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Real Vampires Don't Wear Size Six

Page 5

by Bartlett, Gerry

  “You ever been in the new club N-V, Penny?” I smiled at her as I turned off the engine.

  “No. You mean we’re going in there? I don’t exactly look right for the place.” Penny frowned down at her clothes. “When I woke up a vampire, I decided maybe I should go Goth but haven’t had time to shop. Damian had someone go to my apartment and grab this stuff. I may be fashion challenged, but I’ve been around Jenny enough to realize I’m not exactly rocking this look.”

  I grinned, loving this opportunity. “Well, then. Lucky for you, my shop is just down the street. And real vampires try to avoid looking like a stereotype. We let the fakes have the Goth look. If we hurry, we can get you fixed up and still get in before the club closes. I want you to meet one of my best friends. He’s the owner of N-V.”

  “Your shop. Vintage Vamp’s?” Penny climbed out of the car and looked around. “Let’s go. I love old clothes.”

  Like I couldn’t have figured that out. But Penny would soon learn that my taste was less Salvation Army and more upscale retro. I unlocked my front door, punched in my alarm code and turned on the lights. Penny hurried to the black clothes; I hurried to the warm autumn colors. If I had to whammy her to prevail, I would. This girl was not going to be the poster child for bad vampire stereotypes.

  “Go wash your face and brush your hair first while I pick out something for you to try on.” I pushed her to the back room. “Bathroom’s in there. I’m taking you to my hairdresser as soon as I can get you an appointment. Who’s been cutting your hair?”

  “I cut my own.” Penny frowned. “You want me to wash off my makeup?”

  “You have beautiful skin. You don’t need base or powder. And black lipstick is horrible on fangs. I have some mascara and a nice coral lipstick in my purse. That’s all you need.” I grabbed a green silk blouse and black pants in a size I figured would fit her and took them into the back. Shoes. The combat boots she had on were not made for dancing unless on someone’s grave.

  “Green? I like green. And I thought you wanted me out of black.” Penny snatched the clothes and pulled off her old ones to reveal the saddest bra and panties I’d ever seen. We definitely needed a trip to Wally World for some better ones. But not tonight.

  “Black pants are a staple. Those should fit. Try them.” I darted back into the shop and grabbed some black flats. “The boots have to go. See if these work. Unless you can wear heels.”

  “No, I fall down. Flats are fine. How are you getting the sizes right?” Penny’s skin and hair had come alive as soon as she put on the green. And the black pants fit as if tailored just for her.

  “I’m in retail and have waited on a lot of women. I can guess pretty accurately.” I grinned. “And you forgot to block your thoughts. You should hear them, very chaotic. Don’t be so uptight about shopping. A size is just a number. So what if you buy a sixteen one day and a fourteen another? Some brands run large, others run small.”

  “Yeah, and I’m this size now, forever.” Penny sighed. “Guess I’ll just have to deal.”

  “Yes, you will. Ready?” I put my arm through hers. “You can’t see yourself, but you look fabulous. Josh would so not take you to that awful party looking like this.”

  “Thanks, Glory.” Penny hugged me. “Let’s go. I’ve been dying to get into N-V but didn’t think I’d get past the doorman.”

  “Well, now you will. Even if you’re under twenty-one, you can whammy a mortal doorman. And if a paranormal is at the door, you just walk on up and they’ll know you’re a vamp by smell. Since Rafe and Nadia own the club, we’re always welcome. Nadia is a vampire and Rafael Valdez is a shape-shifter.” I added a gold jacket to my outfit to tone down the slut factor.

  “Shape-shifter?” Penny waited as I punched in the security code and locked the shop door behind us. “You mean they’re real too?”

  “Oh, yes. Weres too. Rafe can change into any form he wishes. So can you when you get the hang of things.” I started down the sidewalk. “I didn’t like to shift at first.” I laughed. “Well, for the first four hundred years actually. But it’s such a great defensive tool I had to get over it. Now I can do it when I have to. It does take a lot of energy. We’ll work on it.”

  “How totally cool. I can’t see why anyone wouldn’t want to be a vampire.” Penny paused as we got to the block where the red neon proclaimed we’d arrived at N-V.

  “Don’t kid yourself, Penny.” I gripped her hand. “Just a couple of hours ago you were crying about those morning coffees with your sister. And now you’ll never give your parents grandchildren, will you?”

  “Geez, Glory, rain on my parade, why don’t you? I was trying to make the best of it.” Penny jerked her hand from mine. “Let’s go. It’s late and I want to see the inside of this place.”

  “Fine. But also remember this is a test. You’ll be surrounded by mortals. Let’s see you rock that self-control you’re so sure you have.” I stalked up to the door, then smiled at the shifter standing there. “Hi, Trey, Rafe working tonight?”

  “Sure is. Come on in.” He sniffed. “Your friend here should probably show some ID but I’ll stamp her hand since she’s obviously not going to be drinking alcohol anyway.” He reached out. “Hi, pretty lady. I’m Trey.”

  Penny flushed and let him take her hand. “Penny. I’m new at this. Can you really tell what I am from my, um, smell?”

  “You bet.” Trey grinned. “You want some lessons in how to tell the difference? I’d be glad to tutor you. I’m off on Wednesday nights. Call me.” He pulled a card from his jeans pocket and handed it to her.

  “Thanks.” She tucked it into the black clutch I’d found for her.

  “Anytime.” With a wink he glanced into the club. “Oops, here comes the boss man. Talk about sense of smell. When Glory is in the vicinity, he knows instantly. Right, Glory?”

  I patted Trey on the shoulder, really happy with him for making a pass at Penny. She was positively glowing from the attention. And Trey was a hot guy. It had certainly taken her mind off the whole vamp issue and the mortals crowding around her. Her fangs were nowhere in sight.

  Still, I’d keep a close eye on her while we were here. I wasn’t sure I’d been wise bringing her to a place with so many temptations. But I had made her down an extra bottle of synthetic from my back room fridge before we’d left the shop. Hopefully that would help her stay under control.

  “Yes, you’re right. Penny, Rafe was my bodyguard for five years. He’s pretty well programmed to sense me from blocks away. Guess it’s a hard habit to break.”

  “Impossible to break.” Rafe snagged me around the waist and gave me a squeeze. “Good to see you here. Who’s this?” He smiled at Penny.

  “Penny Patterson. I’m mentoring her for the council. To make up for the recent debacle with the red eyes.” I gave Rafe a nudge. He was part demon himself and could make his own eyes red when things got dicey. “But I’m happy to help out a fledgling.”

  “Hi. You must be the former bodyguard.” Penny was gazing around the club as we moved inside. It was pretty spectacular with deep purple walls, those red neon N-Vs and lots of chrome and strobe lights, along with loud music and a throbbing beat. The place was packed.

  “That’s me, Rafael Valdez, at your service.” He shook her hand. “I mean it. You need anything. Can’t find Glory and need help, come here. If I can’t help you, someone else here will. I’ll pass the word. Paranormals stick together.” He said this quietly and there were no mortals near enough to hear him over the music.

  “Place seems to be doing well.” I was very conscious of Rafe’s arm still around my waist. I should move away. Put space between us. The fact that I hadn’t rebuffed him from the get-go bothered me. Maybe Jerry had been wise to give me space. I needed to get my Rafe attraction settled once and for all.

  “Business is booming. Even DJ nights like this one. We’ve got live acts lined up for every weekend for the next few months too.” Rafe found us a table near the dance floor.

p; “Good to hear.” I realized my toe was tapping. I did love to dance. I looked around and saw Trey had pulled Penny out on the floor. She was shaking her head and he was showing her some smooth moves.

  “Trey’s a nice guy. She could do a lot worse.” Rafe slid his hand up to my shoulder.

  “She’s really confused right now. I have to keep a close eye on her because she has a sister . . .” I couldn’t concentrate with Rafe’s finger trailing up to my ear. “Rafe, stop it.”

  “Let’s dance then.” He pulled me onto the floor, and as if he’d willed it, the music changed to a slow song and the lights dimmed.

  I looked up at him accusingly but he just grinned and shook his head, then pulled me close, his warm chest firmly against mine. It felt too damned good. And he danced too damned well. I gave in after I checked to make sure Penny was still on the dance floor. She was, with a dreamy look on her face. Hmm. Well, I’d make sure she went home with me. I leaned against Rafe, enjoying his heat and his own smooth moves.

  “Jerry left town tonight,” I murmured as I laid my head against his shoulder.

  “Is that an invitation?” He ran his hand up my back, then down, but not so far that I felt compelled to stop him.

  “No, just a heads-up. He’s still upset with me, us, for what happened last time he left.” I had my thumbs in Rafe’s belt, my fingertips in his back pocket. His butt was a work of art I could visualize only too well.

  “Yeah, I bet he is. It would take me a century to get over something like that. If ever.” Rafe growled and nipped my ear. “So are you two taking a break?”

  “I guess we are.” I sighed. “Don’t do that, Rafe, it drives me crazy.”

  “That’s the plan.” He licked the spot he’d bitten.

  “I’ve got Penny in the spare bedroom now and she’s only one reason I’m not going to be playing games in mine.” I slid my hands up Rafe’s back. The music was coming to an end and so was this conversation.

  “And the other?” Rafe stopped dancing and pushed me back so he could look in my eyes.

  “I have to be loyal to Jerry this time. I won’t play him false again.” I sighed.

  “Sounds like you’re doing penance instead of acting on your true feelings, Glo.” Rafe ran his thumb over my cheek. “Keep me posted on how it goes. I’ll be here.”

  “Uh, Glory, thought you might like to know.” Trey was suddenly right next to us as the lights flashed and the music sped up.

  “What, Trey?” I tore my gaze away from Rafe’s and the urge to pull that thumb into my mouth.

  “Penny said she was going to the ladies’ room but she headed outside instead.”


  “You’re kidding me. She took a hike? How long ago was this?” I ran toward the door, Rafe right beside me. My fault. I’d let myself get distracted and hadn’t kept an eye on her. Even going to the ladies’ room had the potential to be dangerous. I should have warned Trey . . . Hindsight. Which wasn’t worth my time.

  “What’s the problem, Glory?” Rafe stopped me with his hand on my shoulder.

  “She has a twin sister. Hasn’t told her yet and thinks the thing to do is to turn her.” I glanced at a couple of mortals who were just leaving the club. “You know what I mean.”

  “She’s just five minutes ahead of you. Maybe I can track her for you.” Trey frowned. “I’m sorry. You should have told me you didn’t want her to leave without you. I would have stopped her.”

  “No, it wasn’t your job to ride herd on her, Trey.” I sighed. “I need her sister’s address. That’s where I’ll find her. At this time of night, Jenny will probably be asleep and Penny will have to wake her up to tell her. What a shock that will be.” I turned to Rafe. “Can we use the computer in your office?”

  “Sure, let’s go.” Rafe turned to Trey. “You’re off the hook. But if you want to help, stay for closing because I’m going with Glory. Nadia’s off tonight so it’s on you.” He tossed Trey a large key ring.

  “Wow. Thanks, boss. I’ll do it right. I promise.” Trey’s eyes gleamed like this was a big deal. And it probably was with bar receipts and all the other responsibilities that go with closing a club of this size.

  I glanced at Rafe. As usual it was Rafe to the rescue. His partner, Nadia, hated that he did these kinds of things for me. I started to say something but he was already in his office in front of his laptop.

  “Her name?”

  “Jennifer Patterson, student at the university.”

  “She’s staying in her sorority house. Does that sound right?”

  “Yes, that’s her.”

  “Okay, got it. I know where this is. Let’s go.” He jumped up and I was on his heels as we headed outside and around back.

  We shifted into birds and in minutes were behind a large white house that was dark except for a light in one downstairs room. Penny stood outside the back door, her shoulders slumped. I nodded at Rafe and shifted by myself, landing next to my fledgling.

  “Going somewhere?” I dropped my hand onto her shoulder. She turned to look at me, tears running down her face. “No. I can’t do it.” She leaned against me and I put my arm around her. “What the hell am I doing here at almost two in the morning on a Monday night?”

  I led her away from the house before we woke up someone. Rafe had shifted and stood waiting for us on the sidewalk.

  “You’re a night creature now, Penny. This is prime time for you.” I squeezed her shoulders. “I’m sorry, I know this is a rough thing to face.” I looked at Rafe.

  He pulled out a cell phone and made a call. “Come on, Penny, Glory and I’ll show you how beautiful this time of night can be.”

  Penny looked at him, her face wet. “Beautiful? Nothing looks beautiful to me. Don’t you get it? I’ve lost everything I ever cared about. My family, my career, you name it, I can’t do it anymore.” She pulled away from me. “You can’t distract me with some freaky trick.”

  “Freaky trick?” Rafe glanced at me. “Let me clue you in, little girl. Those freaky tricks can save your immortal life. Am I right, Glory?”

  “Yes. Took me long enough, but I learned that lesson.” I shook my head. “I know you’re angry and frustrated, Penny. But you haven’t lost your career or your family. Not yet, anyway. We’ll figure out a way for you to stay in touch with them.”

  “Sure you will. Until it’s obvious that I’m not aging and they are. Then what am I supposed to do? Just disappear? How would that make them feel?” Penny looked around, wild-eyed, like she wanted to scream or maybe hit somebody.

  “We need to move out. Here comes our ride.” Rafe nodded as a black SUV pulled up. A shifter got out, left the motor running, then walked away with a nod. “Let’s go.”

  “Where are you taking me?” Penny dug in her heels when I pulled her toward the car.

  “What difference does it make?” I wasn’t about to let her get away from me again. “Get in the freakin’ car, Penny.” A light had come on in an upstairs room in the house. “Now.” I shoved her into the backseat, hopped in the front passenger side, and Rafe hit the gas pedal. We were out of there just as the back porch light came on.

  Penny looked back. “Guess they heard the noise. Damn it, I can’t do anything right.”

  “Spare us the pity party.” Rafe drove and I didn’t bother to ask where we were going. “Glory, I hope the council is paying you for this mentoring responsibility.”

  “They should. I’ll check with Damian.” I smiled back at Penny. “Come on, vamp girl, lighten up. You’re going to have to learn to deal with your new reality and there are some cool perks. Trust me on that.”

  “Yeah, right. Trust you. Like vampires are so trustworthy. I’m the undead proof of that.” Penny kept staring back toward the sorority house.

  I decided to let that one go. She needed time. I got that.

  Penny finally turned around to frown at me. “So far this ‘new reality’ sucks and I don’t understand half of it. I was offered a teaching assistant’s job fo
r the fall. Forget that now. Not unless they gave me all night classes.” She slumped in her seat.

  “Sounds like a drag. Grading papers, trying to make bored college kids pay attention to someone younger than they are.” I reached back to pat her hand. “You dodged a bullet.”

  “I wasn’t seriously considering it.” She shrugged. “I prefer research. And grant work can be done anytime, anywhere. I have a few irons in the fire.” Her mouth trembled. “But that doesn’t mean I didn’t want to have the choice.”

  “Quit whining.” Rafe was obviously all for tough love as he pulled into a deserted area on top of a hill.

  I recognized the place. He’d gone ballistic here once when I’d let him know our relationship was going back to being friends without benefits. There was still a charred stump as evidence. Hmm. I gave him an inquiring look but all I got back was a bland smile.

  “So what are we doing here?” Penny finally sat up straight and looked out the window.

  “I’m going to teach you to shape-shift.” Rafe opened his car door. “I had to work with Glory to get her comfortable with it, so I figured I’d help with this part of your education. What do you say, Glory?”

  “Sure, go for it. You need to learn this, Penny.” I got out of the car and waited while Penny climbed out.

  “You’re serious. You’re really going to make me turn into something else. What? A bat?” She looked down at her green blouse. “Will we have to strip off? No way, no how. I’m not comfortable with that.”

  I laughed. “Luckily, we can do it wearing what we have on, even down to our shoes. Believe me, if I had to go skinny shifting, I’d never have made it a habit.”

  Rafe winked at me. “Not saying it isn’t more comfortable that way, though. And fun if you’re doing it with the right person.”

  “Okay, Rafe, let’s just get on with it.” I turned to Penny. “Shifting is good for defense. It can help you escape when you’re in a tight spot.”


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