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Seal of the King

Page 11

by Ralph Smith

  Then he placed the chain around her neck as a tear ran down her cheek. Gabe reached out his hands, and placed one on each of their shoulders, and spoke “if I have found any small favor with my Lord may he bestow his blessing upon you both. May he protect you always in the face of evil, may he grant you success in all your endeavors, may he bless you with wisdom and courage, and fill you with his spirit.” He lifted his hands from them, and David and Aurora stood.

  "Thank you Dad," David said. Then Aurora reached out and embraced Gabe.

  “Oh yes thank you for showing me such kindness.” Aurora said.

  Gabe leaned back to look at her “you are welcome my child, now God’s speed on your journey. We better get out there before Molly and Michael come storming in here.”

  David and Aurora smiled, and with that they headed to the living room. Everyone was waiting, Molly giving them a reproachful look. Molly opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by Gabe before she started. “Molly you wouldn’t deny me a moment alone with my son at such a time as this? Would you?”

  Molly, looking disarmed, replied, “No, of course not, Gabe. But we better get started. Time is not on our side.”

  The three of them moved in, and took the empty places left for them then Michael spoke, “As it is written, when two or more gather in his name he is with them.” Michael paused as everyone joined hands with those around them. David and Aurora felt a charge ripple through them like static electricity filling the air. “Lord we seek your blessings, in this late hour we ask you to guide us to your will. We stand against the evil one in your name. Glory to you and your kingdom forever. AMEN.”

  They all stood, and when they released their hands the air went still again. Michael spoke “You all know what you have to do. May the Lord be with you.”

  The group began to scatter, and many of them headed to the door to leave. Michael came over to David and Aurora, and asked “Are you ready?”

  They looked at each other, then David spoke, “Almost, we just need to change into some traveling clothes, collect our packs, and we’ll head out.”

  “We’ve prepared some food, dried meat, biscuits, and other assorted items for you to take. Is there anything else you can think of?”

  “How did Artemis get past the seal?”

  “He was not possessed yet. Sadly what he was about to do, he was doing of his own free will. It would have sealed his fate, and bound him to the Dark One forever.”

  “Will you be staying here?”

  “Of course, I gave you my word. A group of us will remain here not only to help look after your father, but, God willing, to see you return.”

  Michael gave him a smile, and David asked, “You mean this isn’t a one-way trip?”

  Michael reached out, and placed a hand on David and Aurora’s shoulders, and said, “I truly hope not.”

  David turned to his father, and said, “Dad we’re going to go to your room, and get some clothes for Aurora if you don’t mind?”

  “Of course, son.”

  The two of them headed back to the room, and Aurora said a little sheepishly, “You don’t like my traveling clothes?”

  David, giving her a warm smile said, “I love seeing you in your traveling clothes. Although, I’m afraid you’d be more recognizable wearing them, don’t you?”

  Aurora, slightly embarrassed, flipped her hair back nervously, and said, “I guess you’re right.”

  David asked “What would a woman who isn’t as exceptional as you wear?” He smiled a little mischievously at her knowing he was pressing a small advantage.

  Aurora hit him lightly on the arm “stop teasing me. You need to be serious now.” David laughed.

  After looking through drawers, and the closet Aurora seemed satisfied. David left her to change while he went to find some clothes to complement hers. David found some dark pants he wore on the farm, and a black shirt. He knew, from what she told him that if his clothes were too well kept, they would stand out. He chose the dark colors thinking they would be less visible traveling at night allowing them to avoid as many people as possible. He had also gotten out his and his mother’s long leather traveling coats. They came down below the knees, and not only offered protection from wind and rain, but also had a lot of inside pockets for keeping things safe. He had a weathered leather backpack that would do well for supplies, extra clothing, and a few other items. He would have liked to take a regular camping pack, but thought it would draw unwanted attention.

  They both entered the hallway at the same time. Aurora was wearing a simple pale blue dress that laced up its front and ran down below her knees. She had on his mother’s tall boots that ran up under the bottom of the dress. Her hair hanging free now, falling over her shoulders caught the little light in the hallway and shimmered slightly. The sleeves of the dress came down just below her elbows. In her hand she held her pack and the traveling coat. He walked up to her and slid his arm around her waist. She put her hand to his chest looking flustered.

  He leaned in as if to kiss her then shifted his head to whisper in her ear “I feel leather under your dress. Your traveling clothes, perhaps?”

  He leaned back, and she looked up at him confidently “You didn’t think I was going to go out there unprepared did you?”


  They walked out to the living room together to find David’s father, Aunt Molly, and Michael sitting together talking. All of the others had gone or were busy elsewhere.

  David spoke first “I think we’re as ready as we’re going to be, so I guess it’s time for us to head out.”

  Gabe asked, “Do you have an idea where to start?”

  “I’m going to go to the clearing up on the northeast ridge where I found Aurora, you said there are places where the divide between the worlds is smaller, perhaps, that’s one of them. When we get there we’ll see what we find.”

  Gabe smiled at him, and then Michael stood and said, “I hope to see you again soon young man.”

  Aunt Molly got up as well, and gave him a loving hug saying “you be careful out there.” Then she went, and hugged Aurora saying “please try, and keep him out of trouble.”

  “I will.”

  Gabe standing now, hugged his son without saying a word; afraid he would betray his fear of losing him. Then he hugged Aurora, and said, “Goodbye dear, I truly hope to see you again.”

  Afraid if they waited too long it might be impossible to leave, David took Aurora by the hand and led her to the door. Taking one last look back at the three of them standing there, he smiled reassuringly, turned, and left. He walked to the door of his Jeep, still parked where it landed just after their narrow escape, and opened the passenger door for Aurora. He held out a hand to help her up, and said to her “Are you ready?” She nodded, and he closed the door. They drove in silence up the road towards the clearing both lost in thought. David pulled the car to a stop, and left the keys in the ignition, he wouldn’t need them where they were going. He turned to Aurora, and reached out a hand, she took his in hers, “There’s no turning back now.”

  “I don’t think there ever really was.”

  He nodded slightly, and said, mustering a cheery voice “and, so it begins.”

  She didn’t wait for him this time. They climbed out of the car, shut the doors, and headed up the trail. As they approached the edge of the clearing, he heard the whistle. He pushed Aurora gently away from him, and the arrow sliced through the air between them. Aurora’s expression after seeing the arrow pass by turned from dismay at being pushed to her warrior gaze. Being back in her element, wearing her traveling clothes covered as they were, created a transformation inside her, and she became fluid motion. As David turned to spot her would be attacker, he marveled at how in a seamless movement Aurora had unsheathed her bow, knocked an arrow, and spun to aim, and fire. Her arrow hit its mark with astonishing speed catching her would be assassin dead center in the chest. They ran over to him keeping an eye on the surroundings, wary of any other assailan
ts. David had knelt down to check his pulse when suddenly there was an unearthly scream as the demon inside this form escaped, and shattered in front of them.

  Looking at his arrows lying on the ground David said, “These are the same ones used last night. I’m guessing he was the one who tried to kill you then too.”

  Aurora still scanning the area said, “I believe you’re right. I don’t think there’s anyone else around.”

  David agreed, “I don’t think so either, but we should get going.” She nodded in agreement. They headed back to the clearing, and before they stepped into the open David stopped, placing a hand on her. “I sense something about this place, I’m not sure what’s going to happen, but take my hand, and no matter what don’t let go.”

  Aurora sheathed her bow, checked to see if her dagger was in reach of her free hand, and took David’s hand in the other. They shared a silent look, and then stepped out together, moving steadily forward. They began to feel a static electric charge running through them. David felt drawn to a spot towards the middle of the clearing, and as they headed to it there was a crackle in the air, and they could feel the hairs on their arms standing on end. “Hold on” David reminded her, and when they reached the spot there was an eruption of sound, and light. David could feel Aurora being pulled from him, he swung his other arm around to get a better hold of her, and she did the same. It felt as if they were inside a tornado of sound and light, then with a bang they hit the ground. The impact was so hard it almost knocked them over. Then there was silence.

  They were standing on the barren hillside where he had seen her just days before. The shattered stumps of trees battered and burned, the parched earth and the rocky landscape, were clearly the result of a fierce battle.

  Aurora spoke, “it’s even worse here than when I left.” She said, looking at the still smoldering remains of a once giant tree. “I imagine when I disappeared in front of them they destroyed everything trying to find me.”

  “They were remarkably thorough too. Which way should we go? We probably shouldn’t stay here too long.”

  Aurora gestured with her hand, “Lets head this way. We need to get to the council so we can tell them about the prophecy. It may take us a couple of days, but we should be able to manage it safely.”

  “That sounds like a good plan to me. It looks like we have about six hours of daylight left before we need to find some shelter.”

  They started down the rocky slope climbing over the debris from the attack. He admired how graceful she was under such difficult conditions, and her stamina was impressive. He was used to long days on the farm, but she didn’t even seem to be breaking a sweat. They stopped to take a drink of water a few times, but she was determined that they get to cover before they do more than that.

  They reached a tree line as dusk was setting in, and found an area of heavy brush they could use to rest for a few hours before continuing. They both agreed that travelling at night would give them some advantage. The long traveling coat David brought for Aurora covered the blue dress in dark leather so the two of them would be hard to spot. Still feeling vulnerable, they decided not to make a fire. David was rummaging through the food, picking out some things that would be good cold.

  Aurora said, “I’ll be right back.”

  “Where are you going?”

  A little embarrassed she said looking away from his eyes “I have to relieve myself.”

  “Oh … don’t go too far. I promise I won’t listen.”

  She waved her hand as if to brush him off. A few minutes later, waiting for her to return, David had that sense that something was wrong again. He headed off in the direction that Aurora went until he heard some voices, and a wave of terror filled him. As quietly as possible he made his way towards the sound and caught a glimpse of the flickering light of a fire. As he approached, he heard the men talking in a gruff angry tone, “who are you? What are you doing out here? Tell us or we’ll have to make you tell us.” Moving closer, his heart fell. There stood Aurora held by two men with 3 others standing in front of her. Their apparent leader was threatening her with a knife. He was amazed to see her face filled with anger, not fear, and it filled him with courage.

  Without thought, he stepped into the small clearing, and said fearlessly “let her go.”

  The men were slightly shocked, but these were not the sorts to be easily intimidated. Realizing too late what a fool-hearty move he had made, he started thinking quickly. He saw a pleading look of panic on Aurora’s face telling him to run, but he couldn’t; he wouldn’t do that.

  “My wife and I are traveling to her sick parents,” and in a feigned tone of pleading added “please, we are no threat to you. We mean you no harm. Please let us be on our way.”

  Like a shark smelling blood in the water, this only encouraged the men.

  The leader said, “Grab him.”

  The other two came to David, but he decided this was not the moment for action. The knife was now at Aurora’s throat held tight by one of the two men holding her. He could not risk provoking them. The other two men were large and strong but loped like dumb beasts towards him. Once they flanked him, each one grabbed an arm and pressed it to his side. They held his hands in front of him, so they could see them.

  “A compelling story” growled the leader “but what of her bow, what woman on the way to tend to her sick parents carries such a weapon? We’re looking out for a woman with a bow. We lost her not far from here a few days back.” He strode over to Aurora then reached out, and pulled open her coat. The blue dress was bright in the firelight. Seeing something so womanly surprised the man. “Hmm perhaps you are just travelers. Even if you are, you still have to pay for passage. I don’t suppose you have any gold, but such a lovely shape might be worth the price.”

  The men all snickered, and David felt his fear turn to rage building like a wild beast within him. David spoke requiring all of his effort to control his voice. “Please, you don’t have to do this.”

  The leader looked at him, and laughed “no, but I want to.” He said annunciating every syllable mocking David’s foolish statement.

  As the man reached out to touch her, David felt something rise in him, an explosion of fury like nothing he had ever experienced before. The air began to sizzle with the same electric charge they felt earlier, and he let out a roar of sound with such force it momentarily stunned the men. That moment was all they needed, David saw the man holding the knife to Aurora with wide eyes lowering the blade enough for her to act. As she reached up, and grabbed his hand twisting the knife away from her throat David made his move. The two men holding him had slackened their grip just enough for David to push his arms down, and swing them up behind the men. Then with a surge of strength that poured in from outside of him, he pulled the two together in front of him, their faces smashing together so hard he heard the breaking of bones, and saw a gush of blood as they hit. As they staggered back, they released him entirely to grab their broken faces, trying to get the blood out of their eyes.

  David reached into his coat, and pulled out 2 knives throwing them directly into the hearts of the men holding Aurora. They fell to the ground writhing in pain with horrible screeches as the dark shadows burst forth from them, and splintered in the light.

  The leader of the group was recovering from the shock, seeing what David had done, an evil grin passing over his face he raised his knife, and began to turn to Aurora. The smile still on his face, thinking he had outmaneuvered David, turned to wide-eyed shock as Aurora plunged a knife deep into his chest. The unearthly scream that exploded from the man was deafening as he fell. They all watched as the dark spirit rose from him, and burst into fragments.

  David standing tall, the air still alive around him turned to the two men bleeding profusely. In a powerful commanding voice, he said to them “Decide now, you can choose life or death, light or dark, but make no mistake. Lie to me, and you will suffer the consequences.”

  The first man turned to him, and said
, “I will give you my answer.” Then he tried to lunge at David staggering a little, David easily evaded him, and as he came around David took hold of him, and snapped his neck.

  The second man, fear showing on his blood spattered face, looked up at him and asked, “How can I go back after all that I have done…“

  David looked at the man and spoke without the harsh tone in his voice. “There is only one way. You must ask for forgiveness.”

  “You would forgive me?”

  “Yes I would, but it is not my forgiveness you must seek. But heed my warning. If you leave this place with treachery in your heart, you will not make it ten paces.”

  The man nodded, and slowly got to his feet. He turned, and walked off, David, and Aurora standing silently watching him. Nine paces out the man turned to look at them then with his next step he fell dead to the ground.

  David turned to Aurora and asked, “Are you alright?”

  She walked up, and started hitting him on his chest, yelling, “You could’ve gotten yourself killed! What were you thinking? I made a foolish mistake and risked everything.”

  David pulled her into his arms, and she went slack against him. “It’s alright,” he said, “it’s alright.”

  Aurora resting her head against him said, “I’m so sorry I was being stupid, going off so far just because I was embarrassed. You could’ve gotten killed.”

  David said tenderly “just be prepared to forgive me the next time I make a mistake, and we can call it even.”

  Aurora just couldn’t understand, how after what just happened, he could so easily lift her mood. He had not diminished her, he had kept them as equals, a lesser man would have chastised her to assert his superiority, but not him. Affection for him welling up inside her she looked up, and kissed him on the cheek.

  He smiled, and said, “We’d better get back to our supplies before any animals get into the food. Not to mention we don’t want to find out if these thugs have any friends around.” She nodded her head in agreement; they picked up their weapons, and headed back.


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