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John Dryden - Delphi Poets Series

Page 17

by John Dryden

  Lest next the Popular Rage oppress the King.

  Thus parting, each for th’ Others Danger griev’d, 615

  The Shore the King, and Seas the Prince receiv’d.

  Go injur’d Heroe, while propitious Gales,

  Soft as thy Consorts breath, inspire thy Sails;

  Well may She trust her Beauties on a Flood,

  Where thy Triumphant Fleets so oft have rode! 620

  Safe on thy Breast reclin’d, her Rest be deep,

  Rockt like a Nereid by the waves asleep;

  While happiest Dreams her Fancy entertain,

  And to Elysian Fields convert the Main!

  Go injur’d Heroe, while the shores of Tyre, 625

  At thy Approach so Silent shall admire,

  Who on thy Thunder still their thoughts imploy,

  And greet thy Landing with a trembling Joy.

  On Heroes thus the Prophet’s Fate is thrown,

  Admir’d by ev’ry Nation but their Own; 630

  Yet while our factious Jews his Worth deny,

  Their Aking Conscience gives their Tongue the Lye.

  Ev’n in the worst of Men the noblest Parts

  Confess him, and he Triumphs in their Hearts,

  Whom to his King the best Respects commend 635

  Of Subject, Souldier, Kinsman, Prince and Friend;

  All Sacred Names of most divine Esteem,

  And to Perfection all sustained by Him,

  Wise, Just and Constant, Courtly without Art,

  Swift to discern and to reward Desert; 640

  No Hour of His in fruitless Ease destroy’d,

  But on the noblest Subjects still employed;

  Whose steddy Soul ne’er learnt to Separate

  Between his Monarch’s Int’rest and the State,

  But heaps those Blessings on the Royal Head, 645

  Which He well knows must be on Subjects shed.

  On what Pretence cou’d then the Vulgar Rage

  Against his Worth, and native Rights engage?

  Religious Fears their Argument are made,

  Religious Fears his Sacred Rights invade! 650

  Of future Superstition They complain

  And Jebusitic Worship in his Reign;

  With such Alarms his Foes the Crowd deceive,

  With Dangers fright, which not Themselves believe.

  Since nothing can our Sacred Rites remove, 655

  Whate’er the Faith of the Successour prove,

  Our Jews their Ark shall undisturb’d retain,

  At least while their Religion is their Gain,

  Who know by old Experience Baal’s Commands

  Not onely claim’d their Conscience but their Lands; 660

  They grutch God’s Tythes, how therefore shall they yield

  An Idol full possession of the Field?

  Grant such a Prince enthron’d, we must confess

  The People’s Suff’rings than that Monarch’s less,

  Who must to hard Conditions still be bound 665

  And for his Quiet with the Crowd compound;

  Or shou’d his thoughts to Tyranny incline,

  Where are the means to compass the design?

  Our Crowns Revenues are too short a Store,

  And Jealous Sanedrims would give no more! 670

  As vain our Fears of Egypt’s potent Aid;

  Not so has Pharoah learnt Ambition’s Trade,

  Nor ever with such Measures can comply

  As Shock the common Rules of Policy;

  None dread like Him the growth of Israel’s King, 675

  And He alone sufficient Aids can bring;

  Who knows that Prince to Egypt can give Law

  That on our Stubborn Tribes his Yoak cou’d draw.

  At such profound Expense He has not stood,

  Nor dy’d for this his Hands so deep in blood; 680

  Wou’d nere through Wrong and Right his Progress take,

  Grudge his own Rest, and keep the World awake,

  To fix a Lawless Prince on Judah’s Throne,

  First to Invade our Rights, and then his Own;

  His dear-gain’d Conquests cheaply to despoil, 685

  And Reap the Harvest of his Crimes and Toil.

  We grant his Wealth Vast as our Ocean’s Sand

  And Curse its Fatal Influence on our Land,

  Which our Brib’d Jews so num’rously pertake

  That ev’n an Host his Pensioners wou’d make; 690

  From these Deceivers our Divisions spring,

  Our Weakness, and the Growth of Egypt’s King:

  These with pretended Friendship to the State

  Our Crowd’s Suspition of their Prince Create,

  Both pleas’d and frightened with the specious Cry, 695

  To Guard their Sacred Rights and Property;

  To Ruin, thus, the Chosen Flock are Sold,

  While Wolves are tane for Guardians of the Fold;

  Seduc’d by these, we groundlessly complain,

  And loath the Manna of a gentle Reign: 700

  Thus our Fore-fathers crooked Paths are trod,

  We trust our Prince, no more than They their God.

  But all in vain our Reasoning Prophets Preach,

  To those whom sad Experience ne’re could Teach,

  Who can commence new Broils in Bleeding Scars 705

  And fresh Remembrance of Intestine Wars;

  When the same Houshold Mortal Foes did yeild,

  And Brothers stain’d with Brothers Blood the Feild;

  When Sons Curst Steel the Fathers Gore did Stain,

  And Mothers Mourn’d for Sons by Fathers Slain! 710

  When thick, as Egypt’s Locusts on the Sand,

  Our Tribes lay Slaughter’d through the promis’d Land,

  Whose few Survivers with worse Fate remain,

  To drag the Bondage of a Tyrants Reign:

  Which Scene of Woes, unknowing We renew, 715

  And madly, ev’n those ills we Fear, persue;

  While Pharoah laughs at our Domestick Broils

  And safely crowds his Tents with Nations Spoils.

  Yet our fierce Sanedrim in restless Rage,

  Against our absent Heroe still engage, 720

  And chiefly urge, (such did their frenzy prove),

  The only Suit their Prince forbids to move,

  Which till obtain’d, they cease Affairs of State,

  And real Dangers wave, for groundless Hate.

  Long Davids patience waits relief to bring, 725

  With all th’ Indulgence of a lawful King,

  Expecting till the troubled Waves wou’d cease,

  But found the raging Billows still increase.

  The Crowd, whose Insolence Forbearance swells,

  While he forgives too far, almost Rebels. 730

  At last his deep Resentments silence broke,

  Th’ imperial Palace shook, while thus He spoke,

  Then Justice wake, and Rigour take her time,

  For Lo! Our Mercy is become our Crime.

  While haulting Punishment her stroke delays, 735

  Our Sov’reign Right, Heav’ns Sacred Trust, decays;

  For whose support ev’n Subjects Interest calls,

  Wo! to that Kingdom where the Monarch Falls.

  That Prince who yields the least of Regal Sway,

  So far his Peoples Freedom does Betray. 740

  Right lives by Law, and Law subsists by Pow’r;

  Disarm the Shepherd, Wolves the Flock devour.

  Hard Lot of Empire o’re a stubborn Race,

  Which Heav’n it Self in vain has try’d with Grace!

  When will our Reasons long-charm’d Eyes unclose, 745

  And Israel judge between her Friends and Foes?

  When shall we see expir’d Deceivers Sway,

  And credit what our God and Monarchs say?

  Dissembled Patriots bribed with Egypts Gold

  Even Sanedrims in blind Obedience hold; 750

e Patriots Falshood in their Actions see,

  And judge by the pernicious Fruit the Tree;

  If ought for which so loudly they declaim

  Religion, Laws, and Freedom, were their Aim;

  Our senates in due Methods they had led, 755

  T’ avoid those Mischeifs which they seem’d to dread;

  But first e’re yet they propt the sinking State,

  T’ impeach and charge, as urg’d by private Hate;

  Proves that they ne’re beleiv’d the Fears they prest,

  But Barb’rously destroy’d the Nations Rest! 760

  O! Whither will ungovern’d Senates drive,

  And to what Bounds licentious Votes arrive?

  When their Injustice We are prest to share,

  The Monarch urg’d t’ exclude the lawful Heir;

  Are princes thus distinguish’d from the Crowd, 765

  And this the Priviledge of Royal Blood?

  But grant we shou’d Confirm the Wrongs they press,

  His Sufferings yet were than the Peoples less;

  Condemn’d for Life the Murd’ring Sword to weild,

  And on their Heirs entail a Bloody Feild. 770

  Thus madly their own Freedom they betray,

  And for th’ Oppression which they fear, make way;

  Succession fixt by Heav’n the Kingdoms Bar,

  Which once dissolv’d, admits the Flood of War;

  Wast, Rapine, Spoil, without th’ Assault begin, 775

  And our mad Tribes Supplant the Fence within.

  Since then their Good they will not understand,

  ’Tis time to take the Monarchs Power in Hand;

  Authority, and Force to joyn with Skill,

  And save the Lunaticks against their Will. 780

  The same rough Means that swage the Crowd, appease

  Our senates raging with the Crowds Disease.

  Henceforth unbiass’d Measures let ‘em draw

  From no false Gloss, but Genuine text of Law;

  Nor urge those Crimes upon Religions score 785

  Themselves so much, in Jebusites abhor.

  Whom Laws convict (and only they) shall Bleed,

  Nor Pharisees by Pharisees be Freed.

  Impartial Justice from our Throne shall shou’r,

  All shall have Right, and We our Sov’reign Pow’r. 790

  He said, th’ Attendants heard with awful Joy,

  And glad Presages their fixt Thoughts employ;

  From Hebron now the Suffering Heir Return’d,

  A Realm that long with Civil Discord Mourn’d;

  Till his Approach, like some Arriving God, 795

  Compos’d, and heal’d the place of his Aboad;

  The Deluge checkt that to Judea spread,

  And stopt Sedition at the Fountain’s Head.

  Thus in forgiving David’s Paths he drives,

  And, chas’d from Israel, Israels Peace contrives. 800

  The Feild confest his Pow’r in Arms before,

  And Seas proclaim’d his Tryumphs to the Shore;

  As nobly has his Sway in Hebron shown,

  How fit t’ inherit Godlike Davids Throne.

  Through Sion’s-Streets his glad Arrivals spread 805

  And Conscious Faction shrinks her snaky head;

  His Train their Sufferings think o’repaid, to see

  The Crowds Applause with Vertue once agree.

  Success charms All, but Zeal for Worth distrest

  A Virtue proper to the Brave and Best; 810 810

  ‘Mongst whom was Jothran, Jothran always bent

  To serve the Crown and Loyal by Descent.

  Whose Constancy so Firm, and Conduct Just,

  Deserv’d at once Two Royal Masters Trust;

  Who Tyre’s proud Arms had Manfully withstood 815

  On Seas, and gather’d Lawrels from the Flood;

  Of Learning yet no Portion was deny’d,

  Friend to the Muses, and the Muses Pride.

  Nor can Benaiah’s Worth forgotten lie,

  Of steddy Soul when Publick Storms were high; 820

  Whose Conduct, while the Moor fierce Onsets made,

  Secur’d at once our Honour and our Trade.

  Such were the Chiefs, who most his Suff’rings mourn’d,

  And viewd with silent Joy the Prince return’d;

  While those that sought his Absence to Betray, 825

  Press first their Nauseous False Respects to pay;

  Him still th’ officious Hypocrites Molest,

  And with malicious Duty break his Rest.

  While real Transports thus his Friends Employ,

  And Foes are Loud in their dissembled Joy, 830

  His Tryumphs so resounded far and near,

  Mist not his Young Ambitious Rival’s Ear;

  And as when joyful Hunters clam’rous Train,

  Some Slumbring Lion Wakes in Moab’s Plain,

  Who oft had forc’d the bold Assailants yeild, 835

  And scatter’d his Persuers through the Feild,

  Disdaining, furls his Main, and tears the Ground,

  His Eyes enflaming all the Desart Round,

  With Roar of Seas directs his Chasers Way,

  Provokes from far, and dares them to the Fray; 840

  Such Rage storm’d now in Absalom’s fierce Breast,

  Such Indignation his Fir’d Eyes Confest;

  Where now was the Instructer of his Pride?

  Slept the Old Pilot in so rough a Tide?

  Whose Wiles had from the happy Shore betray’d, 845

  And thus on Shelves the cred’lous Youth convey’d;

  In deep revolving Thoughts He weighs his State,

  Secure of Craft, nor doubts to baffle Fate,

  At least, if his storm’d Bark must go adrift,

  To baulk his Charge and for himself to shift, 850

  In which his dextrous Wit had oft been shown,

  And in the wreck of Kingdoms sav’d his own;

  But now with more than Common Danger prest,

  Of various Resolutions stands possest,

  Perceives the Crowds unstable Zeal decay, 855

  Least their Recanting Chief the Cause betray,

  Who on a Father’s Grace his Hopes may ground,

  And for his Pardon with their Heads compound.

  Him therefore, e’re his Fortune slip her Time,

  The Statesman Plots t’ engage in some bold Crime 860

  Past Pardon, whether to Attempt his Bed,

  Or Threat with open Arms the Royal Head

  Or other daring Method, and Unjust,

  That may secure him in the Peoples Trust.

  But failing thus t’ ensnare him, nor secure 865

  How long his foil’d Ambition may endure,

  Plots next to lay him by, as past his Date,

  And try some new Pretenders luckier Fate;

  Whose Hopes with equal Toil he wou’d persue,

  Nor cares what Claimer’s Crownd, except the True. 870

  Wake Absalom, approaching Ruin shun,

  And see, O see, for whom thou art Undone!

  How are thy Honours, and thy Fame betray’d,

  The Property of desp’rate Villains made!

  Lost Pow’r and Conscious Fears their Crimes Create, 875

  And Guilt in them was little less than Fate;

  But why shou’dst Thou, from ev’ry Grievance free,

  Forsake thy Vineyards for their Stormy Sea?

  For Thee did Canaan’s Milk and Honey flow,

  Love drest thy Bow’rs and Lawrels sought thy Brow, 880

  Preferment, Wealth and Pow’r thy Vassals were,

  And of a Monarch all things but the Care.

  Oh shou’d our Crimes, again, that Curse draw down,

  And Rebel-Arms once more attempt the Crown,

  Sure Ruin waits unhappy Absalon, 885

  Alike by Conquest or Defeat undone;

  Who cou’d relentless see such Youth and Charms,

; Expire with wretched Fate in Impious Armes?

  A Prince so form’d with Earth’s, and Heaven’s Applause,

  To Tryumph ore Crown’d Heads in David’s Cause: 890

  Or grant him Victor, still his Hopes must fail,

  Who, Conquering, wou’d not for himself prevail;

  The Faction whom He trusts for future Sway,

  Him and the Publique wou’d alike Betray;

  Amongst themselves divide the Captive State, 895

  And found their Hydra-Empire in his Fate!

  Thus having beat the Clouds with painful Flight,

  The pitty’d Youth with Scepters in his Sight;

  (So have their Cruel Politicks Decreed,)

  Must by that Crew that made him Guilty, Bleed. 900

  For cou’d their Pride brook any Prince’s Sway,

  Whom but mild David would they choose t’ Obey?

  Who once at such a gentle Reign Repine,

  The Fall of Monarchy it self Design;

  From Hate to That their Reformations spring, 905

  And David not their Grievance, but the King.

  Seiz’d now with pannick Fear the Faction lies,

  Least this clear Truth strike Absaloms charm’d Eyes;

  Least He perceive, from long Enchantment free,

  What all, beside the flatter’d Youth, must see 910

  But whate’re doubts his troubled Bosome swell,

  Fair Carriage still became Achitophel.

  Who now an envious Festival enstalls,

  And to survey their Strength the Faction calls,

  Which Fraud, Religious Worship too must Guild; 915

  But oh how weakly does Sedition Build!

  For Lo! the Royal Mandate issues Forth,

  Dashing at once their Treason, Zeal, and Mirth!

  So have I seen disastrous Chance Invade,

  Where careful Emmits had their Forrage laid, 920

  Whether fierce Vulcan’s rage the Furzy Plain

  Had seiz’d, Engendred by some careless Swain;

  Or swelling Neptune lawless Inroads made

  And to their Cell of Store his Flood convey’d;

  The Common-Wealth broke up distracted go, 925

  And in wild Hast their loaded Mates o’rethrow:

  Ev’n so our scatter’d Guests confus’dly meet,

  With Boil’d, Bak’d, Roast, all Justling in the Street;

  Dejected all, and rufully dismaid,

  For Sheckle without Treat, or Treason paid. 930

  Seditions dark Eclipse now fainter shows,

  More bright each Hour the Royal Plannet grows,

  Of Force the Clouds of Envy to disperse,

  In kind Conjunction of Assisting Stars.

  Here lab’ring Muse those Glorious Chiefs relate 935

  That turned the doubtful Scale of David’s Fate;

  The rest of that Illustrious Band rehearse,


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