning by the time Wyeth’s clothes were dry. He made himself another cup of coffee and went back up to check on Shelby.

  He pulled the straight back chair she kept by her vanity around to the side of the bed. He tucked the covers in around her for a second time, straddled the chair backwards, picked up his coffee, and watched her as she slept. This time he resisted the urge to run his fingers through her hair for fear of waking her. He could sit here all night watching her sleep. She was beautiful, and he was going to tell her that the moment her eyes opened.

  Chapter Seven

  Shelby woke up to find her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. After slowly prying it away, she blindly reached for the glass of water by her bed. As she latched onto it her mind registered several things at once. This glass was glass, not plastic like it usually was, and it was cold, as if it’d just come out of the fridge. It wasn’t until her brain registered that someone else had a grip on it that her eyes flew open. Sitting backward across a chair by the side of her bed was Wyeth Packard, looking as if he’d been awake all night and sexy beyond all belief.

  She tried to swallow but her throat was painfully dry. He motioned once again to the glass they were both holding onto. Carefully, she raised the glass to her lips then closed her eyes as ice cold orange juice mixed with lemon-lime soda slid into her mouth, immediately erasing her pain and thirst in one smooth move.

  “Better?” His voice sounded husky and tired.

  “Yes, thank you. Did you?” She motioned to the shirt she was wearing and watched as a grin broke over his face as he slowly nodded. A blush crept up her neck.


  “At my house. Last time I checked, he was lounging on the sofa eating out of my sister’s hand.”

  “Oh.” She nodded in understanding and then looked at him again as what he’d said registered in her brain.

  “Your sister?”

  He grinned at her again.

  “Yes, my very pregnant sister, Janele.” He was ready for the pillow she threw at his head and grabbed her around her waist as she bolted from the bed and tried to fly past him.

  “No you don’t. You’re really good at running away, Shelby, but right now you’re going to sit and hear me out, even if I have to tie you to this chair.”

  “I have to use the bathroom.”

  He released her. “You have two minutes.”

  She muttered something about his being a control freak and went in, closing the door behind her. She let out a slight scream as she realized the only thing she was wearing was Jack’s dress shirt.

  “Everything okay?” She could hear the bastard chuckling on the other side of the door. “Can I get you something?” Oh, he was enjoying this.

  “Second drawer down, a pair of sweats and, um, some underwear, please.” Good grief, this was embarrassing.

  “Coming right up.” She listened as he slid the drawers open. She heard his disgusted grunt as he closed the drawer again.

  “Where do you keep the good stuff?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

  “Yes, I would,” she heard him mumble as he found what she’d asked for.

  Thank goodness she kept her good lingerie in a separate drawer on the other side of the room. She opened the door a crack and reached out for the clothing. Sliding into the white, practical underwear, she found herself giggling. It was his sister; she’d gotten it all wrong. She brushed her teeth then opened the door, ready to face him.

  “I liked you better in the shirt. Are we friends again?” He bent his knees so he was eye level with her. He looked fantastic, and Shelby found herself suddenly feeling very shy.

  “Yes. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have run but you didn’t exactly dispel the fact, now did you?” She looked at him accusingly and was pleased when a small hint of guilt crossed his face.

  “You infuriated me when you left that day in June. I know why you did, but to just assume the worst, without talking to me, without giving me the opportunity to defend myself … did you really think I was that kind of a man?”

  The pain in his voice made Shelby feel very small. It was time to be honest. She took a deep breath and looked up into his wounded eyes.

  “I didn’t want you to be. I was afraid, Wyeth.”

  “Of me?”

  “Of what I felt for you, what I still feel for you. I knew Jack all my life. We grew up together, we learned together. I have, until you, never been with another man, ever. I knew how Jack moved, how he thought, what he would do, and I loved that. It was the familiar. Then you came along and basically rocked my world off its foundation.”

  “I rocked your world? Baby, that’s just what you did to mine.” She looked into his eyes and was drawn to him by some invisible force. Before she could help it, Shelby found herself in Wyeth’s embrace, their lips locked onto one another. He broke the kiss and held her face in his hands.

  “Shelby, I love you. I think I’ve loved you from the day we met, it’s just taken me this long to say it aloud.” He pulled her in to his chest and held her tightly.

  Shelby took in the words, words she’d never thought she’d hear again. She should tell him about Kyrie. He had a right to know that she’d lost her, that perhaps she’d never be able to have a healthy child. It was her worst fear and he should know that. His declaration of love might change once he knew. She would tell him, just not now.

  “You look exhausted. Did you sit up all night?” She knew it wasn’t the reply he’d expected from her after declaring his love. But, to his credit he gave her some space.

  “Yes. You were soaked straight through. I had to get you dry and warm. Then I just wanted to make sure you were okay. So I stayed. Are you mad at me?”

  “No. I’m thankful. I don’t remember anything except feeling the relief of knowing Norman was okay.”

  “Come with me, meet my sister. I want you to know her. I think you’ll really like her.”

  “I really liked her yesterday when I thought she was Abby. We met in the hallway — seeing her pregnant, that’s what really sent me running. You don’t know … ” Her sentence fell away unfinished.

  “Shh.” He put his finger to her lips. “I was trying to hurt you like you hurt me. It wasn’t right and now I need to make it right. Come with me, please.” She nodded, and they headed for the door.

  • • •

  Wyeth couldn’t explain the relief he felt. He was exhausted from having been awake all night but he was happy. Now he knew why she’d run, he could relax and work on making certain she never ran again. He’d watched the way she and Janele hit it off as if they’d known each other forever. They’d started talking about the manor house ideas and he could barely get a word in edgewise. He’d finally given up and, at their insistence, gone upstairs to rest. Norman had followed him and now the two of them were stretched out together on a bed in the guest room.

  The room was dark when he opened his eyes again. He was warm — very, very warm. The house was quiet and still and, as his eyes adjusted, he could see the source of his warmth was the big collie draped up against him like a rug. He smiled and patted the dog’s side. Looking at his watch, he was surprised to see that he’d slept for the better part of the day. He’d slept like he hadn’t slept in a very long time.

  He made his way down the back stairs, following the smell of something fabulous cooking. He knew it would be Shelby. Firsthand painful experience with Janele’s cooking told him so. He stood on the last step and watched quietly as Shelby moved with ease and grace at the stove. She must’ve gone home while he was napping because she’d changed from the workout clothes she’d worn over into a burnt orange sweater dress that hugged her curves in a way that brought him fully awake. The black tights and flat shoes completed the look. Her hair was pulled up in a tousled mess held there by
a clip. She was humming. She was happy.

  Wyeth’s heart filled to bursting. She belonged in this kitchen.

  Norman, who had been standing by his side the entire time, decided he’d looked on long enough. He let out a bark, drawing Shelby’s attention and ruining the show.

  “Well, hello, sleepy boys.” She crossed the kitchen and wrapped her arms around Wyeth, planted a chaste kiss on his lips, then released him to pet the dog.

  “Norman, you’re just going to have to learn to share,” he said to the collie as he pulled Shelby back to him. “What are you making?”

  “Roasted chicken, macaroni and cheese, and steamed broccoli.” She laughed as he wrinkled his nose at the word broccoli.

  “Where is everyone?”

  “Your sister isn’t feeling so well. She went up to lie down a while ago. Your brother-in-law was very cryptic but said he had an errand to run when I came back from the grocery store. That was about an hour ago.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him back toward the stove with her.

  “Poor Janele, she hasn’t felt too good these last few weeks. I thought maybe she just needed a rest, but now I’m not so sure.”

  Shelby slapped his hand as he put a finger into the pot that held a creamy and delicious looking mac and cheese.

  “Get out of there, it’s not done yet. I’m hoping a good dinner will set her right.”

  He watched with joy as she buttered a dish and poured the cheesy mixture in, sprinkling the top with breadcrumbs and dots of butter, and then slid it into the oven.

  Janele came down the steps and into the kitchen. “Shelby, I could smell that all the way upstairs, it’s heavenly.” She smiled secretly at Wyeth and gave him two thumbs up behind Shelby’s back. He grinned.

  “I’m surprised James isn’t in here pestering you. Is he not here?”

  Wyeth noted the concern in her voice and if he was honest with himself he was concerned too. It wasn’t like James to leave Janele’s side. He’d been preoccupied earlier today when they’d come back to the house, texting someone multiple times. Wyeth had just assumed it was work related but had been too tired to pursue it — now he was curious.

  Noise from the front hallway caught their attention. James’s deep voice bellowed out. “Hey, is anyone home?”

  Wyeth heard the unmistakable giggle of his nephew and knew immediately what his brother-in-law had been up to. Grabbing Shelby by the hand, they followed Janele and Norman into the front of the house.

  “Suppwrise, Mommy!”

  Wyeth felt his heart tug as his nephew launched himself into Janele’s waiting arms. He looked up to see his mother smiling at him with that all-knowing grin of hers, and his heart leapt again.

  “Mom, this is Shelby Aylesworth. Shelby, I’d like you to meet Olivia Packard, my mother.”

  “It’s a pleasure.” Shelby extended her hand only to be pulled into Olivia’s arms.

  “The pleasure is all mine. What is that heavenly smell? Janele, I know you aren’t cooking.”

  They all laughed as Janele threw her hands up and walked toward the kitchen with her arms around James. Wyeth looked down as his nephew tugged on his shirt. He scooped him up and rubbed their noses together. “What’s up, squirt?”

  Little James leaned in close to his ear and then whispered loud enough for the entire room to hear.

  “Wyweth, I think your girlfwiend is bootiful, like Mommy.”

  Wyeth held him close to his chest and looked at Shelby over his head. The blush on her cheeks and the grin on her face made his heart skip yet again.

  “Yes, James, she certainly is.”

  Together they walked into the kitchen, Wyeth holding his nephew and Olivia with her arm around Shelby.

  • • •

  Everyone agreed it was the best dinner they’d had in a long time; one to rival even Olivia’s cooking. While this pleased Olivia, it embarrassed Shelby even more.

  The color had come back into Janele’s face, and Shelby wasn’t sure if it was the food or having her family all intact and together again. She could certainly understand the healing benefits of that. James and Wyeth decided to take Olivia and James Jr. for a tour of the new vineyard offices, their enthusiasm spilling over.

  Shelby forced Janele to stay put as she cleaned up the rest of the dinner dishes and put the few leftovers away.

  “It’s good to see my brother so happy and carefree,” Janele said.

  Shelby felt her heart squeeze at the idea she made Wyeth happy.

  “I still can’t believe you thought I was Abby — oh, that would just frost her to no end.” Janele smiled with pure delight at the thought, which made Shelby smile too.

  “Let’s just say I’m glad I was wrong about that.” The two women retired to the family room to await the family’s return. “I hope Norman isn’t causing any trouble. I can’t believe they took him along.”

  “Are you kidding? I’m going to be hard pressed to get my little man off this island without taking your dog along too. They’ve become fast friends. Truth be told, I believe Wyeth has developed quite an attachment as well.”

  “Norman is easy to love, that’s for sure.”

  “Have you had him long?”

  Shelby took a deep and steadying breath. It was time she shared the story with someone, and she knew Janele, having one child already, would understand. Looking up to speak, she saw a look of pure panic cross her new friend’s face.

  “Janele, what is it? Are you okay? Do I need to call for help?”

  “We need to go to the hospital, Shelby. Now, please.”

  There was no time to think, just to do. She grabbed her purse and keys and helped Janele, who was now cringing with regularity as the pains wracked through her.

  It seemed to take an agonizing amount of time to get Janele the few miles to the emergency clinic. One look had the staff running, and the Life Flight crew put on standby from the mainland. Shelby had scribbled a hasty note and taped it to the front door, then driven like a mad woman. Now she paced the small waiting area, sweat breaking out on her palms. This was all too familiar.

  Wyeth and James rushed in the door and Shelby gave them what little information she had. James was ushered into the back quickly by a very serious and grave looking healthcare worker.

  Wyeth gave Shelby a tight hug and then paced the floor right along with her. Shelby fought the rising panic and anxiety down as best she could. He needed her to be strong. How odd that she’d have been the one with Janele. Jesus, what were the chances of that happening? Bile rose in her throat and a chill passed over her shoulder.

  “Are you cold?” He stopped pacing long enough to ask her.

  “No. I’m fine.” She could tell by the look on his face he didn’t believe her and was about to say something when the hallway door burst open, revealing a very disheveled James.

  “It’s a girl. She’s tiny but she’s healthy. They’re going to keep her here, of course, and monitor her. Janele is … ” Shelby watched James as his eyes teared up. The love he held for his wife and new baby daughter was plain on his face for all to see. “Amazing. She’s the strongest woman I know.”

  Wyeth and Shelby both wiped the tears from their eyes and the three of them embraced in the waiting room in a long hug and silent prayer of thankfulness.

  Before Shelby knew what was happening, James was shuffling them back for a quick peek at his daughter. Shelby felt the room closing in on her. She had to leave here; she couldn’t stay. The sudden pain she was feeling was raw and stabbing.

  Olivia and James Jr. arrived a few minutes later, and soon the entire clan was hugging and embracing in the waiting room. The nurse said she would allow the family five minutes with Janele and then they’d have to leave. Shelby said she’d catch up after a quick trip to the restroom. The moment they’d gone through the
doors, she bolted.

  • • •

  Wyeth looked at his sister with a mixture of pride and awe. She was a very brave woman. She’d been sicker than she’d let on and although Dr. Sawyer assured them she and the baby would be fine and there was no need for the Life Flight helicopter, he still felt the aftereffects of worry clinging to him. He needed Shelby. Looking around, he realized the five minutes had turned into ten and Shelby still hadn’t come in. He excused himself and went out into the lobby. The clerk at the desk told him she’d left a good ten minutes ago.

  He bid his family a hasty goodbye, made certain they had a key to get back in the manor house, and went out in search of Shelby. He drove to the cottage and saw the light coming from her kitchen. He smiled. No doubt she was in there cooking up some kind of crazy “glad everything’s okay” bakery.

  He let himself in the side door without knocking, prepared to celebrate. But what he saw broke his heart into a million pieces. Shelby was kneeling in the near dark living room. A box sat in front of her, half in and half out of the closet under the stairs. She made no sound but he could tell by the rise and fall of her shoulders, she was crying.

  “Hey, babe, what’s the matter?” He kept his voice low and soothing so as not to scare her. It wasn’t until he was kneeling beside her that he saw what she was clutching to her chest: a simple, white Christening gown.

  “We were going to bury her in it but we just couldn’t. It belonged to Jack; his mom had saved it. It just didn’t seem right to keep her in it. In the end, we opted for a cozy sleeper.”

  Tears fell from her eyes one after the other and Wyeth pulled her into his chest, at which point the silent tears turned into deep, racking sobs.

  How much could one woman endure in a lifetime? When he thought of how much she’d suffered and lost, his heart shattered. All that mattered to him right now was easing her pain. He closed his eyes and kissed her head when he realized what this evening must have cost her.


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