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Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come

Page 22

by Allensworth, Audra

  Tabitha grabbed the binoculars and zoomed in on the four riders, “it’s Niz’s people coming back. We should go tell Alden.”

  Colt smiled and pointed at Crixus, “Tabitha, if he sees them, you can bet your ass Tonto has already seen, smelled, and let Alden know we have company.”


  Ceara dumped the grounds in the trash and looked with a mischievous grin at Beth, “Guess staying behind wasn’t such a bad thing, we get to know what’s going on before the others.”

  Beth worked on the tea, grinning just a bit, “Ceara, we may not be allowed to sit in on that talk.”

  Ceara went to the kitchen window, “Well, if we are going to be cooped up in here then we should have a little fresh air.” She opened the window just about halfway.

  Beth laughed, “I know what you are doing, and if I know, Alden knows. That window goes to the patio, you don’t want fresh air, you want fresh information.”

  Ceara laughed and went to finish the coffee, “Just in case Alden didn’t notice, don’t say anything, ok?”

  Beth headed to the back door to take out the tea, “Ok, but I doubt I will have to say a word.”

  As soon as the coffee was brewing, Ceara joined Beth, Alden, and Niz on the patio. The riders were almost there, Ceara saw the smile on Niz’s face when Running Buffalo and Stray Eagle were visible. Ceara stood beside her, “I’m glad your dad is ok...”

  Niz looked confused to Ceara, “Oh... yeah... thanks, me too.”

  Ceara looked to Beth to see if she understood Niz’s reaction but she looked just as confused. Ceara turned back to Niz, “Were you not worried about your dad?”

  Niz smiled, “Of course I was, but I know my father and I know the chief... both live in the same body and neither would put themselves in a place to get hurt.”

  Ceara understood that, but it didn’t explain the look of relief Niz had when they came into view, until the riders were actually at the house. Niz only had eyes for Stray Eagle, but Stray Eagle was a typical man, he was all business and never looked twice at Niz.

  As the men joined them on the patio, Alden looked to the girls, “You know the drill, I want to know what is going on, then I will let you guys know where we stand. Till then, scoot. Oh and Ceara, you want to close that window when you go in?”

  Ceara rolled her eyes, “Fine, but I had to at least try, right?”

  Alden chuckled, “Never know unless you try, now git.”

  The women all went back in the house and the men sat down to talk. As soon as they were in the kitchen, Ceara turned to Niz, “What’s up with you and Stray Eagle?”

  Niz got a surprised look, “What do you mean?”

  Ceara giggled, “Well, umm you kind of just stared at him when he rode up.”

  Niz began to blush, “No, I didn’t. He is a fellow warrior and I was happy he got back safe.”

  Ceara poured them all tea, “If you say so.”

  Beth moved to the window to close it, “Why don’t we all go out on the front porch, I think being cooped up in the house is starting to get to me. We can just have a little girl talk.”

  Once all three had sat down, Tiger fought to get into Ceara’s lap. “Ok, Ok, come on.” She scooped the puppy up, setting it in her lap. “You know we really need to start these guys’ training soon.”

  Beth took a sip of tea, “Crixus seems to be training himself. Now, Niz back to you.”

  Niz glanced to Beth, “Beth, my shoulder is great, you are a wonderful doctor, but you have to trust me...”

  Beth held up her hand, “Not that honey, Ceara made a very good observation and I want to know a little more. How long have you loved him?”

  Niz fumbled over her words, “Love? I don’t.. I mean... It’s just that he made it back ok, nothing more.”

  Ceara laughed, choking on her tea, “Well, if we weren’t sure before, we are now!”

  Niz blushed, lowering her head, “Do you think he noticed?” She quickly looked up, “Oh SHIT, dad didn’t notice, did he?”

  Ceara shook her head, “One thing I have learned lately; when it comes to men, work or survival will always come before love.”

  Beth nodded, “But, to be honest, that is a good thing. They have kept us all alive. Well, ‘we’ have kept each other alive; but the men staying focused is a good thing.”

  Beth looked to Niz, “Neither of them noticed, but sweetie, why are you worried about it? Is there a reason that you shouldn’t want to be with Stray Eagle?”

  “The Chief has said that we must focus on survival, not repopulating the earth. He has said all that will do is give the biters more things to attack. He said we would be distracted with the little ones and not on the whole picture. I know he is right, so I have to just leave things be.”

  Ceara leaned back in her chair, “Damn, that man sounds like Alden. I think a little love means we are seeing life again, not just surviving. I don’t think that is such a bad thing. I do think they are right about having kids though. I don’t want to bring a baby into this!”

  Niz turned to Ceara, “If you have love, if you make love... the chance is there.” She cocked an eyebrow, “Or is there a pallet of condoms on that trailer somewhere?”

  Beth and Ceara both started laughing, Ceara was blushing too. “Me and Charlie... well, we haven’t... you know...”

  It was Niz’s turn to look shocked, “You sleep in the same bed?!”

  Ceara was blushing to the point her ears were turning red, “This isn’t about me and Charlie... This is about you and Stray Eagle!”

  Beth moved in her chair to get more comfortable, “I kind of like this switch, why are you and Charlie waiting?”

  Ceara shrugged, “Don’t really know.” She got a smirk, “Maybe on that pallet of condoms? Have you and Colt?”

  Beth winked but didn’t say a word. Ceara’s eyes got huge, “No, you have not!!! When? We didn’t hear... I mean I didn’t think that you guys had either.”

  Beth set her tea on a small round table. “Ceara, we all love each other and share many things, but that is not something that I or Colt will be walking into the kitchen and announcing.”

  Niz snickered, “Ok, that would be a hilarious morning announcement. Could you guys see Alden’s face?”

  Ceara looked back to Niz, “We got off topic… does Stray Eagle know that you love him?”

  Niz shook her head, “No, I thought it better not to let anyone know. It would do nothing to help the tribe, so I will just keep things as they are.”

  Beth leaned forward in her chair, “Niz, you act as if loving him would bring shame to you. That is not true. You can’t tell me in the months that this has been going on that no one in your tribe have had the normal life and never fell in love?”

  Niz got a sad smile, “No, I am not saying that, I am saying I am the Chief’s daughter. That means I am held to a higher standard.”

  Beth cocked her head to the side, “You are telling me that just because you are the Chief’s daughter, you don’t have a right to be happy?”

  Niz moved around uncomfortably, “It’s one of the downsides to being who I am.”

  Ceara set Tiger back on the porch, “Well someone should at least let Stray Eagle know how you feel.”

  Niz got a panicked look, “Don’t you dare! If you do...Ceara, it would humiliate me, please don’t!”

  Beth patted her arm, “Calm down, no one will say a word. That is something you need to decide to tell.” Beth gave Ceara a look, “None of us have that right.”

  Ceara gave a defeated shrug, “I won’t say a word, but you should. He has a right to know. What if he loves you too, he could go to your dad.”

  Just then Colt, Charlie and Tabitha drove up in the truck; Beth looked to Niz, “To be continued.” She turned to the others as they got out, “How did it go out there? We have some leftover soup on the stove if you are hungry?”

  Colt bent down giving her a kiss, “Shower, food, talk.. love you.”
He went straight in the house. Charlie laughed, “Yeah, we are a little dirty and hungry. How are you guys? Did you see we have company?”

  Ceara laughed, “Little hard to miss since they are on the back patio.”

  Tabitha was the last one that got up on the porch. “Damn people! Up here having your tea and all.... where can I get a glass of that sweet nectar?”

  Beth stood up and went to retrieve a glass from the cabinet inside. When she got back out to the table, she noticed that Tabitha was sitting on the railing, looking out at the work that they had done. She poured a glass handing it to Tabitha.

  “Here ya go! It’s not all that good and cold yet but it’s getting there.”

  Tabitha turned her head and grabbed the glass, “You know I was just teasing, Beth”, as she winked and took a long drink.

  Beth smiled then replied, “Of course I do and you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t act the way you do sometimes.”

  After slamming down half of the glass of tea, Tabitha broke for a breath of air, “Same goes for you, Beth. You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t make the best tea around.”

  Ceara laughed, “That’s true. How is it going out there?”

  Charlie sat on the arm of Ceara’s chair, “The fence is pretty much done, we still need to do some more traps but I think if they attacked now, we would stand a good chance. What’s up here?”

  Ceara looked to Niz then back to Charlie, “Just a bit of girl talk.”

  Charlie looked to each one, “I don’t mean out here, I mean with the Indians getting back?”

  Ceara patted his leg, “I guess since we are out here and they are back there, we don’t know.”

  Charlie quickly got up, “What are we doing out here then?”

  Ceara tugged on his hand, “Honey, we can’t go back there, Alden did his Alden thing and kicked us out.”

  Charlie begrudgingly sat back down, “I guess his way has worked good so far, we have to trust him, don’t we?”

  Everyone was nodded, even Niz.

  Ceara stood up causing Charlie to jump up before her chair flipped, Tiger began growling at him. Everyone laughed; Tabitha looked to Ceara, “Guess you named that one right. You guys should have seen Crixus out there! He was a little Tonto!”

  Ceara went to the door, “Come on, you guys must be starving.”


  As Alden and the rest began to sit, Tonto stood and barked once. Looking off to the desert, Alden smiled, “Here come the rest of your scouts”

  Running Buffalo smiled and looked at Stray Eagle, “That’s Little John and his group. We’ll wait for him.”

  Running Buffalo and Stray Eagle sat for a while, as Alden talked about the measures they had taken to fortify the ranch. Within thirty minutes, Alden heard everyone coming back in the kitchen. He went to the back door and opened it. “Ceara make some more coffee. Charlie get the big pot out and grab some of those number 10 cans of that Dinty Moore stew we got. Tabitha and Beth fire up the oven and mix up some biscuits, we got a lot of mouths to feed.”

  Letting the door shut, he walked back to the table and sat down propping his leg up. Stray Eagle took a sip of tea and smiled, “Alden, you bark out orders like an old drill sergeant.”

  Alden was sipping his coffee and raised an eyebrow. Running Buffalo was chuckling, “Stray Eagle, old habits die hard.” The three were laughing as the others rode up.

  Running Buffalo stood and greeted each one, then barked his own orders, “Little John, you sit with us. The rest of you, tend to the horses. The folks who live here are preparing a meal for us all, so we will eat, and then if you want, you can return to your homes. The men nodded and took the horses to the coral while Little John sat with the others.

  The men spoke low and soft as they shared the information with Alden. Alden had his small notebook out and was jotting things down. An hour had gone by with serious faces at times and an occasional chuckle here and there. As time wore down, Alden got up and walked to the back door once more. Opening it he called in, “Okay people, let's put on our manners and get some extra tables set up. I’m hungry and so are our guests.”

  Alden turned and looked at Running Buffalo, “Call in your boys, dinner will be served shortly.”

  Sitting down, Alden heard the back door open and he turned to see Niz walking out carrying a pitcher of tea. She walked to the table setting the pitcher next to Running Buffalo. She bent down and lightly kissed his cheek, “Welcome home, Chief.”

  Running Buffalo smiled and patted her hand, “You’re doing better, I hope.”

  She smiled, “Yes, Sir.”

  Niz turned to pour Stray Eagle a fresh glass of tea. Their eyes locked, causing Niz to blush, Stray Eagle smiled then shifted nervously in his seat.

  As Niz continued around the table pouring tea, Alden leaned over to Stray Eagle, “Does her father know how you feel about her?”

  Stray Eagles eyes went wide as he quickly turned and saw that Running Buffalo was talking to Drew now. Turning back to Alden he shook his head. Alden grinned and whispered, “You should tell him.”

  Beth and Tabitha were working steadily in the kitchen. Remembering the recipe by heart on the Bisquick box, Beth had the dough made, and then Tabitha began cutting the biscuits. The recipe made twenty four and they often stored the leftovers, but somehow both of them knew that there would not be any leftover with all of the people coming.

  “It’s kinda nice Beth, to be cooking up all this food. I have to admit, I haven’t had a big meal like this with a bunch of people in all of my life.”

  As soon as Beth popped the pan in the oven, she turned and started washing up the bowls. “Oh Tabitha, the stories I could tell you about all of my family down in Kentucky. When we were kids and had Sunday afternoon dinners or say a big fish fry, we would have half of Ballard County in our back yard. So this is right up my alley.”

  Tabitha began to dry the dishes as quick as Beth was washing them, “Well I know I have said it all before, but it took all of this to get the family that I wanted. Sounds strange but I am happy with it.”

  When Beth and Tabitha had finished cleaning up the kitchen, Beth looked over to Tabitha, “You get the glasses and I will get the plates. Hopefully the others are getting the tables brought out so we can carry these out there and set up for dinner. Those biscuits will be done in about twenty minutes, so we have a few minutes.”

  Checking the stew, which was beginning to simmer, Beth remembered how Ceara would add some seasoning to it so she did the same thing, then went to get the plates. As soon as she made her way over to the cabinets, Tabitha had all the glasses she could find stacked up on the counter, “I only found ten Beth. That isn’t going to be enough.”

  Beth grabbed the plates along with the Ceara’s fine china, “Well we do have all the plates and silverware we need. Maybe Alden has an idea about the glasses. Let’s get these outside and you can ask him.”

  Opening the door with her backside, Beth held it opened as Tabitha made a couple of trips to get all of the glasses. On her last trip, Tabitha said, “That’s it. Thanks.”

  Carefully Beth went over and started to set the plates down on the table.

  Tabitha looked over and saw Alden talking to Stray Eagle. She waited for them to finish and when they did, she asked, “Alden, we only have ten glasses; Beth suggested that I ask you what to do because there is no way there will be enough glasses for everyone.”

  Alden frowned and shook his head, “Simple we adapt and improvise cupcake. We have a lot of mason jars leftover under the sink. Wash them out and we can use them.”

  Beth smiled then giggled, “Just like Ballard County, Kentucky!” Tabitha went back inside to clean up the jars and by the time she had them all washed, she could smell the biscuits. “Hey Beth, can you come in here for a sec?”

  Making her way back inside after hearing Tabitha call, Beth could smell the aroma. Opening up the oven to see how they were coming, Bet
h smiled, “Another five minutes and they will be ready. Let me help you with these.”

  Both women made it back outside and they took a count of the jars with the glasses. Together there was at least twenty four glasses.

  Charlie had grabbed a quick shower before he headed out to help the others. Ceara and Colt had grabbed the folding tables that were in the barn. Ceara led Colt to the back corner, “See, there are four or five of those tables, I bet we only need maybe, two or three.”

  Colt reached for two pulling them out, “Ceara, you need to move over there for a minute.”

  Ceara’s brow furrowed, “I can carry one.”

  Colt looked over his shoulder, “Unless you want to play with the two tarantulas that are living over here...”

  Ceara darted to the barn door, “Fine, you just hand them over to me AFTER you get rid of the spiders.”

  Colt was laughing as Charlie walked in, “What’s so funny?”

  Colt shooed the spiders away and pushed one of the tables to Ceara, “I just had to warn her about visitors living on the tables.”

  Charlie went over grabbing one before Colt could warn him of the second tarantula. It ran across his hand, Charlie let the table fall and knocked the spider to the ground. It took off straight at Ceara. Ceara threw the table down and bolted out the barn door, “I’m done!” she shouted.

  Ceara ran back to the patio to see Alden standing, “What the hell is going on?” he asked.

  The braves were coming around the corral all laughing extremely hard. Joshua looked to Alden, “That made the whole trip worth it.”

  Alden glared at all of them, “Explain, now.”

  Ceara had tears of fear and embarrassment, “I’m sorry, I’m just scared of spiders!”

  Joshua saw Colt and Charlie carrying out four tables and ran to help them.

  Alden looked to Ceara, “Come here, cupcake.”

  Ceara knew he was about to get on her, she drug her feet but was soon standing in front of him. Alden pulled her into a hug, “Relax, we all have fears. Yours is just a little more obvious out here.”

  Ceara hugged him tight and whispered, “Thank you for not yelling.”


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