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All-In (The Gamblers Book 1)

Page 15

by Sarah Curtis

  Looking at him now—the determined set of his features and the unyielding stiffness of his posture—told her she'd have a tough time persuading him to her way of thinking. But trying wasn't an option. She had to succeed because if she'd learned anything today, it was Alec was very dangerous. Dangerous in a way she'd only thought she understood a mere few days ago. But she understood now, and the knowledge scared her.

  She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. "Listen, the time we spent together, it was... fun. I had a great time. You're a great guy and if this," she made a waving motion between them, "had happened at any other time in my life, I'd be all over the idea of continuing our... fling. But this tournament is too important for me not to give it my full concentration, and when you're around, I find it really hard to concentrate." She knew she was rambling and forced herself to stop. "Please tell me you understand and will respect my wishes."

  Her anxiety grew the longer his silence stretched. His stare was penetrating, and she found herself fidgeting under his gaze. After long minutes and unable to take the silence any longer, she blurted, "Are you going to say anything?"

  He stood from the couch and held a hand out. Without even thinking, she took it. He pulled her from sitting then led her to the bed.

  "Lie down," he said while toeing off his shoes and stripping away his jacket.

  "Why are you getting undressed?"

  "Lie down," he repeated, removing the cufflinks from his shirt and tossing them on the nightstand.

  River crossed her arms over her chest. "Would you stop undressing. Did you not hear anything I just said?"

  "I heard. But if you'll recall, I said we were ending this conversation in bed." He stripped off his shirt. "I'll give you my response when we're lying in it."

  He reached for the button on his slacks, and she'd had enough. She grabbed his wrist and pulled. "Would you stop undressing!"

  "Would you lie the fuck down!"

  They stood toe-to-toe, both glaring. His was better than hers, and she found herself giving in first. "Fine." She turned, sticking a knee on the bed, but then whipped her head back around. "But note, I'm only agreeing because I'm exhausted and want to get what you have to say over with, so you'll leave and go back to your room."

  "Noted." He had the gall to twitch his lips.

  Her eyes narrowed. "Don't you even think about laughing."

  His face turned serious. "I wouldn't dream of it."

  She crawled to the middle of the bed then lay stiffly, glaring at him the whole time while he finished getting undressed, flicked off the light, and then slid into bed behind her. His arm hugged her waist then pulled until her back was tight against his chest. When she'd made up her mind to put the brakes on their fling, this was not how she'd imagined the evening ending.

  Despite her resolve, she felt her body relaxing into his. Minutes ticked by, and the peaceful silence was lulling her to sleep. She snapped her eyes open, forcing herself not to drift off. "You said you'd talk."

  "You said you were exhausted."

  "I also said I wanted you to leave. You didn't listen to that, so why listen to the other?"

  His heated breath hit the top of her head as she heard him sigh. "Sorry, sweetheart, but things aren't going to play out the way you'd like."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I'm not leaving."

  Her body stiffened at his response, and she tried to wiggle from his grasp, but his arm was a solid band of steel holding her in place. Knowing fighting his strength was a waste of energy, she gave up. Her voice was icy when she asked, "So what I said doesn't matter to you? You know what winning this tournament means to me. I embarrassingly admitted you were too much of a distraction. What more can I do or say to make you understand what's going on between us needs to end?"

  Swiftly rolling her to her back, he draped a leg over her hip to hold her in place as his lower arms bracketed her head. His face was close, and his eyes were heated, holding her attention captive just as effectively as his body held her physically restrained. "Nothing. Nothing you do or say can stop this because I don't want it to stop."

  His words were so ridiculously selfish, she couldn't contain the bubble of laughter. "You do know it's not always all about you, Throne, don't you?"

  His nostrils flared and his jaw hardened, but she gave his anger no heed. Her own anger spiking at what should have been a simple parting of ways but him turning it into so much more.

  His voice was hard, and his words were clipped when he said, "If I thought for one second this was only about me, I'd let you go. But you want this as much as I do."

  She couldn't deny that. She'd basically said as much already. But she needed to make him understand. "This isn't only about you or me. It's also about my obligations, and I take them very seriously."

  "I get that. I even admire that. But what you're not getting is, I'm not letting you go." His fingers caressed down the side of her face. The pad of his thumb found her lips, gently swiping back and forth.

  She watched him, watching her. His eyes worshiping each of her features with such intensity, she felt it clear to her soul. Her heart stuttered to a stop only to beat anew, pounding painfully in her chest with the realization he'd always looked at her like that, as if she were a rare treasure. How had she never noticed?

  River felt herself weakening. She was losing the fight under the onslaught of his powerful gaze. Second thoughts. Were they ever good? She wondered as she got lost in Alec's eyes. She sure hoped so because she was having them. She had two more days of the tournament. Two more days to spend with Alec. Did she really want to spend those last days constantly running from him? If she were honest with herself, she'd have to say the answer was no.

  And that would be her final answer.

  She was tired of the yo-yo tactics her mind was putting her through. No more second, third, or fourth thoughts. She would enjoy each moment as they came, thinking no further into the future than the present. There'd be time enough to dwell on "what ifs" after she arrived back home. "Fine, you can stay the night."

  His lips touched her forehead and the tip of her nose before landing on her lips for a brief, sweet moment. He rolled back to his side, tucking her snugly against his chest, and lightly kissed the top of her head before murmuring, "Go to sleep."

  * * * * *

  Alec knew the moment River had fallen asleep. Her body had became heavy, and her breathing had grown even and deep. He tightened his hold on her, feeling as if he couldn't get close enough.

  Staring into the darkness, enjoying the feel of River in his arms, he thought about everything she'd said. Yes, he'd heard every fucked up word. She considered him a distraction. He smirked. That was the only thing she'd said that he'd found significant. His smile faded when he recalled her solution to the supposed problem. No, he wouldn't let her end things. Yes, he was being selfish, but he also knew she didn't have to worry about winning the money. He'd taken care of Royal's debt, though she didn't know that. But he didn't plan to tell her until after the tournament for two reasons.

  The first being all about River. He didn't want to ruin the excitement of her first tournament by her knowing she didn't really need to win and thus diminishing the thrill of the chase and her competitive edge.

  The second was purely selfish. He worried at her reaction to him shelling out so much money on her behalf. Even though the money was ultimately for her brother, she considered it her responsibility, and he had a feeling she wouldn't appreciate him bailing her out. He was scared it would be just the excuse she needed to push him away for good. Yeah, he was man enough to admit the thought of River leaving him was fearsome.

  When he'd first seen her, he'd wanted her. Underst
andable, as she was fucking gorgeous. But she'd taken him by surprise. He couldn't explain it, as he'd never felt such emotions before, but it didn't take him long to know what he felt for River was more than just lust. More than just a need to claim her body. He wanted to claim her heart and her soul, too. The way she'd claimed his.

  He realized he was in for a fight as she still considered their time together nothing more than a vacation one-off. But what she hadn't realized was when he'd said he wouldn't be letting her go, he hadn't meant just for this trip.

  He'd meant forever.

  * * * * *

  "Congratulations winners, day two has come to an end. Please finish your current hands then proceed to the check-out desk. Day three starts tomorrow at nine a.m."

  River looked up as the tournament director made his announcement. Holy shit, she'd done it. She'd made the final table. She looked over at Alec's table, hoping to catch his eye. He was already looking at her. And when their eyes clashed, she couldn't help but give him a big grin.

  She'd played well all day. No longer fighting against her attraction to Alec, she'd been able to let go of her angst, freeing her mind to fully concentrate on the game at hand. But now the day was over, and she was more than willing to pick up where they'd left off that morning.

  She'd awoken in the same position she'd fallen asleep, as if Alec hadn't released her all night. She hadn't even needed a pillow barrier, as he'd kept her fully anchored to the bed with an arm hugging her waist and his legs scissoring hers.

  Sunlight had just begun to fill the room, so she knew it was early yet, with no need to rush from the bed. Which was good because she was very comfortable cradled in Alec's embrace. His breathing was slow and steady, telling her he still slept.

  Remembering her resolve from the night before, she refused to let her mind wander over the implications of the state she'd found herself in upon waking, and instead only focused on the moment. Feeling protected with Alec wrapped around her, and his body heat keeping her warm. The tranquility she felt from the sound of his even breathing.

  She felt his arm tighten around her before his voice, gruff from disuse, asked, "You awake?"


  His hand disappeared into the folds of her robe, finding and covering her breast. "You good?"

  "Mmm." River arched into his touch, her backside pressing into his morning erection.

  Warm breath then soft lips hit her neck as fingers pinched her nipple. She tipped her head, a soft moan escaping her throat.

  "You smell so good." He swiped his tongue over the frantic beat of her pulse. "And taste fucking fantastic."

  His hand skimmed down her front, jumping over the sash tied at her waist before diving into her panties. His fingers dipped into her folds, slowly sliding through her wetness, stimulating the sensitive flesh. "So wet for me. Tell me it's all for me."

  Words eluded her. Panting, breathy moans seemed to be the extent of her current vocabulary. She threw her leg over his thigh, opening herself to him. He took advantage, his fingers entering her, swirling and curling to find the right spot.

  "Oh God." Her pelvis arched into his hand, frantically gyrating as her fingers clutched at the bed sheet with her arm locked to support her weight.

  "That's it, baby." He was panting, too. Harsh breaths against her chin as his teeth scraped along her jaw. His other hand materialized from somewhere under their heads. It wrapped around her throat, lightly squeezing to force her head back farther. "Come for me, baby, I want to feel your pussy pulse around my fingers."

  His thumb found her clit at the same time his teeth bit down on the spot right behind her ear. White lights flashed behind her closed lids as waves of pleasure crested before violently rolling through her, and her entire body stiffened with the force of her orgasm. Long seconds stretched until finally, with a shudder, she collapsed bonelessly onto the bed.

  His lips found hers, his tongue explosively claiming her mouth. His hand, still inside her panties, merely cupping her as he pressed himself into her hip.

  She realized she'd been the only one having fun and moved to take things into her own hands, when a loud knocking echoed through the room.

  They both looked toward the door.

  "Fuck." Alec gave her a quick kiss then rolled from the bed, sweeping up his slacks and stepping into them—not bothering to button up—before making his way to the door. "I forgot I ordered breakfast to be delivered this morning."

  At the thought of food, her stomach rumbled, reminding her she hadn't eaten well the day before, and of the promise she'd made herself to eat a hearty breakfast. She scooted off the bed then dashed to the bathroom to take care of business while Alec was otherwise occupied.

  She emerged a few minutes later, teeth brushed, face scrubbed, and hair piled at the top of her head. Alec stood at a rolling table, uncovering dishes. She stopped in her tracks, taking in the view. And what a view it was. His bare chest displayed ripped muscles flexing with his movements and captured her undivided attention. That was until he turned and she got a peek of his sexy V showcased by the fall of his unbuttoned slacks riding low on his hips. And what was it about that line of hair low on the abdomen that was so enticing?


  Her eyes snapped up at the sound of her name, heat searing her cheeks at having been caught staring.

  "While my dick appreciates your admiration, you need to come eat. I neglected you in that regard yesterday, and I won't let you distract me again."

  "I, um..." River cleared her throat. "Was, um... actually looking at..." She waved a hand in the general direction of his pelvis.

  Alec raised a brow. "When did you become tongue-tied and shy?"

  River gave him a small smirk in return. "Oh, about the time you caught me ogling your abdominal muscles like a sex-starved freak."

  Alec tipped his head back, and the sound of manly laughter filled the room. "Come here."

  River walked the last few steps that separated them. His arm whipped out, catching her around the shoulders, and pulling her against his chest before kissing the top of her head.

  "Now sit and eat. You'll need your strength for what I have planned for you tonight."

  River sat, picking up the coffee carafe and filling both their cups. "And what, pray tell, do you have planned?"

  He sat back in his chair, cradling his coffee mug between his palms, a smirk playing on his lips. "Let's just say, you'll be getting a very up-close and personal view of my abs."

  Renewed thoughts of Alec's abs had her practically running for the turn-in desk. She had a little more than twelve full hours before she had to think about poker again, and other than the six or so hours she needed to sleep, didn't want to waste a minute of her Alec-time.

  With only eight players left, there was no line, and after handing off her chips, River stood off to the side waiting for Alec to arrive. She could see him still at his table, bagging his chips.

  Having a few minutes to kill, she pulled out her phone, excited to share the news with Royal that she'd made the final table. Typing a quick text, she hit the send button and got a thumbs-up and happy face emoji reply about a minute later.

  She knew her brother was a man of few words, but she thought he'd be a little more excited. She could barely stop herself from doing a happy dance around the room. The least he could've done was add a few exclamation points.

  She felt a presence right before hearing the deep timbre of Alec's voice. "Ready?"

  Slipping her phone in the back pocket of her shorts, more than ready for a little celebration, she beamed up at Alec. "Yeah."

  He gave her a smile and a wink in return. "Good. Let's go."

Chapter Seventeen

  What a difference a day made. River went from third in chip count at the start of the day to last with seven players still remaining. Unlike yesterday, where she could do no wrong—getting all the right cards, making all the right decisions, and stealing huge pots—today, her cards had been crappy, and every time she'd tried to bluff, it had been an epic fail. She was sinking in quicksand with no way to get free.

  Alec was still the chip leader, as he'd been for most of the tournament. Sure he'd dip to second or third over the course of the event, but like cream, he always seemed to rise to the top.

  River knew she needed a third place finish, but at the rate she was dropping, the odds of her outlasting four more players seemed nearly impossible. She had about another hour until the dinner break. If she could last until then, maybe she could regroup and find her missing mojo.

  A new hand of cards were dealt, and River looked down at her cards—a king and queen of diamonds. Finally, something she could work with. She raised pre-flop when play came around to her and looked at the two remaining players left in the hand, Alec and Ivan Popov. After a few moments hesitation, Alec folded, then Ivan soon followed. She took the pot. Nothing but antes and blinds, but at this point, every little bit counted.

  Her eyes locked briefly with Alec's across the table, and she thought she caught a hint of a smile.

  River set out her ante and small blind, and the next hand was dealt—a seven and a ten, off suit. She mucked it even though she hated giving back some of her hard-won chips.

  Alec raised, throwing ten grand on the table in front of him. His face was stone. He was the hardest person she'd ever tried to read and just the thought of knowing she'd seen under his mask sent a pleasurable tingle down her spine.

  River sat in the last seat with no one to her left. The guy on her right, Ryan Barbosa, called Alec's bet, and a flop was dealt. She watched Ryan closely, trying to get a read on him, knowing she needed any kind of advantage if she hoped to stay in the game. Ryan was good, but he wasn't Alec-caliber great, and the few small ticks River spied around his lips and eyes were a sure sign he thought his hand was weak.


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