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Beneath A Texas Sky (Harlequin Super Romance)

Page 14

by Winters, Rebecca

  Dana took one look at Heidi, who needed more sleep these days, and made a decision.

  “Hey, Kevin, how would you and Pokey like to help me with a project while your dad and Heidi take a nap?”


  “Come on. We’ll go in my car.” She paid the bill for everyone before Gideon could, and got up from the table. “See you around six.”

  “Now I’m in your debt.” Gideon looked like a happy man. Heidi mouthed her own thank-you.

  Dana flashed them a mischievous smile before following Kevin out of the café. After they’d put Pokey in the car, they took off.

  “What are we going to do?” Kevin said.

  “First of all, you don’t have to do anything. I just wanted the company. But if you’d like to help, I’ll pay you fifteen dollars an hour.”

  “That’s a lot more than I can make mowing lawns. What is it?”

  “I need to move my things from the trailer to my new apartment.”

  “Heidi didn’t tell me or Dad about that.”

  Dana pulled alongside the trailer and stopped the car. “She doesn’t know. I only paid the rent last night.” They got out. Kevin called to Pokey, who started sniffing around.

  “How come you’re moving? I think this is a cool place to live.”

  The lock didn’t give her any trouble today, thank heaven. “Remember that guy who lives next door?”

  “You mean the one Heidi calls Little Custer?”

  She laughed. “Yes.” They went inside. “He’s gone from being a nuisance to breaking into my trailer when I’m not home.”


  “Whoa is right. Because of that, Jace helped me find a new place to live.”

  “Who’s Jace?”

  “Jace Riley, the man I’ve been seeing.”

  Kevin cocked his head. “You’ve got a boyfriend?”

  She nodded. “You’re going to meet him tonight.”

  “Do you love him?”


  “Are you going to marry him?”

  “If he asks me.”

  “Then I hope he does.”

  “Thanks, Kevin… Okay, where shall I start?”

  “Have you got those big plastic green garbage bags?”

  “You’re reading my mind.”

  “You don’t have a lot of stuff in here. It won’t take us very long.”

  “I love your attitude,” she said. “While I look for them, would you mind going back out to the car and opening the trunk? You just push the lever on the side of the seat.”


  The second he disappeared with Pokey, Dana grabbed the gun from under the cushion and pulled out the clip. She hurried to the bedroom, where she shoved the weapon into the pillowcase. After piling more bedding on top, she carried everything to the car.

  In about two hours they’d emptied the trailer, and there was still enough room in the car for Kevin to sit with Pokey in the front seat.

  “We do good work.” She put three ten dollar bills in his hand.


  “You earned it. I’ll come back and clean the place next week. Let’s go.” Later tonight she’d let Mr. Mason know she’d moved out. She’d tell him she would pay extra for not giving him advance warning.

  On their way to the apartment, her cell phone rang. Her pulse quickened as she reached for it.



  Every time she heard Jace’s voice, she melted like a Popsicle in the sun. “How are you?”

  “Fine now that I’m talking to you, but I’m running a half hour late. What’s the plan?”

  “Why don’t you meet us outside the Ponderosa at six-thirty and we’ll decide from there.”

  “I’ll hurry.”

  Kevin was watching her as she hung up. “What are we going to do now?”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to drive over to the new apartment. I need a shower and change of clothes. While I’m busy, you can take Pokey for a walk around my new neighborhood, or I can drive you back to the motel right now.”

  He rubbed the dog’s head. “You’d like a walk, wouldn’t you, Pokey.”

  She patted Kevin’s arm. “Do you have any idea what a great guy you are? You’ve made this fun for me. I really appreciate it.”

  “I had fun too.”

  “Heidi said she adores you. Now I know why.”

  “She’s really cool.”

  Wouldn’t Heidi love to hear that!

  After spending about an hour at her new apartment, they drove back to the motel.

  Kevin started to get out of the car. “Aren’t you coming in?”

  Dana shook her head. “I’ll stay out here until they’re ready.”

  “Okay. I’ll wave to you when it’s safe.”

  Gideon may not have fathered Kevin in the biological sense, but he’d reared a wonderful son who was all the things a parent could wish for. When he opened the door to let Kevin and the dog in, he motioned to Dana to join them.

  She climbed out of the car and locked it. The sum total of the worldly goods she’d brought to West Texas were inside.

  The nap must have done them a lot of good. They both looked refreshed and had changed clothes. Heidi put some cold drinks on the table.

  “Come and sit with us while Kevin’s taking his shower. I understand Jace Riley will be here at six-thirty. We want to hear all about him.”

  Gideon pushed an icy-cold Coke her way. “Kevin says you want to marry him.”

  “I—I hope he asks me.”

  “You’re ready to marry a man you only met a week ago?”

  Heidi covered her husband’s hand. “I knew you were the one I wanted the first time I sat in on your class.”

  “I knew the same thing.” He kissed her hand before looking at Dana. “Don’t mind me. I guess your news has taken us by complete surprise.”

  “We’re both in the habit of feeling very protective of you,” Heidi confided.

  Dana felt her throat tighten. “I love you for it.”

  “Tell us everything.”

  “Well, he’s from Austin and went to college there. His wife died of cancer about seven years ago. It’s taken him a long time to recover. He thought a change of location would help. IPS transferred him to the West Texas area some time ago.

  “He’s the backup driver when the other drivers go on vacation. Right now he rents an apartment in Alpine to cover the Alpine-to-Cloud Rim route. Pretty soon he’ll be assigned somewhere else, but I’m trying not to think about that.”

  “Have you met his family?”

  “Not yet. His parents and two brothers live in Austin. They’re both married and have children.”

  Heidi scrutinized her. “You used to call me every day, but after you met old brown eyes, the phone’s been silent. What have you two been up to?”

  Heat crept into Dana’s cheeks. “Lots of things.”

  Kevin chose that moment to enter the room with Pokey. He was still drying his wet hair with a towel. “Did you tell them Little Custer broke into your trailer?”

  “What?” Heidi cried out.

  Gideon’s face darkened. “When did this happen?”

  “It’s a long story.

  “We want to hear. All of it!” Gideon demanded. Like quicksilver, he’d changed into his serious interrogation mode. Dana supposed it was as natural to him as breathing.

  “Jace was the first to discover that Glen had been hanging around my trailer when I wasn’t there. He checked my lock, and decided it wasn’t safe. The other night he took me to buy a new one and installed it for me.

  “But then we discovered Glen had broken in again. At least we assume it was he. On that same night I found out some flowers the Mitchells—they’re the directors of the young astronomers club—had sent to thank me for a star party had been delivered to the Mason house. Somehow they never made it to my trailer.

  “Jace likes Glen’s grandfather, Ralph Mason, as much as I do. He
thought it best not to ask questions that could upset him where Glen’s concerned and I agreed with him. His solution was to find me an apartment to rent.”

  “She’s going to sleep there tonight,” Kevin interjected.

  “Thanks to your wonderful son who helped load everything in my car, I’m free of Glen.”

  “She paid me thirty dollars!”

  “Did you call the police about the break-in?” Gideon persisted, oblivious to his son’s comment.

  “No. Jace told me he’d tell them.”

  Gideon’s face broke out in a frown. “An officer should have come to your trailer to investigate.”

  “I forgot to tell you someone slashed a tire on his IPS van. Their company phoned in a report to the police. Jace told them he thought it was Glen who’d been responsible for everything, so they’re looking into it.”

  “That isn’t the point, Dana. You should have called the police at the first sign of trouble. Jace was wrong to have decided against it. He was wrong to tell you not to talk to Mr. Mason about his grandson. You shouldn’t have listened to him. I know you’re in love, but it sounds like he’s already taken control of your life. I don’t like it.”

  By this time Heidi had gotten to her feet. She put her hands on Gideon’s shoulders to massage them. “Sweetheart? We’re on vacation, remember?”

  She flashed Dana a signal of distress, trying to let her know she was sorry her husband had gotten so exercised over a problem that had nothing to do with him.

  Dana darted her a response that said she didn’t mind. On the contrary, it was wonderful Gideon cared enough to come on like a protective older brother. Between him and Jace, she felt totally safe.

  She glanced at her watch. “It’s almost six-thirty. I’ll go outside and watch for him. There’s a fabulous buffet at the Pride Ranch in Fort Davis. Would you like to go there for dinner? Afterward we can walk around and see the sights.”

  “That sounds terrific, doesn’t it, Kevin?” Heidi said.

  “Yeah. I wanted to go the last time we were here.”

  “Then it’s settled.”


  JACE HAD BEEN PREPARED to like Dana’s friends, sight unseen. He wasn’t disappointed. Heidi Poletti was a total sweetheart. Kevin turned out to be one of the nicest, most well-behaved teens he’d ever met. As for Gideon, he was the kind of person any man would want to claim for a friend.

  There was only one problem. For some reason, the detective didn’t seem to like Jace.

  The other man didn’t do anything overt or tangible to give Jace that impression. It was just something he sensed. He could tell Dana noticed it too. She tried to protect him by keeping up a lively conversation with Kevin and Heidi throughout dinner.

  But he’d been with Dana enough to know she was talking too fast. Her topics touched on everything but the personal. Gideon, on the other hand, only offered a comment here and there. Finally Jace decided to end the evening.

  He put his arm behind her chair. “It’s getting late. Why don’t I drive you home so I can help you unload your car.”

  “I was about to suggest the same thing,” Gideon muttered. “With five of us, we’ll make short work of it.”

  “I thought we were going to walk around here and sightsee.”

  “We’ll do that tomorrow, Kevin. Let’s go.”

  Jace pulled out his wallet and put six twenties on the tray the waitress had placed on their table. Gideon scooped them up and handed them back to him. “This is my treat tonight.”

  Dana’s eyes entreated him not to argue.

  “Thanks, Gideon. Just remember that tomorrow night is on me. See you all back at the motel.” He put his hand behind Dana’s waist and escorted her to his car.

  After they turned onto the highway headed for Cloud Rim, he reached for her hand. “Are you all right?”

  She clutched it hard. “No.”

  “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “It’s Gideon. He was acting strangely at dinner.”

  “Maybe he’s worried about his wife’s pregnancy.”

  “That’s not it.”

  “Then it’s about me.” He waited for her to deny it. “What did he do? Warn you off me?”

  “No. But he thinks I should have called the police when I found out someone had broken into the trailer.”

  Gideon’s right. I wouldn’t think much of him as an officer of the law if he hadn’t said something.

  “When I told him the reason why I didn’t, he got upset. Usually he’s so much fun and laid-back. Tonight I hardly recognized him.”

  Jace cleared his throat. “I noticed he was kind of quiet. But that’s understandable. He was just giving you girls a chance to catch up.”

  “Don’t make excuses for him, Jace. He was cold to you. It’s simply not like him. I don’t understand the drastic change in his behavior.”

  “It seems to me he’s just looking out for your welfare. I’m the new guy on the block and he’s sizing me up. After all, he’s the one who obtained your release from prison. Knowing his wife loves you like a sister, I would imagine his protective instincts are on full alert.”

  Dana’s head turned toward him. He could feel her gaze upon him. “You’re an amazing man. If only Gideon knew you the way I do.”

  “Give it time. This is only the first day.”

  “But it shouldn’t be like this,” she blurted. “Here I’ve been so excited for all of you to meet. Now I wish they hadn’t come.”

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “Yes, I do. Everything was perfect be-before—”

  “Dana, nothing’s changed for us.”

  “I hope it hasn’t.” A slight wobble betrayed her anxiety.

  They’d come to the first stop sign in Cloud Rim. Instead of driving on, he pulled her close and kissed her with a thoroughness that made him forget where they were. Until Gideon’s Acura and several other cars pulled past them, he hadn’t realized he’d been holding up traffic.

  “Are you convinced yet?”

  “Yes.” Her eyes rivaled the stars for their luster. “Please promise me you won’t let his attitude bother you?”

  “How could it? My only concern is that this is painful for you.”

  “Just because I wanted you and Gideon to like each other.”

  “I do like him.” A lot. He’s got all the right instincts.

  “I don’t see how. Even Heidi’s bewildered.”

  “You’re making too much of it. By tomorrow this will all have blown over.” The motel came into view. “I’ll drop you off at your car and meet you at the apartment.”

  “See you in a minute.” She leaned over to kiss his cheek before climbing out of the car.

  GIDEON STOOD next to her packed Toyota. “If you’ll allow me, I’ll drive you over to your new place. Heidi’s going to follow in our car.”

  Her spirits plunged. He was determined to have a private talk with her. If she didn’t want to make a scene, she had no choice but to get in the passenger seat of her car without protest.

  After she shut the door, he said, “Tell me where to go.”

  No sooner had she given him directions than he pulled out of the parking space. “Don’t hate me, Dana. I think you know how much I love you. How important you are to me.”

  Tears stung her eyes. “I do.”

  “Then trust me. I have to ask you a few more questions. The cop in me is telling me something’s not right here.”

  Dear God. Now she was getting nervous. She loved Gideon. She trusted him with her life. Because of him she had a life. If his instincts were telling him something was wrong, then she needed to listen.

  “Have you ever met this man’s friends?”


  “Do you think he has any?”

  She exhaled a deep sigh. “He told me about a colleague who slept over at his apartment last night. I didn’t meet him because Jace and I camped out.”

  His expression turned grim.

  “It isn�
�t what you think, Gideon. We’re not lovers. I didn’t want to stay in the trailer, so we slept out by the observatory last night.”

  “Tell me again why he changed your lock the first time.”

  Dana smoothed the hair away from her face. “It was right after the ordeal with Tony Roberts. Jace wanted to know if I had the only key to the trailer. I told him I wasn’t sure, so he suggested changing the lock to keep me safe.”

  “You say he gave Tony a lift to your place?”

  “Yes. He also found him hitchhiking down the mountain after Tony left the trailer, so he gave him a ride back to Fort Davis.”

  “In my mind that’s almost too convenient.”

  “You think the two of them knew each other before or something?” she cried out, aghast.

  “I don’t know. Tony was very angry when your father let him go. It’s not inconceivable that he had some sort of plan to get back at you and used Jace to find you.”

  “I can’t believe that of Jace. I won’t!”

  “This is killing me almost as much as it is you, but I have to ask. Do you know positively that he’s from Austin?”

  Her eyes closed tightly. “No. Everything he’s told me I’ve taken on faith because he’s never done anything to make me doubt him.”

  “Weren’t you suspicious when he didn’t want you to call the police? Especially with Glen’s past history of bothering you whenever he felt like it?”

  “Not at the time, no.”

  “Think about it. Whoever broke in had a damn good reason. They would have left fingerprints. Glen would have been brought in for questioning. The police would have checked his prints against the ones found at the crime scene. If he’s breaking and entering, he needs to be put behind bars.

  “But what if Glen’s not the culprit? What if Tony hired Jace to become friendly with you so he could steal your disks with all of your projects?”

  Dana gasped.

  “I know it sounds ugly, but if there’s any possibility it’s true, then Jace wouldn’t want the police finding any prints that didn’t belong to Glen. It would also explain why he’s pinning all the blame on your neighbor.”

  “I feel sick.”

  “So do I. But if you’re in trouble, something has to be done. Did you see the slashed tire on the van?”


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