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The Dirty Hotel King

Page 17

by Cassandra Dee

  She always wanted to be close to me. She always wanted to hold me.

  But me? I didn’t deserve her. I was forty-five years old, and I had an empire to run. She was young girl. She needed to have more experiences and live of life full of purpose and discovery. She couldn’t waste her time on me – she deserved to be with someone who would treasure her. Someone who wasn’t already married to a woman called The Grand.

  It was tempting to think of a life with Rosy. I let myself envision a perfect future where Rosy and I loved each other forever. It was sweet, with white picket fences and dazzling sunsets.

  Eventually though, I would hurt her. I’m not a normal man. I’m a beast. An animal who takes what he wants.

  No woman was ever safe loving me, so why would Rosy be any different?

  Exhaling loudly, I slowly opened the bathroom door.

  I walked over to the sleeping girl and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

  It had to end here.

  I quietly went to the closet and started pulling out my clothes. I had to pack quickly but quietly.

  Rosy had already put away her things, but I wanted to give her a going away present. Especially since I wouldn’t be here to say goodbye.

  The night was shockingly quiet, and it made me anxious.

  I was so afraid she would hear my heart beating in my chest. Sweat was crawling down my body, reminding me how soft I had grown.

  The Grand had been my only love for the longest time, and I needed to get back to her – that was the only way I could push through my confusing feelings for Rosy.

  Maybe leaving the country would help?

  Nothing sounded right. I wanted to badly to rush back into bed and hold the girl. I wanted to kiss her face, to push hair away from her forehead and cradle her until the sun rose.

  I let myself stare at Rosy’s perfect form for another second. Then I forced myself to look away.

  After everything was packed, I quietly dragged the suitcase out of the bedroom and into the living room. With my heart in my throat, I called my driver and told him to arrive at the cabin by five-thirty in the morning. After all, I needed to get out of here before she woke, and the girl was naturally an early riser.

  I sat down briefly trying to catch my breath. I didn’t even want to think of how devastated Rosy would be.

  I shook my head in the darkness of my office. Fuck. Desperation crowded my mind, as did loneliness. I was used to the loneliness, but I didn’t like it.

  The truth of the matter was that I was empty inside. I was so hollow and dark, with nothing to bring me clarity. Using and hurting women was a part of my drug.

  I needed to fuck. Having my cock balls deep in some woman gave me purpose. And while it only lasted a moment, that was good enough. Afterwards, I’d do what I do best: run. I’d get out of there as soon as she fell fast asleep, and in some rare cases, hopelessly in love.

  I knew it was wrong, but I had to see her again. With my heart in my throat, I crept back to the bedroom and watched Rosy slumber.

  Rosy suddenly moaned in her sleep. I jumped, afraid she’d wake up and see me leaving.

  But no. She tossed and turned, laying on her stomach with her ass in the air. My mouth felt dry as I looked at her plump thighs.

  When I looked at Rosy, I saw something special. Something truly remarkable.

  Back when I was younger I had no control over my life. Everyone else called the shots and told me how to think, feel, and be. I hated that.

  Having The Grand was my first taste of true freedom. The freedom to do whatever I wanted. And having beautiful women whenever I wanted only added to the heady sense of power.

  But Rosy was the only one who had ever made me weak.

  It took me the entire month of our stay in the cabin to realize that.

  Her beauty wasn’t just on the outside. It beamed through her entire form. I’d never met anyone before with Rosy’s special kind of inner beauty. There were so many things about the world she didn’t understand, but she chose to see the good in it all. For example, she loved her father beyond all measure, even though he was a useless lout and a drunk. I’d never met another person who was capable of such unconditional love.

  Compared to me, Rosy was a goddamned saint.

  I admired her mental strength. She was so strong. Stronger than I could ever be. My past and sadness ate me alive and turned me into something unrecognizable.

  I moved closer to the bed and lay down next to Rosy, careful not to touch her. It felt like such a sin to have corrupted the beautiful Rosy. She was like a present. But I didn’t deserve her.

  Rosy’s arms were outstretched, almost as if she were calling out for me. Even though she was sleeping soundlessly, I could hear her gentle, lilting voice in my head. The way she’d say my name. Her soft moans. Her cries.

  I sat back up again. I was too angsty. Nothing felt right, no matter what I did. I would always feel this drowning sense of guilt.

  I was so goddamn stupid. Why did I have to make that deal with her father? Fuck. Why didn’t I just let this damned family go? Forget about Rosy and her asshole father.

  I had to stop being such a pussy.

  My thoughts were racing a mile per minute. Getting up from the bed, I sighed and went back into my office.

  I couldn’t stay away from Rosy even if I tried. How could she be so precious? And so perfect? I felt like such a fraud. Sighing heavily, I quietly stood up and looked at the clock.

  It was quarter to five. Almost time to go. My driver would be here in another fifteen minutes. My palms had started to sweat and I grunted irritably, wiping them on my thighs.

  I felt so goddamned guilty.

  With an anxious pang in my heart, I got up and went back to the bedroom for a second time. I just needed to watch her.

  I knelt beside the bed and watched her perky tits rise and fall with each breath she took. Her pink lips were slightly parted, and her luscious curls fell over the side of her face.

  I lifted my hand to brush them off her features, desperate to see all of her pretty features. A smile fell on my face as she moaned softly, sensing my touch.

  “Rosy,” I whispered too low for her to hear. I leaned in and kissed her pouty lips, savoring the taste and sensation of her soft mouth against mine.

  Running my hand gently down her chest, I leaned in again and kissed her breasts softly, lingering around her erect nipples. I could see goosebumps forming on her skin. Even in sleep, she warmed to my touch. She was addicted to me, and she craved me just as much as I craved her.

  I took the covers and started to pull them over her, but stopped when she stirred.

  She stretched her arms and legs out. As her legs spread, I caught a glimpse of her pink pussy gleaming between her white thighs. My cock felt hard in my pants as I stared hungrily at her perfect cunt.

  Like a mesmerized man, I dropped the covers at her knees and leaned down and placed a kiss on her cunt. She smelled like flowers and I was hungry for a one last taste of her tight pussy.

  Then lights washed through the cabin windows and my heart dropped when I realized it was Gabriel, my driver.

  I had to leave.

  Exhaling deeply, I kissed her cunt one last time and hurried out of the room with her sensual taste still on my lips. I grabbed my suitcase and walked out the front door without looking back.

  Gabriel was already standing outside the car with a cigarette in his hand. His black suit and hat looked freshly ironed.

  He noticed me coming and threw out his cigarette.

  “Gabriel,” I said gruffly with a nod.

  “Mr. Steele,” Gabriel replied with a tip of his hat. He took my suitcase from me and threw it in the trunk, then hurried to open my door. “Sir.”

  I got in, never taking my eyes off the cabin. As Gabriel shut the door, then hopped in the front, I hoped for a brief moment that Rosy would wake up and come running out. I wanted to her stop me. But that was never going to happen.

  “To the air
port, Mr. Steele?” Gabriel asked.

  “Yes,” I replied.

  Gabriel started backing out of the long cabin driveway, taking me away from my precious Rosy.

  It had to this way though. I couldn’t hurt her. I couldn’t make her damaged goods.

  “Gabriel,” I said suddenly.

  “Yes, Mr. Steele?”

  “Do you have those things I asked for?”

  “Yes. All ready and set to go.”

  I sat back with relief. At least she’d be safe. Maybe even happy. I looked out the window and watched the trees as we drove further out of the woods.

  I’d miss the warmth and seclusion of the cabin. I’d miss the little world that existed only between Rosy and I.

  I’d miss everything about her.

  But I had to move on and forget about her. There’s tons of other pussy. She was going to just have to get over me, and forget about me.

  I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, with Rosy’s curvy body etched in my memory.

  Chapter 17


  I woke up with sunlight streaming through the open window. Surprisingly, I felt awake and content. I knew it was early in the morning because the light was dim and my lids were still heavy with sleep.

  Yawning, I rolled over in bed lazily, and patted the side of the bed, expecting to feel Steele’s rock hard abs.

  To my surprise, my hand touched the cool cotton sheet instead. My eyelids shot open and I gasped softly when I realized Steele wasn’t in bed with me.

  I sat up abruptly. The room was quiet. I kicked my legs over the bed and walked slowly to the bathroom and peaked my head inside.


  Silence. It was so weird.

  My heart started to race. I walked quickly to the living room. It was so quiet that I could hear my own heartbeat thundering over my footsteps.

  “Steele?” I called out once more.

  More silence. My palms started to sweat profusely.

  I sat down on the couch as frustration mingled with sadness began to take over.

  Where was he?

  “Don’t panic,” I told myself. “I’m sure he wouldn’t have just left me here, all by myself.” But as I swallowed hard, the anxiety began to build until I was nervous and shaking.

  I was just about to call Steele when I heard a loud beep in the driveway.

  My heart slammed against my ribs and I gasped. Cautiously, I stood up and tiptoed to look out the window.

  In the driveway, I saw a black sedan with tinted windows parked right by the side of the cabin. An older man in a black suit leaned against the door, smoking a cigarette.

  I swallowed hard and cracked the front door open, which caught his attention.

  He looked up quickly, throwing the cigarette on the ground and grinding it out with the tip of his shiny black shoes.

  “Rosy Butler?” He asked in a thick Italian accent.

  I stepped outside and nodded nervously.

  “Yes? Who are you?”

  “Gabriel, ma’am. I’m here to escort you back to your residence.”

  My heart sank into my stomach.

  “Did Steele hire you?” My throat felt dry.

  Gabriel tipped his hat and walked smoothly over to me, handing me a white, gloved hand to shake.

  “Yes, ma’am. I am to take you to your residence at exactly twelve-thirty,” he informed me as he shook my hand.

  I nodded and sighed heavily.

  “Well, I have to pack-”

  “Oh, Mr. Steele has already gathered your things in fresh luggage.”

  My mouth dropped open. He bought me new luggage? I hadn’t even heard him leave, let alone pack all my things.

  I rushed to the black sedan and ran to the trunk.

  “Open it please,” I asked breathlessly.

  Gabriel nodded and swiftly popped the trunk open.

  There was a trunk full of designer luggage with my initials emblazoned in gold on each piece.

  Tears pricked my eyes as I slowly shut the trunk.

  “Ms. Rosy, is there something wrong?” Gabriel asked.

  I wiped my eyes quickly and shook my head.

  “No. I’ll grab my shoes so we can be on our way.”

  I hurried back into the cabin and rushed to the bedroom. I shut the door behind me and sank to the floor, tears flooding down my cheeks.

  He’d already left, without saying goodbye. I really had been just a transaction to him. I wondered if he gave engraved luggage to all of his virginal conquests.

  I sobbed quietly into my hands, too hurt to even move.

  The last moments I’d shared with Steele had been amazing and a part of me was hoping and praying that he’d felt the same way, that he’d want to stay with me.

  But I’d been an idiot to hope for such things.

  I exhaled deeply, trying to gather myself.

  It wasn’t rocket science. He’d made a deal with my father and that was that. I shouldn’t have expected anything, but the sex and emotions had gotten all too tangled in my head. My heart had a least expected a goodbye, but his distance made it clear there would be no farewell.

  Why had I ever thought differently?

  I pulled myself off the floor and dragged myself to the bathroom. Splashing some water on my face, I attempted to pull myself out of my heartbroken haze.

  I stared at my broken, tired reflection in the mirror and almost screamed with frustration and sadness.

  This was really the end.

  Snapping back to reality, I knew I had to get back to the car.

  My shoes were sitting right by the bed, untouched by Steele. I shuffled into them and staggered out of the cabin.

  As I closed the front door behind me, I took one last look inside at the gorgeous oak walls and tiny kitchen I had grown to love. I’d prepared so many delicious meals there, each with the hope of making Steele fall in love with me.

  And I’d failed, every single time.

  The bedroom where Steele had taken me, again and again, and the small pond where he had awakened me sexually.

  With a hard sigh, I pulled the knob until it clicked. The door closed and locked immediately.

  I turned around and walked towards the black sedan. Gabriel stood with a fake smile plastered on his wrinkled face, and opened the door for me.

  “Thank you,” I said softly as I climbed inside.

  “Of course,” Gabriel piped. He shut the door, then sat in the driver's seat and I felt the car begin to move.


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