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Destiny's Path

Page 17

by Kimberly Hunter

  She looked at Flynn, seeing him in a new light. Hmm, sexy, strong, and powerful. Momma always did say to watch out for the quiet ones. Now she saw why, she thought, as he bowed his head slightly in acknowledgment of her understanding. She bowed back, then looked at Roan.

  “So Mikeal lost and is now one of your guards.”

  “Head guard, actually. Because of his power and skills, I put him in charge. A decision neither of us has regretted.”

  “Hmm, so because I have all this power and instinct, the others will sense it and not even bother to challenge me.”

  “Correct.” Roan nodded.

  She snorted in disbelief. “No offense, Roan, but I get the feeling that once the other Lupas get a look at me, they’ll be standing in line to try to kick my butt.”

  Roan and Flynn looked at each other, and she could tell that a silent message was being sent between the two. One of those twin things, no doubt. Then Flynn smiled mysteriously and nodded.

  “Sasha, I want you to go over to that bookcase and pick it up,” Roan said.

  “Beg pardon?” She blinked at his ludicrous request.

  “Go over to the bookcase and pick it up.” He spoke slowly as if she didn’t understand.

  She looked at Flynn, seeking help. There was none. The traitor.

  “Go ahead, sweetheart. Roan is trying to prove a point.” Flynn smiled as he waved her off.

  She stood up. “Like what? That I can throw my back out and give myself a hernia at the same time?”

  They both laughed at that. “No. You’ll get my point after you pick up the bookcase.”

  Some people had to be shown for them to believe. Sasha was one of those people. She just hoped she didn’t bust something doing it.

  “All right.”

  They had to be out of their minds. There was no way she was going to pick up that bookcase. For one, it was nothing like the ones she had in her apartment. Those were Wal-Mart specials. This one was solid oak with eight shelves. And all the shelves were filled with books. Hardbacks. Ouch!

  She looked back over at Flynn and Roan, both wearing secret smiles. She just shook her head but grabbed the front of the case with one hand and the back with the other.

  “Okay, here goes.” She got a good grip with both hands, bent at the knees, and lifted.

  The bookcase came a foot off the floor with barely a strained muscle. In fact, it hardly felt heavy at all. Wow! Move over, Xena.

  She put the case back down, though a bit wobbly. When she turned around to face Flynn and Roan, they were grinning in a cat-got-the-canary kind of way.

  “Do you understand now?” Roan asked. “You have strength and power, an Alpha asset in more ways than one.”

  She went to sit next to Flynn again. “Yeah, I understand now. I guess I didn’t think I would be strong enough, able enough, to be what you define as Alpha.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, a true Alpha is more than just power and strength, though that is part of it. True Alphas know when to use their abilities and when not to,” Flynn explained.

  “Also, a true Alpha doesn’t flaunt her abilities. We don’t have to. It’s part of our nature, of who we are,” Roan added.

  “So, because I’m a true Alpha, the other Lupa will sense my power and not bother to challenge me.” She repeated the theory, though she still had a niggling of doubt.

  “Correct.” Roan nodded.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Once you meet the other Lupa, instinct will kick in, and you’ll fully understand the extent of being Alpha,” Flynn assured her even though he could probably sense she still had misgivings.

  Roan stood up then and stretched. “Well, I have to make a few more calls, and then I’m off to bed. I’ll see you two in the morning. Good night.”

  “Good night,” Flynn and Sasha said at the same time.

  Finally they were alone again. Hmm, now what to do? Oh, I know, have my way with Flynn, she thought. So she pounced on him, knocking him back against the cushions.

  “About that ache, doctor, I still have it.” She kissed his neck as she raised both his arms above his head. “In fact, it’s stronger now than it was before.” And it was. Talking with Roan and knowing how strong she was had made her hunger for Flynn near unbearable.

  “Well, as your personal physician”—he growled as she licked behind his ear—”it’s my pleasure to see to your every need.”

  She stood up, grabbing one of his hands and pulling. “Good. Let’s go to the bedroom before anyone else interrupts, so I can have my way with you.”

  “Excellent plan.” He laughed, and they raced to his room as quietly as they could.

  Once there, Flynn locked the door behind them. He didn’t bother turning on lights. Lupus had excellent night vision. Sasha could see clearly with what little light filtered into the room from the windows. And what she saw was breathtaking. Flynn was such a gorgeous man, inside and out. And he was all hers.

  “I’m not sure I should rejoice about that smile you have or be wary.” He chuckled, the erection in his pants belying his words.

  “Be both, because I have big plans concerning this delicious body of yours.” She slowly walked toward him and began taking his clothes off. His t-shirt went first.

  “Delicious, huh?” He groaned as she ran her hands over his naked chest, then licked a nipple.

  “Mmm-hmm. And I’m hungry.” Her hands made their way to his waistband.

  “Then by all means, feast,” he replied, arms akimbo, eyes glowing blue, like the heart of a flame, with need.

  He knew what she wanted and was more than willing to let her take it.

  She looked up into his burning eyes. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For letting me be, well, me.”

  He laughed softly, taking her face in his warm hands. “Darlin’, you’re an Alpha, and Alphas have a drive to be dominant. And even though I’m second to Roan, I too have a dominant side. But it doesn’t matter which of us starts this, just as long as we finish together.” Then he kissed her softly and took his hands away, raising them like before. “Now, where were you?”

  She smiled at his enthusiastic response, feeling such love for this man that she could hardly contain herself. So she showed him instead, sliding her hands down his chest and stomach and into his jeans, wrapping them around his hard cock.

  “Right here,” she said and squeezed.

  “God, yes.” He threw back his head.

  She kept up a steady rhythm with her hands, but his jeans were too confining for what she really wanted to do. So she got rid of them, then went back to what she was doing. Touching, foundling, stroking. She wanted to take her time with his body, learn it, feel it, and explore it to her heart’s content. After all, they had time.

  He was so warm and hard in her hands, so soft. Sasha could feel the veins throbbing and pulsing as she gently squeezed him. Mmm, to feel that throb and pulse on her tongue. She kissed his neck and worked her way down until she was on her knees, Flynn’s hard cock at eye level. She flicked her tongue out to lick the tip of him and heard him gasp. That made her smile because she knew he was going to like this. Then without warning, she took all of him into her mouth.

  “Sasha!” She felt his legs shaking.

  She suckled him hard, rolling her tongue around, and felt the tip of him hit the back of her throat as he started to slowly thrust into her mouth. Her tongue laved and licked all of him, tasting the tiny drops of precum as he became more and more aroused. She could actually feel the veins in his cock throb to the beat of his heart with her tongue and lips. Even his sac throbbed in her hand as she rolled it around with her fingers.

  “More?” she asked, giving them a breather but still stroking him.

  “Any…” He swallowed audibly. “Any more, and the night might end all too soon.” He ran shaking fingers through her hair.

  “Well, now, we wouldn’t want that. I’m not done yet.” She gave his cock one last lick and got up. “Go lie on the bed
. I’m wearing too many clothes and need to get rid of them.”

  He gathered her close, nuzzling her neck, then kissed her senseless, their tongues dueling.

  “Mmm, I said I’d get you naked again.” He smiled as he broke the kiss.

  She breathed deeply, getting her senses back. “You’re going to get a lot more than just me naked.” She told him, running her hands over his chest, pinching a nipple. His cock responded by bumping her in the stomach.

  “I’m counting on it, darlin’.” He growled, giving her one last kiss before he went to lie on the bed.

  He crawled to the center and lay on his back, eyes glowing brighter, his hard cock jutting up like a mast.

  She stood there for a minute letting her eyes feast on Flynn’s nude body. Scanned every plane and peak from his head to his toes, finally resting on the object of her delight. A cock gone even harder with her perusal.

  “Like what you see?” he asked huskily, running his fingers up and down his cock.

  “Oh yes.”

  It was the most erotic thing she had ever seen. Watching Flynn stroke himself. And she knew her eyes were glowing. Hell, her entire body was probably glowing. Her panties were so wet, they were soaking through to her jeans.

  Time to get naked and take what she wanted. Flynn.

  She started with her top, slowly unbuttoning it one button at a time, letting it fall to the floor. She reached around and undid the fasteners of her bra, letting the straps fall naturally. She didn’t take it off immediately, but cupped her breasts and squeezed them, her head falling back with pleasure. She heard Flynn groan from the bed. She looked back at him, letting the bra fall to the floor with her top. She cupped her breasts again, feeling their weight, now swollen with arousal, the nipples sensitive, so she pinched them, sending a jolt of need straight to her core. Her pants had to come off now; they were too tight next to her nether lips. But like her top, she went slow, drawing it out, building the anticipation for them both. From the carnal look on Flynn’s face and the impressive erection he was sporting, she’d say her striptease was a winner.

  Following her breastbone down to her pants, she slowly undid the button and zipper, reaching a hand inside to give herself a little rub. She was so wet that when she pulled her hand out, her fingers had drops of juice clinging to them. The musky smell of her arousal was strong as she rubbed the wetness with her fingers. Her glowing eyes never left Flynn’s through all this, who was, at this time, now sitting up with a look that bordered on pain.

  “That looks agonizing.” She grinned, looking at his cock as she slowly shimmied out of her jeans and panties.

  “You have no idea.”

  “Do you want me to kiss it and make it better?” She moved toward him, all the time touching herself.

  “Sweetheart, you can do anything you want,” he replied, grabbing her about the waist when she reached him. “Just as long as I get to return the favor.”

  “Absolutely.” She moaned as he started suckling on her nipple. “Turnabout is fair play, after all.”

  “Indeed.” He chuckled, letting her nipple go with a pop.

  “Now.” She pushed him back on the bed. “Show me where it hurts.”

  He grabbed his cock. “Right here.”

  “Hmm, that’s some swelling you have there.” She climbed on the bed beside him. “I’ll need to give it a closer examination.”

  She wrapped her fingers around the swollen length of him, squeezing lightly as she moved her hand up and down. Then she bent over and flicked her tongue on the tip of him.

  “Ahh,” he moaned, arching his back.

  Seeing him like that nearly snapped what little control she had left. “I’m going to have to relieve some of this pressure.” She straddled him, her opening directly over his cock.

  “Relief sounds good.” He nodded vigorously.

  “But first, you need a thorough exam.”

  He groaned at that. “Any more examining, and I’ll explode.”

  She lay fully on top of him, kissing and licking all the skin she could reach. Flynn’s hips moved up, running his cock through her folds, soaking them both.

  “Mmm, so good.” She leaned down and kissed him.

  Flynn grabbed her about the waist as their tongues danced and dueled. His hips kept pumping and moving his swollen shaft through her drenched folds, creating a wondrous friction against her clit. But she wanted more. She wanted Flynn inside her, filling, stretching her.

  Breaking the kiss, she took Flynn’s hands and placed them over his head. She didn’t hold them there; he knew what she wanted.. She slowly moved her hands down his torso, gently raking her nails here and there, pinching a nipple and licking it. When she reached down to grab his cock, she sat up a little and rubbed it through her folds one last time, pausing it at her opening. Sitting down just enough to get the head in, she moved her hand away. Flynn groaned at this but otherwise remained still. A fine sheen of sweat broke out on his body, and he trembled slightly, trying to keep in control and let her take the lead. His face showed that tight rein he had on his control. For some odd reason, that made her want to be more dominant, to push him to the absolute end of his control. So she moved down his shaft slowly, dragging out the sensations. When she finally had all of him in her, they moaned in unison, but she didn’t move any further.

  “I can feel your heartbeat throbbing inside me.” Her voice was husky as she kissed his chest, still not moving up or down.

  “Sasha, please,” he moaned, hands clasped tightly above his head, tendons in his neck standing out as he arched his head back.

  She smiled, suckling on a nipple and moving up his shaft a bit, then down. She repeated this process, slowly moving up farther each time. By the time she reached the head and stopped, they were both panting. But she didn’t move down again. Instead she rotated her hips in a circle with the tip of him still inside her.

  Flynn growled with need, his body now shaking with it. She trembled as well, trying to keep it together enough to do what she wanted. But her body had other ideas. It was crying out with unfulfilled need. No longer concerned with domination, Sasha felt every cell in her body vibrate with the need to finish this and bring them both to satisfying completion.

  She guessed it was true that the dominator could become the dominated.

  Without waiting for Flynn to catch his breath, she slammed down on him and started pumping her hips frantically.

  “Flynn, please touch me,” she begged, now out of control.

  That was all the encouragement he needed. With a growl, he rose, grabbed her about the waist, and switched their positions. He never came out of her. And once he had her on her back, his hips, hands, and lips didn’t stop either. She had pushed him over the edge, and she was reaping the benefits. But it was what she wanted. To have the best of both worlds. To dominate and be dominated. To be Alpha and subordinate. Oh yes, this was what she wanted.


  Flynn was in a red haze of sexual need bordering on feral. His need to have her, to take her, and make her come was the only thing that he wanted right then. And he would accomplish that goal if it took him all night.

  She wrapped her legs around his middle, a signal that she wanted him to go deeper. He did. And at a pace that left them both nearly breathless. He came out just enough to slam back into her. The sound of his body slapping against hers, his growling, grunting, and finally taking a nipple into his warm mouth, was what sent her screaming into orgasm. She raked her nails down his back as she took her pleasure.

  “Ahhh!” Flynn roared, following her as he held her hips for his final thrusts.

  They were both breathing hard and sweating as the final vibrations subsided. Flynn lay gently on her, resting his head next to hers on the pillow. His body was still jerking a bit.

  “Jesus.” He breathed, then rose up to look at her. “Are you all right?” He brushed her sweat-drenched hair back.

  “I am now.”

  “I didn’t mean to get so carrie
d away. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  He pulled out to look her over. She protested a bit at that. It did feel better when he was inside her.

  “I’m all right Flynn. In fact, I feel great.” She sighed, stretching like a well-fed cat.

  His eyes followed her movements, then zeroed in on her hips. She had bright red marks the exact shape and size of his fingers.

  “Jeez, I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ve never been that out of control before.” He raked both hands through his hair. “Ever.”

  “Flynn, you have no reason to apologize.”

  “But I do!” he exclaimed. “I…” He dropped his head back and exhaled loudly.

  “What’s wrong?” Her look was filled with concern.

  “I really don’t know how to tell you.” And he wasn’t sure he should. With all she had learned tonight, he didn’t want to add more. But this couldn’t be helped.

  That seemed to catch her by surprise. There really wasn’t much that Flynn, or even the others, couldn’t and didn’t tell her. But this, well, it wasn’t easy no matter how open he had been with everything else.

  “Okay. Is it good or bad in nature?”

  “Well, it isn’t good,” he hedged.

  “All right, then just tell me and let me be the judge.”

  He drew a deep breath. “Sometimes, the males of our race can turn feral during the mating act.”

  She blinked, her expression saying she wasn’t sure what that meant. “Explain, please?”

  “Turning feral is when the animal side takes over, driving all rational thought out and operating on pure instinct.” This was how he felt only a moment ago.

  “Okay, now what does that have to do with us?”

  He paused with indecision. To tell or not to tell. Tell. He owed her that much as his True Mate. “Some Lupus have been known to seriously injure their Mates while like that. Others have done even worse.” He hung his head.

  “What do you mean worse?”


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