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Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come

Page 30

by Allensworth, Audra

  Colt lowered his head, “I know you’re right. It’s just hard to go through again.”

  Tabitha stood up, and held out her hand helping him up. “You aren’t going through it again; she won’t turn like Jessica did. I don’t know what she has planned, but I know that isn’t it.”

  Colt felt like he was walking the last mile to the death chamber as he made his way down the hall. As he stood in front of the door, memories of Jessica flooded into his mind, part of him didn’t want Beth going through anything like that, but if he were honest with himself, a small part did. He took a deep breath and opened the door, “Hey…” The scene stopped any selfish thoughts he had. Beth was curled into the fetal position, holding the trashcan off the side of the bed.

  In the weakest voice he had ever heard, Beth pleaded for water. Colt grabbed the glass and ran to the kitchen to refill it, he was soon holding Beth against his chest helping her try to drink water but as soon as she swallowed she was throwing it up. She finally pushed the glass away, “enough, my stomach is hurting too much.”

  Colt laid her back on the bed, took the trash can, and set the glass on the nightstand. He grabbed the washcloth and wiped her brow. “I’m so sorry you are going through this, I would take it all away, if I could.”

  Beth gave him a knowing look, and weakly said, “Colt, all things happen for a reason, I know I was meant to go through this and if the only reason was to track everything, then I have to do this the best I can.”

  Colt slumped over with his elbows on his knees and head in his hands. “I wish I had those beliefs. It seems like God is just doing his best to fuck me over.”

  Beth laughed weakly, “It isn’t all about you, and maybe you are going through all this so you will be a stronger person.”

  Colt looked up to her, “I sure don’t feel very strong, here you are going through all this, and I am feeling sorry for myself. I’m sorry, what can I do to help?”

  “You can sit here with me and listen for a few minutes.”

  Colt turned as much as he could on the bed, “I will be here as long as you want, just hard for me to see you this way.”

  Beth patted his hand, “No picnic going through it either. I know today will be the day, I have talked to Alden and I will tell you that I won’t be turning, but I won’t let any of you end it for me either. I need to tell you a few things; first is that I love you. I have never made time for love in my life. I was always so focused on my career, that love wasn’t even given a chance. That is a great regret in my life. I wish I that I would have had a child, I wish I had the happy home. All I wanted was to find cures for diseases. Then all this happen, part of me was so glad I didn’t have a husband or children to see them die or worse crossover.”

  Beth got a far off look, “I cannot imagine the strength you had to have to watch Jessica go through this. I know it isn’t fair for me to make you do it again. This is the most selfish thing I have ever done in my life.”

  A coughing fit wracked Beth’s body again, Colt held the trashcan, but Beth waved it away. It finally subsided. Beth took the washrag and wiped her face, “Would you mind rinsing this out for me?”

  Colt got it rinsed out and returned it, “I used cold water; did you want it warm?”

  Beth shook her head, “I like the coolness, thank you. Where was I, oh yeah, my selfishness. As I said, it is the most selfish thing because I have finally found love with you, and I don’t want to lose a minute of the time we can have. It is selfish because it would be easier for you just to walk away, and I have begged you not to. I need you, I need to feel your love and strength to get me through this. You have been amazing, I know you don’t believe it or see it. I do, and that is what I wanted to tell you, not just goodbye but thank you. Thank you for showing me love, thank you for showing me a life as a family, thank you for accepting me for me.”

  Colt laid his head in her lap crying, “I am nothing like that, I am the weakest member of this group and I want to die without you…. please don’t leave me!”

  Beth stroked his hair, the anguish in his voice tore her heart out, she let him lie quietly, shedding tears for several minutes, “Colt, you are strong… no one else has gone through what you have, they can’t say what they would do. You need to have faith in yourself; that is my last request from you. Yes…. I am making a deathbed request and you know you have to do it. I want you to start seeing you through my eyes, stop looking at yourself through whatever eyes convinced you that you are weak. I want you to start taking control of your life, no more following. You be the man I know you are, be the man I love. I will be with you in your heart, right beside Jessica and we will guide you every step of the way.”

  Colt sat up, trying to compose himself, “I love you, I don’t know if I can do all of that, but I will promise to do my best. I won’t opt out, but without you, I don’t know how long I will last.” Colt looked deep into her eyes, “I love you so much… I don’t want to say goodbye.”

  Beth leaned forward and kissed him softly, “No goodbyes for us, I will always be with you.”

  Chapter 19 – Final Countdown

  Alden opened the door to Beth and Colt’s room. Looking at Beth, he knew there was not much time left. “Colt, I need you to go now and see Charlie. Beth and I have some final preparations to do.”

  Colt glared at Alden as he stood up defensively and opened his mouth to speak. Beth interrupted him before he could say anything. Her voice was weak, “Colt, please do as Alden has asked. He and I have already talked, and he agreed to help me with my final request to help the group.”

  Colt turned and saw the tears in her eyes. He walked over and gave her one last kiss. His voice cracked as he spoke softly to her, “Only because you ask. I love you, Beth.” Colt turned and walked out of the room.

  Alden sat down next to Beth, “The truck is ready. I have it rigged to a trigger in the cab with enough explosives to take out as many of the wanderers as you can get close to. Basically anything close to about ten to fifteen meters will be killed, those at twenty meters will be incapacitated.”

  Beth nodded as she went into another coughing fit. Alden patted her back gently and handed her a tissue. “You have to leave now, I don’t think have much time.”

  Beth looked at Alden as she wiped some blood from her lips. Her voice cracked as she started to speak, “Wha… what if…” The coughing began again.

  Alden took out a small key and unlocked the handcuff around her wrist. He put a hand under her elbow to help her stand, “What if you change before you get to push the button?’ Beth nodded. Alden started to lead her out of the room and quietly said, “You let me worry about that.”

  Beth turned and gave a small grin as she whispered, “Always, Alden, the man with the plan.”

  Colt was leaning on the back of the couch with his arms crossed. As soon as the bedroom door opened, he stood and looked to see if it was just Alden or if Beth was with him. As soon as Colt saw Beth, he rushed to help her. Alden passed her to Colt, “Take your time, I don’t think anyone has wandered off far, but if they did….” Alden left them to head outside.

  As soon as Alden stepped out the back door, everyone looked up. He kept walking to the edge of the patio and leaned a forearm on one of the support beams, “Everyone get geared up, we head out in twenty minutes.”

  Tabitha looked to Charlie and Ceara only to see they were just as confused as she was. Tabitha turned back to Alden; he was still looking out over the yard. “Alden? Why now?”

  Alden glanced over his shoulder, “Just the way it’s going to be. We deal with the herd that was moving this way, and Beth wants to be a part of it.”

  Tabitha looked back at Charlie with a quizzical look. Charlie shrugged; he didn’t know any more that she did. Ceara took a step toward Alden, when he turned to face them. His eyes were coal black and his jaw was set firm, “I said gear up, didn’t I?”

  The three looked at each other one last time before Charlie walked off to the barn. Alden call
ed after him, “We only need gear, we aren’t taking the horses this trip.”

  Tabitha turned to go in the house, and Ceara started off the patio, “I’ll check the gas levels.”

  Alden turned to go in the house, “Ceara, leave my truck, I already checked it.”

  Colt had just sat Beth in one of the kitchen chairs when Tabitha got in the house. “You two want to explain what the hell is going on?”

  Alden came in the back door, “Tabitha, gear up like I said, we don’t have time for this.”

  Tabitha stood her ground, glaring at Alden, “I am not doing a damn thing till I know what the plan is.”

  Colt looked from Tabitha to Alden, “Gear up? Gear up for what? Did you see wanderers out there?”

  Alden gave Beth a knowing look but said nothing; Colt and Tabitha didn’t miss the exchange. Colt leaned down beside Beth, “What is he talking about Beth?”

  Beth looked deep into Colt’s eyes, “There are reasons, just trust us.”

  Colt shook his head, “I don’t like it, but I don’t have any choice in this, do I?”

  Beth gently stroked his cheek, “No, honey, you don’t. Now do as Alden asked, and go get the gear ready. I would like my forty-five.”

  Colt got a despondent look as he stood up, “I’ll be back.”

  Fifteen minutes later, the group was somber, but geared up as told. Alden helped Beth to his truck then turned to others. “Ceara, you ride with Tabitha… Charlie, you’re with me… Colt you are taking point in the Rover. You will block the entrance to the canyon, and blow it up when the time comes.”

  Colt went to join Beth, “I can ride with Beth, she is in no condition to drive.”

  Alden shook his head, “I said you are guarding the opening to the canyon. I want to take out as many as we can.”

  Ceara watched the interaction and then asked, “Why is Beth going? She should be inside resting!”

  Beth stepped out of the truck, holding on to the open window for support, “We don’t have time for this! Everyone just do as Alden says, I am going and I am going for a reason. If you guys can not add this up for yourselves, let me explain.”

  Beth looked around to each of them, she knew Charlie had figured it out, and Tabitha did too, but that wasn’t going to help. “I told each of you I am going to take myself out when the time came…. the time is NOW! I am going to take as many of those things with me when I go!”

  Beth looked to Colt, “Alden obviously wants you to be far from what is going to happen. So would you people just get in your damn vehicles so we can get this done!” She climbed back in the truck and slammed the door, as she started the engine.

  Colt stood in shocked silence, his thoughts going ninety out of nothing. What was about to happen? How was she going to do this? Was she just going to mow down as many as she could? Is that why she wanted her forty-five? Colt walked to the Rover and sat in the driver’s seat, tears rolling down his cheeks. He knew he would never see Beth again, never hold her, never smell her scent.

  Colt reached for the ignition and just held the keys in place. He knew that him refusing to go would solve nothing, just prove to everyone what they already thought, that he was weak. Colt glanced to Beth sitting in Alden’s truck and turned the key, he had to do this for Beth.

  Alden and Charlie pulled out in Heath’s old truck, followed by Beth, then Tabitha and Ceara in Tabitha’s Jeep. Colt put the Rover in gear and pulled in to follow.

  Incessant honking stopped the caravan before it really got started. Tabitha jumped out of the Jeep and ran back to the house. Alden stood at his truck door, looking at Ceara; Ceara threw her hands in the air to say she didn’t know why Tabitha stopped everyone.

  Tabitha ran back out to Beth’s truck, Beth looked down and saw that Tabitha was holding a Europe CD and gave Tabitha a look.

  Tabitha shrugged, “Girl, I don’t know what you have planned, but it’s obvious that part of it is drawing wanderers. You may as well have the music that is fitting. I would suggest track six.”

  Tabitha gave Beth a shoulder hug and ran back to the Jeep. Alden rolled his eyes and got back in his truck to head out again.

  Beth loaded the CD and flipped to track six and ‘Final Countdown’ started, she smiled thinking it was more fitting than Tabitha knew. Beth laid a hand on the walkie, caressing it, wondering if she would be able to hit the trigger when she needed to.

  As the caravan began to move out, Beth struggled to stay focused. She was startled by Alden’s voice on the C.B. radio, “You alright there, kid?”

  Beth reached down and picked up the mike, “Yeah Alden… I am just dizzy and a little foggy.”

  Alden came back, “You just keep your eyes focused on my tail and you’ll be okay.” Beth coughed as she giggled, “Me watching your tail? That’s kind of a first, isn’t it?”

  Charlie looked at Alden smiling sadly, “Well, a sense of humor shows she’s still with us.”

  Alden looked into the rearview mirror then to Charlie, “Yeah it is, I just hope she stays with us till we get where we need to be.”

  It took the group a little over an hour until they arrived on top of a hill. There were several stops necessary for Beth to take a break. The entrance of a box canyon was below them.

  Alden got out and walked back to his truck. He turned as Colt pulled up. Turning to him he called out, “You need to drive up that road on the right to the top of that hill. When Beth gives the signal, you need to take that bundle of dynamite in the back and blow that group of rocks above the entrance to the canyon.”

  Colt started to get out and Alden turned and closed the door on him. “You heard me, Colt. You have your job, Beth has hers, and I have mine, so get going. We ain't got much time.”

  Colt had tears in his eyes as he put the Rover in gear. As he headed up the hill, he turned and called back. “I LOVE YOU, BETH.”

  Alden opened the door and could see Beth’s face and her eyes as she followed Colt. “Beth you don’t have time for more goodbyes, and I can’t risk it. I want you to take that dirt trail to your left, drive slow. Just keep the truck in second gear it will only go so fast that way.”

  Beth looked at him and reached her hand out to touch his face. Tears were in her eyes, “Alden, I know what I need to do… but if I can’t, please don’t let them get me.”

  Alden took her hand and kissed it gently, his voice cracked as he spoke, “You don’t worry about that cupcake, I got you covered.”

  Closing the door, he watched as Beth pushed a button on the dash. The CD started blaring an old rock tune. The music echoed out of the truck as she drove away.

  Alden walked back to Heath’s truck, leaving the rest there as they stood and watched Beth drive his truck down the trail and the Rover headed up the hill.

  The music was blaring from the truck as it got to the bottom of the hill and started through the entrance of the box canyon. The group stood and watched as the herd of wanderers started to move towards it.

  Alden walked back over and began to hand out rifles. “You all will have your job to do when Beth does hers. This was her idea, and I want you to know that I was opposed at first, but it’s what she wanted. He placed a rocket launcher at his feet.

  Charlie turned to him, “I thought Colt was blowing the entrance.”

  Alden looked at Charlie then up to where Colt had parked the Rover. “Yeah, well I can’t take that chance.”

  Tabitha looked at Alden then to Ceara, “Is he really that cold hearted.”

  Ceara turned back to her, “NO!… He’s that loving…”

  Beth was trying hard to focus on the trail. She could feel her body changing and her thoughts started to fade. She began to beat on the steering wheel while she screamed to herself, “FOCUS DAMN IT!! FOCUS… YOU’RE DOING THIS FOR THEM!”

  As she rolled past the entrance, the herd had turned and was following her. Her thoughts were going to Colt; she hoped that Alden got him away from the view of the truck. Beth slowed the truck down by putting the truck i
n low and letting it just idle forward. The wanderers were now catching up and clawing at the truck. Beth looked into their faces, they were once just like her, and soon she would be just like them.

  That thought gave her the courage to keep going. Beth never wanted to be one of them; she reached over and hit the knob on the radio. The music began blaring even louder, as the wanderers beat on the sides, and the back of the truck. Beth began to cough harder and harder. Her eyes rolled in her head as she started to slump over in the seat.

  Alden reached in his pocket and took out a small hand held walkie and turned it on. Charlie looked at him, then down to the truck. Alden was holding the walkie as he whispered, “Come on Beth, come on, you can do it. Don’t make me..”

  Suddenly, Alden’s truck exploded in a huge fireball.

  Alden lowered his head and said a silent goodbye to his friend. Ceara looked around confused, then turned glaring daggers at Alden, “How could you let her do that? Did you tell her it would blow up!?”

  Tabitha walked to the edge of the canyon; the floor of the canyon had so many dead wanderers, as well as pieces of them. Parts of the truck were still falling, with luck some parts would take out more of the monsters. Tabitha watched the wanderers continue to go for the truck. She didn’t know if she was in shock or expected Beth to do something just like this. “Ceara, you really don’t think that Alden would just blow one of us up, do you? What do you think the good-byes were for? She thought this through.” Tabitha looked back from the canyon to Alden, “Did Colt know?”

  Alden glanced to the ridge that Colt was covering, and then back to Tabitha. “He knew she was ending things, he didn’t know how. Beth didn’t want him to see it, or try to stop her.”


  Colt sat on the hood of the Rover when he heard the explosion. He slid off the hood and ran to the opening to see smoke billowing up. Colt began watching for wanderers trying to get out of the canyon, but kept wondering just what were they doing on the other side. His mind started drifting off, was Beth still alive? Was she still normal? What was she planning? Before Colt’s mind could connect the dots, a few wanderers began making their way out of the canyon.


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