John Dryden - Delphi Poets Series
Page 340
[Runs amazedly backwards and forwards. Servants within, “Follow, follow; yonder are the villains.”
O, here’s a gate open; but it leads into the castle; yet I must venture it.
[A shout behind the Scenes, where Antonio is going out.
There’s the rabble in a mutiny; what, is the devil up at midnight! However, ’tis good herding in a crowd.
[Runs out. Mufti runs to Morayma, and lays hold on her, then snatches away the Casket.
Muf. Now, to do things in order, first I seize upon the bag, and then upon the baggage; for thou art but my flesh and blood, but these are my life and soul.
Mor. Then let me follow my flesh and blood, and keep to yourself your life and soul.
Muf. Both, or none; come away to durance.
Mor. Well, if it must be so, agreed; for I have another trick to play you, and thank yourself for what shall follow.
Enter Servants.
Joh. [From above.] One of them took through the private way into the castle; follow him, be sure, for these are yours already.
Mor. Help here quickly, Omar, Abedin! I have hold on the villain that stole my jewels; but ’tis a 396 lusty rogue, and he will prove too strong for me. What! help, I say; do you not know your master’s daughter?
Muf. Now, if I cry out, they will know my voice, and then I am disgraced for ever. O thou art a venomous cockatrice!
Mor. Of your own begetting.[The Servants seize him.
Serv. What a glorious deliverance have you had, madam, from this bloody-minded Christian!
Mor. Give me back my jewels, and carry this notorious malefactor to be punished by my father. — I’ll hunt the other dry-foot.
[Takes the jewels, and runs out after Antonio at the same passage.
Serv. I long to be hanselling his hide, before we bring him to my master.
Serv. Hang him, for an old covetous hypocrite; he deserves a worse punishment himself, for keeping us so hardly.
Serv. Ay, would he were in this villain’s place! thus I would lay him on, and thus.[Beats him.
Serv. And thus would I revenge myself of my last beating.[He beats him too, and then the rest.
Muf. Oh, ho, ho!
Serv. Now, supposing you were the Mufti, sir. — [Beats him again.
Muf. The devil’s in that supposing rascal! — I can bear no more; and I am the Mufti. Now suppose yourselves my servants, and hold your hands: an anointed halter take you all!
Serv. My master! — You will pardon the excess of our zeal for you, sir: Indeed we all took you for a villain, and so we used you.
Muf. Ay, so I feel you did; my back and sides are abundant testimonies of your zeal. — Run, rogues, 397 and bring me back my jewels, and my fugitive daughter; run, I say.
[They run to the gate, and the first Servant runs back again.
Serv. Sir, the castle is in a most terrible combustion; you may hear them hither.
Muf. ’Tis a laudable commotion; the voice of the mobile is the voice of heaven. — I must retire a little, to strip me of the slave, and to assume the Mufti, and then I will return; for the piety of the people must be encouraged, that they may help me to recover my jewels, and my daughter.
[Exeunt Mufti and Servants.
SCENE III. — Changes to the Castle Yard,
And discovers Antonio, Mustapha, and the Rabble shouting. They come forward.
Ant. And so at length, as I informed you, I escaped out of his covetous clutches; and now fly to your illustrious feet for my protection.
Must. Thou shalt have it, and now defy the Mufti. ’Tis the first petition that has been made to me since my exaltation to tumult, in this second night of the month Abib, and in the year of the Hegira, — the Lord knows what year; but ’tis no matter; for when I am settled, the learned are bound to find it out for me; for I am resolved to date my authority over the rabble, like other monarchs.
Ant. I have always had a longing to be yours again, though I could not compass it before; and had designed you a casket of my master’s jewels too; for I knew the custom, and would not have appeared before a great person, as you are, without a present: But he has defrauded my good intentions, and basely robbed you of them; ’tis a prize worthy 398 a million of crowns, and you carry your letters of marque about you.
Must. I shall make bold with his treasure, for the support of my new government. — [The people gather about him.] — What do these vile raggamuffins so near our person? your savour is offensive to us; bear back there, and make room for honest men to approach us: These fools and knaves are always impudently crowding next to princes, and keeping off the more deserving: Bear back, I say. — [They make a wider circle.] — That’s dutifully done! Now shout, to shew your loyalty. [A great shout.] — Hear’st thou that, slave Antonio? These obstreperous villains shout, and know not for what they make a noise. You shall see me manage them, that you may judge what ignorant beasts they are. — For whom do you shout now? Who’s to live and reign; tell me that, the wisest of you?
Rabble. Even who you please, captain.
Must. La, you there! I told you so.
Rabble. We are not bound to know, who is to live and reign; our business is only to rise upon command, and plunder.
Rabble. Ay, the richest of both parties; for they are our enemies.
Must. This last fellow is a little more sensible than the rest; he has entered somewhat into the merits of the cause.
Rabble. If a poor man may speak his mind. I think, captain, that yourself are the fittest to live and reign; I mean not over, but next, and immediately under, the people; and thereupon I say, A Mustapha, a Muatapha!
Omnes. A Mustapha, a Mustapha!
Must. I must confess the sound is pleasing, and tickles the ears of my ambition; but alas, good people, it must not be! I am contented to be a poor 399 simple viceroy. But prince Muley-Zeydan is to be the man: I shall take care to instruct him in the arts of government, and in his duty to us all; and, therefore, mark my cry, A Muley-Zeydan, a Muley-Zeydan!
Omnes. A Muley-Zeydan, a Muley-Zeydan!
Must. You see, slave Antonio, what I might have been?
Ant. I observe your modesty.
Must. But for a foolish promise, I made once to my lord Benducar, to set up any one he pleased. —
Re-enter the Mufti, with his Servants.
Ant. Here’s the old hypocrite again. — Now stand your ground and bate him not an inch. Remember the jewels, the rich and glorious jewels; they are designed to be yours, by virtue of prerogative.
Must. Let me alone to pick a quarrel; I have an old grudge to him upon thy account.
Muf. [Making up to the Mobile.] Good people, here you are met together.
Rabble. Ay, we know that without your telling: But why are we met together, doctor? for that’s it which no body here can tell.
Rabble. Why, to see one another in the dark; and to make holiday at midnight.
Muf. You are met, as becomes good Mussulmen, to settle the nation; for I must tell you, that, though your tyrant is a lawful emperor, yet your lawful emperor is but a tyrant.
Ant. What stuff he talks!
Must. ’Tis excellent fine matter, indeed, slave Antonio! He has a rare tongue! Oh, he would move a rock, or elephant!
Ant. What a block have I to work upon! [Aside.] — But still, remember the jewels, sir; the jewels.
Must. Nay, that’s true, on the other side; the 400 jewels must be mine. But he has a pure fine way of talking; my conscience goes along with him, but the jewels have set my heart against him.
Muf. That your emperor is a tyrant, is most manifest; for you were born to be Turks, but he has played the Turk with you, and is taking your religion away.
Rabble. We find that in our decay of trade. I have seen, for these hundred years, that religion and trade always go together.
Muf. He is now upon the point of marrying himself, without your sovereign consent: And what are the effects of marriage?
Rabble. A scolding domineering wife, if she prov
e honest; and, if a whore, a fine gaudy minx, that robs our counters every night, and then goes out, and spends it upon our cuckold-makers.
Muf. No; the natural effects of marriage are children: Now, on whom would he beget these children? Even upon a Christian! O, horrible! how can you believe me, though I am ready to swear it upon the Alcoran! Yes, true believers, you may believe, that he is going to beget a race of misbelievers.
Must. That’s fine, in earnest; I cannot forbear hearkening to his enchanting tongue.
Ant. But yet remember —
Must. Ay, ay, the jewels! Now again I hate him; but yet my conscience makes me listen to him.
Muf. Therefore, to conclude all, believers, pluck up your hearts, and pluck down the tyrant. Remember the courage of your ancestors; remember the majesty of the people; remember yourselves, your wives, and children; and, lastly, above all, remember your religion, and our holy Mahomet. All these require your timeous assistance; — shall I say, they beg it? No; they claim it of you, by all the 401 nearest and dearest ties of these three P’s, self-preservation, our property, and our prophet. — Now answer me with an unanimous cheerful cry, and follow me, who am your leader, to a glorious deliverance.
Omnes. A Mufti, a Mufti![Following him off the stage.
Ant. Now you see what comes of your foolish qualms of conscience; the jewels are lost, and they are all leaving you.
Must. What, am I forsaken of my subjects? Would the rogue purloin my liege people from me! — I charge you, in my own name, come back, ye deserters, and hear me speak.
Rabble. What, will he come with his balderdash, after the Mufti’s eloquent oration?
Rabble. He’s our captain, lawfully picked up, and elected upon a stall; we will hear him.
Omnes. Speak, captain, for we will hear you.
Must. Do you remember the glorious rapines and robberies you have committed? Your breaking open and gutting of houses, your rummaging of cellars, your demolishing of Christian temples, and bearing off, in triumph, the superstitious plate and pictures, the ornaments of their wicked altars, when all rich moveables were sentenced for idolatrous, and all that was idolatrous was seized? Answer first, for your remembrance of all these sweetnesses of mutiny; for upon those grounds I shall proceed.
Omnes. Yes, we do remember, we do remember.
Must. Then make much of your retentive faculties. — And who led you to those honey-combs? Your Mufti? No, believers; he only preached you up to it, but durst not lead you: He was but your counsellor, but I was your captain; he only looed you, but, ’twas I that led you.
Omnes. That’s true, that’s true.
Ant. There you were with him for his figures.
Must. I think I was, slave Antonio. Alas, I was ignorant of my own talent! — Say then, believers, will you have a captain for your Mufti, or a Mufti for your captain? And, further, to instruct you how to cry, will you have A mufti, or No mufti?
Omnes. No Mufti, no Mufti!
Must. That I laid in for them, slave Antonio — Do I then spit upon your faces? Do I discourage rebellion, mutiny, rapine, and plundering? You may think I do, believers; but, heaven forbid! No, I encourage you to all these laudable undertakings; you shall plunder, you shall pull down the government; but you shall do this upon my authority, and not by his wicked instigation.
Rabble. Nay, when his turn is served, he may preach up loyalty again, and restitution, that he might have another snack among us.
Rabble. He may indeed; for it is but his saying it is sin, and then we must restore; and therefore I would have a new religion, where half the commandments should be taken away, the rest mollified, and there should be little or no sin remaining.
Omnes. Another religion, a new religion, another religion!
Must. And that may easily be done, with the help of a little inspiration; for I must tell you, I have a pigeon at home, of Mahomet’s own breed; and when I have learnt her to pick pease out of my ear, rest satisfied till then, and you shall have another. But, now I think on’t, I am inspired already, that ’tis no sin to depose the Mufti.
Ant. And good reason; for when kings and queens are to be discarded, what should knaves do any longer in the pack?
Omnes. He is deposed, he is deposed, he is deposed!
Must. Nay, if he and his clergy will needs be preaching up rebellion, and giving us their blessing, ’tis but justice they should have the first-fruits of it. — Slave Antonio, take him into custody; and dost thou hear, boy, be sure to secure the little transitory box of jewels. If he be obstinate, put a civil question to him upon the rack, and he squeaks, I warrant him.
Ant. [Seizing the Mufti.] Come, my quondam master, you and I must change qualities.
Muf. I hope you will not be so barbarous to torture me: we may preach suffering to others, but, alas! holy flesh is too well pampered to endure martyrdom.
Must. Now, late Mufti, not forgetting my first quarrel to you, we will enter ourselves with the plunder of your palace: ’tis good to sanctify a work, and begin a God’s name.
Rabble. Our prophet let the devil alone with the last mob.
Mob. But he takes care of this himself.
As they are going out, enter Benducar, leading Almeyda: he with a sword in one hand; Benducar’s Slave follows, with Muley-Moluch’s head upon a spear.
Must. Not so much haste, masters; comeback again; you are so bent upon mischief, that you take a man upon the first word of plunder. Here is a sight for you; the emperor is come upon his head to visit you. [Bowing.] Most noble emperor, now I hope you will not hit us in the teeth, that we have pulled you down; for we can tell you to your face, that we have exalted you.
[They all shout.
Bend. Think what I am, and what yourself may be, [To Almeyda apart.
In being mine: refuse not proffered love,
That brings a crown.
Alm. [To him.] I have resolved,
And these shall know my thoughts.
Bend. [To her.] On that I build. — [He comes up to the Rabble.
Joy to the people for the tyrant’s death!
Oppression, rapine, banishment, and blood,
Are now no more; but speechless as that tongue,
That lies for ever still.
How is my grief divided with my joy,
When I must own I killed him! Bid me speak;
For not to bid me, is to disallow
What for your sakes is done.
Must. In the name of the people, we command you speak: but that pretty lady shall speak first; for we have taken somewhat of a liking to her person. — Be not afraid, lady, to speak to these rude raggamuffians; there is nothing shall offend you, unless it be their stink, an’t please you.
[Making a leg.
Alm. Why should I fear to speak, who am your queen?
My peaceful father swayed the sceptre long,
And you enjoyed the blessings of his reign,
While you deserved the name of Africans.
Then, not commanded, but commanding you,
Fearless I speak: know me for what I am.
Bend. How she assumes! I like not this beginning. [Aside.
Alm. I was not born so base to flatter crowds,
And move your pity by a whining tale.
Your tyrant would have forced me to his bed;
But in the attempt of that foul brutal act,
These loyal slaves secured me by his death. [Pointing to Benducar.
Bend. Makes she no more of me than of a slave? — [Aside.
Madam, I thought I had instructed you[To Almeyda.
To frame a speech more suiting to the times:
The circumstances of that dire design,
Your own despair, my unexpected aid,
My life endangered by his bold defence,
And, after all, his death, and your deliverance,
Were themes that ought not to be slighted o’er.
Must. She might have passed over all your petty businesses, and no great matter; but the raising of my
rabble is an exploit of consequence, and not to be mumbled up in silence, for all her pertness.
Alm. When force invades the gift of nature, life,
The eldest law of nature bids defend;
And if in that defence a tyrant fall,
His death’s his crime, not ours,
Suffice it, that he’s dead; all wrongs die with him;
When he can wrong no more, I pardon him:
Thus I absolve myself, and him excuse,
Who saved my life and honour, but praise neither.
Bend. ’Tis cheap to pardon, whom you would not pay.
But what speak I of payment and reward!
Ungrateful woman, you are yet no queen,
Nor more than a proud haughty christian slave:
As such I seize my right.[Going to lay hold of her.
Alm. [Drawing a Dagger.] Dare not to approach me! —
Now, Africans,
He shows himself to you; to me he stood
Confessed before, and owned his insolence
To espouse my person, and assume the crown,
Claimed in my right; for this, he slew your tyrant;
Oh no! he only changed him for a worse;
Embased your slavery by his own vileness,
And loaded you with more ignoble bonds.
Then think me not ungrateful, not to share
The imperial crown with a presuming traitor.
He says, I am a Christian; true, I am,
But yet no slave: If Christians can be thought
Unfit to govern those of other faith,
’Tis left for you to judge.
Bend. I have not patience; she consumes the time
In idle talk, and owns her false belief:
Seize her by force, and bear her thence unheard.
Alm. [To the People.]
No, let me rather die your sacrifice,
Than live his triumph.
I throw myself into my people’s arms;
As you are men, compassionate my wrongs,
And, as good men, protect me.
Ant. Something must be done to save her. [Aside to Must.] This is all addressed to you, sir: she singled you out with her eye, as commander in chief of the mobility.
Must. Think’st thou so, slave Antonio?