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Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come

Page 14

by Allensworth, Audra

  In the kitchen, Tabitha was getting a couple of coffee mugs from the cabinet when she heard Beth entering the room. With both cups in her hand, she turned around handing one of them to Beth, “Alden has called a meeting and I don’t think it’s good at all.”

  With her cup in hand, Beth walked with Tabitha over to the door which she held open so that Tabitha could go first, “I overheard Running Buffalo tell Stray Eagle that they have to make sure that everything is ‘safe first’, which leads me to believe you are right on your observation, Tabitha.”

  Both ladies then made their way out to the patio where Tabitha filled Beth’s cup first then filled hers as they took their seats.

  Seeing Alden sitting with his foot propped up, Beth smiled, took a sip of her coffee then spoke, “How’s the pain this morning, Alden?”

  Alden gave her a puzzled look then raised one of his bushy eyebrows, “Well to quote a line from famous actor Henry Fonda, Oh pretty good as pain goes.”

  Running Buffalo and Stray Eagle walked out of the house stopping at the table.

  Running Buffalo looked at Alden, “Don’t bother getting up, we’re leaving. I told Niz I’m sending a few braves back to help your people out.”

  Alden nodded, “Good, cause right now our numbers are depleted with me and Tonto out of action. We need all the help we can get.”

  Running Buffalo reached down and shook Alden’s hand, “You just take it easy, I don’t want to have to hunt you down.” He turned and walked to his horse and soon everyone at the table watched them ride away.

  Alden looked at Ceara and held his cup up, “Cupcake would mind getting an old war horse a cup of lifers blood?” Ceara jumped up and quickly came back with a refill for Alden, then sat down next to Charlie.

  Taking a sip Alden looked out across the desert for a few minutes then turned to the group, “They say there are more wanderers coming.”

  He told them all the story of the town and what the Indians found. Then went on to relate what Running Buffalo had seen on his way to the ranch.

  “All things considered I have to agree with them, we have a storm brewing and without their help, I don’t think we’ll last through it. So let’s hear it. Who's got suggestions?”

  Colt sat back listening and the more Alden spoke the more nervous he got. He absently reached for Beth’s hand, holding it tight. “Alden, how far away are we talking?”

  Alden shook his head, “Hard to say right now, but I gave Running Buffalo one of the radios and once his men get back, we will have a better idea.”

  Colt looked around at the others wondering if any were thinking what he was. He cleared his throat, “I will probably be shot down here but should we stay and fight or should we leave while we have the chance?”

  Ceara signed, “I am so sick of running, but I am sick of fighting too.” She lowered her head and pet her new puppy, speaking very low, “I don’t want anyone to die, I can’t do that again...”

  Charlie put his arm around her shoulder, “Honey, running just means we fight another day.” Charlie looked to the others, “I say we stand and fight, but fight on the open ground. I don’t want to give them the chance to get here.”

  Colt nodded, “If we do fight, I agree to do it away from here. We could at least have a chance of redirecting any that survive.”

  Ceara looked up to Alden, “Could we go to Running Buffalo’s camp, you always said there is more strength in numbers?”

  Tabitha looked at Red, then everyone else. They all had the same expression of worry and confusion on their faces. Even the look on Alden’s face caused her to feel uneasy.

  “I say we fight! Charlie is right! If we keep running, then we have to regroup, just like we did the last time and the time before that. We have all of those supplies that we can’t lose. If we decide to leave; do any of you think we will be able to run into a gold mine like that again?”

  All that could be heard was the slight wind blowing through the trees when Tabitha finished asking her question.

  “Well”, she said breaking the silence, “There is your answer! We got a damn good thing going here. Yes, we are down with Alden being hurt, along with Tonto, but with our new found friends, I believe everyone will do what needs to be done. Just as Beth did what she had to do last night. I am so sick and tired of fucking running. If we continue to run then we will be running forever... then how do we manage to start a life for us? Huh?”

  Tabitha was getting very dramatic but everything that she ever loved had belonged to this group. With all that had happened since she lost Heath, she was tired of losing things that meant the world to her.

  “Point is, we stay, we fight, and we do what needs to be done. Those zombies out there are going to keep coming until they die off, and we don’t know when the hell that is going to be. But I sure as hell know this..... I am alive as well as you all are, and that is worth fighting for.”

  Tabitha sat back on the seat and waited for someone to talk. This was the first time Tabitha had broken down, and stood up to proudly claim what she had wanted her whole life. Now all she could do is wait for others to chime in.

  Charlie and Ceara sat in silence, wondering if Alden would talk. When he kept silent, Ceara set Tiger down, “Go play, the grown-ups are talking.” Charlie smiled at her, and she continued, “I do understand standing and fighting... but on open ground? I don’t know about that. The barn, the house, and corrals could really help us for cover. Those things are stupid and we know it, we could set some traps. You guys remember how Alden did that at his cabin? We could do that again. I think cover is a better idea.”

  Colt leaned forward, “What about a compromise, we set traps in their way here. Some of us go out to take some out...”

  Ceara jumped up, cutting him off, “NO! NO ONE LEAVES!!” She turned to Alden, “TELL THEM!!!”

  Charlie grabbed her hand, “Ceara, honey... this isn’t the plan. Colt is just throwing ideas out. Let’s just hear everyone out and then we can all decide then, ok.”

  Ceara glared at everyone, “No one leaves, and we don’t lose anyone else!” She sat back down and crossed her arms.

  Chapter 9 – The Good, the Bad and….

  Alden sat back and adjusted his leg on the stool. He was watching the body language of the group. “You’re right, Ceara. We don’t need to be sending people off right now. Our group is wounded and with me, along with Tonto, not at a hundred percent, I don’t feel comfortable breaking us up, even for a few hours.”

  Alden looked to each of them, “My thoughts are this, you all have to go around and find ways to defend or prevent wanderers from getting in here. Just around our fence line. Start from there and work your way back creating defenses and traps that will slow down and possibly stop any attackers, using what resources we have available.” Alden grabbed his crutches and stood up, “Get creative folks. I’m going to do what I can and that’s clean the weapons.” Alden turned and headed towards the house.

  Looking around the camp, Beth started thinking of several ways to make it difficult for the infected to get close. Landmines were the first thought, followed by steel traps laid upon the ground, to where if one would step into it their feet would be caught rendering them immobile. These were some pretty good ideas, but she realized when Alden said the word ‘creative’ that she had to get more ideas than just that, because there was no army surplus store just around the corner to get the gear and equipment that she needed.

  Taking a sip of her coffee, and then after placing it back down on the table; Beth began, “Ok.... Alden said ‘creative’ so I will start it off with suggestions. History tells us that the Natives defended their lands with more than just bows and arrows. They used the materials at hand; they made trip wires and dug small trenches to trip up the enemy’s horses. Now grant you, we don’t have the supplies that we need, but if we scrounge around I’m sure we can come up with some of the basics. Now one of my ideas is, maybe going out say two hundred feet and making some sort of barricade but then t
hat is where we come into needing supplies that we don’t have. Then there is maybe digging a trench around the perimeter so that when the infected walk into it, they would be trapped. We could destroy them in a centralized location. This would be a good idea but the digging part is what has got me stumped.”

  Charlie and Colt both turned to Beth and said, “Digging a trench?” Colt went on, “Unless you have a backhoe in your purse, that ain’t going to happen.”

  Charlie chuckled, “Yeah, I don’t see me and Colt digging a 5 foot wide 10 foot deep trench around this place in the next week.”

  Ceara sat listening, “Next week? We don’t have a day...” She got up going to the trash can, “What if we made some kind of booby traps with the cans we have. We have plenty of them, not like we have the trash man picking these up. I just don’t know what do with them.”

  Charlie sat thinking for a few minutes, “It would be cool to have them as grenades but I’m not sure how to make that work either.”

  Ceara jumped up, “Hey Tabitha, didn’t you say there were an ammo store in that town you and Hea... I mean, you and Alden went to? You guys never went in because of the guy shooting at you, but maybe they are gone now! Maybe there is some gunpowder or other stuff there. I doubt there are mines or grenades, those would be long gone but simple stuff we could use... maybe??”

  Ceara dropped back in her chair just as her excitement left her face, “We can’t go, Alden’s hurt.”

  Colt looked over at her, “So? What’s that got to do with anything?”

  Ceara looked from Colt to Charlie then the others, “Well, isn’t it obvious? Alden goes on all the runs, we can’t go without him...can we?”

  Colt stood up, “The hell we can’t, but if we are going, we have to decide who is going, and do it now. I’ll go, who else wants to go?”

  Ceara stood with him, “It was my idea, I’m going!”

  Charlie glared at them, “No one is going anywhere! Ceara, didn’t you just have a meltdown about us separating?” What is the difference in this and us going out to take out a few wanderers?”

  Tabitha smiled, “I’m in, I owe a few of the zombies for what they have taken from me, and I plan on collecting!”

  Ceara looked down to Charlie, “The difference honey, is that we aren’t going out to meet and greet them. We are going to get stuff to help set traps HERE! We’ll be back soon.”

  She sat back down, looking into his eyes, “Charlie, I need to do this, I owe it to Heath and Maximus. I have to prove it to myself that I have gotten smarter and I’m not just reacting. This is a plan; I’m not just going off half-cocked.”

  Charlie wasn’t appeased, “No one leaves or does a damn thing till the idea is run past Alden! If we do this, then I am going. Colt, no offense but I would feel safer if I was there.”

  Colt nodded, “No offense taken, Charlie. If Beth wanted to go, I would insist I go too. So, you, Ceara, and Tabitha can go. I’ll start working on things here.”

  Beth leaned forward with her arms folded again in front of her, “Ok… now I need you all to think about this and please hear me out.”

  Ceara looked over at everyone and was eager to begin the journey, but realized that since this was part of Beth’s plan, she wanted to show to Charlie and everyone else that she was very serious, “Please go on, Beth.”

  Beth smiled then continued, “Do you all remember when we made our first run and Alden said that Ceara and I were to go together?” Everyone looked around and then one by one began to nod in agreement.

  “Well, I think the same rules apply to this situation here. All of us cannot go, and putting people together like you all want to do, will cause emotions to be high. You all know that Alden would say the same thing. Now, Ceara, I don’t have a problem with you going, as long as you are okay with it. Tabitha, you made a very good point and you would know what we need as far as ammunition and traps since you did live in the woods for years, right?”

  Tabitha shook her head, “Damn right, Beth!”

  Beth looked back over to Charlie, “Charlie, I understand what you are thinking right now, but you have to keep your head clear, because that man and his dog in there need you too. That is why I think you need to stay here with me. I need to stay because of the condition of Niz. She is stable, but not out of the woods yet. If Alden sees you here, then you can talk with him and keep him focused. If I may make the suggestion Colt, you lead up the group, followed by Tabitha and Ceara. Ceara and Tabitha know what they need and you know what to look for as well. I have faith in you. I know that you will protect them, so that you all will come back home safe and sound.”

  Alden opened the back door and came out on his crutches with his cleaning bag hanging around his neck. He moved back to the table taking the bag off and setting it down. He looked at the group, who were all now silent and just looking at him. As he sat back in his chair, he propped his leg up then smiled, “Someone going to help me out and get my coffee?”

  Charlie grabbed his cup and filled it, then handed it to him, “Alden we were talking...” Alden held up his hand as he took a sip and Charlie stopped talking.

  “I heard what you were all saying. I've been standing in the door for the past few minutes. You all have a good plan and Beth was right to split you up. I told you a long time ago, that you kids are getting close to each other. We don’t need any lovers’ quarrels or damsels getting saved, we need people who will work as a team, like a team.”

  He watched as he let the last line sink in, “So before you go, I want to see a list of what you hope to get. Remember this is a weapons run, nothing more. I’ll have my own list in a few minutes.” He reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a small pencil along with a little black notebook and began writing.

  Ceara looked at Charlie’s confused look whispering “I just thought we would know when we got there.”

  Charlie shrugged, “Well, guess you better start thinking, or you ain’t going.”

  Ceara smirked, “You are more like him every day.” She turned back to Alden, “To be honest, I just thought we would know when we got there. You know, like we did when we went to the drugstore. I know that gunpowder would be good, maybe there would be something like bear traps??”

  Colt cocked an eyebrow at her, “Bear traps? We’re going to an ammo store right, not a hunting store?”

  Ceara gave a heavy sigh, “Yes, well I guess...” She looked to Tabitha, “It is ammo, right?”

  Tabitha had a pen in hand, already writing, didn’t look up to answer Ceara but spoke to her while making her list, “Red, it is an ammo store, BUT… they may have other things there that we can use such as grenades, maybe even landmines or the materials needed to make landmines. Hell, maybe they have rabbit traps or some sort of traps that we could use.”

  Ceara smiled, “See, Alden... I don’t need a list, Tabitha’s got this. All she has to do is tell me what to get!”

  Quickly, Tabitha put her hand on Ceara’s shoulder, giving her a sincere look, she interrupted, “Now Red, I don’t want you thinking that you're just the bag girl. You are very smart and if you see anything, or have any ideas, then by all means throw them at me. Just because I know what I am getting, doesn’t mean that there isn’t something else that I may not be seeing.” Tabitha hated to stop her, but for the first time since Heath had gone, Tabitha wanted to try her best to put her best foot forward and give Ceara encouragement instead of criticism.

  Ceara shrugged, “Only time I’ve ever even been in an ammo store was with dad and all I looked at were fishing lures. HEY we could grab those, right? Make like a snag line?”

  Charlie smiled, “See, now you’re thinking. Grab as many as you can!”

  Ceara smiled, “I have my moments. They probably don’t have any real ammo or guns left but they should have crap in there that has some kind of spring load thingy and we could make something that would blast them!”

  Colt laughed, “Spring load thingy? What the hell is that!?”

looked over at him, “Hush, she is trying. I still don’t like her going without me, so you guys better take care of her!”

  Ceara hit him, “Charlie, stop acting like I am helpless little girl! I’m grown and been through enough in the last few months that I know the dangers.”

  Charlie looked to Alden, “What are we doing while they're gone? I can make some of those poles like you had back at your cabin. Not as good as those without the same kind of trees, but I’m not sure it will matter. Stabbed is stabbed, right?”

  Colt started pacing, “If I remember right, don’t most those stores have repair centers in the back? We will go back there and see what we can find. We only have a couple of the night scopes, so if we can find a few of those, we need to grab them.”

  Beth looked over to Tabitha who was still writing stuff down, “Tabitha, can you keep your eyes open for any medical stuff? I don’t know if they would have anything like that but if you see any first aid kits or anything, we sure as hell could use it. Some of those stores I know have field dressing kits for certain injuries. I have enough here for the meantime, but if by any chance you see bandages, supports for say Alden’s leg or something of that nature pick it up please.”

  Tabitha wrote it down, “Sure thing doc, will do! What about Ace bandages or back supports? Would that be a good thing to pick up as long as I am there?”

  Beth shook her head and smiled, “That would be perfect!”

  Alden handed his list to Ceara, “Here cupcake, you’re in charge of my list.”

  Ceara started to look at it. It contained only a few words.





  Ceara had a puzzled look on her face. Alden reached over and took her hand, “Cupcake, Colt was right, there will be back room. In it you will find all of these items so we can start making our own ammunition, if we have to. Grab it all and be sure to get the press. It will be a machine with a product name on it, but it will say the word PRESS. This is important because if you can’t get the press, it will be very hard to make the bullets.” He squeezed her hand, “I’m counting on you, okay?”


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