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His Pet Human

Page 11

by Rose St. Andrews

  Damn, I’m just no good at this. Oh, well, I gave it a shot. Hey, what’s that?

  As she turned toward the window, she could have sworn she saw someone moving on the other side of the fence. Was somebody watching her, was it Flirt? She scanned the area. Nothing, not a thing, no movement and no sounds, and so she turned the machine off and went to change for dinner. She wanted to wear a nice dress for Flirt, so she went with a rainbow one, and just let her tail hang down inside it. On the issue of shoes, she considered wearing her new high heels, but decided against it. She was worried that if she looked too pretty Flirt might see it as her trying to assert her position in the house. Instead, she wore nothing.

  Later, when she knew the time for Ibis to return was drawing near; she knelt on the sideboard that gave her access to the window that looked over the driveway and road. She was so very anxious for his return. Finally, she saw his hover car come into view, and she sat upright, her body tensing with nervous sexual energy. He drove in, parked, and headed for the door. She raced to meet him. The door opened, she launched herself into his arms, and they hugged and kissed for what seemed like an hour.

  He chuckled as he released her. “Well, it seems my pet missed me, eh? Oh, and don’t you look nice?”

  “Thank you,” she said, blushing and lowering her gaze. “How was your day with Zenith?”

  “Complicated, but rewarding. We will discuss it later. Right now, we have a dinner to prepare.”

  She agreed and they set to work. He cooked, she set the table, and Flirt arrived just as the first course was nearly ready.

  Damn, what, she got this place under surveillance or does she just have a better than average nose?

  Crystal wanted to answer the door herself, but Ibis insisted they do things properly. So, he locked her harness on her, clipped on the leash, and led her to the door. Her toes curled at the prospect of Flirt seeing her like this, and felt a massive surge to her pussy. The door opened, and her jaw dropped.

  Flirt looked even better than last time!

  Her dress was incredible, pure white and almost completely sheer; it barely covered what need to be hidden for modesty’s sake, and was snug in all the right places. The plunging neckline put her ample assets on display, she was showing enough cleavage for twins, and to say that the hemline was mid-thigh would be a great exaggeration. Then there were her shoes. It seemed she’d learned about the virtues of heels and was noticeably taller. Crystal looked up at Ibis. Yeah, he was impressed.

  “Close your mouth, Master,” she said.

  He snapped out of his trance. “Sorry. My goodness, Officer, I’d never recognize you.”

  “Is that good or bad?”

  “Good, so very good,” he choked out, then cleared his voice and gestured for her to enter. “Please, you are welcome in my home.”

  She entered and they moved to the living room to chat; Ibis in his easy chair, Flirt next to him on the couch, and Crystal curled up on the floor at his feet. The humiliation was incredible and left her almost breathless.

  “Do you like my changes?” Flirt finally said, quite out of the blue.

  “You mean your… physical and… ah, mode of dress?” he said. “They are most… let me think. Ah, they are most pleasing to my eye. I must ask, Flirt, am I pleasing to yours? After all, I am a…”

  Flirt slashed her hand across her throat, which was their signal to stop speaking. Crystal found that amusing.

  “No, do not say it,” she said quickly. “Ibis, I must apologize for my actions toward you. I was… conflicted, I was unsure as to my feelings.”

  “And now?”

  “And you?”

  “Fair enough,” he said, stroking Crystal’s hair. “I am open to courtship.”

  She smiled. “Accepted.”

  Crystal’s brow wrinkled. “Um, excuse me, did you two just get engaged? Because, if you did, it was about the blandest proposal I’ve ever heard from a guy, and I had one boyfriend say, ‘Well, damn, girl, how about we just do it?’ Do I have to tell you what my reply was?”

  They chuckled.

  “No, my pet, it was not,” he replied. “We have agreed to initiate the marital process, but that is all. Now, shall we eat?”

  The ladies agreed. He offered Flirt his arm, which she readily took, and then he tugged on Crystal’s leash. She dutifully followed them to the kitchen and they took their seats. Crystal had her bowl, they used the gloves and had proper cups, and they all shared a meal. She’d never seen two people use the meal equipment. They both sat there and easily guided the food to their mouths with the flip of a finger. Opening their mouths, their drinks arced up to them as well.

  Damn, how do they do that so easily? I get food on walls and drinks in my face.

  “Flirt, I have something to share with you, and it’s quite important. I wanted you and my pet to be the first to know. Well, other than Zenith.”

  “Oh? Sounds clandestine and illegal,” she said with a grin. “Will I get in trouble if I reveal the details?”

  He chuckled. “Not at all; we’ll be making a full report tomorrow. We have my little pet to thank for the first clue. Based on what we learned today, we feel our females have a good chance of going back to the old ways of reproduction: normal gestation and nursing, and no loss of… desire.”

  Flirt’s eyebrows shot up. “What?! How? What did you find that the others overlooked?”

  “The bad aroma of our men,” he said simply.

  “The… men?” Crystal said.

  “Wait, I see it, cause and effect,” Flirt said. “The presence of a child causes a change in a male, and that in turn leads to the female changing.”

  “Exactly, she becomes locked in the mating season, and thus offspring and intimacy become virtually nonexistent.”

  “Wow,” Flirt said slowly. “No wonder no one figured it out before. We all thought it was a change as a result of the child.”

  “Well, it is, in a roundabout way. The child causes the father to become more forceful and muscular, and he makes the mother more focused on child-rearing.”

  “And now you think you can stop that?” she said.

  “It’s possible, we’ll see.”

  Flirt grinned as her eyes played up and down his long frame. “My, my, aren’t you such a brilliant and vigorous man?”

  “I have my moments.”

  Crystal chewed her lip. “Um, so… will that mean you don’t… want me anymore?”

  The both of them turned to her.

  “No, absolutely not,” he said quickly. “You are my precious pet, I will keep you always, and I think now is the time to make that clear,” he added, turning to Flirt. “Flirt, should our courting lead to union, you must go into it with full knowledge of our future. Crystal is mine, she will produce many fine children, and she will remain a part of my household. Do you accept that?”

  “As you love her, I will also love and care for her, and her children shall stand equal to mine, if such a union takes place.”

  That made Ibis happy, and Crystal positively shivered with sexual energy. She was going to be a pet to both of them, a sexual plaything, and theirs to… breed! The fire burning between her legs was so hot she was surprised it didn’t enflame her clothes. After dinner, they went out on the patio in the backyard and Ibis and Flirt made music, and Crystal sang and danced.

  Later, Flirt stroked her hair and smiled down at her. “Such a talented little earthling, I look forward to sharing pleasure with you.”

  Crystal felt a lump form in her throat. Whoa, ‘sharing pleasure,’ what the hell does that mean? Oh, well, guess I’m going to find out soon.

  “Crystal, go to my room and wait for us,” Ibis said. “We will be along presently.”

  “Y-y-yes, sir,” she squeaked.

  She scampered off, almost crawling on all fours, her heart pounding, and the fire growing stronger in her pussy. Curling up in the corner, close to her cage, she waited and listened. The sounds coming from the living room were unusual, but
not surprising. Ibis was making music and Flirt was singing. Once again Crystal observed just how important music was to these people.

  Man, from what I’ve heard about that Woodstock concert that’s going to take place soon, if they get some info about it from the platform, I think a bunch of these Marians will move to Earth!

  Sudden silence caught her attention. Then came footsteps, but they seemed to only be one person. What was up? Getting up on her knees, she watched the door, and was rewarded with the sight of Ibis coming a moment later. Her back stiffened as he moved straight to the bed and sat. He flexed his arm and wiggled his fingers.

  She knew what was coming.

  “Come to me, little pet,” he said.

  Crawling over to kneel before him, she wasn’t sure what to do next. He gave no implicit instructions. He grinned down at her, cupped her face in his large hands for a moment, and then slid them down to grip her dress at the shoulders. A slight tug, down it went, and soon she was naked. A giggle off to the side made Crystal whip her head around.

  Flirt was standing in the doorway. Crystal blushed bright red.

  “You were right, Ibis, she’s quite the lovely little thing,” she said. “And you say she’ll respond to normal foreplay?”

  He seized Crystal and hoisted her across his lap. “Oh, you just watch how she responds!”

  Spank, his hand struck her naked ass. Crystal yelped, then squealed as his other hand reached under to massage her breasts. Swat smack, two truly hot smacks landed, and then he used his incredible technique to take her right to the limits of sexual delight. That Flirt stood there the whole time watching and commenting, and taking pleasure in it only served to drive her truly wild. It wasn’t long before she was beyond merely being hot, she was close to coming, and her tiny fists pounded the bed as she drew nearer.

  “Do you see it?” Ibis said casually.

  “Yes, I do, and I did not think it possible,” Flirt replied. “This is more than mere foreplay for her; it can be a substitute for intercourse.”

  She laughed. Crystal gasped and wailed, and lost it. She screamed out her climax. Yet, that wasn’t enough for her master. He kept at her, kept the orgasms tearing through her body until she squealed and begged for peace, and he only granted it when she lay limp and drained across his lap. Lying there, hot and sweaty, she moaned anew as he massaged and kneaded her flaming cheeks, and then eased her down to kneel next to him.

  “Off to your cage now, little one,” he ordered. “Master will release you when he wants you.”

  “Cage? Now? B-b-but aren’t we going to—?”

  “Mistress and I will have our fun first,” he snapped. “Now go or there will be nothing for you all night!”

  She whimpered, but did as he commanded, and crawled slowly across the room to climb into her cage. The door locked, and she was forced to lie there, hot and sweaty, her body ablaze with sexual energy, and watch as Flirt entered the room.

  Chapter Eleven

  Flirt stood before Ibis, her curvy bottom pointed directly at Crystal. “Shall we initiate?”

  “I am more than ready,” he said, holding up his right hand.

  For a moment, Crystal thought he was signaling ‘yes,’ but then she saw how red his palm was. He was indicating his level of sexual excitement. She felt a thrust to her pussy. If his hand was that red, what color was her ass?

  “Give me a moment to prepare,” Flirt said.

  Turning for the bathroom, her hand lightly brushed his face, and then she paused at the door to bring both hands up to cup her pert rump and… smack swat, she gave herself two firm spanks. The air shot from Crystal’s lungs and then she almost laughed. Ibis had shifted in his seat and let out the tiniest of groans. It appeared he liked what he saw. He got to his feet and began to undress. From her position across the room, she could see straight into the bathroom, and the sight took her breath away. Flirt shed her dress, let it drop to the floor, and stood there in nothing but her six-inch heels and holding a small clutch purse, at least that’s what it sort of looked like. It was on a thin belt-like cord around her waist and she was focused on it. Crystal was focused on her.

  Holy shit! What a bod. Damn, she even lights my candle, and I’m not a lesbian.

  Flirt pulled out a small gizmo from the purse, tossed the purse on the counter after she somehow released the belt, and held the device behind her back. A soft click came from it and then she marched out just as Ibis resumed his seat.

  Oh, I get it, they’re her handcuffs. Huh, what, she wants to play some version of ‘Good Cop, Bad Cop’? Shit, how kinky are these people?

  She seemed a bit unsteady on her heels, almost falling over once, but managed to again stand before Ibis, he sporting quite the big grin.

  “Most pleasing,” he said.

  “Thank you. May I assume the position?”

  He lifted his arms. “With all due haste.”

  She crawled into place, his arms lowered, and his hand squeezed and caressed her firm cheeks.

  “You brought your… restraints?”

  “I thought it appropriate. I’ve been a very naughty Code Enforcer.”

  He chuckled and squeezed her right cheek. “I see. Very well, I shall correct you.”

  “Have I done everything properly? I have never experienced this… act before.”

  “What?” Ibis and Crystal said together.

  Holy shit, a virgin!

  “Flirt, you have never engaged in sexual union?”

  She looked over her shoulder at him. “No, I’ve been unable to find a male I felt that way about, until now.”

  Ibis smiled and rubbed the back of her head. “Then I shall try to make this a most special moment.”

  He did. As good as he was at taking Crystal to the heights of sexual delight, he gave Flirt almost as good a session. Over and over his hand connected with her supple flesh. Crystal watched in growing amazement as it went from pink to red to deep purple-red and he scolded and dominated every moment of it.

  “Never in my life have I been beset by such a naughty girl, isn’t that so?”

  “Oh, yes, sir, yes! Naughty, so naughty,” she choked out between moans. “Spank me, sir; prepare me to receive your power. Make me yours!”

  “I shall,” he said with a gloating laugh, and then lifted his gaze to meet Crystal’s eyes. “Oh, and take note, my pet, you’re next.”

  Crystal turned to stone, her mouth dropping open, and her heart pounded in her chest. He did have more in store for her, and it wasn’t merely sex. She was going back over his knee for another rump roasting, and the thought of it sent icy tendrils of terror rippling through her body. Curling up in the far corner, as if she could somehow hide from him, she trembled as she listened to Flirt scream out her delight.

  Is that what I sound like?

  Yet, it was clear she didn’t climax. Going to the very height of sexual bliss, Ibis kept her there for over half an hour, and then threw her down on the bed on her back. Climbing atop her, he spread her legs and easily entered her, and then began the wildest and fastest gyrations of his hips she’d ever seen. Flirt arched her back, literally tore through the sheets with her bare hands, and screamed again as she experienced her first orgasm.

  He gave her five more before they collapsed in each other’s arms.

  “Was that pleasing?” he said, sitting up and releasing her cuffs.

  “Ohhh, that stimulation was most satisfying,” she groaned.

  “It pleases me that your first time was acceptable,” he said, then looked toward the cage. “Now, I have a little matter to attend to with my pet. Would you like to assist?”

  She practically shot upright, and winced at sitting on her hot bottom. “I can help? Yes, yes I would enjoy that quite a lot.”

  He grinned and rubbed his hands together. “Splendid. Very well, we shall begin. Unlock. Crystal, come here.”

  The cage opened, but she stayed put. She couldn’t move, couldn’t think, her brain was frozen as much as her body. Ib
is was going to do something to her and Flirt was going to be a part of it. What could all that entail?

  “Crystal, I said ‘come here.’ Don’t keep Master waiting,” he ordered.

  Her mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. She wanted to beg for mercy or at least ask what he had planned for her, but her brain couldn’t connect with her mouth. Ibis sighed and shook his head, and marched still naked over to the cage. Crystal found her voice. She squealed and shoved herself against the back wall. It was futile. He easily reached in, grabbed her by the ankle, and dragged her out. Now she truly found her voice.

  “No, wait, Ibis, please, what are you two going to do?”

  “Ibis, what’s wrong with the translator? I can’t understand her. Oh, wait, does it not reach in here?”

  He chuckled and sat on the bed. “No, I switched it off. I thought it would be more fun this way.”

  Crystal didn’t think it possible, but her terror level doubled. She looked up at him, looked at his happy smiling face, and he reached for her. Her first instinct was to run, but her muscles were frozen. Up into his arms she went, down and across his lap, and then he did something that shattered her.

  He pinned her hands behind her back and her legs between his.

  She was now trapped, helpless, and couldn’t even beg for mercy. His hand squeezed her warm bottom. She screamed and struggled, it was all for naught. Ibis laughed and started in on her. Once again he proved just what an expert spanker he was. He smacked her, he didn’t pound her. Her ass grew warm and stingy, but not blazing and blistered. The fires swirling within her cheeks were driven inward, and merged to become a giant cock of sexual flames that thrust and drove deep, deep into her pussy. Soon howls of orgasmic delight mixed with her screams of pain, and she was consigned to a subspace of agonizing bliss.

  Flirt clapped with glee. “Ibis, this was most enjoyable! Does she regularly climax from just a spanking? Do you think I might achieve that?”

  “That’s hard to say,” he replied, releasing Crystal. “I’ve never known one of our women to do so, but we have plenty of time to try!”

  He laughed, Flirt giggled, and Crystal groaned; she felt drained of every ounce of sexual energy and squeezed like a sponge of every drop of bodily fluid.


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