They Eat Horses, Don't They?
Page 34
12 He called his creation the ‘bikini’. See Bernard Andrieu, Bronzage: Une petite histoire du soleil et de la peau. CNRS Éditions, Paris, 2008, p. 8.
13 50 per cent of French women in a recent poll. See Les femmes et la nudité, poll conducted by Ifop/Tena, 5 mai 2009.
14 reduced rate loans. i.e. the Loi Loucher of July 1928, providing financial incentives to build private housing in the suburbs.
15 hypermarkets... supermarkets... roundabouts. See Comment la France est devenue moche, Enquête Télérama 13/02/2010, Xavier de Jarcy and Vincent Remy.
16 One village in two no longer has any local shops. See INSEE, Les Petits Commerces depuis 30 ans, No. 831, February 2002.
17 The majority – 49 per cent – dreamed of living in the suburbs. Consommation et Modes de Vie, CREDOC, Être propriétaire de sa maison, September 2004.
18 very little to do with rural France. See Roland Beufre & Dominique Dupuich, Dictionnaire Pratique et Illustré des Styles Décoratifs Actuels, Éditions du Chêne 1997, p. 47.
19 French provincial style. See John Pile, A History of Interior Design, Laurence King Publishing Limited 2005 (2nd Edition), pp. 182–4.
20 Edith Wharton. See Edith Wharton and Ogden Codman Jnr., The Decoration of Houses, B.T. Batsford 1898, Chapter I: The historical tradition.
21 various projects of house renovation. Elsie de Wolfe, The House in Good Taste, The Century Co., 1913.
22 ‘British country style’ … Nancy Lancaster. For a detailed discussion of the ‘creation’ of English country house style by Nancy Lancaster, see Louise Ward, Chintz, swags and bows: the myth of English country house style 1930–1990, in Susie McKellar and Penny Sparke, eds., Interior Design and Identity, Manchester University Press, 2004.
23 inspiration for the first Habitat collection. Terence Conran, Terence Conran’s France, Conran Octopus Limited 1991.
1 A guide for French waiters published by the French Tourist Board. Désirs et pratiques alimentaires des visiteurs étrangers en France, French Ministry of Tourism, June 2004.
2 English food in the Middle Ages, as food historians have noted. See for example the excellent analysis of British cooking throughout history by Colin Spencer, British Food: an extraordinary thousand years of history, Grub Street 2011.
3 George Orwell predicted. See George Orwell, In Defence of English Cooking, Evening Standard, 15 December 1945.
4 survey of French people’s preferred foreign cuisine. La cuisine italienne: cuisine étrangère préférée des français. Mingle Trend, mars 2011.
5 the best breakfast in the world. See The ‘Full English’ Crowned World’s Favourite Breakfast, press release, 14 July 2011.
6 in the words of Somerset Maugham. W. Somerset Maugham, quoted in Ted Morgan, Somerset Maugham: A Biography, 1980.
7 200,000 British expats living in France. Figures from the British embassy in Paris.
8 300,000 Gauls living in Albion. Figures from the French Embassy in London.
9 A study by the French newspaper Le Figaro in 2011. See Cyrille Vanlerberghe, Heureux comme un Français à Londres, Le Figaro 22/04/2011.
10 French immigration to Québec. Figures from the French Embassy in Québec.
11 The 3,000–4,000 French emigrants to Québec every year. Figures from the French Embassy in Québec.
12 18–20 per cent will be back home in five years. See Fannie Olivier, The Failures of French Immigration in Québec, The Wall Street Journal, August 13, 2007.
13 Walpole… Gray… Richard Owen Cambridge. For a detailed examination of the Chinese influence on English garden design and indeed eighteenth-century aesthetics, see Yu Liu, Seeds of a Different Eden: Chinese Gardening Ideas and a New English Aesthetic Ideal, University of South Carolina Press, 2008.
14 Charles de Gaulle on gardens. Charles de Gaulle, La Discorde chez l’ennemi, Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1944.
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