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Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come

Page 33

by Allensworth, Audra

  Tabitha followed Ceara out, laughing. As Ceara began putting out the bowls of vegetables, Tabitha leaned and whispered in her ear, “Heath made sure I had a pillow to scream into.” Tabitha smacked Ceara on the butt and turned to everyone, “Soups on!”

  Ceara almost dropped the last glass on the table, and all but ran back into the house to get the tea. Charlie looked from Ceara to Tabitha, Tabitha just smiled and shrugged. Charlie went to the kitchen and almost ran into Ceara coming back out. “Ceara, you okay?”

  Ceara answered a little too quickly, “I’m fine, just kidding around with Tabitha some.” She scooted around Charlie, “Aren’t you hungry?”

  Charlie knew something was up but just let it go. He joined everyone at the table to enjoy the catch that Colt and Tabitha had made.

  Alden waved at a chair for Running Buffalo to join them, but the Chief shook his head. “You and your people have much to discuss tonight, and I would only be in the way. Please let me know if there is any way I can help in your travels.”

  Alden shook the man’s hand, “You have been more help than I would have ever expected already, and I thank you for that and the offer now.”

  Everyone said their thank you and goodbyes to Running Buffalo as he rode away. It seemed that the goodbyes were for their life as it was, causing everyone to fall into a melancholy silence, as they began to eat.

  Alden let everyone eat in silence for a while before clearing his throat, “Okay ladies and gentlemen, we need to discuss our options. We normally do that as a group discussion and choice, but I want to go ahead and put in my two cents.”

  Alden looked around the table and seeing no one object, he continued, “We came here for the openness, and that has proved not to be altogether a better plan. It’s true that we have line of site, but we have little else. I think we need to move north, not too far, just to Colorado, maybe into the foothills.”

  Colt looked confused, “If we are going to go there, why did we even leave Mark Twain Lake? What was the point to all this?”

  Alden nodded just a bit, “We all believed this would be better, and for a time it has been. I will never say this was a bad move. What I am saying is, it’s time to move on and with it getting cooler, Colorado seems to be a good option.”

  Alden looked to Charlie, and then back to the others, “Charlie and I have been monitoring the radio, and there is a group just on the border of Colorado and Wyoming. Seems like a decent group, and it may be time that we link up with others, to see what is going on.”

  Tabitha leaned forward, “Ok, now I’m confused. You have always said that you never wanted to join another group. What changed?”

  “Nothing has changed, I never said join them, I said link up.” Alden emphasized the word ‘said’ to make sure his point was made. “Running Buffalo has not left his home, even closed his group off. That works for them, but for us, we have been on the move since day one. We have information about the states we crossed, and the group up there will have intel about other states. I would say a week or two after we are all set up, we go have a look see at the other group.”

  Charlie realized that both Tabitha and Colt were on the fence with the move, “Guys, we have heard a lot from these guys. They started on the east coast and gained people along the way. They have survived, and that is what we need to learn about. How they kept people safe, and how they traveled. You know, food, water, gas, all of it.”

  Ceara signed, “Well, I don’t want to be here anymore, so I am with you guys. So let’s go, but what are we going to do to make them willing to talk to us.”

  Alden smiled, “Not us, me… and maybe Charlie. We will check them out and see if they are worth our time. In the meantime, we find a new home and set up our own safety measures.”

  Colt shook his head, “I just don’t get why we would move back to the woods.”

  Alden pushed his plate, “Simplest reason, food… there is red meat there, there are more ranches, with maybe cattle, there are reserves that held herds of buffalo, and there are more farms for vegetables. The other thing, if we move into the foothills, it will be colder and slow the wanderers down. There will be a lot of empty cabins up there, with generators.”

  Colt looked to the house, “Okay, wherever you want to go, I’m in. I certainly don’t want to be here anymore. So when do you want to do this?”

  Alden took a drink of coffee, “I would say within the week, I want to be on the road with only the essentials, nothing extra.”

  Ceara sat forward, “Would it be okay if I just took one set of the dishes that Beth got for me? I just want to remember good things… and her.”

  Alden nodded, giving her a knowing look, “Of course, one setting won’t take up much space.” Alden looked around, “Any more special requests?”

  “I want to take her notebook, but I don’t see that as special request,” Tabitha said

  “No, it’s not, that is needed, just in case we run into anyone that understands it.” Alden glanced around the land, “Here is my list, and it’s short, so we should be able to be on the road in a few days. We take all the weapons and ammo obviously, collapsible water bags and the five gallon gas cans. Those will need to be full before we leave. As far as food, we have the MRE’s and C-rations, but we need to do a little hunting and fishing, for rabbit and yes, as sick of it as we are, we need fish. Last on my list is the ten meter ham radio, we need to continue to listen in on the others.”

  Charlie picked up his plate to take it in the house, “So we get started tomorrow, Tabitha and I will go hunting, Colt and Ceara can go fishing, and Alden, you start moving everything to the living room to be packed up. I do have a question though, what about our traps, and early warnings detectors? Are we leaving all that behind?”

  Alden pushed his plate towards Charlie, “We take the easy stuff, and the rest gets left. We will create new, wherever we land.”

  Ceara quickly gathered up her, Tabitha’s, and Colt’s dishes to join Charlie. Tabitha watched as Ceara disappeared into the house. She turned to Alden and Colt, “Damn, boy hits that once and Ceara follows him like a little puppy.

  “Tabitha, be good,” Alden said with a smile.

  Colt looked from the kitchen to Tabitha, “Well, you would have thought they would have waited at least a week before…”

  Alden cut him off, “Don’t start your shit, Beth gave her blessing to those two and the faster we get back to living, the better things will be. You want to be judgmental, then keep it to yourself.”

  Tabitha cocked an eyebrow at Colt, “Just wondering, Colt, how long after Heath died did you and Beth wait? I don’t see much of a difference there, do you?”

  Colt thought about that and had the good sense to lower his head, “Didn’t think of it like that. Sorry Tabitha, I guess we did the same thing, just to feel alive. My bad for being judgmental, won’t happen again.”

  Tabitha leaned back in her chair, “No worries Colt, just putting things in perspective for you. Damn, I miss smokes. Think we could find any on the way?”

  Knowing Tabitha was trying to change the subject, “I’m sure we will run across some along the way. We will be going close to eight or nine hundred miles, and that’s if we are lucky.”

  Alden stood, “Time to hit the hay, we have a lot to do in the next few days.”

  The next few days were hectic; everyone was busy getting everything done. The mood was heavy; each day brought more solemn moods. Tempers were starting to get the best of them; they were all on edge, each with their thoughts of past, losses, fears, and what would be waiting for them.

  The final dawn arrived, no one had slept much. Alden had everyone busy in hopes of being on the road within the hour. “Colt, you and Tabitha take the Rover, Charlie and Ceara will take the van, and I have the Jeep. Tabitha keep Mickey with you, Ceara, Crixus is going with you guys.”

  Alden snapped fingers and pointed to the Jeep, Tonto was in the front seat within seconds.

  “Say good-bye to this and load up,
radios on channel twenty-eight. I want on the road in five minutes.”

  True to his word they were pulling out within five minutes, each buried in their own thoughts. Wondering just what the next few days would hold…




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