D W Griffith's The Birth of a Nation

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D W Griffith's The Birth of a Nation Page 64

by Melvyn Stokes

  Kitchen, Claude, 142

  Klaw and Erlanger, 73, 74, 115

  Kleine, George, 120

  Knight, Arthur, 5, 279

  Knights of Pythias, 154

  Knox, George L., 224

  Koszarski, Richard, 163, 271

  Kracauer, Siegfried, 279

  Ku Klux Klan

  anti-communism and, 254

  anti-Klan films, 269

  audience cheers, 126, 127

  Depression-era decline, 241

  Dixon and, 38, 46–7, 201–2

  film scenario, 82–3

  Griffith’s library and, 192

  history versus Birth, 201–4, 203

  Justice White and, 112

  Laurens riot, 204

  musical score and, 107

  NAACP fights revival of, 235–41

  in North Carolina, 30

  portrayal in Birth, 21–5, 194–5

  setting and plot, 6

  still photos, 23, 25

  remake plans and, 261

  revival of, 14, 231–5, 235–41, 245

  screenings of Birth, 125

  uses Birth to recruit, 9, 239, 249

  widens scope, 234

  Wilson on, 198, 199, 200

  Ku Klux Klan—Its Origins, Growth and Disbandment (Lester and Wilson), 192

  Lady in the Dark (film), 269

  Lady of the Pavements (film), 267

  Laemmle, Carl, 71, 163

  Lang, Robert, 12, 16, 103, 188, 205

  Langum, David J., 220

  Lasky. See Famous Players-Lasky

  The Last Temptation of Christ (film), 8

  Lawrence, Florence, 70, 71

  Lea, Homer, 213

  Leab, Dan, 163

  Leach, George E., 238

  League for Political Education, 133

  LeBlanc, Paul, 122

  Lee, General Robert E.

  dappled gray horse of, 99

  historical reference, 174, 175, 176

  portrayal of, 19, 20, 88

  surrender of, 58, 96, 176, 178, 189

  Lee, Jennie, 85

  Legion of Decency, 7

  Lejeune, Caroline, 5

  Leonard, Marion, 70

  The Leopard’s Spots (Dixon), 37–42, 79, 82

  Lerner, Neil, 11–12

  Lester, J. C.

  Ku Klux Klan—Its Origins, Growth and Disbandment (with Wilson), 192

  Levenson, Joseph, 239–40

  Lewis, Ralph, 85, 274

  Lewis, William, 146, 150

  Liberty Theater, New York City, 115

  audience figures, 125

  bars black attendance, 140

  Dixon’s Fall of a Nation, 269

  NAACP campaign, 135, 139

  ticket prices, 121

  Liberty Theatre, New York city, 117–18

  The Life of George Washington (film), 72

  The Life of Moses (film), 72

  The Life of Napoleon (film), 72

  Lincoln, Abraham

  assassination of, 95–6, 96, 103, 188, 189–90, 190

  in Dixon’s novel, 44

  Griffith plays onstage, 63

  Henabery’s role as, 88

  historical reference, 174–6

  Kentucky and, 57–8

  legend of, 186–90, 208

  from Lost Cause viewpoint, 183–4

  and Mrs. Stowe, 36

  political argument of, 184–5

  portrayal in film, 19–20, 82, 188–90

  Lincoln, Elmo, 274

  Lincoln’s Dream (film). See The Birth of a Race

  Lippmann, Walter, 234

  The Little Tease (film), 73

  Lloyd George, David, 264

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, 212

  Loeb, Jacques, 138

  London, Jack, 213

  London Life (play), 63

  The Lonedale Operator (film), 77

  The Lonely Villa (film), 77

  Long, Walter, 23, 87, 274

  Lord, Daniel, 7

  Los Angeles Times (newspaper), 277–8

  Loud, Joseph P., 142, 144, 147, 148, 165

  Loud, Mary Hallowell, 165

  The Love Complex (Dixon), 269

  The Love Flower (film), 265

  Lustman, Charlie, 277

  Lynch, John R., 206

  Lynchings. See violence and unrest

  Lyon, Esther, 62

  Lyons, Charles, 8

  McAfee, Colonel Lee Roy, 29, 30, 201

  McCall, Samuel W., 148

  McCarthy, Joseph J., 120

  Boston campaign, 149

  defends Birth, 141–2

  historical sources, 175, 192

  injunction against Chicago, 152

  publicity campaign, 116–18, 122, 123

  McClennon, Dr. James J., 248

  McClure, Sam, 187

  McClure’s Magazine, 187

  MacCullough (Campbell) Players, 53–4

  McCutcheon, George, 66, 67

  McCutcheon, Wallace, 76

  McDaniel, Matthew, 10

  MacDowell, Melbourne, 64

  McGruder, Aaron, 278

  McGuire, W. D., 134, 136

  McKelway, Alexander J., 219

  McKinley, William, 180

  Majestic Film Company, 78

  turns down The Clansman, 80, 98

  The Man in Gray: A Romance of North and South (Dixon), 269

  A Man of the People: A drama of Abraham Lincoln (Dixon), 269

  The Man Who Knew Lincoln (film), 188

  Mann Act, 220–1

  Mann, Alexander, 142

  Manners, Lady Diana, 264

  Manning, A. E., 224

  Man’s Genesis (film), 85

  Mantle, Burns, 117

  The Mark of the Beast (film), 269, 270

  Marks, Martin, 107, 108

  Marlowe, Julia, 61

  Marsh, Mae, 18, 70, 83, 266, 273–4

  cast in Birth, 85

  Marsh, Marguerite, 85

  Martin, Bob, 194

  Marvin, Arthur, 67

  Marvin, Henry, 69, 71, 73–4

  Marx, Karl, 254

  The Massacre (film), 72–3, 74

  Mayer, David, 13

  Mayer, Louis B., 118, 119

  Meffert Stock Company, 62–3

  Méliès, George, 75

  Mellett, Lowell, 249

  Men and Women (Belasco), 62

  Merritt, Russell, 12, 114, 202

  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 271

  Micheaux, Oscar

  Within Our Gates, 11, 12

  Midnight Express (film), 8

  Miller, Maude Murray, 156

  Miller, Paul D. (DJ Spooky), 277

  Milliken, Carl E., 243, 248, 258, 260

  A Million and One Nights (Ramsaye), 5

  Les Misérables (film), 72

  Mississippi Valley Historical Association, 174

  Mitchell, Alice Miller, 251

  Mitchell, John Purroy, 104, 120, 136, 138–9

  historical truth, 175

  publicity campaign, 122, 123

  Mitchell, Margaret

  Gone With the Wind, 9, 259

  Mitchell, Theodore, 115–18

  Mitry, Jean, 5, 94, 279

  Mme. Sans-Gêne (film), 106

  Money Train (film), 8

  Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat

  De l’esprit des lois, 211

  Montgomery Advertiser (newspaper), 51

  Monty Python’s Life of Brian (film), 8

  Moore, Fred R., 137, 138, 237

  Moore, Hammond, 162

  Moore, Michael

  Bowling for Columbine, 262–3

  Moore, Owen, 70, 78

  The Mother and the Law (film), 263

  Motion Picture News (magazine), 278

  Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC), 53, 69–70

  Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), 7, 239, 248

  remake plans, 258, 259–61

  See also Hays, Will; Production Code

  Motley, John Lothrop,

  Mottelay, Paul F.

  The Soldier in Our Civil War (with Campbell-Copeland), 177

  The Moving Picture World, 117, 181

  Müller, Max, 210

  Munsey, Frank, 187

  Münsterberg, Hugo, 251

  Museum of Modern Art, 256, 257


  editing, 102, 103

  orchestra at premiere, 15–16

  performance of, 4, 114, 124

  score for Birth, 107–9

  use in films, 105–7

  The Music Master (film), 67

  The Musketeers of Pig Alley (film), 68

  Mutual Film Corporation v. Industrial Commission of Ohio, 132–3, 173

  The Mystery of Morrow’s Rest (film), 156

  Nation Aflame (film), 269

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 14

  ability to campaign, 131–4

  ACLU confrontation, 247–8

  on Birth’s effect, 250

  Boston campaign, 141–50, 237–8

  Chicago campaign, 150–3

  early protest against Birth, 6

  fight against revived Klan, 235–41

  film to counter Birth, 162–8

  growth and change of, 169

  Kansas campaign, 157–8, 168, 240–1

  later wartime context, 227–30

  Los Angeles campaign, 15, 113, 129–31

  New York campaign, 113, 136–40, 235–7, 239–40

  Ohio campaign, 156–7, 168, 228

  other local campaigns, 158–60

  papers on Birth, 13

  Payne studies and, 252–3

  Pennsylvania campaign, 153–5

  power struggles within, 168

  present day worries about Birth, 277

  remake worries, 258–62

  rivalries and, 224

  sound version of Birth, 243–9

  southern states campaign, 160–2, 228, 229

  substance over style, 284, 285

  sum of campaign efforts, 168–70

  tensions over censorship, 133

  National Board of Censorship of Motion Pictures, 6

  approves Birth, 129, 130–1

  on Birth’s qualities, 279

  cheers Griffith, 136

  creation of, 70

  NAACP case against Birth, 134–6

  New York City campaign, 137–8

  sum of NAACP efforts, 168

  National Business League, 223

  National Committee for Study of Social Values in Motion Pictures, 251

  National Council of Women, 260

  National Equal Rights League, 238

  National Negro Business League, 166

  National Press Club, 112

  Natural Born Killers (film), 8

  The Negro in Hollywood Films (Jerome), 257–8

  Negro National Business League, 144–5

  Nelson, Robert J., 230

  Neptune’s Daughter (film), 123

  Nerney, May Childs, 133

  alternate film project, 164–6

  Chicago campaign, 151, 152, 153

  dismayed by Boston opening, 145

  on financial inducements, 157

  on Griffith, 152

  on harm of Birth, 160, 164, 250

  LA campaign against Birth, 134–6

  local campaigns, 158

  on New York City campaign, 139–40

  Pennsylvania campaign, 156

  resignation of, 168

  southern states, 160

  sums up campaign effort, 168

  “A New Institution” (Tourgée), 194

  The New Republic, 138

  New York City Theater Owners’ Association, 240

  New York Commercial (newspaper), 117

  New York Dramatic Mirror (newspaper), 106

  The New York Dramatic Mirror (newspaper), 74–5, 77

  New York Press (newspaper), 118

  New York Times (newspaper), 117

  News and Courier (newspaper), 51

  Nichols, Dudley, 261

  nickelodeons, 4, 250

  mass market audiences, 113–14, 125

  Nicolay, John G., 184, 186–7

  The Nigger/The Mystery of Morrow’s Rest (film), 156

  Noble, Peter, 190–1, 254–5, 256–7

  on Birth’s racism, 282

  Nolan, Alan T., 180

  Nordau, Max, 41

  The Northern Schoolteacher (film), 231–2

  Nowell, Virginia, 259

  Odets, Clifford, 257

  Oglesby, Becky, 60

  Oglesby, Mary. See Griffith, Mary

  Old Isaacs the Pawnbroker (film), 67

  The Old Soldier’s Story (film), 181

  O’Meara, Stephen, 146

  One Exciting Night (film), 266

  One Flag at Last (film), 188

  The One Woman (Dixon), 42–3

  filmed by Dixon, 269

  play version, 52, 65

  O’Neill, Nance, 64, 73

  Oppenheimer, Harry C., 166

  Ormont Theater, Orange, 247

  Orphans of the Storm (film), 266, 274

  Osborne, James M., 136

  Our American Cousin (Taylor), 189

  Our Movie-Made Children (Forman), 251–2

  Ovington, Mary White, 133, 142, 165

  Page, Thomas Nelson, 179

  Page, Walter Hines, 33, 37

  Pallette, Eugene, 218, 274–5

  Parker, Theodore, 212

  Parkhurst, Rev. Dr. Charles H., 142, 205

  Parkman, Francis, 211

  Parsons, Louella, 259

  The Passing of a Great Race (Grant), 213

  Payne, John Howard, 79

  Payne Fund Studies, 14

  audience reaction to Birth, 9

  film’s social effects, 251–3

  Peabody, George Foster, 142, 149

  Pearson, Roberta E., 76

  People’s Institute, 134

  Pershing, John J., 227

  Peters, Andrew J., 237

  Peterson, Ruth C., 252, 253

  Phagan, Mary, 232, 233

  Phillips, Ulrich B., 206

  Pickford, Mary, 70, 78, 85, 265

  Pike, James S.

  The Prostrate State, 192, 195–8

  Pillsbury, Albert E., 150

  Pippa Passes (film), 75

  Platt, David, 254

  Platt, Harry, 255

  Playing the Race Card (Williams), 12

  Plessy v. Ferguson, 214

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 79

  Populist Party, 40

  Porter, Edwin S., 75, 76, 77

  Porter, George D., 154–5

  Potamkin, Harry, 255

  Pott, August F., 210

  Powell, Dilys, 4–5

  Prescott, William H., 211

  The Prescript of the Ku Klux Klan (Fleming), 192

  The Princess in the Vase (film), 67

  Prisoner of Zenda (play), 64

  Proctor, George D., 4–5, 278

  Production Code, 7–8, 260

  The Program (film), 8

  Progressive Labor Party, 9

  prohibition, 219

  The Prostrate State: South Carolina under Negro Government (Pike), 192, 195–8

  Pryor, Sara, 179

  Queen Elizabeth (film), 6, 73, 106, 108

  Quo Vadis (film), 73, 78, 120

  race and racism

  the anti-communist argument, 254–8

  Aryans and Anglo-Saxons, 209–113, 216–17

  Atlanta race riot (1906), 52

  audience reactions, 249–53

  in Birth, 281–5

  black actors in Birth, 13

  Boston unrest, 146–7

  building solidarity, 150

  changing demography, 159

  construction of whiteness, 209

  continuing unease about Birth, 277–8

  deleted scenes, 104

  Dixon’s beliefs, 38–9, 41–2

  early reports of Birth, 113

  ethnic gro
ups in films, 8

  Europeans, 215–16

  flight to Liberia, 204

  Griffith’s own beliefs, 80, 191, 254–5, 281

  grounds for banning Birth, 130

  growth and change of activism, 169–70

  Hampton epilogue, 145, 153, 224–5

  Hollywood’s bias, 253

  lack of black solidarity, 140

  miscegenation issue, 7, 216–22, 234

  myth of widespread rape, 203

  Oriental immigrants, 214–15

  perceived hierarchies, 212–13

  populations and, 149–50

  portrayal of in Birth, 21–5

  protests against Birth, 6–11, 9

  recent scholarship, 11–12

  reception of play, 51–2

  Reconstruction era, 29–31

  segregation/Jim Crow laws, 213–14

  Southern thought, 40

  stereotyped roles, 7, 132, 163

  style-substance dichotomy, 283–4

  U.S. school desegregation, 9

  wartime context of, 227–30

  wartime solidarity, 249

  white Americans’ fears, 213–16

  See also National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  Raleigh Hotel, Washington D.C., 112

  Ramona (film), 64, 75

  Ramsaye, Terry

  A Million and One Nights, 5

  Ramsdell, Charles W., 191

  Ranger, Mae B., 98

  Ranke, Leopold von, 173

  Ransier, Alonzo J., 174

  Rappe, Virginia, 231

  Reception. See audiences; film criticism; film reviews

  Reconstruction, Political and Economic, 1865–1877 (Dunning), 191

  Reconstruction era

  Birth’s bias, 204–6

  Dixon and, 29–31, 38–9, 44–7

  Du Bois defends, 206

  end of, 179–80

  fear of freed slaves, 213–14

  Griffith’s historical sources, 190–200

  Lincoln and, 189

  portrayal in Birth, 21–5

  Reconstruction in South Carolina, 1865–1877 (Reynolds), 192

  Reddick, Lawrence, 235, 253, 282

  Reed, Willis E., 228

  Regent Theater, New York, 4

  Regier, Cornelius, 187

  La Régle du jeu (film), 8

  Reid, Wallace, 273

  Reliance-Majestic, 78


  Dixon’s career in, 33–5

  protests against films, 8

  Renoir, Jean, 268

  La Régle du jeu, 8

  The Reprieve (film), 188

  Rescued from the Eagle’s Nest (film), 67

  Rettig, Adolph J., 247

  Returning the Gaze (Everett), 12

  Reynolds, John S.

  Reconstruction in South Carolina, 192

  Rhodes, James Ford, 141

  Riefenstahl, Leni, 10

  Triumph of the Will, 8

  The Rise of the American Film (Jacobs), 5, 255, 256

  Risley, Ned, 62

  Robinson, Cedric J., 216

  Rocchio, Vincent F., 12

  Rockefeller, John D., 34

  Rockefeller Foundation, 246

  Roediger, David, 209

  Rogin, Michael, 11–12, 173, 208, 279


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