Book Read Free

Seal of the King

Page 22

by Ralph Smith

  They arrived at Miles and Solidad’s, and Aurora knocked at the door. From inside they heard the noise of people bustling over to meet them. The door swung open, and there stood Miles and Solidad smiling broadly.

  "Come in, come in," she said cheerfully “Miles step back, let them inside.”

  "So good to see you both," Miles said as he retreated into the house.

  David and Aurora moved through the doorway as Solidad pushed the door shut behind them. “We were hoping you wouldn’t be detained, the boys told us all about what is going on, and we thought you might not have time for us.” Solidad said.

  “What are we fighting for if not to spend time with the people we love?”

  “Oh dear!” And she hugged Aurora. “Your parents would have been so proud of you. You have grown into such a magnificent woman.”

  “Thank you, Solidad.”

  Miles said, “Come in and sit down. It sounds like you’ve had a busy morning already.”

  David said, “Thank you Sir.”

  Miles scoffed “Sir, oh please, no need to call me sir, just Miles.”

  “If you insist.”

  “Of course I insist. You are family now, and an important man.”

  David replied sincerely “I would be honored to consider myself family, but I’m no more important than you and your family.”

  “But the Lord has blessed you.”

  “And He has blessed you too. You have a lovely wife and two fine sons. Who could ask for a better blessing than that?”

  Solidad, blushing slightly, released Aurora from her hug. She turned, and put her hand on David’s arm “come on dear. Let’s go into the kitchen. Aurora where ever did you find this young man?”

  “You might not believe me when I tell you.”

  As they moved toward the kitchen, they caught a glimpse of the boys. They had been listening by the door and were red in the face at the compliment.

  The boys snapped to attention, and William said, “Commander is there anything we can do for you?”

  “Yes, there is.”

  Nathan asked “What is it sir?”

  “You can call me David.”

  They deflated a little and said, “Oh sure, ok.”

  “First, I’m a guest in your home, and secondly, I’m not actually a commander. I’m just a soldier like the two of you.”

  The boys stood a little taller and smiled, pleased to be labeled as equals.

  Miles said, “all right come on now everyone. Solidad has prepared a terrific meal for us. The smells have been driving me mad all morning.”

  Aurora said, “I can’t wait.” They had little to eat yesterday, and she was famished. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  Solidad answered “No thank you dear. You two sit down. We want to hear all about what has been going on, and more importantly how you two met.” Then she began putting their meal on the table.

  Aurora asked, “Do you remember when I was a girl, I often talked about a boy who no one else could see?”

  William said, “How could we forget, you used to go on about how the two of you would have adventures. Remember Nathan?”

  Nathan answered, “Yeah, she used to tell us that he was going to come and set us straight if we didn’t stop bothering her.”

  William said, “That’s right, and you would say that he was big and tall, and handsome.” The boys were gleefully teasing her, and Aurora was turning scarlet with embarrassment.

  Nathan positively giddy now added, “and you told us you were going to marry him one day, and he was going to take you away from here.” At that they froze in mid laugh.

  Aurora looked at them with an air of having just been proved right, and said, “This is him.”

  Solidad said, “That’s incredible. Is it really him? I remember you speaking about him too dear. In fact, your mother and I used to think it was so sweet that you had come up this boy of your dreams.”

  David, in an effort to come to her rescue from all the embarrassment, said, “I have seen her my whole life too, mostly just flashes of her. I never dreamed it would be possible that we would meet, and in my whole life I never met a woman as enthralling who could drive her from my thoughts.”

  It didn’t work, now she was even more embarrassed.

  Aurora said, “Ok, so on with the story” anything to change the subject. She wasn’t used to all this fuss. “After you helped me escape all those years ago, I traveled south. I found a group of people working to defeat the northern armies and joined them. I began going on special missions taking out supply lines, and other disruptive activities. Several weeks ago I was given a special mission to retrieve a scroll from a monastery in the mountains about a prophecy that was supposed to help us change the tide of the war. On our way back, we ran into trouble, and I was separated from my team. We had encountered some of the Dark One’s special guards.” Solidad let out a gasp, and the boys and Miles were rapt with attention. “They were tracking me, and a group of soldiers had me on the run. I was cornered, and had to make a break for it through an open area. I was in real trouble when out of nowhere David showed up, and got me out of the way of one of their flaming catapult armaments. When he grabbed me something happened and we ended up in his world. It is somehow separated from ours, and we passed through a divide between them.”

  Miles said, “Aurora we’ve never heard of such a thing.”

  Aurora said, “neither had we, but there were servants there who knew about me, and what was going on, and they were aware of the prophecy too. They told us that we were the ones named in the prophecy. Also, David was able to use a Seal to commune with the Lord, and after that we have been traveling back to fulfill the prophecy. The Lord has come to us twice to give us instructions, and he told us to come here and help the people of Roktah. When we are finished here, we head to Tartaros.”

  The silence in the room was like a thick fog. Miles, Solidad, and the boys sat frozen as if the world had stopped turning.

  Suddenly William blurted out “but you can’t go there, that’s where they say the Dark One is, and no one who’s ever gone there has been seen again.”

  Aurora said, “That’s why we have to go there to face him. David and I have a special bond, forged since the day we were born, and that is our only hope. It’s our destiny to stand and face him.”

  Solidad said, “But surely there has to be another way. How can two people stand and face Him, and hope to survive? How can the two of you stop Him?”

  David said, “We can’t stop Him on our own. This is a matter of faith. We have to trust the Lord will deliver us.”

  Miles asked, “But how can you be sure? What if it is a trick to lure you to your deaths?”

  “It doesn’t matter, all along our journey we’ve met wonderful people, and families like yours suffering terribly. We can’t stand by while they suffer under the brutality and evil that plagues this land. If there is the slightest chance that we can put an end to it, even if it is a trick, then we have to try. As for me,” He turned to Aurora and said, “I have never been happier since we met. If it is our destiny to die, I have no regrets in this life.”

  Aurora meeting his eyes said, “Neither do I.”

  Everyone sat in silence looking somber.

  David said in a jovial tone “hey, we aren’t dead yet.”

  Miles said, “No, of course not, we just uh…“

  David said, “Now I have a very important question for all of you.” Everyone looked at him stoically “can you tell me how much of a trouble maker Aurora was growing up?”

  Aurora hit him on the arm and said, “I wasn’t a trouble maker.”

  Solidad said, “I wouldn’t exactly say that.” And they all chuckled.

  William said, “She probably didn’t tell you why we poured honey down her back did she?”

  David said with a smile “now that sounds like a good story.”

  They spent the next couple of hours sharing stories of the boys and Aurora’s antics growing u
p, and laughed until they all had tears in their eyes.

  Around midafternoon David said, “As much fun as this has been, I’m afraid we have to get going. We need to prepare for tonight, and don’t want to keep the others waiting. I can’t thank you enough for your splendid hospitality.”

  They all stood, Solidad came over and gave David, and Aurora each a hug saying “you two be careful, and promise you’ll come back to see us again.”

  Miles said, “Yes, be careful out there.”

  David said, “We’ll do our best to come and see you as soon as possible.” He couldn’t promise they would because he didn’t know what the outcome would be. “I want you to know that I’ll watch over your sons as if they were my own today.” Then turning to the boys he added “Why don’t you stay a minute and give your parents a proper goodbye, and we’ll meet you at the stables.”

  Aurora said, “Miles and Solidad, it’s been wonderful seeing you again. Thank you.”

  Solidad said, “And it’s been wonderful to see you too. We’ll keep you in our prayers.”

  At that, they headed to the door. David and Aurora could hear Miles and Solidad admonishing their sons to be careful and telling them how proud they were as they walked out of the house.

  Arm in arm Aurora said to David “Thank you for what you did there today.”

  David asked, “What did I do?”

  Aurora answered “you took away their fears, and reminded us all what we are fighting for. I don’t know how you do it, one minute I feel sad or frightened and the next at peace. You did the same thing for them too.”

  David said, “I didn’t plan to do anything, I just don’t dwell on what might be because whatever is coming will come, and how we face it will determine the outcome. I have hope, and I will not give up until my last breath. So between now and then, I’ll savor every moment we have together so that if any one of them is our last, I won’t have wasted it.”

  “You’re right. I don’t want to waste a minute we have together either. I just can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be, well, regular people without all this responsibility.”

  David stopped and turned to face her, and then he lifted his hand to the side of her face gently cradling it and said, “God willing someday we’ll get the chance to find out.” Then he gave her a tender kiss on the lips, lingering just long enough for the two of them to feel that tingle inside. Then he said, “Now let’s go finish this thing so we can be free of it.”

  “That sounds good to me.”

  They arrived at the stables, and Jotham, Eustus, and the other six men were there waiting.

  Eustus said, “We took the liberty of packing up your tent. Your other things are all in the carriage too. I believe we’re ready to go. Are the boys with you?”

  Aurora said, “They’re on their way.”

  Just then a man arrived. “I’m Micah, I had a vision that I should come with you. Will you have me join you?”

  David stepped up to him and looked into his eyes. He saw only the light and said, “Yes that makes us 13, a powerful number.” He put his hands on Micah, and gave him his blessing just as he had with the others. At that moment the boys arrived. Turning to them he added, “Good, we’re ready to go.”

  Aurora said, “If we leave now we should arrive just before dark.”

  David turned to the group “Men, we’ll lead in the carriage. Before we get to the city, there is a ridge on the western side where you can wait for our signal. Once you hear it ride down to the garrison, and release the prisoners. If we run into anyone on our way, Aurora and I are posing as emissaries from Southaven, and you will be our escorts. Do any of you have questions?”

  No one said anything. “OK, let’s go.” David said.

  They all began mounting their horses, and David, Aurora, and Eustus headed to the carriage. As they rode out of the village a number of people lined the streets waving their goodbyes, women, children, elders, and Miles and Solidad. They rode at a comfortable pace, David and Aurora driving the carriage, having insisted that Eustus sit inside until they reached the city. David wanted to be out front so he could spy any trouble first, and Aurora was not about to leave his side.

  It took them a couple of hours to reach the outskirts of the city. They only stopped a few times for water. David pulled the coach to a stop, and he and Aurora hopped down. The rest of the men pulled their horses up to meet them.

  “You can take that trail up to the top of the ridge, and wait for the signal. Stay inside the tree line until it is time. There is a path that winds its way down to the southern part of the city where the garrison is. Remember it is crucial that you do not come down until the signal is given, not one minute sooner.”

  William said firmly “we won’t.”

  “Good. We’ll see you all inside the city.” David said. Then he turned to Eustus “Don’t look anyone in the eye when we arrive. I’ll talk to anyone we encounter. I don’t want you taking any risks.”

  “I will do as you say.”

  “Then I guess we’re ready.”

  David and Aurora climbed inside the carriage, and Eustus got into the driver’s seat. As soon as they were settled, he set off. The moon was in the sky, and as they made their way around a bend the city came into view. The sun was setting behind the trees to the west where they had been yesterday casting an orange glow on the valley. The once grand city had an unkempt dirty look, surrounded by grounds trampled by men and horses with little regard for it. They passed the makeshift garrison, outside the main city gate. The smell of men, sweat, rotten food, and poor sanitary conditions was like a slap in the face, only adding to the feeling of despair the city emanated. In front of the main gate was a shack of sorts for the city guards. Compared to the city architecture, it was like a trash can at the street.

  They approached the guard post, and two guards stepped out blocking their path. They appeared well fed, but looked as disheveled as the shack they came out of. Their hair and clothes were matted and splattered with dried mud and dust. The only items of note were the weapons at their sides. The one had a large battle-axe, and the other a sword. They were meant to intimidate anyone approaching. The moment Eustus pulled the carriage to a stop David jumped out.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” The first guard asked in a gruff annoyed voice.

  “My wife and I are emissaries from Southaven, and we need to see your commander immediately.” David said with an air of authority, to show they did not intimidate him.

  “Really, you want to see the commander?” The man said with mock concern, “well he’s a very busy man.”

  “I’m sure he is, but we have urgent business. We are on our way to Tartaros to negotiate a treaty and cannot be delayed.”

  At the mention of Tartaros the man’s bluster evaporated. “The commander doesn’t like unexpected visitors.”

  “Since this is a secret mission we couldn’t very well send messengers ahead to alert him to our visit now could we?”

  “I suppose not. I guess you can go see him at your own peril.” The man answered looking them over. He walked over to the carriage to be sure it was just the three of them, “I’ll warn you, he isn’t as friendly as I am, and General Grog isn’t known for his patience.” He added with a smirk.

  “I’m sure he’ll want to hear what we have to say.”

  “All right be on your way. He’s in the council building at the north end of the city.” The man said then turned back to his post.

  David quickly got back into the coach, and Eustus started off immediately. They rode down the main road through the center of the city, and it was just a filthy. They passed one building after another with dimly lit windows. The glass only slightly muffled the sounds of the raucous eating and drinking of the men inside. Thankfully the smell wasn’t as strong but not by a lot. As they continued to the council building, they saw an occasional man staggering from one building to another, apparently having had too much to drink. They all had the same barbaric appea
rance as the guards at the gate, and all carried weapons.

  Once they made it to the town square they could see the council building. The square itself appeared to be the victim of a wild party of drunken men. Planters and statues had been lying on the ground for so long weeds grew up around them. The council building looked to be untouched by the madness that surrounded it. Only two of the windows had any light showing through them, one on the first floor and one on the second. Eustus drove the carriage around the square and pulled up in front of the main entrance to the building. David quickly got out of the carriage, and made his way around to face the door. He wanted to be ready in case they weren’t welcome.

  The square was quiet. There weren’t any soldiers on guard, which struck him as odd. This general didn’t feel the need for any protection, which meant he was either foolish or extremely dangerous. Aurora joined David, and Eustus climbed down from the driver seat.

  David’s senses on high alert, he turned to Aurora and Eustus, and said, “Be very careful and stay close to me.” Aurora gave him her warrior face, and Eustus looked terrified indicating there was no way he was going anywhere without them. “Remember Eustus don’t make eye contact with anyone.” Eustus nodded unable to speak.

  David turned took a step towards the door, and in mid stride it began to open. Appearing in the doorway was a small thin man whose stance gave him a rodent-like look. He was not as disheveled-looking as the troops but still had an unclean appearance.

  He stepped out into the open and in a raspy voice asked, “Who are you?”

  David took another step forward, and said in a clear voice; “We are emissaries from Southaven on our way to Tartaros to negotiate a treaty with your master. We need to see the General.”

  The man hissed, “I see, then come this way.”


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