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The Dirty Hotel King

Page 22

by Cassandra Dee

  What the hell? Why couldn’t we just use his room? But maybe this was an out. Maybe he didn’t actually want to have sex, so much as make out under the bleachers. That’d be more palatable, if only barely.

  “Okay fine,” I said grudgingly, turning back to my books. “But don’t be late.”

  When it was finally three, I made my way over to the football field. I felt relief when I saw Cris’s hulking shoulders behind the bleachers. Part of me had thought his proposal a joke: after all, it was so ludicrous. Wasn’t meeting under the bleachers something people did in the movies? Was this really happening?

  Taking a deep breath, I slowly went behind the metal seats. Cris was sitting and smoking a cigarette. He blew out the smoke, his eyes closed as if he were trying to savor the moment.

  I cleared my throat, and he looked up and grinned deviously.

  “Rosy,” he said as he stood up and put his cigarette out. He walked over to me and grabbed me by the hips, pulling my form close. “Finally. Shit girl, you made me wait.”

  I gasped as he grabbed my ass.

  “Right, I’m here,” I said as I tried to avoid his gaze. But he grabbed me roughly by the chin and forced me to look him in the eyes. Something about him was almost too forceful. Steele was aggressive, but he was still caring. Cris didn’t seem that way at all.

  I started to feel uncomfortable and tried to push myself out of his arms, but Cris picked me up and wound my legs around his waist even though they were like stiff logs.

  “I’m not letting you go nowhere,” he grunted. He forced his lips onto mine, and I almost gagged.

  “Get off!” I cried out. Cris immediately dropped me, causing me to fall to my knees. I stood up and pushed him back.

  “What the hell, Rosy?” Cris looked bewildered, his curly blonde hair sticking up on his head. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” I was breathing heavily, my fists clenched, with sweat dripping down my face.

  I don’t what was going through my head, but I felt guilty. I felt that I still belonged to Steele, even though he wasn’t in my life anymore.

  I sighed and pushed my fallen curls from off my face.

  “I’m sorry. I just don’t wanna go so fast,” I admitted as I looked at Cris apologetically.

  His face softened and he moved in, kissing me tenderly on the forehead. Just like Steele had done.

  “I wouldn’t wanna do that either gorgeous,” he whispered. He grabbed my ass again, and this time, I just let him. After all, I had to move on. Steele had said his goodbyes, and maybe making out with Cris was a way to get the hotel magnate out of my mind. Maybe if I went through with this wretched scene, I’d forget Steele once and for all.

  With shaking hands, I pulled away and lifted up my top, letting my boobs spill out. The teenage boy’s eyes grew wide and hungry as he quickly grabbed them like a puppy seeing a new toy.

  He moved in and squeezed my tits, sucking on my nipples. It didn’t feel good. He wasn’t as smooth as Steele, more like getting gnawed at my gnats.

  But I let him stay there for another five minutes before pulling away, feeling dead inside. Taking a deep breath, I looked him deep in the eyes and grabbed his hard bulge, squeezing it firmly. It was small, but I forced myself to keep going.

  He gasped, his eyes rolling back. But no more. I couldn’t do it. I turned and walked away, leaving Cris with a rock hard boner. For the first time, I finally felt like I was in control.

  Of course, leaving him hanging only backfired. The days after that consisted of Cris doing everything in his power to get me to sleep with him. He would buy me lunch, carry my books, and even pick up my laundry if I asked. But it was always a no. I just wasn’t interested, and although this sounds bad, the teenage boy was a beard for me. My true heart lay with someone else, even if on the outside, it looked like I was in a passionate relationship with this rugby jock.

  Of course, in reality, I was disgusted by Cris. He was a weak animal with bad habits. He had terrible hygiene and would shower twice a week at most – sometimes not at all, if he was getting ready for a big game. It was some good luck thing. Plus, he never washed his gym clothes, so his gym bag smelled like dirty socks.

  And whenever he kissed me, there was the odor leftover lunch. I could almost gag at the sight of him. I especially hated when he took his shirt off. He had a muscular body with defined pecs and abs, but terrible back acne, and it was always peeling and shiny.

  He was nothing like Steele. The alpha male had worked for everything he had, whereas Cris just spent his father’s money. Steele was naturally toned and athletic, but Cris was fake with bulging muscles from too much steroid use. Steele handled losses with grace, already planning his comebacks. By contrast, one time when the rugby team lost, Cris flipped over a bench and kicked another player in the throat. Another time he destroyed a classroom, and when I tried to stop him, he pushed me to the floor.

  I swore I would never speak to him again, but he ran after me and fell to his knees crying uncontrollably. In that moment, I almost hated him. But the thought of being without him was terrible. If Cris and I broke up, what would I have then? I certainly didn’t have Steele.

  So I forgave the boy. But it only reminded me how much I wished for a real man. My man. The one I missed so much.

  Why did Steele have to leave? I hated myself for even thinking about him, but I couldn’t help it. The only good part was I still had my own place, and after each day of class, I could find refuge there, and forget about my problems.

  Sometimes Cris would come back with me, and I’d cook for him, but he never appreciated it, merely letting out a ginormous burp after scarfing everything down in five minutes. Again, totally gross. For Steele, I’d put affection and time and love into every meal. But for Cris, I didn’t even bother.

  This is my life now. And while school and classes are okay, it’s just a song and dance. My heart isn’t in it. I miss Steele too much, but he’s not coming back. So what do I do now?

  Chapter 21


  Another couple of weeks had passed, and I was beginning to grow exasperated with Cris. My only escape was hiding in the library from time to time, but the boy still managed to find me.

  He hated it when I wasn’t close enough for him to grab, like I wanted to be treated like a hunk of meat. The thing is, if it had been Steele, I wouldn’t have minded. But with Cris, it was just gross.

  “Where were you?” he demanded.

  I rolled my eyes and tried to pretend I didn’t hear him.

  Cris cleared his throat and repeated his question, this time making his voice louder. My skin felt hot as I looked him in the eye.

  His eyes were bloodshot red, and he looked like he hadn’t slept in days. It was Monday, and I’d ignored his calls all weekend after deciding that I wanted a break.

  I knew he’d be upset, but I didn’t think he’d remember enough to make a scene. After all, he slept tons of other girls, blaming me because I wouldn’t sleep with him.

  I honestly didn’t care though. If anything, it just took the pressure off of me. I was secretly grateful.

  “Cris, we’re in the library, lower your voice.” That really did it.

  He grabbed me by the arm and tried to drag me towards the exit, but I kicked him in the leg.

  We were on the top floor so I knew no one would see anything, but I had had it with him.

  “Get the fuck away from me!” I screamed. Cris seemed bewildered at my outburst, but I couldn’t contain it.

  I ran back to the table I was sitting at and started reading my book again. From the corner of my eye, I could see Cris still standing where I left him, but after another moment, he finally left.

  I sighed in relief. I tried to focus myself on my biology homework to lessen my anxiety. I had a big test coming up, and I really wanted a good grade.

  After a good forty-five minutes of studying, a shadow fell on me. It was huge, casting my books into shadow and making it hard to see the fine print of the text. I felt
annoyed all over again.

  “Cris, I thought I said go away.”

  “Cris? Who’s Cris?” came a low, smooth voice.

  My breath caught in my throat. It was Steele. My palms felt sweaty and I felt my stomach flutter with crazy butterflies. All of those months I had spent waiting for him, and here he was. I tried to steady myself for the sight of him, but I was putty in his hands.

  Slowly, I looked up at the big man. He looked like an Italian renaissance painting. His dark hair was pushed to one side, those blue eyes bright.

  His eyes were angry though, and the look was so sexy that I could hardly breathe.

  My mouth felt too dry to speak.

  I could feel sweat slipping down my back, making my shirt cling to my skin. I was positive I would faint right then and there.

  “S-Steele?” I said quietly. All of my defiance seemed to be sucked out of me at the sight of Steele.

  He clenched his jaw when I said his name. I couldn’t believe that he was here – how had he gotten on campus? This place is a gated campus, where only people with passes are admitted. Plus, only students were allowed in the library. How did he get in?

  But I would be a liar if I said that I wasn’t thrilled to see him standing in front of me. He looked unbelievably gorgeous in a loose, button-up shirt that was blue and dark trousers. His top button was unbuttoned to reveal his toned chest.

  “Rosy,” Steele finally growled. He leaned onto the table, making his biceps flex through his shirt.

  I wanted him to take me so badly, right there in the stacks. My heart beat, and I was sure he could see the pulse racing at my throat.

  He seemed to be avoiding my gaze though. Was he...upset for some reason? Why? He was the one who left me alone in the cabin without even a goodbye.

  I stood and folded my arms across my chest.

  “How did you get into the library? You’re not a student here.”

  The caused his head to jerk up. He smirked, a cocky grin on his face.

  “Don’t worry about how I got into the library. I want to know who this Cris guy is.”

  I laughed and shook my head. His answer threw me completely off. My stomach started to twist into knots, but I knew I had to stand my ground.

  “You’re kidding right?”

  Steele flared his nostrils.

  “Do I look like I’m kidding?”

  I started to get pissed. Why did he care who Cris was?

  “What goes on in my life is my business. Why do you care anyways? You left, remember?”

  Steele moved closer to me, his sea-blue eyes full of rage.

  “I care when I’m being cheated on.”

  My mouth fell open in disbelief.

  “Cheating?” I repeated slowly. How dare he after all these months? My blood boiled. Flashbacks of the past few months flooded my head. Tossing and turning, unable to sleep, because I missed him so badly. Not wanting to eat. Begging everyone who knew Steele to give me any information they had. Typing him endless emails that were never sent and immediately deleted.

  I had been a mess and it took me nearly three months to finally pull myself together. But I wasn’t a cheater. He couldn’t accuse me of that. That wasn’t fair because Steele and I weren’t a couple, nor had we ever been.

  I loved him, but I emphatically wasn’t his, by his own choice. I goggled at him with disbelief, thoughts whirling through my head.

  “Do you need a dictionary?” he drawled.

  That was the last straw.

  I pushed myself in front of him, bringing my face inches from his.

  “It’s not cheating if we were never in a relationship, buster. You made it very clear that I was nothing but a transaction, so save me the theatrics and go hop on one of your fancy jets!”

  I was furious at Steele. Even though I loved him with all my heart, he didn’t own me. I spent an entire month falling in love with a man I couldn’t have.

  It was brutal. And then he disappeared with no goodbye. Besides, I had been faithful to him. I could have slept with Cris so many times, but I never did. My heart and body still belonged to Steele, even if he didn’t know it.

  I felt incredibly stupid.

  “I have every right to be concerned who you’re surrounding yourself with, Rosy.” Steele’s face softened, his eyes ordering me to understand.

  But I couldn't. I was too hurt. All the emotions I had tucked away started to creep back up and I felt incredibly vulnerable.

  I turned my back to Steele, fighting back tears.

  “Go away,” I whispered.

  “Rosy,” Steele said in a soft, low tone. “I just want the best for you.”

  Steele wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. My pulse was beating like crazy as he moved his fingers along my collarbone.

  I was so easy to break. He knew my body so well.

  “Steele, please,” I pleaded, knowing that I was seconds away from giving into his dark desires.

  Steele had no mercy, though. Not for me, and not for anyone.

  I should have known that.

  He moved his hands down my body, careful not to go underneath my clothes. I could feel his jagged breath on my skin.

  His touch felt like fire on my cold body. I was desperate for him. I slowly began to melt into him, wanting nothing more but to be his once more.

  “Rosy, I’ve missed you,” Steele growled in my hair.

  I couldn’t take it.

  “I need you,” I whispered back.

  That was all it took. In a flash, he picked me up and strode behind the bookshelves. He set me down roughly and grabbed my hair roughly, pulling my head back so that the delicate line of my throat was exposed.

  “I thought I told you that you were mine,” he growled.

  I gasped for air and attempted to protest, but he slapped me on the ass. The sound rang out in the library as delicious feelings spread through my body. My pussy began to grow wet and I shivered in Steele’s hands.

  “Don’t speak. I didn’t give you permission.”

  I nodded my head quickly in compliance. I wanted him so badly that I didn’t care. Steele slipped his hands all over my body then pulled the vee neck of my top down. My boobs spilled out, inviting Steele closer. He dropped to his knees and cupped my tits, thumbing my stiff nipples until I released a loud moan.

  He sucked on my nipples hard and rubbed my pussy through my panties. I was squirming and moaning uncontrollably. It felt so good that I forgot everything. I forgot that it had been months since I’d felt Steele’s touch. I even forgot that we were in the middle of the Hudson University library.

  “Oh god!” I cried softly. “Yes!”

  He pushed me into the bookshelf and ripped open my skirt, before pressing his warm lips to mine.

  He tasted like sweet caramel, and his mouth was so possessive yet familiar. It was nothing like Cris’s meager kisses. Steele was passionate, like a hurricane seizing my soul. My pussy immediately became wet as the kiss awakened me. I spread my legs and reached out for his cock. I needed it inside me stat. Reading my mind, Steele undid his fly and pushed me to my knees.


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