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UNBROKEN: A Bad Boy MMA Romance (Midwest Alphas) (Book 2)

Page 23

by Kiss, Tabatha

  Her nails scratch at me. I feel my skin break as I lean up and stare down at her. “Turn around,” I say.

  Piper gives in to my demands and she does it with a smile on her face. She releases her legs from about my waist and flips over onto her stomach. Her arms and legs shake as she raises her ass into the air for me.

  I shove my cock back inside of her. My thrusts shake the bed beneath us. It taps against the wall, but I can’t be bothered to stop. Let someone hear. Let someone complain. I don’t give a fuck. I grip her ass and dig my fingers into her perfect skin while I pound her even harder.

  Piper latches against my pillow and stuffs the corner between her teeth. I make a game of it to see if I can make her scream louder, but she manages to keep the sound smothered against the pillow.

  I lean forward and grab her hair. Her back arches as I whisper in her ear. “Moan for me, Piper,” I tell her. She does and the pillow drops from her mouth. I hit her with an unstoppable flurry of cock, sliding in and out of her, until I feel her muscles clamp around me. Her moisture triples inside as she comes on me. Her insides twitch wildly, sending fierce vibrations through my body.

  I hold her against me as I come. She rounds her hips, grinding us together, milking my cock for every last drop of it. If she’s that thirsty for me, then I’ll give it all to her. I pump inside of her until my legs give out beneath me.

  We collapse together onto the small bed and slowly roll over to stare at each other. I can’t speak. I don’t need to. I can see everything she has to say in her eyes. Her hair has fallen down, stuck to her wet, sweaty face. I reach out and push it back behind her ear before leaning in to kiss her again. Her tongue is as dry as mine is, but she still tastes so good.

  “Kai…” she whispers. “I l—”

  A key moves in the lock.

  We both shoot up in the bed. Panic rises in my chest as a thousand thoughts run together in my mind. Maybe I can hide her under the bed or in the closet. Which one is faster? But what about her clothes on the floor? Oh, Christ—

  The door pushes open and we hear Shawn’s voice. “We had a big night last night, Mr. L. I’m sure he’s still napping away—”

  Mr. L?

  Oh, fuck.

  No. No no no.

  My eyes fall on Piper’s and my tongue ties into knots. She grips the bed sheet in shock and pulls it against her to hide her naked breasts.

  Shawn steps into the room with my mother and stepfather right behind him.

  Philip Lynch. The headmaster of my former high school, Belle Academy, and Piper’s father… a man that hasn’t seen or heard from his daughter in over six months.

  My mother gasps, but doesn’t say a word. Shawn’s reaction is pretty much the same.

  Philip’s eyes hop from my face to Piper’s and they stay there. “Piper?” he asks, his voice laced with anger.

  Piper trembles beside me. “Hi, Dad…” she squeaks.

  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  Chapter 7


  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  No. This isn’t happening.

  I lock eyes with my father and I remember the last time I saw him. He dropped Mandy and me off at the airport. I gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek and told him I’d see him next week.

  But that never happened.

  I stayed in Europe with my mother, just like I always planned to. I didn’t go to Harvard like he planned for me. I walked away from him and everything having to do with him in search of a new life away from his control.

  He looks at me now with nothing but rage. There is no relief in his eyes, no happiness of seeing me alive and well, only a sudden clarity of my treachery against him. “What the hell is going on here?!” he shouts at us.

  I tremble with a new fear. It clashes with the desire inside of me, still lingering strong for Kai. My eyes wander around the room, taking in the gazes of all those around us. My stepmother, Ava, looks more confused than angry or upset. Shawn has slunk backward and slid down into his desk chair behind them with curious amusement dancing in his eyes. I open my mouth to speak to my father, but the words refuse to form on my tongue. Kai doesn’t say anything either.

  “Piper!” he shouts again. I jolt at the sound. “Answer me!”

  I force myself to breathe. “I…”

  My father puts his hands on his hips. His face is red and a light sweat has broken out along his brow. “Piper, so help me god, if you don’t say something right now—”

  Kai rests his hand on my thigh. “Okay—” he interrupts and forces my father’s attentions on himself instead. “Let’s just calm down.”

  “Calm down?!” my father parrots back. “I haven’t seen my daughter in six months — you know that. You sat at my dinner table and shrugged your shoulders when I asked where she was and now I find you deflowering her in your dorm room—”

  “Okay, hold on there, Philip—” Kai raises his hand. “No one’s getting deflowered here, all right? Your daughter ain’t exactly uncharted waters.”

  I smack his arm. “Kai!”

  “Well, you’re not!”

  “You don’t have to say it like that!”

  He looks at me. “Piper, that’s the nicest way I’ve ever described you.”

  I shake my head, mad with fury, and turn away from him.

  “Piper, is this true?” my father asks me, his eyes boring down on me from the foot of the bed.

  I hold the sheet so tightly around my breasts, I think for a moment that it’ll fuse with my still-erect nipples. “I…” The words get trapped in my throat. I’m not exactly the poster child for a shy sexuality, but I sure as hell don’t want to talk about it with my father — especially not while I’m naked with my stepbrother’s semen slowly seeping out of my crevice. “You know what…” I say. “We should probably talk about this later.”

  “Oh, no,” my father says. “I’m not letting you out of my sight until I know exactly where the hell you’ve been all this time. I want answers and I want them now.”

  Blood fills my cheeks. “Dad, please—”


  “Philip, honey…” Ava steps forward and places her hand on his arm. “Maybe she’s right. I don’t think any of us are in the correct frame of mind for such a discussion right now.”

  “I don’t care!” he shouts. “This is unacceptable!” He points at the two of us, naked and sweating in Kai’s bed. “What the hell are you two thinking? This is a complete embarrassment.”

  “Chill out, Philip,” Kai fires back. He leans against the headboard and stares at my father with no fear in his eyes. “It’s just a casual thing.”

  My father’s eyes grow wide in his skull. “You’re having casual sex with my daughter?” A darker rage fills his face and for a moment, I fear he may actually attack Kai with his bare hands.

  Ava’s firm grip on his arm holds him at bay. “Philip, please,” she urges. “Let’s give them some privacy and we’ll get back together with them later.”

  “Fine…” he says. My father’s red eyes fall on me again and I recoil against the headboard. “And you…” he seethes with a pointed finger. “Don’t you go anywhere. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, sir,” I whisper. I see Kai glance at me out of the corner of my eyes, but I can’t bring myself to look anywhere other than the bed sheet around me.

  Ava tugs on his arm and the two of them make wide strides towards the door. My father shoots one last look at the two of us before slamming it closed behind him.

  Shawn slides out of his desk chair without hesitation. “I think I’m going to go hang with Mandy for a while…” he says.

  “Yeah,” Kai says. “Sounds good.”

  He slips out of the room, but not without sneaking one last peak at me first. I hear him lock the door behind him, sealing the two of us inside.


  I collapse forward and rest my head in my hands. “Oh, fuck…”

  He reaches for me, but I pull away the second I feel his fingert
ips on my skin. “Piper—”

  “It’s just a casual thing?!” I repeat his words back to him and snap up to face him. “What the fuck were you thinking?!”

  “There was no sense in lying to him,” he says. “He saw everything he needed to put it all together.”

  “What the hell are they even doing here?!”

  He squeezes his eyes closed and hesitates for a second. “It’s… parent’s weekend. They came here for that—”

  My head throbs with a blinding pain. “And you didn’t think this was vital information to pass on to me?!”

  “Behold the power of your cunt, Piper.”

  I throw the sheet away from me and push off the bed. “Fucking hell, Kai…”

  “Piper, calm down…”

  “I have to get out of here…” I mutter the words. They fall from my lips as I frantically gather my clothes off the floor. “I have to find a cab and get to the nearest airport right fucking now—”

  “Piper, stop!”

  I keep moving, scanning the floor for my underwear. I drop to my knees and fish under the bedspread to find my red panties hidden beneath it. A wave of nausea strikes me cold. I can barely even feel Kai’s hands on me as I stand up. “Don’t touch me!” I shout.

  He refuses to release me and pulls me closer to his naked skin. “Piper, think about this. If you leave now, it’ll just make things worse.”

  “Not for me.” I try to jerk away, but it just makes him hold my arms tighter.

  “What did you think would happen when you finally showed your face again, huh?” he asks. He slaps my clothes out of my hands and I drop them to the floor. “Did you think he’d just shrug it off and welcome you back with open arms? You gutted him, Piper. Of course he’s pissed. We all are.”

  “Then let me go!”

  “So you can leave and never come back — for real this time?” He shakes his head. “No.” His arms wrap around my body and he holds me against him as he lifts me off the floor. I hang suspended in his arms, my toes just barely grazing the carpet.

  “Knock it off, Kai!” I try to wiggle free, but he just squeezes me tighter. Once again, I’m weightless in his strong arms.

  “Say you’ll stay and I will.”

  “I’m not staying here forever.”

  “I’m not asking you to,” he says, his voice steady and calm. “I’m just asking for another night.”

  “And what good will that do?”

  “You might not think so right now, Piper, but sooner or later, you’re going to need him—”

  “Bullshit!” I shake in his arms, but his brute strength holds me there.

  “And when you do, you’re going to be happy you made things right with him now.”

  My lips tremble. “I can’t make things right with him, Kai. It’s too late.”

  He shakes his head. “No, it’s not. Just look at us.”

  I stare down into his eyes. “What about us?”

  “Pipes…” he whispers. “If I can manage to be alone in a room with you without the intense urge to hang myself, then so can he.”

  I relax my body in his arms and he loosens his grip on me. “This wasn’t just a casual thing, was it?” I ask.

  He looks back at me and his smile slowly wanders from his lips. “I don’t want to answer that.”

  I furrow my brow. “Why not?”

  My toes touch the floor as he lowers me down and lets go of me. “Because,” he answers, “then you’ll definitely leave again.” He steps away from me and bends over to grab his jeans.

  “That’s not true…” I say. I watch as he steps into them and slides them up his body. “Kai, stop.”

  He pauses and looks back at me. “I tried to get over it, Piper, but…” His eyes travel down my body, still naked and free. “You were wrong. I can’t keep it casual with you. You may be able to… but I can’t.”

  My heart races. “So it’s all or nothing then?” I ask.

  He nods. “Yeah, I guess it is.” He reaches for his shirt. Deep, red marks lash up his back, laid by my own fingernails. “But I won’t be the guy that forces you to stay. It’s up to you.”

  I bite my lip to keep from screaming. I’d do anything right now to go back in time and relive that perfect week we had together. Just the two of us against the world. A blissful moment in time before reality set in. But we can’t have that again. Lightning in a bottle, as they say.

  Or was it?

  “Okay,” I say.

  He looks back at me with hesitation. “Okay what?” he asks.

  “Okay,” I repeat. “I’m in.”

  “Piper…” he sighs. “Don’t say that unless you mean it.”

  I step forward. “I mean it.” I keep my voice firm and strong. “Kai, I will stay here with you.”

  “Pipes… Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” I smile and fall into his arms. He holds me close and his lips embrace mine.

  All or nothing.

  I jump up and wrap my legs around his body. The fires inside of me reignite as he carries me to the bed again. Kai kisses me, hard and fast. I pull his shirt off his body and toss it to the floor where it belongs. I can feel his hardness pressing against me, begging to be freed again from his jeans. His stamina makes me grin. It’s the perfect rival to my own. It was a silent game we played together in Europe. A fun battle every night to see who could wear the other out first.

  I honestly don’t remember the score. In the end, it’s safe to say we were both winners.

  I unzip his jeans and push my fingers inside to claim my prize.

  Chapter 8


  I watch her as she moves around the room. Piper Lynch. The alabaster bastard herself.

  My Piper Lynch.

  She slides her red panties up her body then grabs her bra off the floor to put it back on, too. “Where are you going?” I ask her as I push my hands behind my head. I settle against them and enjoy the show as she bends over to retrieve her blouse.

  She whips her head back to glance at me. “The ladies’ room,” she answers.

  “Ahh…” I say.

  She rolls her eyes at me. “Get that look off your face.”

  “What look?” I grin.

  “That look,” she says as she stands up. “That smug, satisfied smirk.”

  “But I am smug and satisfied,” I say. “I deserve the right to smirk.”

  She tilts her head and slides into her jeans. My cock twitches as she pulls them up over her perfect ass. It can’t possibly be ready to go again just yet, but my blood pumps towards it anyway.

  “When I get back,” she says, “we should talk.”

  I wince. “But not talking has worked out pretty well so far.”

  She buttons her blouse to the top. “There will be plenty of time for not talking later, Kai,” she says, “but now, we should talk.”

  She’s right. There’s no denying that. The logistics of this arrangement won’t be easy to figure out. I was just hoping we wouldn’t have to do it immediately. “All right,” I say. “I’ll get dressed.”

  Piper smiles and drifts back over to the bed. “I’ll be right back.” She leans over and kisses me, long and soft. It takes every bit of self-control to keep myself from pulling her back into this bed with me.

  She flashes a wink at me before exiting the room.

  I sit up and a feeling of great dread attacks my chest.

  Please, Pipes. Don’t let this be like last time.

  I don’t think I can take losing her again, especially not so quickly after last time. A million scenarios play out in my head as I step back inside my jeans. What if she’s already gone? What if she’s bolting across the lawn outside right now, flagging down a cab? What if I just woke up from a pleasant, yet oddly nightmarish, dream and this entire day never even happened?

  What if she’s serious and she really will be right back?

  I pull my shirt over my head and the door opens quickly. It slams closed fast and I turn around to see Shawn standing i
n front of it.

  “Dude.” His eyes are wide and alert, like he just saw a real-life dinosaur.

  I hold up a hand. “Shawn…” I urge.

  “What the fuck was that?” He’s not angry at all. His lips curl at both ends and his voice is laced with hilarity.

  “That was…” I inhale deep and drop every lie from my words. “That was pretty much exactly what it looks like.”

  “You’re fucking Piper Lynch?” He looks so full of pride, I can’t help but chuckle a little bit.


  “Since when?”

  “We got together the first time in Europe,” I answer. “I stayed behind to be with her… but she made me leave.”

  “That’s what happened?”

  “It’s the edited version,” I say. “But yeah, that’s about it.”

  “So, what you’re telling me is…” he muses, “that you actually won our bet, but you pretended not to for her sake?”

  “Yeah, pretty much.”

  “Dude.” He steps forward and slaps a hand on my shoulder. “That is romantic as fuck.”

  I chuckle. “Okay, Shawn.”

  “Do you want your car back? It’s only fair.”

  I shake my head. “The car is yours, man.”

  “All right,” he says, “but you get driving privileges — whenever you want.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “Wow…” he breathes. “You and Piper.”

  “Me and Piper.”

  “What are you guys going to do now?”

  I shake my head. “She says she’s going to stay in the country.”

  “I’m sensing a but there,” he says. “You don’t believe her?”

  I tilt my head as a stream of thoughts clog my mind. “I’m… cautiously optimistic. Piper isn’t exactly the type to act on impulse. We’re supposed to talk about it when she gets back from the bathroom.”


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