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John Dryden - Delphi Poets Series

Page 134

by John Dryden

  Enter a Servant.

  Serv. Young gentleman, Your master calls for you.

  Hip. I’ll think upon’t —

  [Exuent HIPPOLITO and Serv

  Enter JULIA to AMIDEO.

  Jul. Now is the time, he is alone.

  Amid. Here comes The saint, my lord adores; love, pardon me The fault, I must commit.

  Jul. Fair youth, I am A suitor to you.

  Amid. So am I to you.

  Jul. You see me here a prisoner.

  Amid. My request Is, I may set you free; make haste, sweet madam; Which way would you go?

  Jul. To the next Religious house.

  Amid. Here through the garden, madam; How I commend your holy resolution! [Exeunt.

  Enter DON MANUEL in the street, and a Servant with him.

  Man. Angelina fled to a monastery, say you?

  Serv. So ’tis given out: I could not see her woman:

  But, for your sister, what you heard is true;

  I saw her at the inn:

  They told me, she was brought in late last night;

  By a young cavalier, they showed me there.

  Man. This must be he that rescued me: What would I give to see him!

  Serv. Fortune is

  Obedient to your wishes; he was coming

  To find out you; I waited on him to

  The turning of the street, and stepped before

  To tell you of it.

  Man. You o’erjoy me.

  Serv. This, sir, is he.

  Enter GONSALVO. DON MANUEL is running to embrace him, and stops.

  Man. — The captain of the robbers!

  Gons. As such, indeed, you promised me your sister.

  Man. I promised all the interest I should have; Because I thought, before you came to claim it, A husband’s right would take my title from me.

  Gons. I come to see if any manly virtue Can dwell with falsehood: Draw, thou’st injured me.

  Man. You say already I have done you wrong, And yet would have me right you by a greater.

  Gons. Poor abject thing!

  Man. Who doubts another’s courage

  Wants it himself; but I, who know my own,

  Will not receive a law from you to fight,

  Or to forbear: for then I grant your courage

  To master mine, when I am forced to do

  What of myself I would not.

  Gons. Your reason?

  Man. You saved my life.

  Gons. I’ll quit that debt, to be

  In a capacity of forcing you

  To keep your promise with me; for I come

  To learn, your sister is not yet disposed.

  Man. I’ve lost all privilege to defend my life;

  And, if you take it now, ’tis no new conquest;

  Like fish, first taken in a river, then

  Bestowed in ponds to catch a second time.

  Gons. Mark but how partially you plead your


  Pretending breach of honour if you fight,

  Yet think it none to violate your word.

  Man. I cannot give my sister to a robber.

  Gons. You shall not; I am none, but born of blood

  As noble as yourself; my fortunes equal

  At least with yours, my reputation yet,

  I think, unstained.

  Man. I wish, sir, it may prove so; I never had so strong an inclination To believe any man as you — But yet —

  Gons. All things shall be so clear, there shall be left

  No room for any scruple. I was born

  In Seville, of the best house in that city;

  My name Gonsalvo de Peralta: Being

  A younger brother, ’twas my uncle’s care

  To take me with him in a voyage to

  The Indies, where since dying, he has left me

  A fortune not contemptible; returning

  From thence with all my wealth in the plate fleet,

  A furious storm almost within the port

  Of Seville took us, scattered all the navy.

  My ship, by the unruly tempest borne

  Quite through the Streights, as far as Barcelona,

  There first cast anchor; there I stept ashore:

  Three days I staid, in which small time I made

  A little love, which vanished as it came.

  Man. But were you not engaged to her you courted?

  Gons. Upon my honour, no; what might have been

  I cannot tell: But ere I could repair

  My beaten ship, or take fresh water in,

  One night, when there by chance I lay aboard,

  A wind tore up my anchor from the bottom,

  And with that violence it brought me thither,

  Has thrown me in this port.

  Mon. But yet our meeting in the wood was strange.

  Gons. For that I’ll satisfy you as we walk.


  Hip. O sir, how glad am I to find you! —


  Man. That boy I have seen somewhere, or one like him, But where, I cannot call to mind.

  Hip. I found it out, and got before them — And here they are —

  Enter AMIDEO and JULIA.

  Man. My sister! as I could have wished it.

  Amid. O! we are caught!

  Jul. I did expect as much: Fortune has not forgot that I am Julia.

  Man. Sister, I’m glad you’re happily returned; ’Twas kindly done of you thus to prevent The trouble of my search.

  Jul. I would not have you

  Mistake my love to Roderick so much,

  To think I meant to fall into your hands.

  My purpose is for the next nunnery;

  There I’ll pray for you: So farewell.

  Man. Stay, Julia, you must go with me.

  Jul. Lead, lead; You think I am your prisoner now.

  Gons. If you will needs to a religious house, Leave that fair face behind; a worse will serve To spoil with watching, and with fasting there.

  Man. Pr’ythee, no more of this; the only way To make her happy is to force it on her. Julia, prepare yourself strait to be married.

  Jul. To whom?

  Man. You see your bridegroom: And you know

  My father’s will, who, with his dying breath

  Commanded, you should pay as strict obedience

  To me, as formerly to him: If not,

  Your dowry is at my dispose.

  Jul. O, would

  The loss of that dispense with duty in me,

  How gladly would I suffer it! and yet,

  If I durst question it, methinks ’tis hard!

  What right have parents over children, more

  Than birds have o’er their young? yet they impose

  No rich-plumed mistress on their feathered sons;

  But leave their love, more open yet and free

  Than all the fields of air, their spacious birthright.

  [GONSALVO seems to beg MANUEL not to be harsh.

  Man. Nay, good Gonsalvo, trouble not yourself, There is no other way; when ’tis once done, She’ll thank me for’t.

  Jul. I ne’er expected other usage from you;

  A kind brother you have been to me,

  And to my sister: You have sent, they say,

  To Barcelona, that my aunt should force her

  To marry the old Don you brought her.

  Hip. Who could, that once had seen Gonsalvo’s. face? Alas, she little thinks I am so near! [Aside.

  Man. Mind not what she says. A word with you — [To GONSALVO.

  Amid. Don Manuel eyes me strangely; the best is, he never saw me yet but at a distance: My brother’s jealousy (who ne’er intended I should be his) restrained our nearer converse. [Aside.

  Jul. My pretty youth, I am enforced to trust thee


  With my most near concerns; friends I have none,

  If thou deny’st to help me.

  Amid. Any thing To break your marriage with my master.

  Jul. Go to Roderick, and tell him my condition: But tell it him as from thyself, not me.

  Amid. That you are forced to marry?

  Jul. But do not ask him To succour me; if of himself he will not, I scorn a love that must be taught its duty.

  Man. What youth is that? I mean the little one.

  Gons. I took him up last night.

  Man. A sweet-faced boy, I like him strangely: Would you part with him?

  Amid. Alas, sir, I am good for nobody, But for my master.

  Hip. Sir, I’ll do your errand Another time, for letting Julia go. [To AMIDEO.

  Man. Come, sir.

  Gons. I beg your pardon for a moment, I’ll but dispatch some business in my ship, And wait you presently:

  Man. We’ll go before;

  I’ll make sure Roderick shall never have her;

  And ’tis at least some pleasure to destroy

  His happiness, who mined first my joy.

  [Exeunt all but GONSALVO; who, before he goes, whispers HIPPOLITO.

  Gons. Against her will fair Julia to possess,

  Is not to enjoy, but ravish happiness:

  Yet women pardon force, because they find

  The violence of love is still most kind:

  Just like the plots of well built comedies,

  Which then please most, when most they do surprise:

  But yet constraint love’s noblest end destroys,

  Whose highest joy is in another’s joys:

  Where passion rules, how weak does reason prove!

  I yield my cause, but cannot yield my love. [Exit.


  SCENE I. — A great room in DON MANUEL’S house.

  HIPPOLITO solus.

  My master bid me speak for him to Julia:

  Hard fate, that I am made a confident

  Against myself!

  Yet, though unwillingly I took the office,

  I would perform it well: But how can I

  Prove lucky to his love, who to my own

  Am so unfortunate? he trusts his passion

  Like him, that ventures all his stock at once

  On an unlucky hand.

  Enter AMIDEO.

  Amid. Where is the lady Julia?

  Hip. What new treason Against my master’s love have you contrived With her?

  Amid. I shall not render you account.

  Enter JULIA.

  Jul. I sent for him; yet if he comes, there’s danger;

  Yet if he does not, I for ever lose him.

  What can I wish? and yet I wish him here,

  Only to take the care of me from me.

  Weary with sitting out a losing hand,

  Twill be some ease to see another play it.

  Yesterday I refused to marry him,

  To-day I run into his arms unasked;

  Like a mild prince encroached upon by rebels,

  Love yielded much, till honour asked for all.

  How now, where’s Roderick? [Sees AMIDEO.

  I mean Gonsalvo. [Sees HIPPOLITO.

  Hip. You would do well to meet him —

  Amid. Meet him! you shall not do’t: I’ll throw myself,

  Like a young fawning spaniel, in your way

  So often, you shall never move a step,

  But you shall tread on me.

  Jul. You need not beg me: I would as soon meet a syren, as see him.

  Hip. His sweetness for those frowns no subject finds:

  Seas are the field of combat for the winds:

  But when they sweep along some flowery coast,

  Their wings move mildly, and their rage is lost.

  Jul. ’Tis that which makes me more unfortunate;

  Because his sweetness must upbraid my hate.

  The wounds of fortune touch me not so near;

  I can my fate, but not his virtue, bear.

  For my disdain with my esteem is raised;

  He most is hated when he most is praised:

  Such an esteem, as like a storm appears,

  Which rises but to shipwreck what it bears.

  Hip. Infection dwells upon my kindness, sure, Since it destroys even those whom it would cure.

  [Cries, and exit.

  Amid. Still weep, Hippolito; to me thy tears

  Are sovereign, as those drops the balm-tree sweats. —

  But, madam, are you sure you shall not love him?

  I still fear. —

  Jul. Thy fear will never let thee be a man.

  Amid. Indeed I think it won’t.

  Jul. We are now Alone; what news from Roderick?

  Amid. Madam, he begs you not to fear; he has A way, which, when you think all desperate, Will set you free.

  Jul. If not, I will not live A moment after it.

  Amid. Why? there’s some comfort.

  Jul. I strongly wish, for what I faintly hope:

  Like the day-dreams of melancholy men,

  I think and think on things impossible,

  Yet love to wander in that golden maze.

  Enter DON MANUEL, HIPPOLITO, and company.

  Amid. Madam, your brother’s here.

  Man. Where is the bridegroom?

  Hip. Not yet returned, sir, from his ship.

  Man. Sister, all this good company is met, To give you joy.

  Jul. While I am compassed round

  With mirth, my soul lies hid in shades of grief,

  Whence, like the bird of night, with half shut eyes,

  She peeps, and sickens at the sight of day. [Aside.

  Enter Servant.

  Serv. Sir, some gentlemen and ladies are without, Who, to do honour to this wedding, come To present a masque.

  Man. Tis well; desire them They would leave put the words, and fall to dancing. The poetry of the foot takes most of late.

  Serv. The poet, sir, will take that very ill; He’s at the door, with the argument o’the masque In verse.

  Man. Which of the wits is it that made it?

  Serv. None of the wits, sir; ’tis one of the poets.

  Man. What subject has he chose?

  Serv. The rape of Proserpine.


  Man. Welcome, welcome, you have been long expected.

  Gons. I staid to see the unlading of some rarities, Which are within — Madam, your pardon that I was so long absent.

  Jul. You need not ask it for your absence, sir.

  Gons. Still cruel, Julia?

  Jul. The danger’s here, and Roderick not here: I am not grieved to die; but I am grieved To think him false. [Aside.

  Man. Bid him begin. [The music plays.

  A Cupid descends in swift motion, and speaks these verses.

  Cup. Thy conquests, Proserpine, have stretched too far;

  Amidst heavens peace thy beauty makes a war:

  For when, last night, I to Jove’s palace went,

  (The brightest part of all the firmament)

  Instead of all those gods, whose thick resort

  Filled up the presence of the thunderers court;

  There Jove and Juno all forsaken sate,

  Pensive, like kings in their declining state:

  Yet (wanting power) they would preserve the show,

  By hearing prayers from some few men below:

  Mortals to Jove may their devotions pay;

  The gods themselves to Proserpine do pray.

  To Sicily the rival powers resort;

  ’Tis Heaven wherever Ceres keeps her court.

  Phoebus and Mercury are both at strife,

  The courtliest of our gods who want a wife.

  But Venus, whate’er kindness she pretends,

  Yet (like all females envious of their friends),

  Has, by my aid, contrived a black design,

  The god of hell should ravish Proserpine:

  Beauties, beware; Venus will never bear

  Another Venus shining in her sphere.

  After Cupid’s speech, Venus and Ceres descend in the slow machines;

p; Ceres drawn by dragons, Venus by swans.

  After them Phoebus and Mercury descend in swift motion. Then Cupid turns to Julia, and speaks.

  Cup. The rival deities are come to woo

  A Proserpine, who must be found below:

  Would you, fair nymph, become, this happy hour,

  In name a goddess, as you are in power?

  Then to this change the king of shades will owe

  A fairer Proserpine than heaven can show.

  [Julia, first whispered by AMIDEO, goes into the dance, performed by Cupid, Phoebus, Mercury, Ceres, Venus, and JULIA. Towards the end of the dance, RODORICK, in the habit of Pluto, rises from below in a black chariot, all flaming, and drawn by black horses; he ravishes Julia, who personated Proserpine, and as he is carrying her away, his vizard fails off: HIPPOLITO first discovers him.

  Hip. A rape, a rape! ’tis Roderick, ’tis Roderick!

  Rod. Then I must have recourse to this. [Draws.

  Jul. O heavens!

  [DON MANUEL and GONSALVO draw, and a Servant; the two that acted Phoebus and Mercury return to assist RODORICK, and are beat back by MANUEL and a Servant, while GONSALVO attacks RODORICK.

  Gons. Unloose thy hold, foul villain.

  Rod. No, I’ll grasp her Even after death.

  Jul. Spare him, or I’ll die with him.

  Gons. Must ravishers and villains live, while I In vain implore her mercy?

  [Thrusts at him, and hurts JULIA in the arm.

  Jul. Oh, I am murdered!

  Gons. Wretched that I am,

  What have I done? To what strange punishment

  Will you condemn this guilty hand? And yet

  My eyes were guilty first — For they could look

  On nothing else but you; and my unlucky hand

  Too closely followed them! —

  Enter MANUEL again.

  Man. The powers above are just, that thou still livest, For me to kill.

  Rod. You’ll find no easy task on’t

  Alone; come both together, I defy you!

  Curse on this disguise, that has betrayed me

  Thus cheaply to my death. —

  Man. Under a devil’s shape, thou could’st not be Disguised.

  Jul. Then, must he die? — Yet, I’ll not bid my Roderick farewell; For they take leave, who mean to be long absent.

  Gons. Hold, sir! I have had blood enough already; And must not murder Julia again In him she loves. Live, sir; and thank this lady.

  Rod. Take my life, and spare my thanks.

  Man. Though you Forgive him, let me take my just revenge.

  Gons. Leave that distinction to our dull divines: That ill, I suffer to be done, I do.

  Hip. My heart bleeds for him: to see his virtue O’ercome so fatally, against such odds Of fortune, and of love! —

  Man. Permit his death, and Julia will be yours.


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