D W Griffith's The Birth of a Nation

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D W Griffith's The Birth of a Nation Page 63

by Melvyn Stokes

  Dixon, Madelyn Donovan (second wife), 261, 262, 270

  Dixon Jr., Thomas, 12

  acting career, 53

  Anglo-Saxonism, 211

  anti-communist sequel, 258–9

  attacks censorship attempts, 148

  on audience enthusiasm, 206–7

  buys interest in play, 48

  death of, 261, 270

  dislike of Stevens, 205

  education of, 31–3

  film production company, 268–9

  finances of, 52, 98

  friendship with Wilson, 111

  Griffith buys rights from, 79–80

  historical details, 196–8, 201–2

  Klan appearance, 195

  marriage to Harriet, 34

  Mayor Mitchel meeting, 138–9

  photograph of, 28

  pirated film copies, 246

  religion and, 32, 33–5

  response to film screenings, 117

  role in the film, 26

  screenplays, 269

  Southern point of view, 171

  in state legislature, 33

  suggested title change, 115

  use of Scott, 203

  war and Reconstruction experience, 27–31

  works of

  The Black Hood, 269

  Comrades, 52

  The Flaming Sword, 258–9, 270

  The Inside History of the Harding Administration (with Daugherty), 270

  later fiction, 269–70

  The Leopard’s Spots, 37–42

  The Love Complex, 269

  The Man in Gray, 269

  A Man of the People, 269

  The One Woman, 42–3, 52

  The Root of Evil, 52

  The Sins of the Father, 52–3

  The Sun Virgin, 270

  The Traitor, 52

  worries about sex, 218

  writing career, 35–7

  See also The Clansman

  Dixon Sr, Thomas, 27–9, 30, 31

  Dougherty, Lee “Doc,” 71

  Douglass, Carl, 16

  Douros, Magistrate, 236

  Dowd, Judge Thomas H., 147, 150

  Dramatic Mirror (newspaper), 4–5

  Dream Street (film), 266

  Dressed to Kill (film), 8

  Drink’s Lure (film), 219

  Drums of Love (film), 267

  A Drunkard’s Reformation (film), 70, 75, 219

  Du Bois, W. E. B., 141, 160, 165

  campaign against Birth, 169, 282

  defends Reconstruction, 206

  in Dixon’s novel, 258, 270

  New York campaign, 137

  photograph of, 137

  power struggle with NAACP, 168

  The Souls of Black Folks, 167

  The Star of Ethiopia pagent, 167–8

  on wartime context, 227

  Dubois, Ellen, 278

  Dunning, William Archibald, 206, 218

  Essays on the Civil War and Reconstruction, 191

  Reconstruction, Political and Economic, 1865–1877, 191

  Dyer, Frank, 69

  Dyer, Richard, 11, 85

  Eagle, Oscar, 62, 64

  Early, Jubal, 178

  Easton, Walter P., 149

  Edison Pictures, 68–9, 106, 231

  Eisenstein, Sergei, 284

  Elinor, Carli, 16

  Eliot, Charles W., 148

  Ely, Richard T., 32–3

  Emerson, Congressman, 158

  Enoch Arden (film), 72

  Epoch Producing Company, 13, 98, 105

  Aitkens and, 271, 272

  copyright dispute, 262

  distribution of Birth, 118–20, 241

  Epping, J. C., 98

  Equal Rights League, 228

  The Escape (film), 79

  Espionage Act, 272–3

  Essanay films, 75

  Essays on the Civil War and Reconstruction (Dunning), 191

  ethnic groups. See race and racism

  Evening American (newspaper), 117

  Evening Globe (newspaper), 117

  Evening Journal (newspaper), 204–5

  Evening Mail (newspaper), 117

  Everett, Anna

  Returning the Gaze, 12

  Everson, William K., 6, 11, 77

  Experimental Cinema (journal), 255

  Fairbanks, Douglas, 116, 265

  The Fall of a Nation (film), 268–9

  The Fall of Troy (film), 6

  Falsely Accused! (film), 66–7

  Famous Players-Lasky Film Company, 106, 265, 267, 271, 273

  Farmers’ Alliance, 40

  Fast, Howard

  Freedom Road, 256

  feminism, 8

  Ferguson, Judge, 154–5

  Fields, W. C., 267

  Fildew, Billy, 102

  film and filmmaking

  Birth’s innovations, 278–81

  Civil War as a genre, 181–2

  controversial films, 7–8

  early U.S. context, 3–4

  educational legal status, 173

  frame count, 245

  gaining respectability, 114–15, 116

  Griffith’s techniques, 74–7

  historical representation and, 171–4

  increased demand for films, 68–9

  innovative techniques, 75–7

  introduction of sound, 53

  lengths of films, 72

  narrative, 114

  the Pathé camera, 94–5

  racial stereotypes, 132

  representations of Lincoln, 188

  rivalry with live theatre, 4

  sex and, 6

  shooting Birth, 94–6

  social effects on audiences, 249–53

  synchronized sound, 242, 245

  film criticism

  audience passivity, 225

  on creative roles, 122

  on pioneering role of Birth, 5

  recent work on Birth, 11–13

  study of Birth, 245–6, 249

  style-substance dichotomy, 283–4

  film reviews (general)

  early screenings of Birth, 117–18

  first release of Birth, 121–5

  responses to Birth, 4–5

  Fitzmorris, Charles, 151

  Fitzsimmons, Bob, 219

  Flagler, Henry, 265

  The Flaming Sword (Dixon), 258–9, 270

  Fleener, Nicki, 145

  Fleming, Walter L., 141, 191, 195

  The Prescript of the Ku Klux Klan, 192

  Flexner’s (Bernard) Book Store, Louisville, 61

  A Fool and a Girl (Griffith), 65, 66

  The Foolish Virgin (film), 269

  A Fool’s Errand: By One of the Fools (Tourgée), 192–5

  A Fool’s Revenge (film), 105

  For the Love of Gold (film), 75

  Ford, Charles E., 53

  Ford, John, 273, 275

  Ford, Wally, 259

  Forman, Henry James

  Our Movie-Made Children, 251–2

  Forrest Gump (film), 263

  Forrest Theater, Philadelphia, 155

  Fort Apache, the Bronx (film), 8

  Foster, Will, 167

  Fox, Steven R., 150

  Fox Films, 265

  Frank, Leo M., 232

  Franklin, John Hope

  influence of Birth, 206

  on Tourgée, 193

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, 208

  Frazier, Edward Franklin, 251

  Freedmen’s Bureau, 21, 196

  Wilson on, 200

  Freedom Road (Fast), 256

  Freeman, Edward A.

  History of the Norman Conquest, 211

  Freeman, William, 89, 123

  French, Daniel Chester, 186

  Frissell, Hollis B., 145

  Frissell, S. S., 140

  Frobisher School of Drama, 33

  The Fugitive (film), 68

  Fulton, A. R., 102

  Funkhouser, Major Lucius C., 151

  Gage, Howard, 174

Crosby, 48

  Gaines, Jane, 11, 12, 169

  Garner, James W., 191

  Gaye, Howard, 88

  The Gentle Cyclone (film), 269

  Gessner, Robert R., 245–6

  Gibson, Charles Dana, 116

  Gibson, Dr William, 10

  The Girl Who Stayed Home (film), 265, 273

  Gish, Dorothy, 70, 83–4

  Gish, Lillian, 20, 70, 282

  on actors, 89

  black actors and, 87

  cast in Birth, 83, 85

  copyright dispute, 262

  earlier career, 83–4

  on editing of Birth, 102, 105

  on film preparations, 90–1

  on Griffith, 99, 100–1, 171

  on Griffith’s turning point, 263

  The Hearts of the World, 264

  later career, 274

  later Griffith films, 265, 266

  loyalty to Griffith, 78

  on the musical score, 107

  photographs of, 19, 84, 217

  on shooting Birth, 92, 93–4, 95

  Gleaves, Richard H., 174

  Gobineau, Joseph de, 210, 216

  Godard, Jean-Luc

  Je Vous Salue Marie, 8

  The Godfather (film), 8

  Goines, P. A., 160–1

  Goldman, Eric F., 186

  Goldstein, Robert J., 97, 176–7

  Spirit of ’76, 272–3

  Goldwyn, Sam, 271

  Gone With the Wind (film), 9, 268

  inspires Birth remake plans, 259–60, 261

  Lost Cause myth, 181–2

  Gordon, John B., 178

  Grant, Madison

  The Passing of a Great Race, 213

  Grant, Ulysses S., 29

  death of, 180

  historical reference, 174, 175, 176

  Lee’s surrender, 176, 178

  portrayal of, 88

  The Great Love (film), 264

  The Great Train Robbery (film), 75, 76

  The Greatest Question (film), 273

  The Greatest Thing in Life (film), 264

  Greaves, William, 282

  Greene, Graham, 5

  Greensboro Massacre, 10

  Gregory, Thomas B., 142

  Grieg, Edvard, 107

  Grieveson, Lee, 172

  Griffin, Linda Arvidson Johnson. See Arvidson, Linda

  Griffin, Sean, 281

  Griffith, Charles B., 240–1

  Griffith, David Wark

  acting career, 61–4

  in films, 67

  in One Woman, 52

  plays Lincoln, 63

  stage names, 62

  appearance and character, 99

  images of, 84

  musical ability, 105

  Nerney on, 152

  relationships with actresses, 85

  defending Birth

  in Boston, 142–3

  copyright dispute, 262

  fights censorship, 133

  Mayor Mitchel meeting, 138–9

  NAACP and, 134

  remake plans, 258, 259

  directing career, 21, 166

  The Battle of Elderbrush Gulch, 21

  at Biograph, 67–74

  Birth most successful film, 268

  Civil War genre, 181–2

  finances, 119

  later films, 263–8

  leaves Biograph, 74

  Papers of, 13

  praise for Birth, 278–81

  professional ability, 74–7

  reputation, 13

  signs with Zukor, 271

  working on Birth, 98–101

  ideas and opinions

  expressed racism of, 80, 191, 254–5, 278–85

  prohibition of alcohol, 219

  Reconstruction controversy, 190–200

  revived Klan and, 239

  on World War I, 208

  making Birth

  casting, 83–9

  cheered at premiere, 25–6

  editing, 16

  interested in The Clansman, 54

  photographs of, 56

  rehearsals, 89–92

  response to film screenings, 117

  shooting, 92–6

  synchronized sound, 242

  view of film as history, 171–7

  White House screening, 111

  personal life

  biographies of, 11

  death of, 261, 268

  at Lofty Green Farm, 55–60

  in Louisville, 61

  reinvention of own past, 255

  writing career

  early attempts, 65–6

  filmscripts, 66–7

  Griffith, Jacob Wark (father), 55–9, 201

  Griffith, Lawrence. See Griffith, David Wark

  Griffith, Mary (née Oglesby, mother), 56–8, 60, 62

  Griffith, Mattie (sister), 60

  Griffith, Ruth (sister), 60

  Griffith, Thurston (cousin), 201

  Griffith, Wheeler (sister), 58

  Griffith, Will (brother), 59

  Griffith (D.W.) Award, 10–11

  Griffith family

  history of, 55–6

  move to Louisville, 60–1

  slavery and, 59

  Grindon, Leger, 279

  Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of, 209

  The Guardian (newspaper), 141

  The Guerrilla (film), 68

  Guinn v. United States, 132

  Gunning, Tom, 69, 76, 77, 114

  Hackett, Francis, 138

  Hackett, James K., 65

  Haddock, William, 54

  Hallinan, Charles T., 133

  Hallowell, J. Mott, 150

  Hamilton, J. G. de Roulac, 191

  Hampton, Benjamin

  A History of the Movies, 5

  Hampton, L., 98

  Hampton Institute, 145, 164, 225

  Hare, Harlow, 278–9

  Harper’s Pictorial History of the Civil War, 176

  Harrison, J., 98

  Harrison, Louis Reeves, 77

  Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Carter H., 151

  Harron, Robert, 70, 85, 88, 273

  Hart, Albert Bushnell, 165

  Hart, William S., 265

  Hay, John, 184, 186–7, 212

  Hayes, Rutherford B., 179

  Haynes, Hunter C., 167

  Hays, Arthur Garfield, 247

  Hays, Will, 239

  NAACP appeals to, 248

  remake plans, 259

  sound version of Birth, 242–3

  Hays Code. See Production Code

  Haywood, Rev. Oscar, 239

  Hearst, William Randolph, 267

  The Heart of an Outlaw (film), 70

  The Hearts of the World (film), 255, 264, 273

  Heck, William A., 159

  Hegel, Georg W. F., 210

  Henabery, Joseph E.

  copyright dispute, 262

  directing career, 275

  on Griffith, 99, 100

  Lincoln and, 88, 89, 174

  on rehearsals, 90

  on shooting Birth, 93

  Henderson, Robert M., 11, 73

  Herbert, Victor, 268

  Herndon, William Henry, 186–7

  Herrick, Howard, 124

  Higham, John, 215

  Hill, Elias, 204

  His Trust (film), 68, 72, 80

  His Trust Fulfilled (film), 68, 80


  academic arguments, 172

  film as documenting, 171–7

  See also Civil War; Reconstruction; United States

  History of the American People (Wilson), 21, 175

  Anglo-Saxonism, 211

  A History of the American People (Wilson), 192, 198–200

  History of the Anglo-Saxons (Turner), 211

  History of the Germanic People (Tacitus), 211

  A History of the Movies (Hampton), 5

  History of the Norman Conquest (Freeman), 211

  Hitler, Adolf, 209, 254

  Hodges, Elijah, 227

  Hofstadter, Richard
, 210

  Holden, William W., 29–30

  Holmes, Rev. John Haynes, 135

  Home Sweet Home (film), 79, 83, 85

  homosexuality, 8

  The Honor of His Family (film), 68

  hooks, bell, 223, 225

  House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), 255–6

  The House with Closed Shutters (film), 68

  Howe, Elizabeth M., 192, 195

  Howe, Frederic C., 131, 134, 136, 137, 160, 164

  Howells, William Dean, 36

  Huff, Theodore, 11

  Huntingdon, R. J., 98

  Huston, Walter, 268

  Hutchinson, Earl Ofari, 278

  Hylan, John F., 228

  Idol Dancer (film), 265

  In Old Kentucky (film), 68, 181

  In the Border States (film), 68

  In Washington’s Time (Griffith), 65

  Ince, Ralph, 76, 188

  Ince, Thomas H., 76, 166, 181, 270

  The Informer (film), 68

  Inscoe, John C., 12, 162

  The Inside History of the Harding Administration (Dixon and Daugherty), 270

  Inslee, Charles, 67

  Intolerance (film), 65, 242, 263–4, 266, 271, 273, 274

  “The Invisible Empire” (Tourgée), 192–5

  Isn’t Life Wonderful (film), 267

  Ivanhoe (Scott), 211

  Jackson, Helen Hunt

  Ramona, 64

  Jackson, R. R., 152

  Jacobs, Lewis, 279, 281

  The Rise of the American Film, 5, 255, 256

  Janowitz, Jane, 164

  Janowitz, Rose, 163, 166

  Japan, 213, 214–15

  Jay Ward Enterprises, 262

  Je Vous Salue Marie (film), 8

  Jeffries, Jim, 132

  Jerome, V. J.

  The Negro in Hollywood Films, 257–8

  Jesionoswki, Joyce, 13

  Jewel Theater, Denver, 247

  Jews, 215

  Johns Hopkins University, 32–3

  Johnson, Andrew, 44, 202

  Johnson, Arthur, 67, 70

  Johnson, Jack, 132, 145, 219–21

  Johnson, Linda Arvidson. See Arvidson, Linda

  Johnson, Robert, 160

  Johnson, Tom L., 134

  Johnston, Joseph E., 180

  Johnston, Mary, 179

  Jones, Sir William, 209

  Jones, Wesley L., 149

  Jordan, Michael J., 146

  Journal of Commerce (newspaper), 118

  Jozajtis, Kris, 13

  Judith of Bethulia (film), 64, 73–4, 78, 263, 266

  Kagan, Norman, 208

  Kalem Company, 85, 181

  multireel productions, 114

  Kansas City Journal (newspaper), 175

  Kaufman, J. B., 13

  Kauser, Alice, 48

  Keil, Charlie, 13, 284

  Kemble, George, 242, 244

  Kemble, John M.

  The Saxons in England, 211

  Kennaday, Paul, 135

  Kennedy, Jeremiah J.

  Biograph Company and, 69

  relations with Griffith, 71, 73–4

  Kennedy, John Pendelton, 179

  Killiam, Paul, 262

  Kinemacolor of America, 53–4

  King, Rodney, 10, 277

  King, Wilbur, 157

  King of Kings (film), 7

  Kirkwood, James, 70


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